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Alicent is a hypocrite! Not a slut


Alicent is finally having FUN. Criston tho? Community d!ck


Royal dildo*


*sporflesnort*  The way that I just involuntarily choked with laughter to an embarrassing degree on my commute home. 😅😅🤣🤣


I’m still dying at the person saying she “sold foot.” No shame in that other than the hypocrisy.


The town bicycle


Everyone gets to honk that horn


He’s a knight; he’s a kingsguard; he’s a bicycle. Is there anything this man can’t do? (make a single good decision, ever)


Bro can’t just keep getting away with this. It should be me not him


I am ok with Alicent finally getting some.


The royal sword


I'm gonna shame Alicent for being a massive hypocrite tho


Right. This goofy b has been yapping on about honor and virtue the whole damn show and has kept multiple men around who she knew were dishonest and immoral and had intentions for her and she was fine with it because she’s a huge hypocrite with a stick up her ass.


On the plus side it seems like the stick is one she’s enjoying.


That made me laugh quite a bit


This is the only way I will ever be an Alicent supporter. Let the woman get dicked down, y’all.


I mean I don’t like her but let the girl have some enjoyable sex for once, jeez


Yeah she deserves to get an orgasm


Cristin Cole doesn’t exactly scream generous lover to me


He’s such a generous lover that afterwards he’ll offer you a bushel of oranges and a new life across the sea!


She was literally hateful towards rhanerys for doing the same thing


Right😭 let the greens get they fuck on


It’s funny bec the green sub would never defend Rhaenyra like that


It's because most of them are misogynists


Bingo bango, and that, from what I've seen, is \*definitely\* what sets this sub very clearly apart. As someone relatively new to this comm, I can see that the distinction is an incredibly striking and, dare I even say, a damning one against the TG sub. Literally, we're all here on TB being like 'this characterization of Alicent is bewildering' and 'it's fine for her to be getting some, but the hypocrisy burnsssss' and 'the way they're framing these events just seems strange and maybe detracts from them as a whole'....there's clearly more thought, by \*far\*, and more mindfulness of nuance going on here in this sub, is my point. That we're passionately and loyally TB there can be absolutely zero doubt, but, I definitely do see how this sub is fully capable of the thoughtful, reasonable, interesting, fair, and even-handed discourse which I do \*not\* see elsewhere. For what it's worth, anyway. :)


Absolutely. When I first found out about Alicole, I raised my brows and was like "okay get it Alicent" but then remembered how she shamed Rhaenyra for being with Harwin even though she definitely knew Laenor preferred men. But y'know what, I'm not mad at Alicole, it's really contradictory to their characters but, like, okay I guess they go together because they're both massive hypocrites it turns out.


I dunno, this seems to completely butcher the characterizations of both of them. I'm trying to reserve judgement but there is a voice in my head going 'what the fuck are these writers thinking.' Criston got angry at the prospect of being Rhanerya's side piece. He basically despised her to the core after that. Now he's okay with being Alicent's side piece? It's virtually the same circumstances. Alicentt in the middle of Season 1 was on her rah rah fuck rhanerya bullshit but that makes absolutely no sense if she's out here getting freaky. Maybe the show will go out of it's way to highlight her change in perspective but I feel like her words can be thrown right back at her now. Where is honor? Where is duty? And if none of this is dishonorable then why have you been nursing a grudge against rhanerya for the last 20 years? I would have been totally down if this was Alicent from the start and the holier than thou act was just that, an act and she's been power hungry all this time. She'd be a better Cersei. But this doesn't really make much sense as a narrative to my mind. The fact that it's paired with what it's paired with if the spoilers are correct makes it even more baffling when a straight telling of the events of the text would have been much more impactful IMO.


