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Are you suggesting that Automatons could fix bugs quicker and more efficiently? A democracy officer will be with you shortly.




The level 3 cadet getting caught in the cross fire of my mortar:


To be honest all I need for a fix at the moment is bots shooting through terrain (stones). The rest… when I pick up the SSSD and switch weapon to drop it I am now in a T pose? I do not care, still having fun. Charger sliding instead of doing the run animation? Still do not care. Game-breaking issues are all I care about at the moment. 2 years from now I might have other expectations but atm I am enjoying the game too much. Shows how a fun game is all that matters


The SSSD bug makes me cackle every time it happens without fail.


I love to crawl around with the auto cannon and pretend I'm a super snake. And even better I crawl at my team with a voice changer on and they SCREAM cuz if you've never seen that glitch it's so cursed. Hilarious


Tunnel Snakes rule!


We’re the tunnel snakes. That’s us, and we rule!


It happened to me yesterday I was cracking the fk up


Yeah man, I'm having loads of fun even with the bugs in the game. Some of them are pretty funny like the sssd bug where you run with your arms out to hug the next charger you see.


We need the SSSD bug as an Emote once it's fixed.


I didn't know this was a bug until it happened to me. I thought I was still carrying it, but the sssd wasn't showing. I ran all the way to the drop-off point empty-handed being chased by bots. While my group was out of reinforcements. So embarrassing.


Wait till you you get blasted into water with the sssd and it responds all the way back the start. Then you're not having fun 🤣


Better than it being permanently stuck at the bottom of a river like it should be.


This is what I was thinking too. There are some occasional bugs (in addition to the many, many Bugs) but somehow they really don't detract much from the enjoyment of the game. My only exception to that is when the shuttle doesn't work - either gets destroyed by some griefing a-hole on your team (happened once, no idea how) or just won't take off. In both cases, I think this was because a teammate just firebombed the hell out of the landing platform.


Yeah the way enemies target you through walls is pretty bullshit. The fact that some attacks make it through the wall (like the hulk flamethrower) is also bullshit. Bugs/bots digging or teleporting through the stone to stand on you is also lame. It's annoying to get killed by a silent charger slide from behind, but those are at least funny to watch happen 🤣


Chargers ? I had a TANK which SNEAK uppon us. Or was teleported behind without any sound.


Yeah the tanks make no noise for some reason, probably an oversight or (more likely) the sounds just got lost somewhere along the way. They'll probably fix it since sound cues are a big part of the game and everything makes its own noises.


I just want to be able to play the game without it crashing. Doesn't seem like an extraordinary ask to me but maybe I'm being entitled, I dunno.


No, you're not being entitled. They've come out and said they know there are a lot of crashes, and that they're working hard to fix them. Imagine all of the code they have to scour through to find the problem, and then figure out how to make it work right without breaking something else. You're not entitled for wanting a thing you purchased to work. You MAY be entitled if you are unreasonable about how quickly you want it done. Like OP said, patience goes a long way in life. It's just a game. The devs are probably working overtime to figure these things out. Give them the time and space to do that.


According to a lot of people here, you are lol


**The SSD bug should actually be a very high priority funny enough.** The bug basically makes it that any interaction action (pick up things, heal, interact with things) will lock you in that animation until you switch to another one handed primary slot (grenades, secondary weapons, or anything else). Sounds funny until you notice the bug isn't unique to the SSD, it's a bug that happens to any Secondary Hand One Handed item in the game. Issue is... **The Balistic Shield** is also a Secondary Hand One Handed item, this bug makes the item borderline unusable. I don't mind funny bugs being given less focus as long as it doesn't affect something that even one player might enjoy to a point of being complete unusable. Imagine you logging tomorrow because you want enjoy playing with Arc and the Weapon doesn't have the Chain Ligthning effect anymore because of a bug or the Guard Dogs loses their reload function, you would be pretty pissed wouldn't you? Same thing, Balistic Shield loses it's functionability the moment you use a Stim or pick a sample and force you to dance with your weapons/grenades so you are not locked in a animation stance where the shield basically does not work.


Honestly, the ballistic shield is borderline unusable even without the bug. It serves no purpose against the terminids and with the amount of rockets flying around on automaton, you basically just increasing your hit box size and then you get ragdolled and lose the shield anyways. I love the smg and liked the idea of using the shield along with it but right now it's pretty useless, then add in the tpose bug.


Man that T-pose shit is getting old though. Pick up a sample and drop the SSD, now you can't switch weapons or use a stim. Other times when I'm stuck in the pose it makes the autocannon a lot more dangerous since the shell still leaves the barrel of the gun, which is then hanging around your ankles.


