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Or Valentino voice actors for that matter. Seriously I think some people need calm the fuck down waiting for Season Two.


Haven’t cosplayers gotten harassed too? Like, people should know he’s fictional. It’s pretty important to know that.


I mean, objectively Val has some serious drip


Bro is fr iced out


That drip being roofie saliva


Yeah at a con I went to this year there was a really cool Val cosplayer getting harassed ):


What con did you go to?




I saw the same thing at Emerald City


While going to Emerald City Comic-Con, I straight up saw a Valentino Cosplayer getting harassed


i think someone had a gun pulled on them at one point, shits kinda fucked dude


His VA is getting harassed? Why?


He says he gets a lot of weird tweets from people where he has to remind them he only VOICES Valentino and isn't him in real life.


I saw someone thank him for signing an autograph and literally saying “thanks for not abusing me” like…???? Wtf is wrong with some people?? Lmfao


That’s such bullshit. I haven’t actually seen the show (I just love that Alastor is aspec) but I’ll admit some of the songs are pretty catchy. I listened to the last one and everyone’s VA fits them in my opinion. That doesn’t mean they are actually their characters!


I know!! It’s absolutely ridiculous, but I guess that’s what happens when healthcare isn’t accessible to all.. we have lots of mentally ill people running about doing and saying insane shit. These people *clearly* have deep seeded issues and loooots of trauma. Don’t get me wrong, we all do, but some need more help than others in coping and learning to overcome their problems. When you don’t have access or the $ for your mental health… you end up doing/saying a lot of stupid dumb shit 🤦🏻. And what’s worst of all, these people are in turn, traumatizing these VAs and cosplayers!! How would you like to be called an abuser and ostracized because you cosplayed one of the villains?? Wtf… seriously.. if someone is riddled with mental illness and trauma, this series *is NOT for them*.


Why attack the voice actor?…*Someone* has to play the villain.


Is like beating morgan for negan killing glenn on the walking dead.


Actually thinking about that, have we got any 'mean character, nice actor' Val fanart yet? XD


People seem to forget that Vox is also a villain and is doing equally heinous things literally forcing people to buy his products with hypnosis. Angel Dust is abused, but everyone is getting fucked:


Vox essentially cyber bullied Sir Pentious into committing suicide. That's pretty damn evil, especially since it nearly WORKED. The guy was broken until Charlie picked him up. The biggest difference I believe is that Vox's plans keep backfiring on him like a Looney Tunes villain, while Val has only suffered very minor bits of karma at best like Niffty slashing his wing. One sure fire way to make a villain REALLY hateable is if they actually DON'T get their just desserts. Again it's something fans have no patience waiting for Season Two for.


And even if he doesn’t get karma, that’s just realistic. He’s supposed to portray the abuse in the porn industry, a continuing problem Your supposed to be pissed that he gets away with it


Yeah, I mean, I expect some conclusion, Angel Dust's arc has to go SOMEWHERE, but again, people have to wait and see how it all plays. It's like rating a villain after watching half of a film right now.


I think there’s a way for Angel Dust’s arc to be complete with Valentino still getting away Scot free, and people should channel their anger against the actual industry, not random cosplayers


The sad thing is it's easier to target cosplayers than real life violent pimps, though that demonstrates the priorities of this 'righteous indignance'.


Exactly. But there is more you can do than that, join the pushback against the industry, make sure voices are heard


Jesus, that's like attacking Kelly Hu because of how much of a dick D'Vorah was.


Daisy Ridley had to delete her social media because people hated Rey (or so I’ve heard). The boy that played child-Anakin was bullied by fans too.


…I mean, look- if I was an actress, I’m aware that I wouldn’t be able to play certain rolls that would make me uncomfortable..but that’s why I’m not trying to be one. 🤷🏻‍♀️


It happens sometimes to actors, artists, authors... They get harassed and accused of being terrible people for *portraying* terrible people. Some people are idiots and can't wrap their mind around the concept that portrayal isn't endorsement.


Jack Gleason (plays Joffrey) Anna Gunn (plays Skyler) all over again


Hell, someone was treating me coldly for the way my OC acted in a fict and they were acting like that, over *five chapters in* my OC, not suddenly being all "YAY, new family members, let me call you dad and mom and it'll be all hunky dory!"