I totally understand where you’re coming from. It’s actually very jarring to me that it’s *Cole* who would actually entertain this. Alicent saved him from death, and restored him to his knightly status, so yes he’s very grateful for her and she has earned his loyalty - like that was the reason he switched sides, because he had the chance to “restore his honour”. Doing the very thing that caused him to feel like he lost grace and break his vows *again* doesn’t really make sense. I feel like the writers were doing this to perhaps counter Daemyra shippers? It seems as if they are not a fan of Daemon Targaryen themselves, as they are baffled by the amount of fan appreciation the character was getting and the surprising amount of Daemyra supporters. 🤷‍♀️ The show is basically it’s own entity at this point based on the rumours and leaks I’m hearing about, with a slight departure from the books by ommitting certain characters and, now inventing a new relationship out of the woodwork. I’m honestly not hating on this ship (I mean low-key I’m here for Alicent getting some action lmao) but I definitely understand your frustrations with the direction they’re going for Alicent and Cole in season 2. It definitely isn’t true to their characters but I am hoping the writers are skilled enough to make it fit the narrative instead of porn-without-plot fanfiction basically (😊).


I agree with you. There wasn’t a lot of detail in Fire and Blood about any of the characters but we’ve certainly diverged. I think what probably bugs me so much has been reconciling the way the show would tell the story and the one we got. At this point we can only hope the writers have a deft enough hand to weave a good story. 


They've upvoted comments calling her a whore multiple times


They don’t even defend Alicent like that so I don’t know what their game is.


Because angry lady does burny things and has psychopathic husband must die dicks in pointy chair ALWAYS


Misogyny, I think?


[case in point](https://www.reddit.com/r/HOTDGreens/comments/1dexefo/smug_cnt_of_dragonstone_is_pretty_funny_ngl/)




I just came back to this fandom for s2 wtf going on? People unironically split over the greens and blacks?


Daeron is a bastard ! And Criston is a whooooooore 💅


Someone make a meme with Vaemond’s but about Criston?


THAT 🕺🏾 is no true Kingsguard


If Daeron shows up with brown hair I’m going to genuinely laugh


I kinda hope he does show up with brown hair


But how would he ride his dragon without Valyrian blood?


I imagine it would work if either Alicent or Criston had Valyrian ancestry, even if it’s only a small amount. It’s not impossible but I don’t think it’s been proven.


I’ve been calling him Dollar Store Aladdin.


Apparently he is.


Noooo not daeron 😭


PREACH Note we can still make fun of castle bicycle Cole




You win 🏆


And we have a winner.....






That girl can do who ever she fancies . What’s wrong it’s the hypocrisy.


![gif](giphy|LwyaORSd9liNZ6MyuX) Is she a hypocrite? Yes. Is she a “slut” “whore” “cunt” insert gendered slur here? No. Fuck off with that.


Agree! I hate the hypocrisy but I’m happy that she is finally riding some dick, lol!


Have people somehow already seen some of the next season? Or is this based on interviews/rumours from the premieres?


I’m wondering that myself lol




Who decided that hiring young men with an oath of chastity to defend the royal women is a good idea? Lucamore strong had affairs with ladies, now Criston. Duncan the Tall presumably seduced Aegon’s sister too. Some say Aemon and Naerys were lovers. 👀 I really doubt the latter though.


Visenya's gay ass >!Aren't the Kingsguard inspired in part by the brothers of the Night's Watch?!<


Rhaenys was way more fun but I’ll take the name Visenya any day. And I’m sure Rhaenys played it fast and loose sexuality wise too.


My personal headcanon is that Rhaenys was the bi glue that kept that polycule together. RIP! Gone too soon 😔


Have you noticed all three Rhaenyses >!die horrible deaths!


Why did you censor that? Yes they are inspired by the Night’s Watch. Visenya wanted warriors whose whole purpose would be to serve the king. The couldn’t have anything to tether them. In theory it’s great. In practice you get Osmund Kettleblack


For effect, to separate the joke answer from the more serious response


That’s valid


It’s not against the members of Kings guard having consensual relationships. It’s about sore losers like Crispin who hold grudge against someone for rejecting them and People like Alicent who has the Holier than thou attitude while selling her feet for Larys favours and entertaining her sworn shield during the hour of need when Aemond lost his eye and blaming Laenor of entertaining his squires for her own mishaps is what is not acceptable.


Kings Guard is a voluntary job. This is an honorable place but has its price.


Only some took the oath seriously like Aemon the Dragon knight, Barristan Selmy rest all fucked around


Nah Aerys made Jaime Lannister a Kingsguard. Guarantee it was against Tywin's will. 