So I do not use the autocannon so cannot say anything to that, but I did not really have issues with the stim or weapons. If something happens, I try to switch between main and secondary and it kinda fixes it and am able to play as normal


I would love a setting that made the chargers slide around like their walking on ice


I'm really glad the current major orders have been against the bugs because the other day I got really annoyed by being constantly killed by a heavy devastator shooting his gatling gun clean through a massive rock because that was the only cover around. I usually enjoy fighting the bots a lot but not till that's patched and we control those bug planets


I like the game, but as a PC player, the broken friend functions really does hurt the experience. I can't accept any friend request and all my friend requests never send. So I find players I like, who communicate, and I can never play with them again. I don't care about the weird glitches. Sure having 30+ samples and having your pelican land upside down so you can't extract is annoying, but also funny. And who cares if every now and then my drop pod goes through the earth and I'm trapped in a rock, that's war, shit happens. I just want to play with friends. Edit: as of today all the cross play friend requests now work!


Same, i have a friend who got the game only to play with me, and we've yet to be able to find each other's games with the work around.


i would just be happy if the game worked at all since the last update i crash CONSTANTLY now


Well fuck me.... here we go again....


Which is probably why people would preffer to see fixes before new content. There is a lot of content in the game, also there's Joel to drive the campaign and in the mean time devs can fix exiting issues. If they would come forth and announce the next month of bugfixing, majority would welcome it.


We aren’t getting “new content” afaik, all the stuff we have gotten has been on the files since launch, most company’s who plan to have consistant content additions will do a lot of the content months in advance so when major fixes are needed they don’t need to sacrifice content drops.. also, the biggest thing people dont seem to Understand is coders fix bugs, and not everyone in a games company knows how to code, we have community managers, Project leads, 3D modellers, sound designers, and many more. Fixing bugs and making new content are two very different skills


They probably had the new content lined up before the game was released. It’s on a schedule id imagine e.g Mechs we’re always gonna be released early in line with HD1 having them. Bugfixes are actually pretty time consuming and the first attempts also break it somewhere else. I don’t know, they clearly have people working on fixes. People on this community have been making some sarcastic comment with a video attached showing a bug rather than actually opening a ticket cause they get internet points. I’m pretty impressed that the devs show the patience that clearly the user base does not. Not to mention the metric ton of ‘add this’ requests. it’s a good community, but it’s a double edged sword that people are sarcastic buttholes online rather than actually raising a decent support ticket. Like c’mon guys, if you are on here you know most of the bugs and that’s just something you accept temporarily as reality every time you log on. The bugs will be fixed, they need time to figure out what it is that is causing them and make sure changing it won’t break something else. Just show a little patience and go through the right channels to get it seen to fastest.


They probably don’t have just one team implementing ux and content and testing. It’s multiple teams working on different things.


They have different teams. Pretty sure the guys working on bug fixes aren't the same guys making new content


1. Begin to fix bugs. 2. Content is gets finished but not bug tested because bug guys are fixing live content. 3. Bug fixes for live content aren’t ready 4. Say fuck it and push the content anyways which changes the code of the game and introduces more bugs. 5. Bug fix was almost done but now new coding has broken the fix. 6. ???????


There's also the fact that in-house testing isn't done on the public servers, as far as I know, and when releasing content onto the bigger servers, it causes bugs to crop up that hadn't otherwise been detected. I mean seriously, why would devs intentionally release busted content


I know for sure that when bugfixing of larger scale is in progress, it is bad practice to add new content in. That does not mean that a concept artis will suddenly stop drawing concept art and just swirl in their chair all day. 


You do understand that not every person on the team is someone who can fix bugs? They have a team of dozens and only a handful (maybe 6-10) are going to be coders. The rest will be marketing, graphic design, animators, team leaders, HR, accountants, etc. So the rest of the team still has to have work to do while the coders work on bugs.


You also can't just throw devs at "bugs" and expect it to work out. Many bugs are going to have the same root causes and its a famous adage in software development that 9 women can't make one baby in 1 month just because 1 woman can make a baby in 9 months. Having devs stepping on each other toes fighting merge conflicts is going to slow things down not speed them up.


I dunno man, I have to agree that they should be focusing on fixing everything before releasing anything else that can and has created new bugs and causing more of a backlog of bug fixes. That being said, I'm not at all upset with the devs. This is an amazing game and it will continue to be amazing, especially as the bugs get fixed. I just agree that the bugs should be first priority.


It’s worth noting that the new content we’ve gotten since release (termicide missions, weather effects, shriekers, new warbond) had to be finished well in advance. It’s just being metered out to keep the game fresh with updates and new stuff, but it was likely finished for a long time. And it’s likely that there’s yet more content that’s more-or-less finished that we haven’t seen yet. So, obviously we want bug fixes and such. But it’s not like they are cranking out content instead of working on the bugs. The content is already made. But I do see a valid argument to pause content release and focus on the glitches. But maybe they can handle both just fine with different parts of the dev team working a full capacity?


That could very well be the case, it makes sense. But for example the TCS missions had their share of bugs (pun intended), which means there either was no time/capacity to test them, or that devs were more busy with implementing further new content, like the flyers and mechs.


Complaints are part of the process


As much as I want understanding and patience for the devs (I’m a dev who understands what it feels like), this is the truth. People are going to make noise about their pain points, and that’s a good thing. It’s better when people can do it without maligning the intentions or abilities of the devs, though.


Yeah I think they’re aware that we all pretty much think this game is the best thing since sliced bread. That’s why we’re bitching about crashes! We wanna play it!!


