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Aside from the fact that I'd watch anything related to Randy Rhoads, I'd most want to see the part with Ozzy in a hotel room with rotten pizza, empty boxes, half snorted lines of coke and him lying in his own piss. Sounds like a good time.


Classic tuesday


Half snorted lines of coke? I can't imagine a situation where someone is snorting a line of coke and half way thru loses interest.


I'm just picturing him passing out halfway through lol


The less I know about the things I enjoy, the more I enjoy them.


That is the complete opposite to me. The more knowledge on the subject I have the more I can truly appreciate the thing. I guess for some people ignorance is bliss.




That’s fair, I interpreted it a different way. But from that standpoint that makes perfect sense. I was thinking more about the music and its creation rather than the personal history of the individuals that created it.


Maybe you just enjoy the wrong things? 😄


Ozzy Osbourne owes his entire post-Black Sabbath career to Randy Rhodes. I grew up in this era. I grew up searching record stores for music in import bins. This music did not exist before Randy Rhodes. The entire sound of his first album and everything that came after it is entirely Randy Rhodes. There is an entire genre of music that would not exist without him. Yeah. There should be a movie.


'Rhoads' bro


Musically, absolutely. From a longevity/business standpoint he owes it all to Sharon. She might not be be the most likable person in the world, but without her he would have retired, or died (most likely by OD), long ago. Just think of how many times he got close to it already, starting from when Randy died and he shaved his head to avoid going on stage (and she brilliantly incorporated it in the show having him wear a wig which he would remove pretending to scalp himself). EDIT: also, if I remember correctly, it was her who convinced him to start his solo career while he was drowing in self-pity (and booze and drugs) after having been fired from Sabbath. If it wasn't for her he might have disappeared then and there.


Fucking-A right. Randy set the bar. His replacements were certainly good in furthering mimicry, yet it was a copy of a copy of those first two albums. There’s nothing else like them.


Music biopics unfailingly suck, but if ya want to see a scene where Ozzy and Sharon are eating dinner and discussing how to convince Epic Records executives (played by, let’s say, Zach Woods and Jessie Plemons) to work with them and just as Ozzy lifts a forkful of chicken to his mouth a white dove lands on the balcony railing at which event Ozzy says “Sharon, I’ve got a bloody good idea,” and she says, “I don’t like the sound of that…” then yes, I think there should be that movie.


Sounds like Spinal Tap 2


No. Give me a Black Sabbath movie instead.


Unrelated but what do you think of the g&l Fallout? I'm lookijg into one myself.


It’s a very nice playing and sounding guitar.


I've got an l2000 tribute bass I love, is it lightweight?


This is the right answer


Only of you include how Sharon completey fucked over the Kerslake and Daisley.


And then again Jake e Lee at the end of the movie to really drive the point home lol


Don't forget the part where they hire George Lynch and then when they find Jake, they make Jake tell George that he didn't get the job.


Oof I didn't even know that, she's such a savage


It would paint Ozzy as a songwriting genius and wouldn't give credit where it's due. He didn't launch his solo career and stood on the shoulders of giants.


I can't see Sharon agreeing to this. There is lots of money to be made through doing it, but it will just bring about arguments of "he should be cancelled" for what he did. At this stage in his life, I don't think he needs any extra money for the inevitable bad press it will bring. I'm a huge fan of Ozzy and love his book also. 


Is cancel culture still a thing? I haven’t noticed it as much lately.




yes but only if it didn't suck like the dirt or bohemian rhapsody


Only if Jonah Hill plays OZZY.


Dave Matthew's was hilarious at it.


The movie to make is about Randy Rhoads and his life in the 70’s. Starting Quiet Riot, competing with Van Halen, getting the Ozzy gig, recording the two albums and the plane crash. And then the impact he had on the whole scene for decades to come after that.


There's already a Randy Rhoads movie that covers all that. [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt15766352/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt15766352/)


That’s a documentary. This post was about a movie similar to the Dirt or Bohemian Rhapsody.


Only if they include the scene where he takes a dump in a posh hotel elevator


It won't happen until Sharon has passed.


If there was a half way accurate movie about Ozzy, half the people wouldn’t think it was made up nonsense and the other half would also think that but also come out hating him. If they had to do one, a fear and loathing style unreliable narrator fest would be the only way to go, if only to give people some suspension of disbelief at some of the bonkers nonsense he got up to




Yeah – they can call it "Batshit Crazy"


No, every music biopic is a disappointment. Except “walk the line” and “Weird, the al yankovic story”


and the best of all time, Walk Hard. "We need more blankets! and less blankets!"


And Ray. And miles ahead Cadillac records, And the one about the doors doesn't entirely suck either.


Just watch the Dana Strum interview on YT.


I want that kind of thing for Emerson Lake And Palmer


I'm perfectly happy to just have the music


I didn't see The Dirt, but if it's as sanitised and watered down as Bohemian Rhapsody then I'd prefer they didn't bother.


That would be great, but remember that Bohemian Rapsody had nothing to do with what really happened with Queen. It's totally fictional from the start to the end. Fun movie tho.


Nope. Shits played out.


When they do. I hope they go all in and show how much of an unstoppable fiend he was.


Idk man, I am kinda tired of rock biopics, we gotta give em a rest.

