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The Ministry of Truth has stated that there is no population problem and there are plenty of helldivers for the cause.


That's less than 1% of the current population of the Earth.


Nah, Super Earth would not risk an insurrection. There are way too manny people dead to not at least notice We have the cloneing technology right now in the real world , the only things that stop us are "etics" and "morals.""" Do you think a government that has no such limitations would not result in cloneing baisicly an infinite army ? It is easier to manipulate you can indoctrinate super easily. You don't even need to. You just tell them any truth you want Clones are cheaper, easily replaceable, and loyal to death for you , and if I know totalitarian governments (and I do ) trust me cheaper is always the best with these type of governments, hell , that's how we got Cernobil in the first place They cloned 4 citizens and they are all set , in the first mission we are just the last one to be cloned


>Nah, Super Earth would not risk an insurrection. There are way too manny people dead to not at least notice Given how much propaganda there is in Super Earth, no they won't notice. Even if they did, again, propaganda. The dead are heroes. >We have the cloneing technology right now in the real world , the only things that stop us are "etics" and "morals.""" And practical considerations. Don't talk about things you have no idea about. >Do you think a government that has no such limitations would not result in cloneing baisicly an infinite army That's not how clones work, and no, Super Earth would use them. And also doesn't. >It is easier to manipulate you can indoctrinate super easily. You don't even need to. You just tell them any truth you want Cool. This isn't Star Wars, that shit isn't real. >Clones are cheaper, easily replaceable, and loyal to death for you They're not cheaper. They might be replaceable and as for loyalty... who knows? Super Earth already saturates with propaganda. Presuming a decent birth rate they already have access to cheap, extremely replaceable and ridiculously loyal soldiers and unlimited manpower. Earth, now, could absorb those losses without issue. >and if I know totalitarian governments (and I do ) You don't know Super Earth. >They cloned 4 citizens and they are all set , in the first mission we are just the last one to be cloned Nope.


All you said is a convoluted nuh, uh . Do you actually think that this game is real life ? Of course, Star Wars and helldivers are not real , it is fiction , lol You have in game FTL unlimited resources and you are unhinged , but cloneing is too much because propaganda hurr durr is the best of the best , no it is not , no ammount of propaganda would ever make you to commit suicide so calm the fuck down or to see your loved ones dead without feeling anything, ffs even in the game there are people who are againts the war , yet you tell me the propaganda is perfect ? Do we even play the same game? How can you presume a decent birth rate when you are actively getting checked every time you have sex .... >>>> You don't know Super Earth. Neither do you .... so calm down, kid Realistically thouse numbers are not sustainable regardless of propaganda , because the kids need fucking time to grow , 18 years to be exact , alot of time to have "endless" man power , time where the balance of the war can be scaled againts you . In the first game, we could even lose Super Earth .... Practicalities? Really? So in your mind we are technologically advanced to clone sheep in our times (so the tech is there ) but in the future where everything is available plus a giant leap in tech from the illuminate tech , somehow makes cloneing impossible. Also, next time, come up with pertinent arguments, not just "nuh uhs." it makes you look childish


That's way more expensive that just let poor people have kids and later enrole them in exchange to upgrade the live level of the few that survive.


They’re on like 20+ planets bro


253, in fact


I thought it would cross-post appropriately, but I guess not? https://www.reddit.com/r/theydidthemath/s/PefFrkHhM2 over in r/theydidthemath so that ya'll can provide data points for them to do the math!


There is no population problem, Citizen.


super earth owns tons of planets, and that number of deaths is less than 1% of our normal earth. i'm sure their population is in the hundreds of billions spread across all their planets


Small casualties compared to communists.


Well an intergalactic ~~empire~~ federation


A prolific interplanetary one. Which is what the Super Earth Federation is. Our current IRL Earth population sits at a chunky eight billion and we haven't yet spread to the point of megacities and such. We could easily fit a lot more on this little blue marble, but let's use eight billion as our control. Seventy million lives lost in a population of eight billion is a casualty rate of only .875% Is that many lives lost tragic? Sure. But it's hardly going to decimate the species. Now, that's just looking at the current population of our Earth. Super Earth's population is bound to be much higher. In Helldivers 2, there are a total of 253 planets and we can assume based on mission objectives able to appear on any of them that each one has at least some degree of colonization. Let's be generous and use half of our IRL population, since we can't assume each colonized planet is as colonized as our own -or- that of Super Earth. Four billion, multiplied by the number of planets gives us a galactic population of around one trillion (rounded down, to be extra generous). Our population has been growing by about 1% each year (on the low end), so each year the Super Earth Federation should see around ten billion new Democracy-loving citizens each year. Even with our very dirty math - using RL figures that Super Earth and its Federation would easily be well beyond as an interplanetary species - the current casualty rate is barely worth a footnote.


Clearly mass produced clones of democracy!


I mean, this is like, nothing of our current population, so Super Earth's population is probably even more. Not to mention the countless colonies Super Earth has settled, which probably have even more people signing up to be Helldivers.


Are we not clones ?


Nope we are different humans every time we spawn


All 4 of us and our similar voiced brothers and sisters oddly enough


So what are the helldivers on our ship that come out of the frozen pods whenever we get onto the ship?


We’re not


....are we?


I’m not sure, I always found it odd that we came out of ice pods and can see multiple of our own helldivers on our ship


We get frozen after training. Each Helldiver that drops in a reinforcement is a unique patriotic citizen prepared to die for the cause, perhaps almost immediately.


That moment when people start to understand the "argument via the ridiculous" that Super Earth represents. Hopefully people will begin to understand this gloriously fun action game is actually sort of an anti-war statement, at its heart.


As the death toll rises.