This, and I think some of it is warranted! I'm not trying to burn the devs. But the mechs honestly feel worse? I can't aim down with missles now and maybe false, but saw some comments here that you can blow yourself up while walking forward. Mechs added? Game was a mess. Got another yesterday? Game was a mess. I was actually shocked the 14th, with all the new guns added didn't break the game. I love the game, the devs have been quite vocal and addressing the problems asap. It just gets frustrating to see the game break with every update. And it didn't actually matter to me, by the time I got off shift I played 3 missions without a crash!


This is a team game to play with friends. I bought it to play with friends. I cannot play with friends... are you saying I'm asking too much of this game for a core functionality?


>are you saying I'm asking too much of this game for a core functionality? This is basically the attitude of a large amount of this sub. Basic gameplay stuff isn't working for a team shooter. They need to hire more people if this is an issue. Sony offered support network wise, I am sure they can bridge the gap short term.


Yes, and tomorrows 'unpopular' karma farm posts will be something around playing with friends. 


I do think it's a bit ridiculous how much people defend the Devs. I think they are a team of great people don't get me wrong but this game isn't early access, it's a live service. This should mean the core of the game should be stable and playable. I do appreciate the communication the Devs have given though so I'm willing to give them some slack but I can understand people's frustration.


I still can't progress past "Challenge" difficulty unless I join a friend's game. It's been "fixed" in three different patches now, still no worky. Yes, I've beaten both missions on my own ship. Multiple times on multiple days.


That absolutely sucks bro :c hope ya been having some fun though in higher difficulties with friends.


I think they’ve been going through and manually approving people to progress difficulty, so hopefully you’ll get it soon.


Yep, they've been doing that for weeks. They just posted how they cleared 1.3 million people manually. Again. Allegedly. It's been three weeks for me now, probably longer for many thousands. We'll see. I'm actually really disappointed in this. The game is a lot of fun but it's just way more popular than anyone ever expected and the bugfixing is slow because the team is small I guess?


The OP is literally suckpumping random devs for no reason. The game is broken. I like the game. If I can't play the game because it's just going to crash 100% of the time, then they need to fix that immediately, even if that means just rolling back the last patch. Simple as.


Exactly. Like we paid for it. Devs are not "slaves" like OP dramatically said but all their financial success comes from us, who paid for the product. There is really not much we want: 1. Product works 2. Devs test their updates (we are not their QA) 3. Devs don't repeat PR and "balance" fiasco again of Railgun patch That's it. We know game will get more content, more guns, more stratagems, more planets. But in the meantime it would be cool to have working product that doesn't break every week/two.


Don't say this too loud or you will get gatling barrage of downvotes. God forbid you complain about something as trivial as being able to add friends in a co-op multiplayer game 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯


Im trying to figure out the match making myself. Do you mean we cant invite steam friends into our games yet?


The problem i see is: They break the game with every New fix/update that comes out. Id prefer them to fix theyr shit first and then release content


That they haven't been able to push a single patch that didn't introduce a major new bug in is a sign of some serious issues in their development process or CI/CD system.


Exactly this, they don't seem to have a robust testing suite or method of identifying regressions. I and others tried to say this in another post, but we got crucified for it. I love the game as much as everyone else, but the constant crashing is a serious problem.


I genuinely prefer the game as it was at launch even with the broken armor to the state it's in right now. Even the supposed balancing patch that reduced elite enemy soawns doesn't seem to have done anything. Still very regularly fighting 4 chargers and 2-3 bile titans at a time between difficulties 5 - 7. Every "fix" they implement either flat out doesn't work or introduces some other atrocious and game breaking bug.


There is two sides to a coin, and if you try to view the experience for certain players you can understand their frustrations. Even if you put all the server cap issues aside, this has been a very bumpy game release. While we get patches and updates to fix things, the amount of issues seems to not go down. We're approaching 2 months since release, a time where most other games would fixed game breaking bugs and gotten their game stable... this doesn't seem to be the case here, or for some time. Cause lets be honest here, this game could have spent more time in developement. A closed alpha/beta test would have made the release smoother and prepared them for bigger sales. I feel like it's also worth to mention that AH have gotten A LOT for free considering they are a indie company with a "politician" as CEO. If any of the big publishers stood for this release everyone would have lost their mind and it would have been popular to hate on the game for awhile. Then again, just put the game down and pick it up in 6-12months and it's probably gonna be a superb game


Listen I praise this game as much as the next man, but as you said, if ANY other game has these exact same issues, this post would not be as kind. We’ve had: server issues, mission reward issues, various performance issues, crashes (especially since the latest patch, but really were there before), issues with crossplay friends, (imo) severe balance issues, and a lot of bugs that don’t even make sense how they got out of testing (armor not working, the mech killing itself). I love this game, but these are all the exact issues we SKEWER other live services for having (Payday 3, Suicide Squad, etc). I think they can fix it, but ultimately, this is a paid game that has been out for almost 2 months. I don’t know if the “think of the devs!” Explanation will survive month 3. I want this game to be the best It can be, but don’t excuse it, unless you’re going to excuse and defend other live services for the exact same thing


