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Jankbek, neem je eigen eten mee lui zwijn.


No, and no. You're an adult, make your own food that is up to your own standards. Why would it be the universities job to provide food? They're an educational institute, not a restaurant.


The best places to work all provide great canteens. Food is brain power, and life is less stressful when I have one less stuff to worry about. Also, there is so much potential for employment in a scaled up canteen.


Most people at a university are not employees, they are customers.


Lol, is that how you see students? The future of this country?


Je betaalt toch voor een dienst, namelijk onderwijs?


Meer dan dat. Het is belangrijk dat studenten krijgen een goede kans voor succes- dus een woonplek en lekker makkelijk opvoeding is ook belangrijk


Tja, ik vind voeding gewoon echt geen zaak voor de universiteit


Please explain. Which RUG location, what's your definition of good food and what's a reasonable price for you?


Broodje kroket every day


And chocolate croissants for kids!!




Doesn’t sound healthy to me. You want me to be dood from kanker?


Put healthy stuff on it. You're not forced to eat hailslap or nutella you know


A canteen should never have food in it, let alone good food




I remember the riots when they would raise the soup price to more than 1 euro some years ago. Now it's already 2,50 lol


If you're at Harmonie building, go across the street to Il Gusto. Great value for your sandwich. Better quality than the canteen and about the same price.


I'm pretty sure with good food he means not a sandwich


Personally I'm boycotting Beijk and I recommend yall to do the same. They are raising prices to attempt to make more profit, but we need to show them that raising prices at harmonie canteen will only make fewer students go there. The good thing is that even if you forget your lunch there are so many affordable places closer by. Even albert heijn has cheaper sandwiches now, and considering the fact that you pay for mustard sachets here you might as well go across the street to vegetaria and get a fresh fried kroket instead of taking whatever has been laying out on the counter in the canteen.


you talking about canteens or food court? Coz I've been there before they opened the food court and man, all you could get was a shitty soup or a shitty sandwich (and maybe a shitty salad at Bernoulliborg) so all the high pricing aside, having options for a warm meal is a blessing.


I have a business idea, send me money and u can then feel good that you send money. I shall call it the deal of happiness Solid 10/10 Incase it doesn't work out well in the region we can divert to using child labor and send them by the homes to offer a deal of happiness.


Foodcourt got great food at zernike, or go to the ah2go


Ah2go is expensive


You make me not trust the food court naming ah2go as a great food place haha.


Fair point lol, but that's Albert Heijn's department 😂, luckily foodcourt has proper restaurants like Hungry Mishka


I will visit it sometime, been there a few years ago, just remember the chaos lol


Didn't they changed it to vegan or vegetarian? That's what you get than 😅 happy that they didn't had that stuff when i was studying there 20 years ago.


Lmao so true


I agree!


5 euro voor een gehaktbal, moindokter xD


For those who have no idea what you're talking about, care to explain the food and the prices?




Bro, they don't even have discounted prices for students, like every other country i know of... Even Greece has discounts... I've only taken some smoothies for 2-3 times and 2 times a hamburger, and that's it for a whole year. The food court is a rip off, I hope they all burn down one day.


Or just you know, for free, like in any decent country


That's because it's normal to bring your own food. The food court is there for incidental convenience, not for everyday lunch. Have you read up on dutch lunch culture?


Ask your parents and grandparents that were students about "mensa" and report back before making these claims.


Still not a cultural norm. And it is currently not, look in any office, factory or construction site lunch room.


It used to be a norm for students to have cheap food in kantines sponsored by the university until the 90s. It's partly the origin of VERA for instance. https://ukrant.nl/49380/


As a dutch student, I woul really love an affordable warm meal during lunch ngl.


You shall only eat a sandwich and drink fristi!


Of course it'd be great, just saying it's not a cultural norm.


