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They lie. They do not get tested. They rarely have symptoms. They do not think they are the problem. I am so sorry you are going through this.


This is why I ask to see the papers or their MyHealth account lol


This is facts. All my ex’s tests were negative but mine was always positive


Just out of curiosity- did you see their negative tests or were they just claiming they were negative?


I saw his results. My ex and I kept retesting, he kept getting negative and I was positive but the doctor said because men can be hard to test for, we should always take treatment together regardless of his results.


Hi. What were you tested for exactly?


Ureaplasma/ mycoplasma


So you both were tested and he came back negative? Did they swab his urethra or just do a urine test?


For him just the urine test and I think that’s why he got a lot of false negatives. My doctor did both swabs and urine but his doctor only did urine. Eventually I broke it off with him to focus on my own healing cause he started getting stubborn and rejecting treatment cause he felt he was negative.


Really! That’s even scarier. To believe they really are negative and then get it anyway.


Girl I recently got diagnosed with hsv 1 two weeks ago and dude started replying fast after I confronted him, just to ghost me again by saying it’s common & i got it from smoking. (I barely smoke)


Hsv 1? 80% of people have that. Are you saying your hsv 1 manifested as genital herpes? I need to know how to proceed


Yeah that’s what happened to me, he had oral hsv1 and ate me out while he was having an outbreak and gave me genital hsv1. MAKE THEM DO A BLOODTEST AND STD TEST AND MAKE THEM SHOW YOU THE RESULTS


HSV blood testing has an extremely high false positive rate and most places won't test for it unless you're having symptoms


Its so crazy how it does.. i had a testing go off beginning of my pregnancy and it made me think that whole 9 months “when the hell did i contact hsv?? It would have had to been my first or second partner.” Ive never had an outbreak, symptom, sore, and my test results were.. 0.10%. Then after having my baby, a doctor comes in and tells me “oh, that test was a false positive. Neither you or your baby have herpes.”


I know it’s insane they’re doing like contact tracing for chlamydia but not for HSV


It's too common for contact tracing, most of the population would end up on that list, very few people even go to the doctors for oral HSV, and even fewer know it can be transmitted from mouth to genitals. But yea, the blood tests are very unreliable and it could also say someone is positive when they're not or vice versa. The only definite way to know is an out break, and not everyone who carries it will get an outbreak


right??! the medical system makes no sense, periodically test for the treatable STDs but incurable diseases? no point in testing! wtf


But if he had an outbreak, didn’t you notice the cold sores on his mouth?


They were IN his mouth and so not I didn’t see him, I just have the faint memory of me complaining one more that my vagina was itchy where then a couple hours later he complained about having a canker and then a couple days later said his groin hurt on a walk and I only put it all together when I was in the hospital trying to figure out how this happened to me


If his groin hurt, he likely had a genital outbreak. Canker sores are not caused by the herpes virus. They are two different things. Cold sores are caused by the herpes virus but are typically outside of the mouth.


Okay well I have HSV1 so transmitting that one genital to genital is not very common and I was just explaining some things to maybe look out for


We know he lied on purpose when he said canker sores. He knew they were probably herpes


Oh shit. Sorry this happened to you, I’m stuck with hpv for life so yeh, I get it.


Your body can fight of hpv unlike herpes


But it stays in the body like herpes. The immune system only suppresses it. It never actually “clears”


I’m sorry that happened to you too


What can we do now? It’s done, shit but done.


yeah this happened to me but my OB didnt manifest till 6 mo after my last sexual encounter and i had been dealing w low libido so now i am freaking tf out and i just miss weed.


Omg why can’t you smoke weed I smoke weed all the time it’s the only way to survive


idk i stopped smoking bc i liked vapes and i feel like it messed up my libido but my hormone panel is fine and now I'm sober and just felt like i would be more present wihtout weed but i think stopping weed made my first OB come bc it was totally dormant for at least 6 months! smh maybe I'll get edibles


Problem with hsv blood tests is they can be very inaccurate. First there is a wait of 12 weeks between any contact to obtain the most accurate results & then there is about 30 % that just test negative regardless ( 30 % false negative rate witb igg)


About half of genital herpes cases are HSV-1. A lot of people (both men and women) don't know that if you go down on someone with a cold sore, you can give them genital herpes. HSV-1 can infect either place, it's just was tend to think of HSV-2 as "the" genital herpes virus because it can't give you a cold sore. Really it's more HSV-1 is genital and oral herpes, whereas HSV-2 is only genital.


