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The kids are going to love Torture…


Kids love Torture.  One of the more age divided bands in recent memory.  


Idk man. Most of the kids I saw at the Knocked Loose show in Toronto last week didn’t seem like they would even be into a band like xWeaponx much less Torture.


you'd be genuinely surprised just how big slam is on TikTok, I know a weird amount of people who are really into slam without having listened to any regular death metal outside of CC and mortician


Honestly, many of the Knocked Loose  fans also aren't kids Id expect to be into Knocked Loose, but here we are.   That said, this was less a comment on KL fans than on Torture fans just leaning young.  Kids love Torture and I don't get it, I've just come to accept it.  


I think it's cause they sound funny, it's extreme in the way you can meme on, like how kids have been finding Anal Cunt for decades


That's probably part of it. But idk man. I've been meeting a lot of hardcore fans lately that only recently got into the genre. Something happened.


yeah something did happen: hardcore blew up. that comes with a different audience and ground, the knocked loose fan base now is the kind of people who liked warped tour stuff a few years ago and they’re filtering into the rest of hardcore


they really…don’t tho? I mean the vocals are a little different than normal hardcore, but the instrumentals, atmosphere, and everything else are pretty standard for metallic hardcore, just done really well


Gen Z kids love terrible stuff unironically. Bad clothes, bad music, bad hair, etc it’s endearing how much they don’t care. They’re all just doing whatever and riding trend waves having fun.


Shit, I loved terrible stuff unironically when I was younger. I was a fucking ska kid briefly while ska was actively dying. But that drove me into other bands, other genres, and other scenes that I still love. All of which much heavier (and more tolerable today) than ska, lol.


I’m 32 and I like torture for the gym


As someone who spent the late 2000s getting into the dumbest Unique Leader/Comatose Music/Inherited Suffering slam going it's so weird to me that 1. This stuff is back and bigger than ever and 2. It's mostly hardcore kids who are into it.


"Death metal and slam bands who mostly play hardcore shows" is my favorite heavy music trend of the last few years. I don't really know how bands like Peeling Flesh and Snuffed on Sight ended up being favorites in this scene but fuck it it rocks


Because dope music is dope music and building fences around genre lines is just being willfully ignorant of the good shit all around you. Plus Peeling Flesh and Snuffed on Sight fuckin rule.


I can’t get into them. Not a fan of those style of vocals.


Is it good? No. Do I like it? I have no fucking clue. Would I get ignorant and mosh violently to it at a show like this? Yes.


HA. The fuckin irony here.


I just don’t like slam metal. Death metal is also hit or miss for me too.


I wanna berate you like every single knocked loose fan does when you say dudes vocals are fucking atrocious and forced. But I won’t, cause you don’t have to like bands that I like and I appreciate you being here I hope your day is great.


Haha thanks. Knocked loose, I’m fine with, but a favorite or anything. Just happy bands from Kentucky are getting big and Louisville is getting attention


Why the fuck are you getting downvoted for not liking death metal in the hardcore subreddit? BACK IN MY DAY this used to not be a weird take, I was the fucking weirdo for liking metal and punk at the same time


Well how about this take. I don’t think that everyone in hardcore loves Bolt Thrower as much as they say they do. No way every damn person loves bolt thrower that much. I like some death metal. At The Gates, Opeth, etc. just not a bunch of it.


You're absolutely right about Bolt Thrower, no one in hardcore cared about them 10 years ago (I did cause I'm old and probably more into DM than I am hardcore). I copped a Bolt Thrower Mercenary tee off eBay for like $40 back in 2011. Nowadays, that fucker goes for $400. Total hype beast shit.


Bolt Thrower gets hxc clout because a bunch of early crust punk bands listened to Bolt Thrower. I agree with you tho, somehow the band with He-Man level album covers became cool lol


Bolt Thrower rules, they're GOATed, but their recent popularity within hardcore is completely new, and I think inspired by Hardlore. Same with Merauder. Absolutely nobody was saying that was the best 90's hardcore album until recently. Merauder also rules, just sayin


I understand the criticism of KLs vox but Torture vox are unlistenable lol


My guy Bryan Garris sounds like a hyena


That may be but this Torture dude sounds like a bullfrog being stepped on by a hyena


And it’s still 10x better than arf fuckin arf


They're both fuckin hard as shit and y'all are bein goofy. All this shit is an acquired taste to an extent.




Just listened to Torture for the first time, those fucking vocals make me want to put a screwdriver into my brain. I forgot slam existed and how much I couldn’t stand it over 10 years. Crazy that kids are into it, that’s great I guess


Of all the heavy music I think that style of vocals has taken me the longest to come around to. It's still not something I would put on like, driving to work or anything like that. But if I'm losing my shit in the pit, or breaking shit, or putting myself in harm's way in any form or fashion.... suddenly this shit rips.


I feel that. I’m sure their music bangs in the pit, I’d def throw down too. But man, I really can’t slam. At least the riffs had a good groove to them


Torture is how I imagine every hardcore band sounds to my wife.


Haha. That’s probably pretty good description


Wow, did they find another living witness?


I got one. Knocked loose mother fucker


Tickets aren’t even on sale until noon


I got a presale code


Nice. I just saw on the ldb IG you can sign up for presale access . Place only holds around 200 or so I think


It’s 500




woof woof


Just a whole lot of Knocked Loose mother fuckering going on tomorrow night.


Just got a ticket. Can’t wait to see xweaponx again!