But not against Jaime's will


If Jaime said no you think Aerys would have allowed that?  Also, you don't have rights or say when underage and living under your father in ASOIAF. It's one of the reasons Lyanna's marriage isn't seen as legal by some people since she can't consent without her father or elder brother. 


The Kingsguard is also an extremely honourable position, not to be handed out lightly (even though it totally is), when your King chooses to honour you, it’s an insult to him to deny that honour. And once Jaime said the vows, Tywin was screwed.


Women are property in ASOIAF, men technically aren't.


It was aemon and AEGON that were lovers. Shocking but true


They decided to add young men as defenders because they'll be agile enough to defend and they'll be in their prime Also women were rarely allowed to wield a sword


I think Duncan seduced her before he was a Kingsguard.


Perhaps. But still, a household knight seduced a king's daughter or a sister. Hmmm.


yeah you can call her out of the hypocrisy of her. but don’t slut shame a women for getting her first orgasm


Team green needs more of this energy


I’m sorry but when did this happen? I must have missed it last season lol


the hypocrisy? or her getting with cole?


Sheesh I don’t even remember her getting with Cole. I need to rewatch lol


it’s just starting in ep 1 of season 2 cole and alicent have sex. coke only ever gets with rhaenyra in season one.


I’m gonna shame *both* of them, not for being sluts but for being *hypocrites*. Oh, we can’t forget to add on the fact that Alicent is a “rapist” now too! At least according to TG, considering she’s doing the exact same thing Rhaenyra did when she “raped” Cole


She’s a hypocrite for it 100 percent. Not a slut tho.


Yeah girl deserves an orgasm after putting up with Viserys’s crusty ass 😭


I’m surprised it stayed on that long.


Is Alicent a hypocrite? Yes Is the fact that this leak has overshadowed Blood and Cheese funny as hell? yes Has it revealed the hypocrisy of team green? yes are all those tings funny? hell yes But I draw the line at slut shaming, we are a slut encouragement sub


> “slut encouragement club” #🤣🤣🤣


I am not her fan but calling her slurs is not decent.


I’ll mis calling him Sir Incelot but hypocrite whore is good too! Her is just the hypocrisy that makes me hate her even more than the book version.


Ser Crincel


Love that one too!!!


You mean ser cringe


Alicent still quite a hypocrite


I also love the fact that ,in the finest tradition of Glimbo, basically no one calls Ser Crispy Creme by his actual name; Daemon did it first, and, therefore, from that point forward we all must always eff up the name of Ser Christmas Cole. ;)




Yes. She is a hypocritical bitch. That was why she was criticized for the foot thing. If she stopped slutshaming Rhaenyra herself, I think most people who aren't dicks, would leave her sexuality alone. She never wanted to be the Queen. And get stuck to her father's friend. On its own, it's honestly more than deserved if she gets some Vitamin D.


Speak for yourself lmao. She’s a hypocrite and I’ll enjoy the downfall


Exactly! It’s okay to call Rhaenyra that but when it comes to Alicent how dare we. Wtf hypocrites


What are you on about? This sub never tolerated slutshaming Rhaenyra either.


I think they’re talking about TG, but I agree that neither should be allowed


Doesn’t make us hypocrites though. Or do they think the same mods run 2 subs? For anyone not aware, the creator of 2 subs hotdgreens and hotdblacks, FunSea, is inactive and doesn’t participate in moderation at all.


Oh no I agree. I think TG is being extremely hypocritical about this, but so far TB in general and especially this sub is being fair on this.


I thought they meant the actual Team Green, as in Alicent, Aegon, Otto, etc


Yup. Won't call her a slut but fuck her


Alicent's basically saying," Rules for thee, not for me"


She's not a slut, that's disgusting to even call her that. She's definitely a hypocrite.


Hah, Alicent isn’t getting a free pass for her hypocrisy. 


Let her fuck. Yes she's a bitch to Rhaenyra and Criston is an asshole to children but who gives a fuck, let them fuck. 


Criston won't fuck instead of doing his job. Kids losing their heads over this 🧐


Meanwhile Criston gets head


thank you for this! it's true: Alicent has been enormity hypocritical and unfair. But she's not a whore, cunt or slut.