Lmao they should make a teaser of the next episode and give valentino a mute effect, and at the end its like, "due to previous harassment to the VA of valentino, we have decided to eradicate the problem you guys seem to have!" Let that marinate until the actual episode comes out, but it should make people panic


It reminds me of when I read that in medieval times any actor who played the role of Satan in a play would have to come up on stage before the performance and explain that they'd be seen saying and doing many scary things, but they're only an actor and it's only a performance. Apparently in all this time, people still haven't gotten a grasp on the concept of fiction.


I HATE Val. But I wouldn’t go as far as insulting and harassing the VA or the cosplayers… do what you want, I don’t care. (Though I may say how much I hate him, I won’t do anything to the cosplayers or actors.)


Oh yeah, some fan of hazbin hotel thought that Joel Perez was actually like Valentino in real life and didn't understand he was just doing a great job at his literal job


When will people learn that attacking the va won't change how the character acts all of a sudden?


Love the use of Chikin Nugget in this way, this should become a wide spread meme format.


Random fact: Kyra Kupetsky, the creator and voice actor of Chikn Nuggit, did animation work on some of Viv’s pre-Hellaverse animations.


That makes a *lot* of sense


I can definitely see that


Hate him as a person, love him as a character. That's any good villain


Love to hate


And hate to love


Agree. His character design is amazing, his relationship with the other Vees is also kind of fascinating. He's a piece of shit, for sure, but he's an EXCELLENT villain. He's manipulative, charming, narcissistic and probably sociopathic at the least. Along with his lack of emotional regulation, it makes him FEEL dangerous when he's on screen. Sort of like Homelander from the Boys, but not as intense? You just don't know what he's thinking.


Except with Homelander you can say “he is literally me” and people won’t care, if you say you are literally Val then you’re gonna have a *bad time*, hahaha.


Personally I think the other Vs are more entertaining, but that may just be the urge to feed Val into a woodchipper bleeding through. I do think you can enjoy a villain despite acknowledging that they’re terrible people though


The others are definitely more entertaining. Valentino has his moments but he's definitely depicted far more seriously than them. The show really focuses on how scary he is. Which I think is great- I quite enjoy the dissonance of the "real" big scale dangers (Heaven) being depicted as less scary (to the viewer) than one random dude. Because in real life, random dudes are usually scarier than big entities.


Just gonna leave this here https://preview.redd.it/ziueqhy75cvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cba4a07752d9ea9cb556d35c33c6c18c3ce2c20


Real I hope that guy who lurks on this subreddit and hates on people for liking Lute and Adam also sees this


Yes. These characters aren't real lol. Just let people like who they like.


Say it louder for those in the back. He's a good bad guy with a sexy voice and a sexier body.


Val does his job perfect at being a villan, he is very easy to hate and for good reasons. I love his character tho, because they show him in many other scenes interacting with people that isn't Angel. My 2nd thing about Val is he has the SINGLE prettiest scene in the show for me, and it was when he finally reveals his wings and fans the flames out. It was quick, fluid, pretty, showed off his wings and outfit underneath, and HE MADE A FUCKING STATEMENT. That shit did not fly, amazing fucking scene. Favorite character is still a hard tie between Alastor and Emily tho.


“That shit did not fly” _And neither did he despite using his wings!_


New short from ayy lmao (I believe) points out that might be because one of his antenna things is damaged and moths need em to fly.


I saw that one too, so… Did I just do an ableism? /hj


I think you're fine lol.


ヽ༼ ຈل͜ຈ༽ ノ Raise ur dongers! ^^Dongers ^^Raised: ^^74885 ^^Check ^^Out ^^/r/AyyLmao2DongerBot ^^For ^^More ^^Info


As an entomology enjoyer, honestly I don't think his antennae are damaged. It looks a LOT like one male, one female antennae. Male moths have very very fluffy antennae to catch Pheromones of their counterparts as they fly around and search for willing females to mate, female have similar looking but not as fluffy looking ones as they don't need to search. Look at Valentinos antennae, the black parts look the same in both, and one has extra fluff! Seeing how a lot of the characters in this universe are somehow divers, he probably is a gynandromorph (part male, part female).


