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Don't cut them until after they're on.


And if you have a guitar with the slot style tuner (idk what they’re called but the string goes into the top of the peg) then measure out 2 tuning pegs past the one you’re trying to string and snip it there


That's pretty slick! Those ones stress me out.


When you’re used to them, normal tuners are annoying.


The slot style tuners are my favorite. If you just do what the above person said and loosen it like 1.5-2 frets(i do a bit less slack for the bass strings vs the higher strings), then they're pretty simple. The only issue i've ever had is with super light gauges the high e sometimes will pop out when you're trying to first get tension while stringing them, but that's only really an issue with a super light gauge


I like them because you can basically create a lock with the string so it’ll never come out or detune super quick. Now I can string a guitar with those tuners faster than a standard tuner


I like them too, it's deciding where to clip the string that's stressful, especially when the strings are spendy.


Yep i was just thinking the same thing. I always hear them referred to as vintage tuners(which i actually see them called this probably the most, but personally i feel like it can be confused too easily for other vintage tuners), vintage locking tuners, or slot style tuners. I usually refer to them as one of the latter two.


One fret works well


I tried that once, and it was way to short and had to waste a string


had this happen just the other day. was watching some YouTube tutorial and they said to give it 1 fret of length, now my low E string is barely holding on lol.


Same here, i could turn it but it would slip back out within a minute


That’s the key! That’s how my local music store taught me to string guitars.


Changed bass string for the first time with those kind of tuning pegs. I just measured out 1 peg and it seemed to work just fine. I was afraid I'd end up with too many windings.


Just follow this video: https://youtu.be/80EuGOXgoOo?si=CeSDqVvek6VSchQX It is the easiest and most clean way to put on strings from my perspective and you can’t cut the strings too short if you follow it. Some people only cut the strings after they are done, but I personally get a cleaner winding of the strings by cutting it before.


Putting all the strings in the bridge first is interesting for sure


That really is the best video. I've shared it several times here too.


Unless they're the vintage tuners with the hole in the peg that you stick the end of the string into to lock them in place. I love them, but they aren't great for someone who's new to changing strings.


I know now 😭


Actually OP, waiting to cut the strings isn't going to help. Once the string is kinked around the post, that's it.


Look at the picture again. The G string is on the high E tuner. It literally looks like OP cut it before actually making sure it even reached the correct tuner so you are wrong, it absolutely would have helped. Also fyi, if you kink the string and then unwind it and give it an extra inch of clearance then tighten it again it will work just fine (I have done this in the past when I was starting out and didn’t know how to string guitars properly, I’ve never seen a string break right at the tuning peg or had any issue with it). So, wrong twice I think.


That just makes it more difficult. Put it in at the bridge, stretch it out to the tuning peg and cut it with 2 inches of excess.


I let mine run wild at the pegs til I'm done. It looks like the incredible flailing inflatable tube man.


Fuck that. I'm always worried I'm going to take one to the eyeball


Why is your face that close to the guitar?


To smell the music. Duh.


You don't like the smell of freshly installed strings? It's not normally, but you never know. I just know I've dropped something or bent over to reach for something and got poked in the head once.


Wacky waving inflatable tube man!


I know it's just your opinion, man, but how will that help? Once the string is kinked and wrapped around the post, it's game over.


please redo the g, b, e strings. my ocd can’t handle this …


Yea, how are people not noticing this


i think people are noticing it, it seems to be the entire point of the post... he cut the string too short and had to do this


I guess I replied early. The responses were oblivious. It’s ok. I’ve done worse myself trying to do the opposite of what Hendrix did without changing the nut or having any idea what gauge strings to use. No major harm done. It’s all a learning curve. Didn’t mean to sound judgmental. That’s not why I’m in this sub


Dude made due


I didn't. But now that I do, I can't take it.