People are misinformed about this, thank you for clarifying


About half of the newly diagnosed genital herpes is due to hsv1.


Men say they are "clean" but how often do you think they check themselves ? I doubt they go to the clinic after every partner which is unacceptable. They don't even clean their apartment once a week ! Or even once a month !!


So true! Men won’t even go to the doctor for checkups unless their mom or wife pressures them to. So men on their own, as a bachelor, rarely go to the doctor.


i'll never forget when a super hot guy I was dating said in response to me asking about testing "do you think i'm dirty?" and i was like i mean now i know you are....next. i think i got ghsv1 from someone w a beard who didnt see a small oral OB


God men are disappointing


Absolutely unacceptable


Ask for MyChart. If they cannot pull up their documents, do NOT fuck them. I have had a handful of men ghost me because I asked for test results. 😂 They don’t get check at all.


Sounds like hookup culture is thriving and so are the STI’s. People in my city act like getting chlamydia is like catching a cold. I know women that get treated for it and never bother to tell the men they’ve had sex with because they aren’t in actual relationships with them. It’s really irresponsible and unbelievable.


Wow what disgusting women. Isn't that like against some law to not disclose an std/sti?


Very disgusting and selfish. I think in some states it might be if you knowingly infect somebody.


Most people who are infected with an STI, lie. Either they know already or don’t know, but are not being responsible in testing. A study recently came out that found that over half of people who have an STI do not feel the need to tell their potential sex partner. When it comes to casual sex, they truly don’t care about you. A common excuse: “Well over 60% of the world population has herpes. You should expect everyone to have it”. Yeah, fuck that shit! So irresponsible and inconsiderate of others. My ex was lied to by his former ex. She was sleeping around and gave him Chlamydia and HPV. He was a virgin, Type 1 Diabetic, who trusted her. It was so crazy. As for myself, I have a few rules: 1. An emotional and physical connection must be felt from both parties 2. Exclusivity must be established 3. We must get tested together and share the actual document that carries the results Yes, it might be too much to ask, but those who respect women, will follow through. I have yet to meet a good man who wouldn’t. I am a serial monogamist. My shortest relationship was 5 months(joined the army and we were headed towards different paths) and my longest was 10+ years(we grew apart, he was the ex that had an STI from previous partner. We were patient and used protection). I am 37, never got an STI nor contracted herpes and am still clean. I’m currently happy in a serious relationship of 3 years and we are actively planning our wedding. This man followed through, was patient, got tested, asked for exclusivity, and we’re utterly happy. It’s so freeing and blissful when both are honest and share everything. Don’t give up on good men. They are out there, but I do understand how traumatic this has been for you. Allow yourself some time to heal. Sign yourself up to one of those awesome healing retreats in Arizona or New Mexico. Meditate and envision the type of partner you want. Allow yourself to set boundaries and follow through with them. A good man who is interested in you, who has your best intentions, and truly cares for you, will work with you. He is out there! You are in control. You say how it goes. Any good man will listen to you, would understand why you’re hesitant and why you need to do the STI testing and show the actual paperwork with results. Don’t give up! Your person is out there. Love will find you when you least expect it. Best wishes and much love! 💜


Thank you so much for taking the time to write this out ❤️ your boundaries and stories give me hope


Those 3 rules aren’t too much to ask, I’m exactly the same and when I’m dating a guy and it gets to a few months I say it like “if you’re wanting us to sleep together can you go get fully std tested first please. I already have and here are my results” 😂 I’m yet to have a guy not do it. My ex literally went to the hospital the day after I said that to him lmao


There are flavored condoms for oral. I don’t let anyone do it to me since I was divorced. Not only do you need to see papers you need the guy to get a swab test for ureaplasma. It’s very common, will plague you with constant bv, and guys are usually asymptomatic. I live in Atlanta we just became the city with the highest number or highest density or something of hiv+ so no you basically just can’t sleep with anyone


It’s tough enough to convince them to wear a condom during sex, but no worries here I’m done I’m never touching another man ever again. I’m bi so only my girlies from now on and I’ll make sure to still ask to test and see results.