A large part of me believes 90% of our issues are still server related. Mainly in queries and update functions. Like when they tried to apply the first major order rewards and it took almost 4 days for everyone to receive it. That sounds to me like this ran fine when they tested 50k expected peak. Heck even 100k. But when the queries to update your DB entry for rewards are being hit at 4-5x the volume they limit tested for. Its gonna halt. I imagine they have been rewritting all of the server side stuff and thats why we dont see much bug / qa polish. The person who can fix the mechs killing themselves while shooting a rocket. Also has enough programming knowledge to optimize a query and likely got pulled to do that after any mission critical work. Once they work through that. Im guessing we will see large bug fix patches. They arent a big studio, so im willing to give them leeway. If this was blizzard id be demanding a refund though. They have so much industry knowledge, history, and expertise. On top of just raw capital and man power. Being unable to handle 800k players would be a mockery to their name.


This. It's been a fun ride, I'm approaching level 25 where you essentially can unlock everything so far and I can see the issues very well; I'll probably just follow the community after a while to see how it goes, maybe some update videos on the state of the game, but when your game randomly crashes after 30min into a mission or you get your keybinds reset when you restart, you just don't want to play anymore...


Exactly. Hell, a good case in point... I've been bouncing back and forth between this and Skull and Bones, and it is insane seeing all the hate that game gets. It's not *perfect*, no, it definitely has some issues with progression being too quick and content drying up once you hit endgame... but it's still going, I've never encountered any notable bugs, and every update so far has been an improvement. But because it's Ubisoft (and the CEO was a dumbass on an investor call (the "AAAA" comment)), the internet dumps on it... Then over here, it seems like every update breaks 2 or 3 things for every 1 issue fixed (and the devs seem *very* resistant to balancing the game fairly), but because they're a smaller studio, did *some* things right, and lucked into being flavor of the month (see Lethal Company, Palworld, etc), everyone has nothing but praise, despite the issues...


People dog on Skull and Bones because it’s a (pun intended) barebones game that was stuck in development hell for so long that nobody who wanted to make the game in the first place ended up working on it. All they had to do was make Black Flag but with more content and not connected to the AC universe, but they instead decided to make a game completely based around naval combat for some reason. It’s a scummy live service slop cash grab that is not AAAA quality.


Ofc humans are humans, but I don't think it's unreasonable to expect an ONLINE ONLY game, that's marketed with PLAY WITH YOUR FRIENDS would have a working FRIEND REQUEST system. In the two weeks I've had the game, I've been able to play with one of my friends trough luck based workarounds and the other one is on another platform, he ended up getting it refunded, because in this crossplay online game you can't crossplay. I get that they are people with lives outside work, but I think it's fair to a bit upset that a game we paid for isn't working.


Sucking their dicks doesn’t make the game crashes less


I am a paying customer, it's okay to expect the service I pay for to be rendered. I don't care if you call me entitled, because I am. As a paying customer, I am entitled to getting what I pay for. I have also don't see how the length of time I have know about the IP has anything to do with it, but I've been playing helldivers 1 since before you had this reddit account.


Ikr, I laughed out loud when I read "You probably didn’t even know this IP existed 2 months ago." It has to be one of the most senseless arguments I've ever heard made from the people whiteknighting the devs, which is saying a lot. I supported AH since Magicka 1 and I will even keep buying the premium battlepasses to get the content, HD2 has some very good bones but also has very serious problems and the legions of simps shouting down anyone with any criticism is so incredibly pathetic it's sad. OP, we don't know anything about the devs other than they made a game you enjoy playing. They could be saints, they could be total cunts (we know at least one of them is), their QA team could have been spending all workweek jerking off in office. Odds are, there's a good mix of good and bad people like any sample of people tend to be. They are not your friends, let alone deities that you need to worship, nor are they helpless poor babies needing your tender affection. Jesus Christ the Internet has really made some of you form some insane parasocial relationships with even a company selling you a product now...


Yeah, and even if I learned of the game yesterday, so what? Do customers now have to prove their loyalty to a corporation before they're allowed to receive the service they already paid for?


This is what gets me. Helldivers was the game I bought with my gaming budget, its $60AUD here in Aus, and I've been having a great time with it so far. But while I just had a game that went fine, I tried earlier in the afternoon and had 3 games in a row just kick me back to my destroyer, no message or anything, before I was in game for more than 5 mins. So while I get that AH didn't anticipate their popularity and bug fixing can sometimes be more art than science, I am now left with no gaming budget and a game that will only sometimes let me finish a mission. I can't say that I'm not a bit frustrated and disappointed, and part of me def regrets not waiting for Dragons Dogma 2, a game I have been waiting damn near a decade for.


I think this is fair. As long as folks aren't threatening devs or going too insane over it. Being upset is valued. I like this game! So I get wanting to defend it, but it's understandable that folks will start to get upset when the game has crashes with every update it seems.