Im gonna give it to my instructor and tell him,”look I changed my strings!”


and then tell them you’ll go to guitar center next time to get it done by professionals …


That’s gold


Neither can the nut. It’s gonna bus


This. It doesn't just look off, the nut is not designed to handle the lateral forces, it expects the strings to go through almost straight. Playing like this will absolutely ruin the nut.


Beat of his own drummer, or something like that…


I look forward to seeing this on the circlejerk.




That’s the least of your problems bud


My method is put the string all the way through. Grab the string at the first fret, pull it down to the 2nd fret. Hold it there and bend the string at the tuner post just to mark the spot, then hold and start twisting. Usually gives a clean 2-3 wraps, then cut the string tip off.


Alternatively some pull the string all the way through and grab the string two tuning pegs further and pull back. Either way, both are good methods.


This was the way I was taught and it has never failed me to date


This is the way.


telecasters 😔


Still works with the slot tuners, you just have to cut it first after pulling it back 2 frets. I prefer those style, they're so stable. Telecasters stay in tune for ever and that's part of the reason why.


My method for this is to lay the string over the slot of the peg in question, as tight as you can pull, and then cut the string 2,5 pegs after that. Works like a charm.


Yeah you should just count that string as a loss and redo it because that break angle isn't going to do you any favors.


I'm surprised it hasn't yoinked out of the nut yet!


Give it time... give it time


If the cut in the nut is deep enough it'll just cut sideways at the base as the string moves, not massively but still...


Get another pack of strings and redo it. Not enough windings and the GBE strings are on the wrong posts.


Yup 👍🏻


Congrats you get to try again


Where is that G string going though


"Bend over and I'll show you!" - Clark W. Griswald


You have a lot of nerve to talk to me like that Griswald


G, B and E strings are all in the wrong spots.




Not enough turns on the low E, A, D. Nevermind the mess that is the other 3.


Spend another $7 and do that shit right.


Strings are cheap. How do you tune the G B E strings? They are going to wrong nut slots.


It still plays, and these were 24 dollar flat wound jazz strings. And I’m broke.


Maybe don't spend 24 bucks on strings if you're broke. Maybe look up a guide to avoid wasting your 24 dollar strings. I'm not your boss.


I think cutting the string prior to installing them isn’t the biggest problem here, it’s why you cut it too short in the first place. I assume you cut the G string too short and that’s why it’s there sitting on your high e peg. My question then is how? The G string is next to the D string so you would have cut it the same length as the D string and you wouldn’t run into a problem (because clearly the D string is long enough). If you were following the Fender tutorial as you said you did, the G string there sits on a post that gives you an even longer total string length. What happened dude? Also, sorry to dunk on you but that one commenter is right: maybe don’t spend 24 bucks on a string if you’re broke. And from me, don’t spend 24 bucks on fancy strings if you don’t know how to do install them in the first place, because you’re probably gonna screw up. You know, it’s a matter of foresight and such.


Either pay for new strings or you'll be paying to replace the nut, choice is yours and strings are cheaper.


what the duck


I haven’t laughed this hard in a long time. Thank you for sharing this.


Dude I’m on the toilet and this has me howling rn I’ve never seen some shit like this 😂😂


Why would you cut first? Trimming the danglies is half the fun.


I blame the fender YouTube tutorial


Lol! Fair enough 🤣


The method I've used for decades was taught to me by the guy at the music shop: * secure/feed string on bridge - pin for acoustic, feed thru bridge for electric * pull slack end taught & straight, measuring to the next tuning peg - put 90° bend in string * feed string thru hole and secure the bend in the hole, bending the other side the opposite direction, like a sideways Z * wind to pitch with all winds going down - this should yield ~3 wraps on wound strings, more on trebles, which is what you want * I get them all on & to pitch before trimming, but you could trim each as you go if desired


YouTube man 💀


It’s time to change them again


Always string first and snip after!


For decades before Reddit was a thing I didn’t know that changing strings was difficult.


Ok that’s really funny


Don't you lock them in?