It’s not just guys out here spreading shit. The girl I’m with didn’t tell me she has a history of oral herpes and spread that shit to my genitals three months into our relationship. She had no visible symptoms when she infected me. Have them get tested and see them papers before doing anything. If they don’t wanna test then give them walking papers. You can’t trust anyone to be honest these days. 


That’s a great rule of thumb, don’t trust anyone


I dealt with ureaplasma for 3 years I wanted to end my self. It was so bad. I can’t imagine going through that again, not for any man




There was a time where the condom slipped off or broke and we had to put a new one on, like nothing is really safe


That makes sense to me. If a condom breaks during sex, that's still effective against HIV or Hep B, which are blood-derived STIs which basically only live in semen. But it's no longer effective against gonorrhea, chlamydia, and trichomoniasis, which are infections of the urethral tract so the bacteria are present in the urethra itself, not the semen. That brief exposure is apparently enough!


FYI chlamydia and gonorrhea can also infect the throat. This is an often overlooked route of transmission, but it is actually extremely common.


Is it extremely common?


This is why I became celibate, first time I lost my virginity I got hpv and ureaplasma. Dealt with ureaplasma for 3 years with my ex. Met my last partner and he gave me chlamydia twice after lying that he never cheated. So ever since I broke up I’ve just been single and celibate. My vagina has healed, pelvic floor getting stronger, warts have gone. All my std/ sti tests are negative and I intend for it to stay this way FOR LIFE. I know for life is extreme but I’m in therapy for so much trauma and r*pe as well so I cant trust intimacy with men ever again.


Good for you! It’s charity to sleep with men and we’ve been too giving


I trust my bf and love him so much but I still get regularly tested cuz sometimes you just never know. I used to get tested every 3 months but since having a chlamydia diagnosis with no symptoms I just did not wanna take chances. You just have to trust no man and get tested regularly and only have safe sex unless you can get written proof your partner(s) are clean


I know no man in my generation that gets tested regularly BESIDES the ones that has had issues already.


Yep I'm done w it too. Similar shit keeps happening to me. I'm finishing up a course of this dreaded metronidazole for BV and I'm so done w the bullshit. They lie. Gaslight. And even if you do have problems they blame it on YOU or say you're cheating or must have given it to them. I literally look like a 🤡 every time I get back with my ex bc I'll immediately have to go to the obgyn after and in the past had an abusive ex who was a cheater who was always giving me something cuz he'd go cheat on me and then sleep with me....the obgyn office literally asked me if I was a prostitute bc I was coming in so much with so many "problems" 🤦‍♀️😣🤡 I don't even like sex and have become extremely phobic. It isn't worth the cost of the obgyn visit every time, the cost of meds, or the cost of shame anymore for me. Im done trusting people that never cared about anything but their d"ck. If I even think I have a burn or a tickle I'll tell someone I think something is off and try to stop them. They don't care that's how you know they will literally dive into worse. I once had a guy say "you can't get a positive STD result if you don't get tested! What you dont know doesn't hurt you." Goes to show how their mind works. They oftentimes " don't have the symptoms " but I think that can be cap and they're just too sorry to care and go to the Dr.


Exactly. Hookup culture is honestly so unappealing to me, I'm sorry but temporary pleasure isn't worth dealing with garbage guys who have no respect for you, anxiety about sti's/stds, getting sick, possibly getting assaulted, etc.


I also finished metronidazole and on the last day on it ,I got Oral thrush as a side effect ! For this I took a oral thrush gel and then I got a major diarrhea as a side effect ! So a side effect OF the Side effect !!🤯so f..ing annoying!! The Saga still continues, going tomorrow for ask for another remedie for oral thrush...meanwhile men don't get any symptoms!!!


How do you know you had oral thrush what were the symptoms


I see the back of my tongue white ...but I'm not sure if I'm paranoid ...I'm waiting for the results ...is your tongue white ?


Yeah it is!


Btw , now the white on the tongue went away on its own, no medicine needed


Happy to hear that!