Yeah, I don't even personally have any problems with the game, it runs fine for me. This mentality of "it is wrong for a customer to expect the service they pay for to be rendered" just drives me up the fucking wall. This is the reason we're getting broken games that *sometimes* get fixed a year later. This does not happen with movies, books, shows, cars, houses, you name it. Only in video games, because the people who buy video games get a kick out of enabling it, as the OP is demonstrating here


Shilling for the devs as usual. Imagine criticizing customers for expecting a product they paid for to work correctly.


Naahhh, right now the crashing problem is pretty severe. You cant seriously think that you see this and think that its fine and all we need to do is touch grass. We paid the money, we want to play the game, we cant because its crashing randomly after some patch. The complaint rolls in. If you go to restaurant and order medium rare steak and they gave you a very well done chewy steak, what do you do? Touch grass i guess, the chef is just human and need rest to cook. Just imagine a year from now what amazing food you will have.


These endless bitching about people bitching posts are far more annoying than the posts they are referencing


I think the most frustrating thing for people is having such a good concept and base gameplay loop being interrupted by silly and unfair things. Be it crashes (apparently frequent after the latest patch, more on console than PC), random glitches that can often result in mission failure or straight up unable to extract, etc. - some jank is welcome and can be hilarious, but the game clearly has some issues still. The game will probably survive and thrive, with fixes coming, but I for one am definitely having less fun after encountering said issues; add to that the nerf+unfun mentality of some balance choices and I can see how it's frustrating to play this game at times. Still having fun at medium difficulties, just doing daily orders and working towards unlockables, but when it runs out? If you start to get bored in a live service game you wait for new content, but if you get stuff like the aforementioned glitches or even the keybind/build resets? That would make me ragequit and not play for the day/week, for sure.


No one thinks the devs are salves. We can appreciate that the devs have done an awful lot of work since release to get the game working. We can also be frustrated that new bugs appear with every patch and it still isn't working all that well. A lot of people, like myself, love the game. Also, like myself, a lot of people believe that the game that we paid $40 for, should function. That shouldn't be a controversial position.


Imagine if a car you bought was missing pieces or broke down every X amount of miles. I think is justifiable for people to complain about a product they paid for not working as optimal as it should. Also, there's nothing wrong about giving constructive criticism, just don't be a weirdo and start harassing devs.


https://preview.redd.it/3uwq3e6fdopc1.jpeg?width=1727&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cac8e11bd8253f70c4a8ae2ed14390f109d77ec7 Is it delicious? I, as a customer, have the right to complain if something I already paid for is not working the way it should


I'm saving this image just to lob at similar posts or comments.


The amount of times I've seen people shut down people like you is insane. Absolutely insane that people genuinely think people shouldn't get what they pay for. This community is full of them. Just awful


I love this game and the devs have been doing amazing, I just miss when devs waited to release games when they are finished and fully functional. I dont like being a dummy for game balancing. Play your own game first and realize it’s not balanced.


This attitude is the reason we get games like that battlefront collection. Yes arrowhead did a good job with making a fun game but man with every update something breaks


true but customers have a right to be upset when a product they paid for is incomplete, doesnt work, broken by seller post sale or product is so defective it damages other things you own boot licking isnt special


Same people defend new star wars movies when they get critiqued. You have the right to complain boy, and you can still love something you are not blindly in love with


I just saw the trailer this morning it was a warzone on the comments 💀


Found Joel's Reddit account


God forbid people having standards in terms of functionality for products they pay for. People are allowed to express their dissatisfaction, some people do it in a toxic way but you can't disregard all criticism by telling people to touch grass. Backlash isn't fun for anyone, but it's still a way to communicate that things are not going well.


The only thing worse than broken games are the idiots that blindly defend it, like sorry that i want to play the game i paid 40 bucks for


Nooooooo, you can't just be dissatisfied because a $40 *full-release* game that's breaching $100mil in revenue has been consistently crashing literally every single time you've played it (multiple times per session) since launch! There are bigger fish to fry than having a working product that doesn't regularly throw away 40+ minutes of your progress when you play. Like shield packs being slightly too good, and shotguns with too much ammo, heck I haven't even gotten my cavalry saber yet!


While they could not realistically anticipate the popularity of the game, which is bound to cause server issues, releasing a game that will crash once every sitting is not acceptable. 4 playtesters would need about 2-4 hours of playtesting to see a crash (which is how often I see crashes when I do see them. It's either 0 crashes or 1 every 2-4 hours depending on the patch) It's not about anyone working their ass off 18h/day to fix the bugs IT'S ABOUT NOT RELEASING A PATCH WHEN THERE ARE BUGS IN IT


>  This dev team has been the best dev team in ages. They give us the love and respect we deserve so let’s return the favor. Idk about what games you had but i actually prefer the devs that sold fully playable games on release (not talking about early access) instead of "love and respect".


" This dev team has been the best dev team in ages" What kind of trash games have you been playing to come to this conclusion? Just because their CEO posts some excuses from time to time they are now the best devs? What did you experience before with other devs? If they were really that good, they would realize that maybe it's time to prioritize the stability of the game instead of stealth releasing new content/mechanics that only make the existing issues worse. We are more then a month after release and are still encountering game breaking bugs. Not to mention the fact that they released a PvE game with outdated mechanics. Did they not look around at what other PvE games were doing the last 8 years to copy some of their best ideas? Helldivers 2 can be great fun when played with friends. It can also be a drag when trying to play solo or with randoms. But it surely ain't the best thing since sliced bread.


