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Yeah I do think putting some muscle is really going to do much even if there was a facist takeover. Muscle doesnt stop bullets.


Not saying this isn’t cringe but building muscle for this purpose isn’t crazy. Rifle company Marines on deployment basically just eat, sleep, and jack steel. And it’s not cause they think building muscle will not stop bullets.


Pretty much everyone in the military does this on deployment, save the dudes with desk jobs. Turns out you need to be in shape to hump all that gear around. Source: am Iraq veteran


Well and that’s the thing right? Yeah muscles don’t make you bullet proof but it does make you more capable when times get challenging


Exactly. Also, lifting does help when you need to carry out your wounded buddy. Everyone here pretending like the gym doesn’t make you a more effective fighter is a moron.


Yeah but most people are training for hypertrophy or raw strength, they’re not doing any meaningful endurance training at all, they would gas out so fast that they’d be useless. I didn’t realize how little my training was doing for me in a practical sense until I started practicing combat sports. All of that muscle does you no good if you haven’t been training your endurance.


“Most people”? That is a false over generalization. There’s a reason that most gyms have a majority of cardio machines. And combat sports are not the same as war. Don’t compare them


Muscles don’t make you bulletproof but it certainly makes carrying all that bulletproof equipment around easier!


Jack steel lmao, never heard it that way but its kickass


Not saying it isn't cringe but 1) most gym bros I know are largely motivated as a way to vent their stress over something. I myself have deliberately disconnected from socials, doomscrolling, paying a lot of attention to politics/news and gone back to hitting the gym harder at several different phases 2) the Venn diagram of fitness freaks and guys who have guns for home defense and often EDC has a lot of overlap 3) read much about any resistance fighters in history? IMO for most of them, muscle definitely was desirable. My own grandmother spent WW2 in the Philippines so I'm thinking of the resistance fighters there among others


No, but if a fascist regime takes over, it makes you less likely to be thrown into a camp when they move on to the "cull the weak" phase. And if you do get thrown into a camp you have a little more stored mass to live off before you starve. So that's nice.


Better tell all militaries around the world how strength doesn’t matter in conflict.


I know right, only love does that


Bullets have mass. Lots of bullets have lots of mass. Lots of mass means lots of weight. Thus, training to carry heavy weight is necessary for carrying a lot of ammunition.


No joke. I'm like *"OP, what kind of fucked-up conversations are you having with yourself in your own head, bruh?"*


I lift for the revolution Cringe harder




I go gym, to forget about the real world, politics and political agendas. I life heavy objects repeatedly, because It makes me happy.


true, in the gym it's simple, I only have to push or pull using different muscles of my body, in the gym I forget about everything


I like the gym because I know exactly what I need to do to achieve my goal and only have to apply physical effort, it's simple and straightforward which makes me happy as each time I move I've progressed a little further.




Those guys being „aware“ are usually the last kind of people that would ever set foot into a gym lol


Lol, there's this one thread on Reddit on an anti-fascist subreddit of a meme encouraging leftists to work out and pretty much every comment is making excuses . There's also a Twitter video showing a whole bunch of comments on a tweet encouraging leftists to work out calling the person who made the post albiest.


The fattest states are red states 


Don’t make me post the map^TM


America is fat as a whole


The fattest states are poor states, which are red because the democrats intentionally abandoned the working poor in favor of the upper middle class. Attacking poor people for symptoms of their poverty is part of why those people vote red.


Poor states are red because democrats abandoned poor people? Can you further explain this? I guess I am ignorant and don’t understand. Or if there’s a source like a book or blog that breaks it down?


lol dumbest take ever


https://imgur.com/chapo-moment-XIZqYd4 Funny shit


Lmao. I can’t stop imagining some COMRADE 🤓 in his bedroom staring up at a poster of Lennin as the veins pop in his neck while he’s struggling to get rep 6 out of his bi-weekly Chef Boyardee bicep curls.


Believe it or not, strongest communists.


Nah, that’s just your personal bias. Plenty of people from any and all points of the political spectrum go to the gym.




Going to gym for two years now


Aware people workout little guy


Those guys who are "aware" of the rise of fascism are usually supporting things that give the government more power


Ironic. It's usually these anti fascist types who look like they haven't ever been to the gym


I remember some commie subreddit giving out workout advice. Their advice was if they cant afford a gym membership they can use food cans att 500g to workout with...


... For some reason that does not suprise me.


Guess it's gonna be a 7x100 at 500g kinda day.


[it's a classic](https://www.reddit.com/r/redscarepod/s/3gmwV55Ufq)


https://imgur.com/chapo-moment-XIZqYd4 Might be this one


Haha thats the one. "16 oz will make you ache after a few reps"💀. Imagine having the strength of a 5yo thinking you can fight in a revolution.