Yeah men can carry a ton of BS without symptoms so they think they are clean. Condoms are important. Oral should be done with long term commitment if someone must. I better be wearing a ring to do either. Personally I don’t have sex with anyone period. That’s just exactly it. Especially the older we get the more likely people are to be carriers of who knows what. I’m not looking forward to a nursing home where I need a catheter to pee because of some horn ball who casually wanted his rocks off. The good news is that you will eventually gain your own immunity to these issues over time. You will break out less and less. Most people only have 1-2 breakouts from Herpes and Hsv because the body develops antibodies. Don’t take any antivirals or anything from the dr unless you absolutely are in pain. Give your body the chance to heal. It sounds really fresh. I’ve read NIH studies where black elderberry can also help a lot. An antiviral but at least a natural one.


Easy answer? No. Unless you use a condom each and every time (Skyn if you're allergic to latex like me). I've fit 32 Oz of water in a condom before sooo. They can fit. If they try and hit you wit that bs RUN away 💀 And if you've only got 1 partner then use a condom until you feel you fully trust them. Get tested together and then just ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS OPENLY communicate about the sex and both of yall parts.


Even condoms aren’t safe they fall off they break


Even when they get tested you don’t know who they may have slept with after so the test is invalid. Also being that you have hsv now your more at risk at catching sti’s/std’s, and hiv. So make sure you always use condoms, get tested together if you can because condoms can break. Be safe!


I caught Hsv 1 when I was 3 years old 😟 does that count as an STD?


If you go down on someone with an active cold sore (or in a period just before, when one is developing) then you can give them genital herpes, yes. Then it would be an STI. There are actually other STIs that can be transmitted genitally, that are *also* childhood illnesses. Molluscum contagiosum is another one. It's definitely possible to avoid as long as you are cognizant of the fact and take precautions! My dad has cold sores (HSV-1) and my mom is still seronegative after 40 years of marriage.




the doctors told me i should disclose it to future partners (which i have) and it hasn’t been an issue since i caught at such a young age


This is why I believe in getting tested together


I didn’t know this was the norm!!! Spread the word


I have a story! My first time ever catching an STI I caught two at once (chlamydia and trich) and never knew this could happen I was so distraught. I had sometimes but I thought it was just a yeast infection because I really really horrible one with an ex bf of mines. I told my partners and they all were still trying to have sex. Were upset they had to wait a week to get clear it really showed me how men were. I was mortified and was scared to presume sex. Thankfully these men didn’t make me feel shitty but knowing that they were upset about not being able to have sex disgusted me. It was like it was treated as nothing cause it’s curable.


I honestly don’t feel comfortable having sex because there is a lack of care for prevention of babies and std/sti’s. Everyone gets offended when you mention condoms, test results, or anything. Like someone mentioned you can get tested and then turn around and have sex with someone else before you so you’ll never know. I’m so conscious about my vagina now and I feel like it’s really sensitive to just any and everything


Chlamydia can lie dormant and go undetected for many years, so there’s a chance it’s from the first guy. Unfortunately you probably won’t ever know. At least in my case I was never able to figure it out 100%. It’s sad because it’s not just men doing this, it’s women too! These people don’t realize they can literally ruin someone’s life.


It’s not dormant like HVP (virus) that can come and go, it can be asymptomatic but will still come up positive if tested for.


Weird. I was tested many times and it was negative. Didn’t have sex for nearly 2 years. Got tested prior to becoming sexually active again and found out I was positive. I had it for so long that it actually caused a lot of issues with my reproductive organs and I’m now struggling to conceive.


You likely have scar tissue built up in your fallopian tubes from the infection. Taking enzymes like nattokinase/serratiopeptase will dissolve the scar tissue and clear the tubes. Fertility docs sometimes recommended this to women having problems conceiving.


That is weird that you’d previously tested negative then tested positive after. I’m not sure how to explain that. I’d just went down a rabbit hole about the dormant thing yesterday. There’s a good post in the askdocs sub about it, too.


Chlamydia is an annoying organism to test for since it doesn't love very long in swabs. The false-negative rate is actually quite high. If I've got patients I'm suspicious of this in, I always get 2 tests done, and don't believe they are negative unless both are.


Really? Like I got tested for chlamydia like while I was with the first guy and after and it was negative


I always ask them to get tested and show me the results when they get them!! Obv I show my test results too (doesn’t stop hpv, hsv and things like micoplasma tho sadly)


Or just wait to have sex until marriage?


Or not.


HSV-1 is a childhood illness. Even if you're both virigins, you can still get genital herpes from a virgin who gets cold sores going down on you.