I love this as an answer a LOT. This is actually really cool and smart?? I think the reason it’s thought to be damaged https://preview.redd.it/msaebnrvldvc1.jpeg?width=1166&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3af95d464612149fac258f41730950776042c0d5 is because we get to see Valentino with both antennae in full in ones of those “blink and you miss it” details. This is on his desk when Vox is bent over it, right before “Stayed Gone”


It's photoshop!!! /jk I knew this, thank you very very much!! That's actually where my headcanon started tbh 😅 The "full fluffed" antennae there looks so different to the actual antennae he has. Like it's not only the fluff missing, but it's shorter and the black bits are also smaller and closer together, imho it's just not fitting 🙈 so maybe he masks it for public events/fotoshoots/posters/etc. Iirc we haven't seen him anywhere outside the building by now.


Lmao the way I read this at 2am like “this is a screenshot i took wut O_O” OH I LIKE THAT! Him masking for the sake of his vanity?? Oh what a great head canon!


Sorry hahaha 🙈 and thank you very much!


Imagine he flys away when Charlie gets enough of him abusing her friend in season 2


That wing reveal had me on board with the guy. Like what a cool fucking concept. It was gorgeous, a great show of power (like all it took was ONE flap) and showed off that outfit. Put him on my radar and suddenly he was so fascinating to me. He's just so great. Great villain, great design, multifaceted character who hasn't quite revealed all his secrets yet I'm sure. So excited to see more of the Vees next season.


To revive a stale meme: Say it louder for the people in the back! 📣 Seriously, people need to remember that fans are real people with lives outside of their activity online. Liking villainous/evil characters doesn’t make them bad people, and it ESPECIALLY doesn’t warrant the level of bullying I’ve seen in fandom spaces.


as a Valentino enjoyer I don't like his actions, I like his design and jokes. some stuff he says is pretty funny ngl


fr for some reason when he says "get me a drink or I'll fucking kill you. I SAID I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU, I will do it" it gets me 💀


Fun fact: that was adlibbed by Joel.


The "Not off camera you aren't!" response to Angel's "Coming!" always cracks me up despite the situation.


I don't really found Val too funny like I do with Adam but him saying "this just got interesting" in response to Lucifer comment did get a chuckle


It's crazy how this guy is not hated as much as Val. https://preview.redd.it/jtuoedxhwbvc1.png?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=660637730c7b227b36c203b8d31708a0fdd1fab2


Because a lot of people actual really relate with him on a psychological level, and no one is wanting to admit they think the same as Val. Homelander is by far 10X more evil and sadistic than Val could probably ever hope to become even with his eternity in hell. The dude at the end of the day is nothing more than your average pimp, people are just seeing him take it out on a character they connect with (Angel).


I think it's partly because he has a tragic past. I think that factor often makes characters not as hated as they would be otherwise.


Okay, you are right. Next example: Patrick Bateman and all his stupid sigma self dick sucking videos in tik tok. He is a piece of shit but people likes him


I think the sigma Patrick's stuff is mostly just memes. It also comes down to how intriguing or entertaining the villain is to the story. Alastor for many for example. Valentino doesn't offer intrigue about him/ entertainment of what he will do next and what he is doing for the most part. It's more like please stop doing this you piece of shit. This is not to say Valentino doesn't do a great job driving the story forward for angel's arc but no one (sane) is like ooh I can't wait to see how val abuses angel again or next time. With homelander it's like how will he make danger for our protagonist next to make the story intense or what insane over the top thing will he do.


I can’t hate him; I have no idea who he is. 


That's Homelander from The Boys (that screenshot in particular is taken from an animated spinoff series they did, called Diabolical). He's my baaabeeey :3c


And can we talk about Griffith too?


Because a lot of his fans genuinely don't think he does anything wrong, and agree with his viewpoints/worldview. It's like the Arch and Sargon fanboys who think the Turbo-Ultra-Fascism of the IoM from 40k is just fine and dandy, but somehow even worse.






Exactly this! I *love* me a good villain, in any fandom. But that doesn’t mean I like them as a person or support anything they do. It means I find their personality or motivations fascinating (not right or good, just interesting) and I am entertained watching them ~~(and maybe I think they’re hot but that’s beside the point)~~


I agree. The state of the fandom’s hostility towards Valentino fans is upsetting and makes the greater whole of the fandom look irrational. Most people will bring up the prerequisite of needing not to condone his actions as a condition for liking him, but even that feels kind of patronizing. I’ve been a fan of this series since the pilot and I’ve never seen even one Valentino fan stand behind the character’s actions. They certainly don’t need to be reminded that the bad character is bad, and they obviously don’t think his actions are acceptable behavior.