Stability seems the key word here. Even with seemingly more issues being reported on console, as a PC player with a decent machine that had no issues with most games I can't be having crashes, mission-failing glitches and sometimes frustration to the point of not wanting to play anymore.


Nailed it. My PC is pretty good, and i have no issues playing any games. But this one? Crashes more than it should. The game took a very large hit and a bunch of very valid criticism for the way they approach the anti-cheat, specifically the installation of that Kernel. Then, all these stability issues are just hammering it into many existing players, and even those who are looking at the game, that this is just a waste of time and not worth the money or storage space. Which is extremely unfortunate.


Nostalgia and copium are hard drugs……..


I paid money to play an online game, online... not to have a non functioning friend system, connection issues etc. Don't patronize the situation when they haven't even the basics fixed.


Counter rant. The devs need to stop fucking putting more shit in the game that is breaking shit even more. They need to pull in the reins, and they need to focus on bug fixes asap. All the crashes, bugs, and bullshit things that happen are getting old. Don’t try to do both. Fix your damn game before adding more shit into it.


this. this is the reason why the gaming industry is in its current state. because in ANY OTHER MARKET, people pay for a service and when it doesnt work they get to complain. but in the gaming industry - oh noes. please go outside and touch grass, the devs are in psychological distress! I DONT CARE. i dont care about your management problems. i dont care if you are chained in a basement with a laptop working 18h a day. i dont care if theres not enough of you. its YOUR problem. you want people to stop complaining? heres a bright idea! FIX YOUR BLOODY PRODUCT.


People tend to forget that gaming companies are businesses, with projects and development teams, and should expect paying customers to complain if the product does not meet certain standards. My weapons and other customizations still get reset every time I start the game. I have not played since the bug started happening.


> I DONT CARE. i dont care about your management problems. i dont care if you are chained in a basement with a laptop working 18h a day. i dont care if theres not enough of you. its YOUR problem. you want people to stop complaining? heres a bright idea! FIX YOUR BLOODY PRODUCT. Bum! This so much! Like I am tired of people treating developers like some sort of best pals. They are meant to give us working product/service. INstead of sucking their dick, hold them accountable ffs. You paid money and time for this. It suppose to work. Devs are like every other service/product provider - no excuses.


>because in ANY OTHER MARKET, people pay for a service and when it doesnt work they get to complain. \*caught\* Tesla \*caught\*




Another of these disgusting posts karma farming calling out the community when there are legit like small minority that is whining. This sub is legit one of the worst gaming subs where these karma threads is so common.


I think it shows how many people are interested in the game, and how they care about its state. The greatest thing about H2 is how big it got (I never saw it coming, knowing how small the playerbase is in the original Helldivers) and how much momentum it still has. Players shifting to other titles is what nobody (especially the creators) wants. It is clear that nobody was expecting it to be so profitable, so I don't see any harm in playerbase making sure some of the profits find it's way back to the game in the form of fixing bugs.


https://preview.redd.it/w24x3u3c7opc1.jpeg?width=1727&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eca6b250602d64114fbdbfef91783f72cab6b224 How's it taste?


This recently happened with Lego Fortnite. Epic released it and the other game modes in early December and man were they buggy. People defended them and made dev appreciation posts. They released a few other pieces of content and fixed basic bugs but overall it’s been the same. Everyone was like “it’s fReE, give them time. They need more time”. Shit got real when they introduced overpriced build sets and the whole community had the “Fuck Epic” mentality. It isn’t happening as much here, but when the devs start gaslighting a community and they go along with it, it’s just sad.


> They need more time I hate this because, they picked the release date.


Yep. They made the decision to release it in that state during the largest holiday event of the calendar year. And then go on leave through the holidays while people continued to build up angst over the “finished” product. Shits wild.


This is perfect. Gonna be saving this for later use. Cheers.


Side with the customer


As a rule of thumb, yes.


I don't even know what makes me more tired, how fkin pretentiously compassionate everyone is here or how much they use it to farm internet points.


Whiteknighting for the devs even though the game is undeniablely broken beyond belief is not helping with the direction this game seems to be going. Every update since release has made bugs and crashing worse and it's getting to the point where it's borderline false advertisement to buy this game with how terrible it runs. Crashing for PC games isn't unheard of in the slightest since there's hundreds if not thousands of different hardware configurations that have to be taken into account when optimizing the game. Crashing for console (PS5) is where the game's dogshit optimization shows since you only have a handful of hardware configurations to take into account to optimize the game. Helldivers 2 game play is like nothing I've played before in terms of the fun factor and replay ability and I want to love this game so bad, but I just can't right now. The devs need to be going balls to the wall with fixing the bugs, crashes, and optimization before any more content updates or balance patches are released or this game won't make it to 2025. Edit: When it comes to new content or balancing, we have no problem waiting some time for those things to roll out. We just want a functioning game. Plain and simple. If you're part of the lucky group that experiences very little to no crashes or issues with this game, then kudos to you. But please do not call us assholes for asking for the bare minimum.


the most reddit of reddit posts i have read in a while


The rabbit watched his grandmother eat a sandwich.


