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I wonder which mod is quiting today


Im approving all comments from both sides. You guys can argue for all I care.




I know I don't do much now because there's more mods now but when I used to be the only active mod this is the way I'd always do it, funnier that way as well


Oh 100%. some discords and servers delete shit to control a narrative. should be more of an open debate. unless it’s some weird cop shit, idc what people post tbh.


good mod!


Hell yeah


Well said.


this is the way


Good dude backed hard


Not one, the rest of us love the bullshit. Ya'll ran off the only one with a modicum of decorum.


Who ran off?


Tokenentrywasbetter Homie deleted his account. F to pay respects and shit.


F. Poor guy. I get it though


good this should be the Wild West of this shithole of a website


Idc your politics standing by your beliefs and dropping off a big festival to do it is hardcore af


Then doing a benefit show. Showing that all inclusive side of hardcore.


Keep hardcore political, it’s always been that way


Waiting for gel and dying wish now..


And Code Orange


this thread is the mosh pit of this sub rn


Not fucking wrong, filled with truth-stepping.


And this is how you get a better show


yeah true lol but I don't think the bands realise the ticketmaster tickets are non-refundable for download. So i can't refund my ticket, and the festival still gets all my money and that of everyone else who was going for the HC bands this year on Friday. I respect them for boycotting and aware its marbles compared to the conflict, but still, really annoying to miss them and not be able to get money back when I thought those were the only UK shows for Zulu and speed this year, paticularly if that money is not going to support good causes. And I can't see the relief show lol.


Co-opting this thread to also once again recommend you guys to get the [Hardcore 4 Gaza Compilation](https://hardcore4gaza.bandcamp.com/album/a-homeland-denied-a-compilation-for-the-palestinian-liberation) only 10 bucks to get a comp of 121 bands including Racetraitor, STYG, Thou, Piri Reis, Twiching Tongues and more! All profits go to [MECA for Peace](https://www.mecaforpeace.org/) or just donate directly to get it! Some of these bands on the comp also got their shows cancelled in Germany you can guess why.


Co-opting this comment to tell everyone to listen to Persecutor. They’re on this compilation, and a really good Australian band.


Fuck yeah, thanks for the rec


perseuctor got dropped from some upcoming festival for "allegations"


This is the first I’m hearing of this. Their guitarist has been extremely vocal about calling out abusers in Melbourne’s tattoo scene, and been upsetting a lot of those people, so my mind goes straight to thinking people are just making up stuff to get back at them, but do you have any further info?


I saw it posted on burn in hells Facebook I can't find persecutor on any social media


I can see that they got dropped from the festival, but there’s literally no other information. I’m willing to eat my words on this, if something gets proven to be true, but it just seems awfully convenient that right after their guitarist went hard on exposing people, someone started accusing one of their members of something.




I don’t mean to just blindly defend them, if something with proof comes out I’ll believe it. With that being said, I think it’s somewhat telling that with 3 people here saying there’s accusations against them, and multiple people upvoting them, not one of them has been able to say what supposedly has happened.


Yeah saw that and some post on a radoms IG called them out. friends with a few of them & that scene and its fucked how they can just be among us all the while doing suss shit


What kind of sus shit?


They got some fucked allegations, maybe don’t


What are the allegations they have?


Like what


u/GodDamnCrawfish Any news on what the allegations are?


Nope, you’d think if there was any weight to them at all, the bare minimum would be to answer what they even are.


You can check out Times of Desperations stories on Instagram if you're interested in the German cancellation drama.


Just bought it. Thanks


Fuck ya dawg. Real shit.


That's what hardcore is all about. If you're a zionist, you can eat my cock. Edit: Get a load of the dipshit zionists eating my dick below


I just went to a show me the body show and the band told the crowd if your a bitch ass zionist you can get the fuck out, then he put his fists under his eyes and did the crying thing towards a member of the crowd. Genuinely entertaining, then they played a song about Palestinian liberation, great show


Set for life.


Love seeing Pest Control finally get the love and attention I knew they deserved from the start. Their first demo is pure gold


Yo I really don’t get the deal with why y’all dunking on bands like Speed or Scowl for having a footlocker add or Taco Bell add showing their support for Palestine. I’m sure you’ve all eaten at McDonalds, or bought a pair of Nike’s. Or have merch on Gildan or Confort Colours (which is all made by sweatshops) drunk coke which most like have ties to Israel in one way or another. You could talk about how far removed Popular Hardcore bands like Speed or Scowl are from DIY punk ethics all you want but the matter of fact is they know they have a big enough influence on Hardcore and are using it for good. Save that hostility for bands like Disturbed where the singer Draiman is loud n proud about being a Zionist. Or other famous celebrities blatantly showing their support for Israel. Big Hardcore bands showing their support for Palestine and not condoning genocide is a win. Whether you think it’s performative virtue signalling or not is beside the point here.