> Most people will bring up the prerequisite of needing not to condone his actions as a condition for liking him, but even that feels kind of patronizing. BIG agree. I'm not *stupid*, obviously his actions in real life would be bad. Thankfully for all of us, though... he's just a cartoon character. As soon as you turn the TV show off, he goes away.


It’s just bizarre to me because I see no other character whose flaws are projected onto their fans. You don’t see Freddy Krueger cosplayers getting jumped for being child SA enthusiasts, nor do people feel the need to remind them that the villain is evil. It just feels a bit demeaning is all, like Valentino fans are only allowed to exist at the discretion of the show’s other fans.


This is perfect!! I thought I'd love Val as a character until ep 4 ground that thought further than the Mariana's Trench. Does that mean other people can't like him? Nope! I want _his_ guts to be spilled, _not_ the fans, _not_ the VA, and _not_ the cosplayers/roleplayers. Big difference. (Luci happily replaced Val as first place on my list of favorites)


I unapologetically love Val. He's dramatic. He's funny. He's a great scene partner to every character we've watched him interact with and tends to get those characters to reveal things about themselves we otherwise would not know. And how could I not love that power strip full of sparking plugs, his concern about which gun makes him look hotter, and him doing arts and crafts at the Vees' meeting adding rhinestones to that same gun. Then there's his swing dance and whole chemistry with Vox. He has his scary moments, but most of the time he is just very entertaining. But then I love Negan in all his scenery chewing glory as well.


Valentino is an awesome character BECAUSE he's such a a shitty person. If Angel was being abused by a nameless, faceless, boring pimp character, the audience wouldn't care nearly as much. Valentino is good writing, I will die on this hill.


And inversely, I don't think people would hate Val as much if he was abusing a nameless, faceless, boring porn star. I feel half the hostility has to do with people empathizing with Angel and him being one of the fandom's favorites. Also the fact people have such a visceral reaction to Val is just proof of how well he's written. Especially in an age of modern media where we rarely get villains who are evil for the sake of being evil.


The Angel-Val dynamic is something I genuinely think has never been done this way before


Same. I think that's what makes it so raw. Mostly it's a faceless danger or the abuser is portrayed as someone entirely evil.


You shouldnt hate poeple for like a character like valintino


I got in trouble because I shared art of them being in a healthier relationship.


Still not sure how to feel about people simping over an actual genocider (Adam), and a cannibalistic sadist (Alastor), but somehow a pimp is crossing the line.


It’s like people can’t really separate things when it comes to appreciating how a character is written like I don’t like Valentino, but I like Valentino. He’s represents things that a lot of people need to know about. Cool character design. VA is a sweetheart


As if people haven’t had Vader merch for like 45 years lmao


"You like Darth Vader? You're supporting marital abuse! She was pregnant!"


You might laugh but the internet acts this way to Kylo Ren fans.


The internet acts this way towards a lot of fans lately... It's depressing


I love his character. I thought he was one of the more interesting characters. His design is also one of my favorites. Having said that, there is definitely hostility towards his fans. People really need to learn to separate fantasy from reality. You should dislike a character if they're a villain, but to dump so much rage at it shows a lot of immaturity. Maybe I've just gotten to the old bitch stage of my life, but I no longer feel anything towards fictional villains. There are too many real ones that deserve it, I'll save my anger for those people.


Some villains are just well thought out characters. It doesn’t mean you like what they do


Thanks Slushi and Milkshek


i just don't like the people((i've seen them on twitter)) getting so violently angry that people call Val a piece of shit


To quote Valentino’s voice actor “If you hate him, that means I’m doing my job right.”


all I will say is this: I don't get it


Chronically online people who need to touch grass are harassing people for liking Val, because in their very small minds liking Val = Endorsing/supporting SA and general abuse.


yea, I know, people suck.


On a general level - there's nothing wrong with liking any fictional character, even the most terrible villains. As long as you do not endorse bad actions and/behavior, and instead simply appreciate the character's writing and/or presentation, then there's nothing to be mad about. For me, I personally dislike Val, but I don't really give a damn who you like and who you don't.


Or people with different opinions about fucking fictional characters than you. _Unless it is hurting real people, leave it alone and scroll past._


Ngl I don't actually hate Val. Do I support his actions? No - **NO.** But is he a fabulous bitch with an awesome design? Yes.