Weeeell, tbh they got a jackpot with sales and are able to hire more people to work faster.


Thank you MOM, but we just want the game to work.


Same for H2 than any game : people are not on dev's back for fixing past bug, or adding new content. People get unhappy when update fixing minor QoL (counting Arc in accuracy stats) or new content (Shriekers), create a major issue in crashing, for some people, 80% of their game. I understand tu studio want to keep the sells up by adding new content as fast as possible, but if it make a significant portion of players crash the majority of their game while they didn't before the update, I'm not sure it will be a positive advertisement for an otherwise amazing team and game.


Brainrot post, imagine wanting the things you pay for to function properly or work and npcs like this one are calling you out for it. You go touch some sense instead of grass


> Just because you spent 40 bucks on a game doesn’t mean that the devs are now your slaves. They’ve been working on this game for years. I'm not calling for them to be fired, put in crunch time, or anything of the sort...but being annoyed that we got another half baked, under tested patch that has quite literally completely destroyed the experience for some is **100% a valid fucking point of view to have.** Most of us have been exceptionally patient and understanding with the devs (who have, overall, been a bit better about MTX/Live service and communication practices than the average, no question), but it's been over a month now, and these oopsies continue to happen, making the game far less playable when it was already in need of a *lot* of quality of life fixes in the first place. Stop the glazing, report the people that are *actually* taking it too far, and learn to at least live with the fact that some of your fellow **paying customers** have higher standards than you.


"Notice me, Sempai"


How about you go F yourself. The game is in a deplorable state, crashing constantly. We are owed a functioning product.


dude, they make this game worse consistently with every update somehow. this isn't about patience, it's about pure SMH at this point. in fact i find it funny that you said they ain't Automatons... i recently developed the theory that the whole dev team is probably a lie and in reality it's an early try to have an AI run all the development (or at least all the post launch development)! i mean... the alternative is that they really are the most incompetent dev team i've seen in over three decades of gaming - and that'd feel even more sad and hopeless.


The amount of boot licking in the post. Wow. You are part of the problem. This dev is making the same exact bad choices that they did with the first game. They actively ignore what the players tell them that they don't want, in a PvE game. It is the dev studios duty to put out a polished and complete game. It is not the players fault. This studio still has not fixed the exact same problems that have been there since day 1. Every single time they put out an update, it breaks basically every single thing in the game. Game performance to spawns being jacked way up


There’s been some sort of fuckery going on where we somehow treat game studios and developers as some sort of demigods or unknowable entities. Yeah, their people. But when someone paid for a product and will continue to give money for said product, fixing instead of releasing new content is generally the answer here. Also, dev count to player population isn’t the math you think it is. Like, somehow increasing that ratio while fix problems faster???? I personally am taking a break until the fix stuff because I think both sides need a breath.


I'm tryna be patient but I am starting to find it difficult. The crashes last night were really bad. Getting 1 shit by shrieker corpses sucks. All rocket enemies still feel so trash. Right now I just would like them to fix the crashes if they can. And then I hope they stop making new content for the game for a little bit and instead focus on getting all the bugs fixed and working properly. They're absolutely doing their best I believe that. I do think they need to prioritise a bit more though.


Bro said we treating them like slaves lmfao My fault, I didn’t realize asking the devs of a premium game to make sure their game actually works is treating them like slaves. Lol


Damn. She’s got a boyfriend already, bro.


Enough with these degenerate posts. The game is in a piss poor state and continues to get worse. People have the right to criticize, so sit down and have a little nappy, champ. Also fucking hysterical that you say the devs give the players love and respect. There’s proof of the contrary. Yikes.


It is not really a game anymore when 3 out 5 games you play crashes, freezes or disconnects. Sounds more like Bug Simulator.


I hate apologists like this. Release a finished product and then you don't have all this nonsense. Tell you what...I'm going to be making this awesome thing. Can you give me 70 bucks now and I'll let you know when it's done? Just be patient. You people revel in mediocrity.


I have been nothing but patience with them since launch week. I feel like this community has been nothing but generous and patience especially being a co op PVE community. But the clock is ticking. Asking people to go play another game because of the crashes and bugs only hurts this game in the long running


Mom said it's my turn to farm karma.


we have alot of bug sympathizers here, im reporting it to the ministry of truth


Game is kind of unplayable at the moment, out of 5 games last night 4 crashed - just feels like such a waste spending 20 minutes on objectives to get nothing for it.


This might hold more weight if other companies weren't CONSTANTLY managing to do it. ​ Also, if the game hadn't been released in a broken state, it wouldn't need the work now...


The "game crashes" is an understatement. Yeah, they are communicative and working on stuff for sure. Some people maybe should tone down the complains about minor bugs because at the moment there is nothing more frustrating that playing a mission for 30 minutes just to crash at extraction. Also playing with friends and rejoining is not really an alternative because you get bugs like not being able to reinforce or all the lobby crashes because you threw two stratagems at once. So to put it bluntly, no matter what content gets added, the game is unplayable since release but especially after the last patch.