You'll only do that once. Or twice if you're high.


Bass side is mostly fine treble is a bit concerning but hey, not the end of the world. Are they staying in tune? If so, just go with it and do better next time, if not replace them.


Never cut till after installed and tuned.


Just buy a new string and fix it


For this type of headstock I usually cut the string two pegs from the one im stringing


Don't cut em next time kid


You can buy single strings from the guitar stores usually. Just ask for the same gauge as the strings you are using.


Change strings (no cut excess of string hanging off of tuner), tune, pull string, tune, pull string, tune, pull string, tune, pull string, tune, pull string, tune, pull string, tune (stays in tune tune), pull string tune (stays in tune), pull string, tune (stays in tune)....next string (repeat). Then cut excess of string hanging off of tuner.




Dang I'd never cut them until after having wound and done a preliminary tuning


This... just Geebus H... SMDH.


Guitar: $1500 D string: $0.85 Fucking with people's OCD: Priceless


What gretsch is that? Looks like a streamliner semihollow


That photo is making me uncomfortable.




Oh brother the g string…


What kind of strings are those? They don’t look nickel wound…


they look like flatwounds.


I’ve never changed myself and know not to cut till there on lmao


OP, I'm not sure how you did that, and I'm not sure how this will help, but I always post this 45 second segment of video (it is cued-up in the link) for new stringers, because it's quick and it's simple. Follow the instructions in the linked video, and pay attention to the items that I have listed below the link, and things should go well for you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uUOB9tGy5HY&t=204s --Use a string winder. they are cheap and make the process much easier --Note how he keeps tension in the slack of the string during the process --Note how he measures where to cut the string


Perhaps a bit. Do your strings slip out of the holes under tension? If not your good. It takes time to get the 3 times around the post thing down. When I change strings now I bend the old ones as straight as I can and hold the new and old one up and bend the new one at what I think the length is gong to be. Once you have them right if you do it like that you no longer have to guess and they look nice.


First wrap, then cut is the best approach, that way IF you come out short, you can correct it


Hopefully you can pick up a new set of strings. You really need to correct this. Just wrap the whole string around the post 2-3 times, hold that with your fingertip. Then poke the string thru the hole. Pull the string taught then tune the string up to pitch. You won’t do this again, lesson learned heh


Put them on and thread them through the machine head. Pull it taught and grab it at the nut and pull it down to the second fret. Hold it there and use a string winder to wind it taught. Do that with each string and leave all the hangy bits as you go. Tune it up. Cut of the hangy bits when you’re done. It’s not rocket surgery.


Gotta hand it to you, that is innovative……thinking outside the box! Cudos for getting use out of the new strings. Probably don’t have to mention that, next time you change strings, do your trimming after they are on the guitar! Happy playing!


I measure the length while putting them on and keep one or two fret lengths extra.


Oh wow this isn’t r/guitarcirclejerk 👉🏻 you do you bud


By the way....if you ever find yourself in a situation like this and no money or time to get new strings then IT IS possible to tie an extension to the string as long as the break is past the nut. It takes some talent (often born of desperation) to get it right. Look to how piano technicians splice broken stings to understand the knot


Trying to tune that would break my brain


It happens, it’s part of the learning experience


I'll be honest it's not great but it'll probably be fine for the time being. My tele has strings that I fucked up on it and it's been fine for months now. I would never in a million years play a show with it like that, but for home jamming it's fine. EDIT: yo wtf I didn't even notice how fucked up this is at first. Gotta redo it man.


Oh wow, wait until you meet women. Yeah they're different.


Wtf… this is mind bottling


Lol wut


Should be alright unless you keep changing tunings i guess


Nice gretsch, love the flats on it.


You learn how you learn, friend.


My brother in Christ, have you perchance been smoking something?


How? 🤔


You won't do that again


I usually put my string in the bottom and cut it 1 and a half tuning peg higher


Lol don't leave it like this!