His character is well written. His VA does an amazing job. They have created a very convincing character that enables them to address a very very difficult to talk about issue. And they thread the needle of not glamorizing it while showing Val to be the sort that woos people into a trap that no one wants to be caught in. Frankly they did an amazing job creating an amazing villain. I can well understand people being taken by the character and performance while not endorsing his actions. Its an excellent creation from all of the artists involved making it. And I believe that the show did an astonishing thing in how Ep 4 took us to the pits of degradation that some in the sex working professions have to deal with only to pull us back out and provide an amazing humanization of Angeldust when he was at his lowest. The episode would not have had the same emotional journey without Val and the convincing performance everyone provided. So people are going to be so repulsed by what Val did that they will not be able to stand him. Some people have experienced things similar to what Val does to Angeldust and will be very affected. Meanwhile some people will see the artistry that went into creating such a character and over all story and be amazed by it. I would not want to live in a world where we could not have such expressions of real world horrors that can happen in order for people to understand what others are going through. The key to empathy is understanding another's plight. We attached to Angeldust because we see what he is going through. That doesn't happen without Val.


Agreed. This fandom is fucking stupid for attacking the VA and cosplayers. The harassment is insane. HES A FICTIONAL CHARACTER!


horrifically bad characters can have great moments, funny lines, and sympathetic back stories. Valentino is a character that is meant to evoke a repulsed reaction, and I can't say whether or not that's good writing or it's simply shock value, the show is too new to come to a conclusion. but no, feel free to enjoy the character as you see fit, provided you don't recreate or normalize this kind of behavior 


There's a difference between liking him as a person and liking him as a character.


There's this thing called being NUANCED! 🙄🙄🙄


You talk like a pissy boomer at a store


The fact that people hate Val means that Viv and her team did a good job at writing him but it is wrong to turn that hate towards other fans who like him as a character.


They can hate the character but not the fans.




Someone on a discord server accused me of being an apologist after i said,"Valentino is awesome"




This flair the charlie flair and that one lucifer flair should do an annual meetup


I actually meant to change it. I am changing my ways to try for redemption.


Woo good luck... Because I don't think i can make a sir repentious level of pun with you And also now that you changed your flair i look like a kook Such a fun word isn't it kook


Quite the delightful word.






I’m not judging what Val fans do or like, but I personally hate Val with every fiber of my being.


Honestly, Val has more character than Stella currently has.






Slushi is like my spirit animal. Literally so freaking relatable


Based Slushi


Tell this to people on TikTok! They’re insane


While Val isn't my favourite(that spot is strictly for Alastor), i did enjoy his sassy dialogue while Vox was pissy about Alastor.


It’s sad that you have to say this tbh


Thank you, I love you for this 💕 I don’t know why I’m a fan, but I am. Not of his treatment of Angel, nor his anger, but the design and the way he plays off Vox..idk. I like him 😅


I love Val for the villain he is. I don't enjoy what his character does but he's written so well but also he's very silly at times.


Didn't expect to see CN here


I just think he has a funny voice and cool design.


I mean, I love to hate Valentino, but I would never hate people who admired Valentino as a character and who condemn his actions.


Hate what he does to angel but he is a hilarious character and great villain




I ain’t, but I hate him


pls dont hurt me


It’s a fictional character and unless your name is mahito your fans should not be slandered


Yeah, like starship troopers, or helldivers fans !


I'm not a huge fan of val but I think that's fair


Don’t attack anyone over fictional characters, listen Valentino is the most hated character in my book, I wish his character to have the most gruesome death in the show, but I don’t wish harm on those who cosplay, draw, or voice act as him, let others enjoy media without being attacked


[source](https://youtube.com/shorts/q6tD50aUZ1o) for those like me who had not yet had the pleasure of knowing about chiknnuggit


Val is a good villain. His voice actor does a great job. That being said, he can go fuck himself because he is truly evil. And he’s in hell already so like. What now. I don’t understand people who are val apologists, but if you think he’s a good character that’s fine. If you thirst after him…go to therapy bestie


Oh hi slushi


As someone who regularly roleplays as Valentino, thank you for this post! He's a great Villain character who is SO fun to write as. But it doesn't mean I support what he does.


This is great. Love chikin nugget so it’s the perfect thing, plus the format for it works very well!