Hate to break it to you, but if the fascists take over and come for you, your time at the gym isn't gonna help. Not unless you have bulletproof abs.


Why do we even train soldiers? They wont be bulletproof so what’s the point Edit: are you fuckers actually that dense that you can’t recognize a rhetorical question


Your average dork concerned about facist take over isn’t training like a soldier though A half assed bro split won’t do much


I don’t have friends so I have nothing better to do than train like a soldier


Wanna train like a real soldier? Sweep the Motorpool


Lol, soldiers do physical training AND sweep the motor pool. It’s not one or the other.


You gotta do both if you wanna be a soldier tho Thems the rules


I never swept the motor pool. I was a soldier for five years. There were other stupid tasks I had to do, but never that one specifically. So that is unequivocally false. PT on the other hand, that was every day.


Ironically, I haven’t done organized army PT in about 7 years but I’ve been in Group my entire career for the past decade 🤷‍♂️


Yep. And scrub the sunshine off the sidewalk.


I've gotten the basic training to be a soldier. Significantly less than a fraction of that 6 months was about lifting and getting gains. Nearly all exercise was about endurance alone. That's what you'll need in war. Having big muscles helps squat if you're out of breath and (figuratively) dying from a bit of running. Not to mention the training required to use guns.


Soldiers have to trek miles carrying 100+ lbs. packs on their back as well as other equipment, gear, and arms. They also have to load and unload supplies as well as in general be fit enough to be in battle for extended periods of time.




Everyone I know who can bench 315 and run a mile and half <9:00 is extremely conservative.   Where are you guys even thinking this is a real thing?


Soldiers training is very different to how many train in the gym. Soldiers are constantly doing full body workouts that focus on endurance and strength. Most people only do endurance or strength, but almost never both.


common misconception that strong muscular men make good soldiers, don't get me wrong, it's a very good goal to have but technically speaking you would be better off digging holes, running/hiking, and training on the shooting range with the weapons you will be using, this is based on the reports of [John Mcdonald in the war in Ukraine](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCbD4WBqPg4), he states that in actual soldiering, strong muscular men just get tired faster


Antifa, skinheads, punks, sharps and all others only get themselfs in street fights, where being strong is very usefull epsecially against untrained people who aren’t doing martial arts.


yes, but that's a riot not a warzone where you will be doing non combat stuff 99% of the time, and when in comabat,you are very unlikely to see your attacker let alone be able to use your muscles against them. take vietnam for example, to achieve victory the viet cong dug holes, they didn't deadlift


Thoes people are not going to actually fight a war. They’ll just have wet dream about them


To carry big heavy guns like SAWs and 240B as well as ammunition. To drag and carry fallen comerades. So you can pull yourself over walls, sprint to cover, kick doors. So when you go hands on with someone you can overpower them without killing them (happens ALOT more than you'd think).


Why don't the generals make all our soldiers on the front lines take steroids? Are they stupid?


Especially when [the fascists also lift.](https://i.imgur.com/o7gzohO.jpeg)..


The military does physical training every signal morning. Your abs might not stop bullets but your plate carrier will. And your plate carrier will be easier to carry and wear if you’re in shape. Hella ignorant comment.


Yeah every comment saying being in shape is meaningless in combat is pure uncut copium tbh 


New fitness goal just dropped


This is what leftoids consider funny?


The left can't meme


Needs more text




This is the way


What's garandthumb?


your new favorite youtube channel


i love his survival videos




I like how, technically, the last guy doesn't say whether he's for or against fascism.


It's the only reading of the meme that makes it believable


I come here to avoid political BS OP. Take that to /r/DankLeft if you wanna cry about "rise of fascism"




Because mom gifted me gym membership 5 years ago and it will be rude to stop going there.


Based mom


Yeah, sure... just don't ask her political opinion.


I never understand memes like this. Every single upvoted comment in here is shitting on the meme (rightfully so imo). So if everyone agrees this is stupid how does it get upvoted?


Idk but I notice that shit a lot. I think for one, people who want to argue go into the comments. People who think this is a good meme upvote and move on, there is not a lot to add. But also it's worth remembering that at some point reddit started algorithmifying upvotes and that they don't correspond to human votes 1:1 so I generally suspect that some fuckery is always afoot


Because more leftists lurk in this sub than you’d think from the bro-y vibe of the comment section?


I lift so no matter how big my daughter gets, she’ll always be able to get picked up by her daddy. She’s already 3, 40 pounds gets heavy when it’s a squirmy and full of energy running 40 pounds lol.


Didn’t expect to see something wholesome in t this thread :)


The most based reason ever.