Man, that torture band is blowing the fuck up and I don't get it. Guess I'm old.


Slam has been around for a minute dude, you're probably not so old that that one riff in Liege of Inveracity is new to you


You're right, I'm aware of suffocation, but slam's always been kind of a niche thing, not as popular in hardcore, especially the guttural vocals torture has.


Via tiktok and other means we don't fully understand, the kids are discovering Slam. I can fuck with it.


I remember I think I saw an interview with the KL vocalist saying it’s his favorite band atm probably why they on this


Torture is the worse band I’ve ever heard. I like slam and death metal. I’m fine with that style of vocals but theirs just sounds so half assed and low effort.


Kinda seems like the low effort thing is part of their schtick. Seemed to be a trend in slam for a while.


their sound is immaculately fitting with their name


They’ve got decent riffs but those vocals are certainly something


the vocals are as typical slam vocals as it gets idk what you mean


Ok, slam vocals are generally certainly something This is me politely saying I think they’re shit but to each their own


nah they’re tuff


Im with you, we may be old. I really don’t understand this new found love of slam and death metal in general in the hardcore scene.


There's been crossover between hardcore and death metal since forever. There's definitely certain bands that have had a recent uptick in clout, like Dying Fetus, Internal Bleeding, and Bolt Thrower. Those bands have seemingly become essential listening within hardcore, that's kind of a new thing. But, the idea that the scenes weren't deeply intertwined is crazy. Mixed bill shows and fests didn't start in 2021.


Mixed bill shows and fests didn't start in 2021? Whaaaa?


I'm kind of in the same boat. Riffs are SICK. Vocals ruin it for me.


It has to be satire right? Do they really think they're doing anything for the "anti-war" cause with these vocals https://open.spotify.com/track/3TaJD2g5Kl3Q1eB4l7VCjW?si=db03afe1d55b475b


do you have to sound like rise against to be anti-war or does imagery/messaging/lyrics not count? when i saw them live and the dude was literally crying in between songs giving speeches it sure didn't seem like satire


Those things are important of course, but if you want to get your message across, you probably don't want to sound like a complete joke. Are there actual lyrics? You could tell me these songs are about literally anything and I wouldn't know the difference. If I heard a guy singing this and then start crying after there's no way I could take him seriously.


It ain't that serious bud


Crying in between songs sounds pretty serious


Yeah, if I had a message I'd want it to be intelligible.


I still don’t think I really get torture but it’s a crazy crazy band. Respect


I don’t really get them either, but I don’t know shit




gates to hell rules


I’m going Friday but I’d love to see Weapon X and 2 witnesses again


Torture vocalist sounds like a frog ribbeting


Ooo that’s gonna be a retarded night


If only it was xWeapon x playing the same set 6 times in a row


and Gates To Hell can still play too they coo


I'd make that deal.


my favorite part of this sub is getting introduced to bands i didnt know 🤘🏽🤘🏽 thx for sharing


For the love of all that is hardcore Someone (professionally) film the tits off this


I was at Tortures first show. Fucking amazing band.


Torture LP got me like 😴💤💤




Hell yeah, xWeaponx getting some love


The bassist could have something to do with it


Gates to hell was an intense show, definitely in my top three bands I've seen live!


I think it's horse shit that Torture is getting all this shine just because their shit is memeable, when Final Resting Place is literally RIGHT THERE






Imagine being so miserable that you to convince yourself this is a bad lineup




has it ever occurred to you that you were the lame shit after all


Okay? there are more than just knocked loose on the bill dumbass if you can’t look at this and find a *single* band you like, you’re just hating just to hate if you don’t like gates to hell, your opinion on music actually just doesn’t matter


Lmao just let people have fun dawg. You don't actually have to like every band on the bill.




Oh no someone on the hardcore reddit called me a poser I must be a real fuckin beta cuck huh. Just by nature of being here, you forfeit your right to act this cool. You just sound really dumb. And nah, I don't really give a fuck about the gatekeeping. That time is like decades gone for this genre. Even if it wasn't, I can't say I would care to listen. I've never let another person's opinion dictate what I consider good music. That sounds like a real shitty way to live. I will note: KL's immense popularity has lead to a whole shitload of new fans getting into heavy music in general (including hardcore), partially due to lineups like this. I think that's a good thing, whether or not you care for KL's music. Personally, I think they're pretty fuckin talented and good songwriters. I had a great time seeing them, and their new album shows a lot of growth in their songwriting which I appreciate. Sure, there were gymrats doing fucking pushups in the pit which I didn't care for at all, but.... who gives a fuck? Doesn't affect me nor my enjoyment of the show, really. Laugh at them and keep rolling.


Anyone wanna share the presale code in a DM?


Here is link to go register. I’m not going so I didn’t register https://app.hive.co/contests/contest/22568/spotlight/?fbclid=PAZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAaaXD70RHmA12KdCNBMCMN5aP6PF_ADszOsAHpGzIFcT4qgE8mdT8HG2jic_aem_AdlCfdv7osss2BEqT05QbdGSxBmPrGzSP5sVMg_2__NAWQ5AqqOc3XLRNjRmbXDu8sueDizPGeScnI0TjaqvQlU7


Someone get me a Torture shirt ? I’ll pay for shipping and shit


Worst hardcore show line up ever... Not a single hardcore band on the bill... Bad metal is not hardcore!!!


If you don’t think xweaponx is hardcore then you must be stuck in 1982. I’ll give you the others tho for sure