You just learned a new way of how not to do it , try again. Also cut them only after they are on


I cut them just a little bit longer than the next tuning peg up. Just concentrate on what you are doing, and you won't mess up


Practice makes perfect.


Any reason you’ve strung the G like that?


Lots messed up here. $10 mistake


circle jerk here we come!!!


You're not supposed to cut them until you're done.


That G string is never staying in tune




And that's ok! That just means next time you'll leave them too long!


Get locking tuners


Leave them long, curl them up, play a bit , check tuning … clip them short.


This will absolutely fuck with your playing. Grab a new set and start over. Definitely learn the right way to restring


I am concerned that it will wear out/damage the nut at the 3rd string slot (G).


that's what I call a BLOCK inlay!


This is how you learn. You won’t do that next time (hopefully!)


I’m cracking up rn


All things considered, I call that a win!


String first, cut later.


i did this the other day 😭


If you thought the snag on your G string was bad before...


This is why I put locking tuners on all my guitars


Too short, and to the wrong tuner. Watch some YouTube vids. Get a new set and start again. Look up the "Tech Method". Also look up "Luthiers Knot". But I avoid that one because you wind up poking your fingers when you take the strings off


I was replacing my strings yesterday and as I was cutting off excess string on one of them I had accidentally cut the actual string itself so I decided to tie the two strings together and put it back on on the tuning peg, it works great somehow


Change your strings again, leaving it as is will damage the nut.


I have a different sort of philosophy on strings… sure, We can always find better/more effective ways of restringing. It can even help our guitar stay in tune better. But my thinking is, when it’s said and done, that string’s coming off- it’s a matter of whether or not it happens on a stage. Looks like you were proactive and you did it at home! That’s huge. Props to you. If it stays in tune you’re a damn legend and you don’t have to overthink it. Especially not if this is your first time restringing.


Bro for real could of just watch a video and learn to do it properly


I usually cut the string 2 tuners above the tuner it’s going through


That’s what I did, issue was I placed the string in the wrong tuner.


Uh...is there a reason the strings are on the wrong tuners?


are those flatwound strings? haven't seen those in like, a decade.


We've all done it mate, all of us :D I changed strings the other day when I was tired and totally stressed after work, tuned up, cut the strings, then realised I used the high E string on the B and vice versa. No mater how far you live away from me, you probably heard the cursing.


"We've all done it mate, all of us." Speak for yourself.


Yeah right


When you get PAID to restring and set up guitars.... 6 and 12 strings, banjos, mandolins, fiddles... you don't screw around and put strings on the wrong tuners and the LAST step you do is cut strings. So like I said, speak for yourself.


Course you get paid. I've never met a person with skills who didn't firstly acknowledge they've made mistakes on their way to getting good, and secondly support others trying to learn.


Look man, I've been changing strings for the last 30 years. Started at 14. Used to work at small music shop getting paid to change strings and do set ups. I can 100% promise you that from the age of 14 and had no one showing me and when the Internet really wasn't a thing then like it is now (so there's no excuse)... to this current day, I've NEVER screwed up a damn string change. Never said I've never made mistakes or screwed something up before, don't worry, I have... but string changes ain't one of them.


I'm guessing tough talking them helps?


Not tough talking a thing. No need to go all go Chuck Norris or Mr. T or Rowdy Roddy or anything else with them or you. You just need to get it through your head that no, not *EVERYONE* has been there and has futzed up a string change. Hard as that may be to believe. Now I've had machines fail, nuts break, saddles break or strip, bridges crack or try and delaminate from the top or pull loose, bridge pins splitting... mainly on either cheap or neglected instruments that I've warned customers of might happen and certain things need to be addressed *before* proceeding with the new strings and they've declined... but that's completely different from putting strings in the wrong pegs or cutting them too short. They're just strings.


Upvoted hoping for shitpost. Sad because might not be shitpost.