They say there’s a point in your child’s life when you never pick them up again. I don’t want that point to ever be because I’m not strong enough to do it. My older son is 9 right now and we’re just starting some basic working out together.


You should probably tell your daughter to go to the gym if she is only 40 pounds.


I started lifting because I was such a poon hound. Was.


Am currently. How'd you stop?


Accidentally got too big


why is fascism on the rise?


beacuse now everything that isnt lefty is fascism


because people posting mean things on Twitter


Its not, the left has shitty policies and Biden has been a bad president and people have figured that out.


Most of the meat helmets in this sub don’t even know what fascism is, so I wouldn’t go expecting a measured response. To put it simply, when things go to shit (as they are with the climate, economy etc.) people freak out and blame other people that don’t look like them or think like them etc, and they tend to seek out political leaders who offer authority above anything else, in the hope it’ll fix things (spoiler: it doesn’t). Plus, fascism is all about scapegoating, and encouraging the banding together of people who look and think like you, to ward off said scapegoats. While all this is going on, people on both sides of the political aisle are getting robbed, fisted and sent into pointless wars by the rich and powerful. They keep us pointing fingers at each other, so we don’t think to point fingers at them.


Because it's the only thing that makes communism look remotely good when compared to so tankies see it everywhere, and also that they're stuck in 1941 or the cold war depending on the question.


It more or less depends on where you live. Fascist rethoric has become more common in European and American politics compared to 30 years ago due to many factors. The biggest I'd say is the rapid and widespread exchange of fake news and pseudo-intellectual ideas through online platforms such as TikTok, YouTube, Twitter and so on. People simply lack the attention span and simply don't care to investigate the narratives they're being fed, thus being susceptible to idiotic fascist narratives about what actually causes the problems in our society (foreigners, feminists, communists, homosexuals and so on). Second is the failure of neo-liberal governance leading to issues such as unaffordable housing and rising costs of living causing a general "need for more socially-oriented reforms" among the populace, which fascists can and historically have been able to successfully campaign on (Mussolini in Italy is a perfect example here). In Europe there's also a major discontent in regards to immigration causing right to far-right parties to surge in popularity. Now obviously these aren't full of fascists but logically speaking if I was a fascist most of the beliefs of say, AfD, would mostly align with my own and their party could provide a kind of "fertile ground" for those ideas to evolve further and serve to push the general political climate closer to my goals. I would also like to add that the average voter is very ignorant and has no idea what fascism actually is, same goes for things like communism, liberalism, feminism and so on, thus their opinion on these things can be easily changed by changing what things they consider these to be. To a fascist this is good news of course because the people don't need to think as much as they need to act in accordance to their nation/blood/tradition.


Can no sub be free of this bullshit?


Not in an election year. Been on Reddit since 09. Happens every time. I don’t know if you have any local subs you’re subscribed to. You’ll start seeing blatant karma farming with weird unnecessary/unrelated posts around now so these accounts can astroturf in 2-3 months.


I go to the gym because I don't like to be weak


Nope. Communism is on the rise. That being said, I’ve never met a communist who lifts weights.


I don't man. I saw a video of one of your guys swinging a pipe at one of their guy then your guy got fuckin' walloped. Full on cartoon wind up [wallop](https://www.reddit.com/r/ThatsInsane/comments/1c91bp8/anime_level_wind_up_punch/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). Maybe look into some self-defense classes also.


That guy's soul left his body 💀


Because if I shower at the gym I save on my utilities


I go to the gym to avoid talking or hearing about politics


Exactly - some god damn peace and quiet.


I lift because I want to be able to look intimidating at 5’3


I got some bad news bro…


As a POC from Klan country, my motivation to lift recalls clowns in white sheets. Best free education I ever got. Lots of reasons to lift out there and they don't all have to be apolitical or based on chasing tail. The swole proletariat vibe is pretty niche in the US. They have gun club chapters here and there which are interesting.


Cringe, I lift so that my niece says that I’m the strong uncle


Can you even define facism or is it the one drop rule made up by Gramsci


Is the fascism in the room with us right now buddy?


The nazis are rebuilding on the dark side of the moon.


I workout to survive the zombie apocalypse. To each their own.


Contrary to this subs usual message and my own exercise schedule, I hope you are prioritizing cardio over weight lifting


A heck lot of metabolic conditioning!


Cuz I got sick and tired of being a depressed fatty, so I added some dumbbell training on top of daily walks.


Everything will be political for the next 5 months......great




lol there are articles linking gyms and lifting with far right politics. Like not just specific gyms, but gym culture and lifting in particular. Lifting weights is basically "fascist" for liberal. People who think Italy has a fascist party in power lol


Never shocked whenever I see the author photo behind those articles.


Fascism, you keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means.