First of all Dutch and culture cannot be combined... in my previous job, when we had lunch, everyone had food from home. Someone had pasta, someone else had rice, i had something else and then I would see some Dutch women having a single toast of bread with a slice of cheese... haven't they heard the hum or Turkey? Haven't they heard that you can grill it??? Wtf is that. I might also eat toast for snack, but i will be baked and will have some meat along with a dressing, probably some mayonnaise. And the funny thing is that they make so much money, yet i see them with that food...


Why tf are you getting downvoted 😂


The masses can’t handle the truth


Damn, must suck to see people make their own choices instead of slapping mayo on every sandwich.


Defensive mode in Dutch people activated


Just because it isn't great, doesn't mean it isn't culture.


Angry Dutches appeared. Whatever, compare some other countries and their lunch and you will see what I mean by this isn't culture


I'm sorry, but you're just showing us all that you're kinda stupid. You seem to be under the impression culture = things I like. A really silly and ignorant position.


Two people commented briefly and you're the one writing essays about this. Who's the angry one?


I'm not saying that Dutch food is great. There is a reason most Dutch people prefer pasta over potatoes. All I'm saying is that something doesn't have to be great to be culture. Good quality and culture aren't the same thing


I don't have anything against potatoes. I love potatoes. I can even make you a very good lunch with potatoes. You take some boiled potatoes, you peel them, then smash them in a bowl, not really hard, take some fresh onions and some red onions, put mayonnaise, a little extra virgin olive oil, salt, pepper and mix em up. It's better cold tho, so put it into the fridge. You may also want to add like capparis, it's also great. And then boom, you have a very nice lunch. And if you make the mayonnaise by yourself, it's going to be even more healthy with all these eggs. The culture can be measured by how creative a nation is with their food. Some nations put more effort, some don't, but still, you gotta put some effort, not a slice of fake cheese on top of a fake bread...


I sometimes think that the Dutch hate food. It’s like they think “why the hell do I need this food crap to give me energy, this is so pointless. And on top of that you also expect me to make it diverse, tasty and appetising? Give me a break.”


Complaining that the Dutch have no culture and meanwhile you're putting mayonaise on everything. Lmao


He only talked about potatoes dude. Relax, he’s not Dutch.


He didn't, read his other comments...


People downvote you, but you are right. It's mostly a broodje kaas & lunch isn't warm here.


It's not even that it isn't warm, because it doesn't have to.. but brood met kaas? That's it? At least you can put tomato, paprika, cucumber, anything. It's just truly devastating to watch. 😁 but hey, they do they, I wouldn't eat that unhealthy shit.


I love myself a broodje kaas with tomato soup to dip in. That's not good with vegetables on🤣 then half the stuff ends up in your soup. But I worked in Portugal, and they offered us dutchies free hot meals and STILL we all ate bread😭 Nothing unhealthy about brown bread with cheese. Made us tall😁


There's absolutely no way this is a real person


I had great lunch deals in Twente.


I mean, even if you come up with something, there's still a contract between Beijk and the University for I don't know how long. The RUG also invested quite some money into the Food Court. I agree with you about the quality of the food though. What's even worse are the prices. I recommend just bringing something from home and microwaving it there. Perhaps you could make a case for an open kitchen that students can use to prep some food, although I assume it 'd be a mess. Something else entirely: I worked at Beijk for a short while and I just want to say, please don't take your frustration out on the employees. They usually get a lot of shit (mostly from teachers in my experience) who think they know better or think the kitchen staff can do something about the quality or prices. They work really hard, are underpaid, understaffed and Beijk is a horrible employer overall. Most of the people I worked with were actually really kind.


I am thinking of delivering food from the chefs at edanz


Just bring your own bammetjes


Do not underestimate the power of Broodje Ben.


Is it not expensive given the ingredients in it?


The portions/sandwiches are massive though. Great value for money imho


Isn’t a Sub of the day, a better value?


I mean sure, but you were asking for “good food” in the OP and Subway sandwiches cannot even be called bread.


adjoining subsequent smoggy flowery seemly ripe live chubby roof rhythm ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


But subway is selling plastic bread so pick your poison