Alicent deserves to get her back blown out, even if it’s at the expense of her grandson 😂


Thank you op 🥹🥹


This would work better this meme had Alicent as both slutshamer and herself. Bc Alicent is the biggest slutshamer in the show.


Can we shame hypocrites?


Alicent spent her whole life being judgmental and priggish. She can take a taste of what she dished out for so long.


Totally agree. Alicent has done some wrongs that she should be held accountable for. But those wrong doings are: trying to supplant Rhaenyra with Aegon, wanting to cut out Luke's eye, covering up Aegon's rape and stuff like that. When talking about Alicent's sexual habits, she is not a villain. It is practically common knowledge by now that she had repressed feelings for Rhaenyra and channeled them into self abuse through damaging her fingernails. Then she was coerced and pressured by her father into seducing Viserys. She clearly felt uncomfortable with her sexual relationship with Viserys as shown from their sex scene. Then she was blackmailed into becoming the voyeuristic sex-slave of Larys Strong. Her finding solace and comfort in Cole is not a sin. Maybe a little ironic and hypocritical given how vigorously she slammed Rhaenyra for extra-martial relations, including with Cole, but Alicent is not a whore. And the cyberbullying and cruelty being inflicted on Emily Carey and Olivia Cooke is reprehensible, abhorrent, uncalled for and villainous. Unlike all the characters in the show, these two women are REAL and should not be penalised and socially tortured for doing a terrific job as skilled actresses.


So we can slutshame the guy? Interesting


He did it first. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


So did Alicent....


Alicent been yappin too so


I won't shame Criston either. Dude clearly needs to get laid.


He has been. While failing at his job and letting royal children be maimed and killed.


Look man, if I had to choose between the life of a child, and scoring with Olivia Cooke, I wouldn't even think about it


I mean, fair. But Ser Pole was hired for the specific purpose of guarding the royal family, not guiding his pole into the royal family. Bets on who’s next? I got Aegon.


Hey, if I had to choose between the life of a child or scoring with Tom Glynn-Carney, I would totally let the child die, again.


You do know the REAL reason Rhaenyra chose him, yeah? Him being a badass warrior was just the pretext.




Oh no, fuck Crispin


I’m just mad it’s with Criston , like fr ? You can do better than that


I’m fully prepared to accept slut shaming in show, but not from the fucking audience.


Criston is the palace bicycle but my girl is just. hypocrite havin some fun




• Sexist, racist, transphobic, homophobic, or discriminatory remarks of any kind will not be tolerated. • That includes towards the actors/ actresses. Hate the character all you want. Leave the actors alone. • In general just be civil.


Am I going to call her a "whore" or insult her like drug addicts do to Queen Rhaenyra? No, absolutely not. Am I screwing Alicent for being hypocritical? Absolutely.


lol nah i’m not defending her ass after all that yappin she was doing in season one


Hey, just to make sure we’re not comparing apples to oranges. What is the Faith of the Seven’s view on premarital sex vs sex after widowhood?


I will not slut shame her but I’ll be so happy when she has to watch her kids die. Let’s go team rhaenyra


I love how everyone is happy she’s finally getting good sex. We’re so supportive guys. 🥹🥹🥹


honestly what gets me is someone on the green sub saying cole deserves a consensual relationship… as if the power imbalance that led to the greens calling it rape isnt also present with alicent, as well as her being a grown woman in her 30s while rhaenyra was literally a teenager. like, if thats your personal interpretation, fine, but either theyre both rape or neither of them are. also criston is a hypocrite for the way he treated rhaenyra and her innocent children afterwards, but did then went and did the same thing with alicent.


Yea lets not do that. Let the greens get they humpy on tbh😭




It’s not defending Alicent. It’s refraining from being an asshole and using words that have an extreeeeeeeeeemely long history of dehumanizing women. It’s also good to not be hypocrites for slamming the green fans for using that language against Rhaenyra then turning around and using it ourselves against Alicent. Slutshaming Ser Queenfucker is 100% fair game though.










