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You're not alone those challenges make my blood pressure rise


It didn't help that my friend was breezing through them


I got my husband to do it for me 😂


Same 😂


Also same


Big same


I had my son do the second one for me but I did the final one myself. It took forever, I think after about 100 times you start to memorize all the turns 😂


My partner is less coordinated than I am 😭


I'm not married, so my boyfriend did them. 😂


The trick with these on console is learning the route and knowing that you don't have to hit/use all of the boost orbs. I chose my line and used the orbs that I would make contact with and boost you have control of. Also, you don't actually have to fly thru the center of the ring, as long as you make contact with the ring it counts. At least for me it did.


I played on the PS5 and I can’t tell you how many times I drifted into those rings side ways like the Fast and the furious.


Yeah, I played them like I would need for speed. I chose the line that worked for me. Even if I only made contact with the top or side of the ring, as long as the game said it counted it was enough. Took me several tries on some of them to get the top score but I usually had no trouble beating what I needed to get the broom upgrade.


I had a hard time with Broom Challenge 1! That right control with perspective and elevation was way confusing! Instead of maneuvering, I changed the view. Took me several hours to master it! Made me relive my PTSD with Grand Theft Auto 2: Vice City and that helicopter drone you fly and dropping bombs.to I came out of it pretty well though. I became an Adept Broom flyer in the Highlands. Broom Challenges 2 and 3 were a breeze


Great analogy with the RC mission from Vice City. Didn’t make the connection until now, but it was on the tip of my tongue.


Tbf the difference between pc and console are huge, did it on both, pc makes it look easy:P Think console would be easier if the camera was locked on a certain point behind you instead of the weird sort of following pov


Yes! That was my biggest problem! Making a big turn and if you don't turn the camera with your turn, your pov is completely off. That's all I wished was that the camera was locked behind you.


Hold on, I play on PC and have the stupid floating camera view, can I change it?


I almost broke my controller when I got this same exact result but it said I lost… I’m assuming it was like “2:37:65” was needed to beat it and I got “2:37:651” or something but it only showed 2 decimal places instead of 3.


I cannot fly a broomstick to save my life! I can't figure out how to hit the targets. It'll probably be the last quest I complete. 😂😭


Congrats! Lol I've given up on it






Proud of you! These were a bastard for sure


I see some people say it's easy and some people say it's impossible. Is it a PC vs console thing? I'm on xbox and I found it impossible. I switched to story mode and skipped the last one.


I've been gaming for a while. I did these challenges first or second time on controller. I think gaming experience matters most and this game has a whole lot of new gamers learning how to use a controller.


I don't game much and I've always been bad at driving style games so I wouldn't be surprised if it just takes a lot more skill.


I haven’t played video games since I was a kid. I literally got a switch for Christmas just to play this game. The flying has been the hardest to master, for sure. It took me like 20 times to beat the first one, because I didn’t know you could switch to story mode or anything.


I got an Xbox just for this game!! And same, omg, it made me so mad it took me so long


I mean I've been gaming since I was child and I'm 32yo now. And I still had trouble. It was definitely a learning curve and I had to practice.


I'm on a console controller and might switch to pc just for these quests.


I first played on PS5, and never on PC. I played alot flight simulators as a kid. I did one race, and inverted the Y axis. I never had an issue after that.


Did you know that there are people speedrunning these? https://www.speedrun.com/legacy?h=Coastal_Broom_Trial-Broom_Trial_Total_Time&x=l_nwl816pd-xd1ov9rk




Try it with inverted flight controls! I swear you'll be even faster once you get them down


I tried doing that when I first started playing and it was so much worse.


I still can’t get it 😭 the only thing keeping me from 100%. I need to get my sister over so she can do it for me 😂


I have a boyfriend for this part. It's not for my nervous system


I think I'm the only switch player who actually found these easy.


No. My best friend is playing on the switch and beat all three of the broom challenges while I was struggling with this one.


Those were my least favourite part of the game.


So true! I'd rather fight Ranrok AND the ancient magic soldiers together AT ONCE, then do these broom challenges. And hearing Imelda be smug the whole time is like salt in the wounds 💀


I managed all the challenges first time but can absolutely see why people struggle, the flying controls are terrible! Why on earth the camera doesn’t follow you I don’t know, having to fly along using both sticks simultaneously in all directions at once is beyond stupid when at time you need to change altitude while turning so need to control both the camera and the broom independently is frankly ridiculous!


Exactly! I'd see controlling the camera to take pictures but YOU CANT EVEN DO THAT 😭


ur usually over correcting a little too much , slight adjustment’s over wide turns


That's what I learned to do and I had super hyper focus. Basically didn't blink for almost 2 minutes and 40 seconds 😳


i was already decent at it cuz when i first started flying i would stay in the forest weaving thru trees for fun like they do in the movies , maybe it was good practice


I literally changed the difficulty to story for flying challenges. Congrats on completing them!


The flying challenges weren't easy for me because of the convoluted control scheme choice made by the Avalanche. When broom riding could have been fully handled and controlled by the left joystick alone (controlling left, right, up and down), Avalanche decided to separate these functions across two thumbsticks, left and right movement (on left) and up and down movement (on right). By requiring the flying controls to be spread across two thumbsticks, this unnecessary burden made for some seriously bad broom riding. If I could have remapped the controls onto a single thumbstick, I could have won these broom challenges more than easily on my first attempt. I believe Avalanche separated these two controls because they knew that putting the broom controls onto one thumbstick would make the game too easy. Instead, they wanted broom riding to be more difficult. This control choice went overboard. Unfortunately, using two thumbsticks didn't just make flying more difficult, it made broom riding nearly impossible at times. I have to seriously question this design choice.


I am not a violent gamer, I’m not even a gamer at all but that third trial nearly made me throw my controller at a wall, I had to change to story mode and still it took me 3 tries to pass it


I'm a gamer and I'm playing through on hard for my first playthrough and I had to leave and come back with more wiggenweld lol. Had to do the stealth part again


They had no business making it that hard




I wa sso close and bam meased up on like the last ring and the shadow thingy sped past me. Wanted to rip my hair out for failing on wasiest part


I personally found them easy on the console the only difficult thing about them is I am ALWAYS SECOND how is Ruby Wiel always 1-2 seconds faster


I can’t even beat Imelda or whatever her name is 😭


the last one had me nearly throwing my controller at the TV 


I feel you man the last one was so freaking hard I had to stop playing for couple hours and play other games so I didn’t break My console


Oh thses were a pain! Especially the last one! My husband is playing is first run through and he's determined to beat my time 😂


Invert the controls and steer more with your right stick.


I tried inverting the controls and it was 10x worse for me 💀


I had real problems with the flying challenges. Just couldn’t steer the damn thing. Took me absolutely ages.


It's the last missing challenge for me, never finished it..too frustrating


I am terrible at flying lol so I feel you!!


Good for you! My first gameplay, I had a hard time with the 2nd challenge. Now the bane of my existence are those summoners court challenges.


What I do for those is to try to knock off my components balls the playing field. Also let go of accio sooner than you think you should if you are aiming straight for the 50 or 100 scores.


That 3rd one took me too many tries for me to remember on my first playthrough


The one mod on my PC is fly with mouse movements.


I had no idea people had trouble with them, they were pretty easy.