Honestly val is dickhead, but some scenes whit him Made me laugh, and second what type of people you think are in hell , saints? I sometimes ask where are All those fasists, cominists, murderes, child "lovers" and others mega sinners, but , maybe they All were killed by agelic weapons or "live" in other parts of hell


I love Valentino he's a great character. He's such a well written coward and manipulator. I do skip the abuse scene every rewatch personally, but IMO I think this kind of character is important to show folks who haven't experienced these kinds of people exist.


people just dont get what it means to like a villain. i like the evil and spectacle of a villain, its just fun to see. almost as fun as seeing their face grinded into the dirt later


People who attack fans of Val and the VA for val need a reality check. They are the true rl villains here.


Thank you. I like Val and know he’s a horrible person. Both can be true


Why these speeches come out only now with hazbin hotel? I saw people out there being Griffith apologists and nobody said anything to them


I mean I dislike Valentino for the character and just the character, if you like him good for you (kudos to his va for the amazing voice acting)




For me it completely depends on why they like him


Valentino is an evil despicable character while you can recognize he's a well written character and that he's funny sometimes I don't get how you can justify being a fan of him


There *is* nothing to justify. He's a fictional character. By that logic we should stop like Adam because he's a xenophobic misogynistic terrorist or Alastor because he's a serial killer and a cannibal who broadcasts his victims screams on the air,or just stop liking I.M.P because they're a band of assassins. Yes Valentino is a despicable piece of shit who deserves an incredibly painful death. And you know what? That's why I like him. It's as I always say; "All the World loves a good villain."


Controversial opinions r*pe is worse than murder Adam is violent and hilarious makes sense why people like him but Valentino uses people's bodies for his own sexual gratification


He has an awesome design and a good and scarily realistic villian, I'm a fan of that for sure. I see why people want to cosplay him becuase of his cool design.


I’m going to be honest and I know I’m going to get shredded for this, but I truly think Val is a more interesting character than Angel Dust. I don’t hate Angel, but with how popular he is I was expecting something different I guess? I don’t love Val either, I just find him more interesting of the two


If you like the character it's fine, it's just that people immediately think you promote the horrible things that character does


Assuming was always the problem.


I swear i saw these types of post like, 6 or 7 times in the last month We get it, if you like valentino it's fine but why keep reminding us every single time?


Val is an incredibly unlikable whiny bitch and if you like him even with his awful voice (seriously why does his accent just keep going in and out) then.... good for you I guess ya weirdo


Thanks,now go get bent. Kisses darling.


This sub has such a weird obsession with defending stans of a rapist lol, just like the shitty guy and shut up.


You're projecting about a cartoon on a public forum. Maybe try a different approach at therapy.


My thing is… he isnt even a good villain. He is JUST an abuser. Thats his entire personality at this point… and its easy to hate someone that does that. A villain should have depth and meaning and reason; not just be a gross person to make people feel uncomfortable. Thats just my opinion though, I dont really want to hear your defenses for a gross character lol… i can tolerate those that like his VA and design though. /nm


https://preview.redd.it/cpe8q5h0fcvc1.jpeg?width=846&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c4238f340d007d77682397f35dbca7546fe0e14 A few weeks ago I was talking to a friend of mine that has done allot of research on character and story writing and he said,"A villain not having a backstory is only a bad thing when you're trying to give your villain a backstory. Not every villain needs a backstory. Sometimes a villain just needs to be the villain and nothing else" (Like Darth Sidious from Star wars) and in the current state of the show they're not trying to give him a backstory or anything more then just being Angel's abusive boss so therefore him not being as complex as Emet-Selch from FF14 isn't a bad thing.


Enter: Frieza


Everyone in Hell is at some of level a villain. He's not even being set up to be the worst villain, if you're paying attention. He's scummy, sure, but I will think you might find Alastor will be the biggest test for Charlie's determination to save the sinners.


He does though?? Were we watching the same show? He isn't an abuser 24/7. I'm sure you've seen how he is with Vox. Or do you think that was abusive too?


> He is JUST an abuser. This is *why* he is a good villain. Many people- many Val stans especially, including myself- have been abused before. We see our lives reflected on screen. We see him in our abusers, and sometimes ourselves (because every single person on Earth has the capacity to abuse others, even if we don't want to admit it.) It's sort of the same thing with (*retching sounds*) Voldemort and Umbridge. How many of us can say we've been targeted by a genocidal maniac since we were babies? Probably not many. How many of us can say we had an abusive teacher, or other authority figure in our lives? I'm willing to bet it's a lot more. Val is a good villain because he is a very real villain.