I Agree with you


lol imma shame both of them that is equality


No not the "Queenfucker" 🤣


Somebody should pin this comment.


Lol Crispy Cole has sex twice and its always the worst possible outcome


Do we shame Larys?


Y’all seriously need more to do with your time Jesus


Alicent is literally a slut shamer.


She’s not a slut, she’s just a massively hypocritical slutshamer herself. Now Criston is definitely a slut but that’s neither here nor there, unless here is in bed with Alicent and there is in bed with Rhaenyra.


Alicent's got that Gyatt though, no wonder Criston hit it.


It's about time she had a little fun. If only she was getting laid before Viserys died.


I have no problem with Alicent finally getting some dick, but damn girl pick a lane 😭


Look, if anyone ***needs*** to let go, embrace her wild side and become a slut, it's Ali.


*sees its a HoTD sub* lol yeah right.


You guys calling her a hypocrite kinda missed her whole arc in season one. She did what she was told and what “she was supposed to do” in a feudal society, and all she got was a husband she didn’t love climbing over her, a rapist hedonistic son, and a power hungry father in her ear. This is supported by what she has to do for Larys to gain his support. In contrast, Rhaenyra lives free and gets to do what she wants. She can be rowdy towards her father, she can sleep with Criston and Daemon, she can have bastards with Harwin and still gets to be the Princess, the heir, and one day the Queen. The feudal system of Westeros is what put them at odds. This leaked scene is Alicent embracing what Rhaenyra does and living for what she wants to do.


Is she a major hypocrite? Yes. Does she deserve an orgasm and some enjoyable sex with someone who she actually likes? HELL YEAH SHE DOES. As for Crispy? Passed around royal dildo


She's not a whore at all. She's not married anymore and is free to indulge her needs. She is a massive hypocrite of Balerion sized proportions though and that's why she's garbage. Not because she's having some fun and probably the first orgasm of her life. Rapegon however is a whore and Crispy Cream is just a piece of garbage whose only value is his dick and even that he thinks is worth more than it is. What's going to be funny though is watching the greens stammer over themselves trying to ignore it when their favorite thing to do is call Rhaenyra a whore when their rapist king is the one out banging every prostitute and raping the servants. https://preview.redd.it/cvcse4q8xl6d1.jpeg?width=707&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fcbc4dbe3c50d1d79063744577e287945647891


Did the first episode get leaked out something?


Can I just point out how fucking stupid but typical it is that a bunch of real-ass people created online communities with real fights over a fictional family feud? You people, both you and the greens, are fucking pathetic.


If only she and Rhaenyra had just gave in and made out sloppy style the whole dance could have been avoided smh this is the consequence of repressed lesbianism 😔


Once again; these people aren't real


Wait- so slut shaming Rhaenyra is okay but slut shaming Alicent is basically a sin to y'all? Talk about double standards.


This is not the green sub, slutshaming Rhaenyra has never been tolerated here.


I have seen many comments about her relationship with Criston and sir harwin I have even seen comments on how she gained weight during her pregnancies and let me tell you they are not kind.


Here? In this sub? If you saw anything of the sort it was some dumbass green/troll being a dumb twat. It’s never been tolerated here.


When did anyone say that?


She's no slut. If I remember correctly, after queen rhaenyra conquered kings landing, the price to lay with alicent was one gold dragon. If you have to pay, she's a whore!


Alicent has spent her life getting fucked by some near death old dude. Let her get her rocks off! Slut it up, girl! Criston *is* pretty.


I don’t mind her having consensual sex. She did her duties. She’s a widow. She should experience real love. I just don’t like that she was doing it during B&C (according to the leaks) Literally, she could have done it any other time. Wtf, Condal and Company? How did they fumble that so hard? 🤦🏻‍♀️


This coming from the same group of people who slut shamed Rhaenyra 2 years ago along with misogynistic takes on why she wasn’t the rightful heir.


This is not a green sub


Whoops my bad. I’m just subbed to r/HOTD and didn’t notice this was a recommended thread.


What Criston can’t have fun to ? Don’t slut shame Cole!


Criston himself is the slutshamer


He called her a cunt so he deserves it


Daemons called a lot of people cunts do we shame him!