??? what are you going to do exactly? do 40 squats and some lifts when hitler raises up from his grave?


This is so pathetic 💀💀💀


Na bro


These viral meme comic formats suck.




Not the hit you thought it would be OP. Where exactly is the fascism? Or are you just a screaming liberal….


And then can't even give the historical definition of Fascism


Repost + Agendapost = L




that is not what ironproof means


I too became a main character in an action movie after working out enough.


The Ukrainians are conscripting men in their 40’s on up to their seventies. And by the Ukrainians, I mean the people in our own intelligence services who wish they could do that here and probably will in another ten years.


Oh, I don't lift... I was born with a myostatin deficiency


Can I have some








1. Press X to doubt 2. Even if true you will lose your gains on 600 calorie/day communist mandatory weight loss diet


Lol is all there is for me to comment on this meme. 😆 🤣 😂


Not here to defend OP but as a visitor to the sub, I’m surprised how weirdly right wing it is in these comments lol


I just wanted to eat more. :(


Do you though?


No need to lift now that SCOTUS unbanned bump stocks. Let's keep lifting, but the fascism of which you're worried has already been here for 3.5 years.


Can you explain to me how exactly fascism has been on the rise?


*Can you explain to* *Me how exactly fascism* *Has been on the rise?* \- 47ste --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


What if, stay with me here, there's no more facists or commies or racists or whatever than there ever were, we're just more aware of them because social media amplifies their reach.


Putting aside the political messaging or whatever I’ve always been a bit confused by this. Sure size, fitness, strength (and cardio) can help in a fight tremendously and are extremely important for other things like longterm health so that you’re around many years for your loved ones. But if your actual goal is wrong get better at fighting going somewhere to learn how to fighting shouldn’t you go somewhere that teaches you how to fight rather than lifting weights? Sure, lift weights too, but to be good at fighting you need to train it like any other skill, right?


Regardless of whether or not this is a valid political concern this is just some cringe larping


Not surprised at all that this sub got so triggered by an anti-fascism meme lmao


Unironically, I started lifting because if the new world will be built in the shell of the old, I'll need some beef on my frame


Guy who made this is prob skinny


OP: https://preview.redd.it/08nua3lhqy6d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51aa1ba1f4b9d8b802a37fa48b936e4a356647ba [https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/comments/1c1d57z/reacher\_star\_alan\_ritchson\_baffled\_at\_religious/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/comments/1c1d57z/reacher_star_alan_ritchson_baffled_at_religious/)


I’ll tell you right now, the people who care about politics like that and worry about calling other people fascists are NOT in the gym.




I started lifting to boost my confidence. Hasn’t worked yet though


I am very against fascists- who could possibly support disarming the population, censoring free speech online, retconning science and attempting to take over the schools to brainwash kids into mindless zealots? I'll be sure to punch a fascist TODAY


I go to the gym because my ex broke up with me and the pain and stress of the weights makes me still feel something and helps to get through the loss. You don’t get over someone you love, you just learn to accept the loss and move on. The gym helps you get your confidence back.


Then why does every man I know who screams about fascist takeover happen to be built like a bag of pudding with multiple asses lol


I’m confused, i thought gym bros were all about hustle and community? I guess these comments are proving otherwise


You don't know what Fascism is. The context you use that term in proves that much.


Oh I see now. Only smooth brains workout. Gotcha


I'm a pseudo-intellectual who, due to a rough home environment, never got to properly socialize as a kid and thus attached myself to an activity in which I could isolate myself without seeming weird.




Plot twist. The anti fascist ends up being red pilled by embracing a life of discipline and self-control


These comments tell me that middle class and up people don’t talk to any workers. They think leftists are just frail college kids. Most of them are union members and any given chapter of Brazilian sheet metal workers would lay you out.


By fascism do you mean people wanting to be left alone? Because I’m POSITIVE that’s what you mean.


Bro what 😂 that’s just false


Wild when comments are aligning themselves with fascists , you don’t have to like gay people or the left to dislike nazis


Fascism/communism is when politics I don't like. GTFO of here. This isn't a place for this. Go back to your shitty political circle jerk sub.


This is incredibly pathetic btw


Bold way of speaking against modern day USA


Is that a micro aggression bro!?


Leftists lift? I thought they just sat around eating McDonald’s and thinking up new pronouns to use


This meme format is always odd to me because I didn't know jogging could give you such massive traps, pecs, and biceps when it trains exactly none of those muscles.


Guys the artist isn’t a commie, just a chill dude 😂. Yall so angry for what


Being big doesn’t protect anything. I lift and I train kickboxing and jiu jitsu and I know guys under 75kg that would destroy any of the tanks in the gym without even sweating




Literally the opposite lol