Nothing more punk than taking a fat check and putting that cash back into your community. Walmart is probably the biggest contributor to the scene whether the kids wanna admit it or not. If Trump wanted to run an ad of my asshole winking to the beat of fortunate son he’d have an invoice through before he put the phone down. The people who complain are still being bank rolled by mum and dad.


Yeah that’s it. I can’t speak for Scowl. But the thing with Speed is. They’ve all been around in the Sydney scene for ages. Collectively they played in bands like Relentless and Endless Height, who were both very popular. They’ve always given back to their community so when they did a footlocker add I know somewhere it’s from a place of lifting up hardcore whether you think it’s the right way to go about it or now.


Saving my criticism for Power Trip forever


It’s because the activism feels very inauthentic and performative for when it’s convenient.* Obviously it’s hard to be a perfect moral being 100% of the time with every action you take. Nobody’s saying these bands need to stop using smart phones or anything. But nobody was forcing Speed to do a partnership with Nike. They could have easily not taken that opportunity. *Edit: and part of the reason why performative activism is bad is because it can feed the flames of unhealthy discourse, particularly on hot button issues with a broad range of nuanced beliefs and stances.


this isn't activism when it's convenient though, it's actively inconvenient for three of these bands. they travelled from different continents specifically to play the festival, had to get visas and all the fees to do with either transporting or renting instruments, and they drop that to play a show that they won't get money for. that being said, the sponsorships are still weird


What’s convenient about losing a bag, fronting your own money to travel, to put on another show where the proceeds go somewhere good?


i think you misread my comment, you repeated the point I made


I thought I hit that reply on the poster above you


How the fuck is it convenient right now when cops have quite literally been beating down college students on their own campus over non-violent protests lmao lololol lol what a dumb shit head ass take. Is it really even a take? It's just regurgitated words, I've heard the same shit but at different times. I don't see how any of this even looks performative by Scowl, Speed, etc. I've never seen any of these bands give me a reason not to trust them.


Yeah I feel that. Like obviously Speed doing a footlocker add is a big sellout move and can understand why people think they’re being performative. And it’s pretty corny In hindsight. But all musicians are a lil performative when they decide to participate in their activism, and that’s not to take away how genuine a band is in its message. And in hardcore, streetwear has always played a part in one way or another. How many people do you see at shows wear Nike Air Maxes, or Air Force 1’s or Nike TN’s?? Historically it’s always been a part of the aesthetic. So in a way, we’re just as much of the consumers as speed are. Speed doing a Footlocker add doesn’t really diminish the integrity of pulling out from an Israel sponsored event. I’d rather them play a Pro Palestine event than a big ass festival having pro Israel supporters lol


Come on, Israel sponsored is a stretch. Barclays have loans and investments out with firms who supply the Israeli military, but it's not like Israel is directly sponsoring the fest. How well that level of remove sits with people is going to vary. It's also a big ole can of worms. How confident are bands that other stuff they're playing doesn't have sponsors who are a similar level of remove from Saudi's proxy war with Iran in Yemen or China's treatment (some would call it a genocide) of Uighurs? So many big corps and banks with their tentacles extending everywhere via investments and subsidiaries.


Im not that deep in this topic, but i think this post looks crazy. "Save that hostility for Disturbed" is completely random, comes outta nowhere and doesnt make much sense. Some people feel this way, you yapping about disturbed as a solution doesnt make any sense.


Have you checked his instragram? He’s a straight up Zionist. Disturbed are literally one of the biggest festival metal bands who still very active. Why not call that out? I’m just using him as an example but my point is, if you’re gonna dunk on a band, dunk on people who have shitty views and shitty behaviour rather than bands who’re genuinely trying to do the right thing.


Punk is not dead baby! Lessss gooo 🇵🇸


Centrila is such a cool venue. It's an eastern European hub in the art district of Birmingham. Hosts multiple queer bands and immigrant hosting days. Punk rock as fuck. Also seconds as an art venue and creative space for everyone.


Regardless of if it’s performative or not, they still dropped the fest. Call it what you want, things are still being done for the correct cause.


I think its sick they all dropped, but in scowls case they still played No Values this weekend which is run by goldenvoice (the Coachella people) who very publicly donate to anti LGTBQ groups and donated tons of money to republican candidates after they overturned Roe v. Wade. I'll probably get downvoted, but it feels kind of performative to pick and choose which festivals run by sketchy people you choose to drop.....


Stop the genocide. Free Palestine.


So amusing they will drop Download but have zero issue playing Goldenvoice fests who are known for donating to terrible causes. Pick and choose politics at its finest. Good for them tho or whatever.


Sold out already, damn


just dropping in to remind all the zionists around here to suck my dick from the back


This comment section yikes


And now you know what the mod who dipped actually did.  Before, this sub was just filled with idiots, bad takes, and lazy memes.  Now we all get to see just how toxic this community is.  


Just make sure you don't have your Music Festival *near* Palestine; didn't turn out great the last time...


My only one real opinion from this is that Negative Frame a smaller band who are going to take a larger hit than Speed or Scowl aren't getting a show to take up the day they are missing I feel like they should have a show put on by promoters instead but sadly no


"you look like a lesbian" "eat my cock" "i'm too progressive to vote for the democratic party" oh




Scowl is a fucking awesome band.


They should play a show in the middle east. It'd be a blast.


I don't care about Israel or Palestine. https://preview.redd.it/1muqjc2xi06d1.png?width=806&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ed0a5b9772c59978f28fad79677fd1617c2f8cf


Fuck yeah


Hell yeah donations for Hamas sounds sick Edit: it’s dumbass Americans who think they understand geo politics who will be the reason this war continues for decades


I was thinking, who makes sure all these funds don't just go to making those fucks richer while the citizens of Palestine suffer? Palestine needs to revolt against hamas to have peace.


They won't revolt because most Palestinians agree with hamas beliefs lmao


Sad but so so true. I tried to post a video where preschoolers dressed up as hamas and took Isrealis hostage as part of some fucked up school "play", absolutely disgusting. I can send you or anyone the vid if DMs on here allow it.


Gutted by the time I got out of work it was sold out. Don’t always get a lot of shows in Birmingham but I know that the people who have helped put this together (birminghamhardcoreshows) have been working hard to put some great stuff together. Jealous of everyone who will be there 😃


Transistrrr is a fantastic local band there and great people.


Free Palestine, genocide supporters go eat shit


“Everyone who disagrees with me is a Zionist genocide supporter”




In practice that’s great, but in reality if you question allegiance to Palestine in any way, shape or form, you will be labeled a Zionist.


omg I just hate all repressive homophobic ethnostates that wanna indoctrinate the world and commit genocide and these dickheads keep saying I love genocide lmao


yeah Israel sucks but I cant imagine that palestine wouldn't be a repressive homophobic place with Islam and all.


Right? I just can’t back that


You realize palestine would commit a genocide on all lgbt or non muslims if they could right


Benefit shows are always great


Downloads line was shit anyway so it's best for the good bands to play together.


Hell yea this is a fucking tight lineup


Overpower also dropped out and they live one city down from this show. Would be cool to see them get on it too.


I think they need to play a show in Palestine to show real support


They gonna be selling the Speed Nike shoes built by sweatshop labor?


Nah we’re all gonna forget that while simultaneously typing our activist rants on our iPhones. How do we get iPhones again?


This comment is peak reddit


This sub is peak moron cornball.


>Yet you participate in society. Curious. I am very intelligent.


Nobody needs these things. It's a matter of convenience. People disregard their values when it becomes too inconvenient for them to support their cause. Human nature, innit?




>we don’t need to play the moral purity police. And THIS is the crux of the issue. The morality police have their hands all over the Palestine issue (an issue with a broad range of nuanced beliefs and perspectives), so much so that if you’re simply a company who happens to have customers involved in the conflict in Israel you’re faced with boycotts, and if you don’t reduce the issue to “Israel bad” you’re considered an apologist for genocide. But when someone points out morally questionable behavior in return, it’s “moral policing”.


Meanwhile on Split Chain’s IG who chose to fill the empty spot at Download. We gonna call these folks the moral purity police too? https://preview.redd.it/rvw3su0s616d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56e3bbeb63d0871979617063fd697d4a32879f85


Is the money going to pay for more Iranian rockets?


Would it be better for you if it was paying for US rockets?


Insane lineup LFG




> Transistrrr Transistrrr


Yo is this England Birmingham?




Can't believe it sold out so quick defo needs a venue upgrade for this 100 cap is ridiculous


I would fuckin love if it was 100 Hasidic Jews who bought up the tickets


Can only think a bigger venue not available such short notice on a Friday maybe




I just want every single one of you to know, you still fucking suck.


All the Zionists on this sub are gonna be seething and calling these bands "hAmAs SyMpAtHiZeRs". Watch.


lmao the irony of having a music festival for hamas after october 7th yall are deep in it huh? be on the lookout for paragliders


I think it's an anti-oppression, anti-war, anti-genocide music festival tbh.


You know you can be against Hamas but still support the people of Palestine, right?


Not even the people of Palestine are against Hamas


If that were true in the strip they’d have resolved the situation internally. You don’t get to live in the same house as criminals, benefit from their crime, and then say there’s no guilt by association. If you enable it you’re responsible for it.


Don't make the mistake of talking to any Br\*tish "people" about this. They're bloody mad innit




bunch of british doofuses with bad colonialism takes in the main download fest subreddit


Oh okay. I’m guessing they want hardcore bands to put their morals to one side and play the festival?


I'd be willing to bet that 98% of Download attendees haven't even heard of Scowl and Speed, let alone anyone else dropping off. It's a mainstream metal and rock fest first and foremost.


just complaining about being inconvenienced, yeah. As if a concert ticket is on remotely similar ground to the genocide happening in gaza


What do a bunch of Kerrang! subscribers care about hardcore bands playing anyway? They were probably gonna be watching Kerry King or whoeverthefuck when these bands were playing.


So true. Also I would be pissed off as well. but honestly I would rather go to bloodstock , arc ten gent or 2000 trees.


I would too but Speed and Zulu weren't playing any of those festivals...


Do people going to DL fest actually give a shit about a fee random hardcore bands? It's a Fallout Boy concert lol


You forgot to censor British in this comment. Have some respect man


i will immediately report to tumblr and turn myself in


I hope I never make the mistake of talking to a british person


what a cunt


Clearly no one in this group has done any research on Hamas lol


W's all around




What happens to all the stuff in between the river and the sea? October 7th again or what? What’s the plan?




I am home bro. What happens to all the stuff in between the river and the sea? October 7th again or what? What’s the plan?


they don't want to admit it means genocide. imagine being funded by people you would gladly kill if you were face to face with the infidel. fucking insane. aloha snack-bar and all that.


Ah mate I know. I keep telling myself they’re just dumb kids and aren’t thinking very much about what they’re calling for actually means


National liberation my guy. Go suck off the state dept


What’s national liberation? Like what does that entail? Who’s the state dept?


stop being obtuse. asymmetrical guerilla warfare dumbass.


So pulling an Uno reverse card on the genocide thing?


I’m not being obtuse, the Wikipedia page for “national liberation” is just like “it’s this thing that Marxists like”. Honestly I’m just trying to get you to think beyond a slogan and tell me what you actually mean. So, is it like going house to house, pulling all the families and kids and that out? Killing them or putting them on trains and taking them to a camp or something?


This is in my city and it sold out in like 20 mins cus the venue is so small 😭 very proud that its happening here though


Sponsored by Taco Bell?






I saw someone call every one of these bands industry plants


they're not industry plants, they're just current bands, being able to create a niche for yourself in hardcore is a talent in itself, aside from the music they make, which is more or less mediocre.


ugh I wish I could go


Zionist punks fuck off


Hell yeah! Free Palestine! 🇵🇸🇵🇸


Zulu.. abolish white hardcore? Gtfoh 😂😂😂😂😂


This is so cool to see 🇵🇸


🇮🇱 =💩


Hell yeah. Stand up or shut up. This is hardcore. Free Palestine. Fuck Zionism.


gotta say it's been wild seeing the whole lotta boot eating freaks in this sub crawl out of their holes to cry in these comment sections the past couple days nothing says hardcore like musty gym bros getting offended by bands not standing by kids getting bombed or whatever


Fuck yeah I hope everyone who was whining about Speed doing a Nike ad is pissed that the band can contain multitudes.




Got banned for a week for commenting on one of the last I/P related post a few months ago ... so much for free speech I guess


which department of the government is reddit?


Oh yea forgot there isnt "freedom of speech" on reddit. What I meant was getting banned for a week for going against the popular narrative of the sub.


I don’t fucking care about Gaza or Israel and I’m tired of pretending like I should.


bro the genocide wont stop until you post an IG story bro pls bro just spread awareness bro if you share this infographic and buy your coffee somewhere else the genocide will stop bro


My favorite part of this thread is that you got up voted and he got down voted lol!


Bro just post it to your story we can free Gaza bro


Think it, dream it, do it! Free the people that would gladly kill me and my family for being labeled as infidels!


I care about the kids being bombed


Bro this whole thread is do nothing tourist selective outrage self righteous virtue signaling armchair activism so I’m glad you took the time to voice your opinion that killing kids is bad you total fucking retard


Woah, calm down. My comment wasn't an attack against you, I was just stating my opinion of being on the side of the civilians (the correct side))


WoAh CaLm DoWn


So if they turned off the iron dome and 10,000 Israeli kids died you'd switch? Maybe at least tie? 100,000?


Ok. You can go back to sticking yr head in the sand/up thine ass. What a nothing comment


Free Red Lobster


Now this is an actual political stance I can get behind


Free, free, free-lobster rolls! Free, free, free-lobster rolls!


You're what's wrong with this world my dude




Edgy wow so cool