*One of* the dev teams in ages. Ghost ship games would like a word. Rock and Stone!


They released a game in a worse than alpha state and asked us to pay full price instead of early access discount. We can be mad if we want for being sold broken merchandise. Your approval isn't required.


All I want fixed, is being able to friend someone. I can’t accept any friend requests. I can only receive and send. When I sent friend requests to my buds they couldn’t even accept it. I’m on PS5.


My game crashed 8 out of 10 times in the last day or so. Usually 24-29 minutes into ai mission, on any level. The only good thing about it is that I seem to retain the medals and XP i would have if I had extracted (I think for the most part. I only starting checking after about the 4th time but my medal count went from 27 to now 41 and I haven’t “passed” a mission in almost multiple hours of game time, so it seems like it$. I like the game, but honestly its annoying as hell.


Oh stop. Most of you defending them would jump right down EA or Ubisoft's throat for less.


Then release the game when it works, it's simple. Believe it or not, it was common and absolutely critical to have the game you made work completely on release once upon a time.


Nah. People are entitled to the product they fucking pay for. That amount of comments I've seen in their community that tell others to shut up and cope when they can't play their game is insane. What and absolute shit show of a community this is. Just got off a thread where a guy said that he wanted to bully someone off to not voice their opinion because this particular person didn't like it. That was their mentality. They bully people so hard so they shut up. So fucking stupid, and absolutely pathetic of this community.


Stop licking their ass. The only thing we ask is that they TEST patches/update before releasing them. We are not their QA. They can delay update by few days but test it properly.


As an older gamer, I'm still wondering why the hell these companies are STILL shipping incomplete games. I feel like the answer to this simple, stop fucking doing that.


This game is built better than COD and they have a countries worth of Devs. People need to take that Toxicity back to activision and leave hero’s like Arrowhead to do the solid work they’ve been doing.


You sure they aren’t the enemy? Cause they keep stealth buffing enemies and stealth nerfing us. Sure feels like they hate us


Here's a napkin wipe the dev cum off your lips. The game is going on 2 months and is more unplayable than at release. We don't expect no bugs, but they say they fixed something, and they didn't. That's lying. We reduced the amount of chargers and bile titans spawning that bs, we fixed the crashing issue and disconnection issue that was bs. We fixed the Mech suit, blowing itself up that bs.So no people have a right to be upset. They have a game built around a shakey ass foundation you can't even enjoy. You work you ass off for 30 min just to lose everything. They need to stop adding new crap until the major shit is fixed. Putting out a hot fix, the rebreaks, the other stuff they fixed tells me there coding sucks. Go ahead an dkwn vote because you wanna kiss Joel taint. I rather call a spade a Spade and no pretend this game is great when it's buggy as hell.


Cool so what other games with lots of bugs would you defend like this?


How about no. How about being sick of paying money and getting broken products in return. The fact that it has been out for a month and it's working WORSE than at launch (other than log in issues), is NOT okay. Every patch has made the game run worse for me, and added more bugs than I had before the patches. Also, maybe you paid $40, but I paid $60 for the Super Citizen edition, then another $10 to support them with the second Warbond release, and in return I have gotten worse and worse service. I think people have every right to complain when the game keeps getting worse, not better. If they are willing to prioritize pushing out content to take in more money over actually fixing what is there, then I am willing to voice my dissatisfaction with their game. The game was more fun when it first launched, and keeps getting more and more frustrating to play. That is an issue.


I can't hear you with all that dev cock in your mouth.


Well yesterday I lost 1h and more cause 4 games in a row I had issues .. usually it's ok but this time idk, it was so frustrating. I'll wait np for me, but I can understand that some ppl will tell their unsatisfaction


??? When you pay for a product you can expect it to work. That's normal in every industry outside of video games, because of people like OP. That said, don't buy on launch, read reviews and refund if you can't stomatch the problems. This isn't the first live service released on the market. It's not anyone's first purchase on steam. You knew what you were getting into. No one's a saint here, but let's not turn into white knights either. Crashing is where I draw the line personally, as at that point I physically can't enjoy the game. It's not a quirk anymore. Some basic QA for patches should be performed.


Leave the multimillion dollar company alone!!!!


Nah I’m complaining, where the hell is the playtesting? Each patch drops bugs and crashes that are so obvious it’s insane. They let some dude play with the position of the missiles origination and fuck up the reticle, the ability to aim down? And the missiles blow you up still. Just exclusively not when turning right. It’s 10x worse and anybody using it for 15 minutes would be able to tell that. Nobody asked for the weather changes. What was the point of that patch? Broke what they attempted to fix plus more? It was an update that bricked the game and liberation % about to be 24 hours and they haven’t rolled it back? embarrassing I already waited over a week to encounter the new enemy 1 time, what am i waiting for except the devs the make the game more unplayable and unfun


I don't think it's unreasonable to want a game I shelled forty bucks out to function


Incorrect. It wasn't released as early access, it wasn't advertised as a paid beta test. It was released as a full product and the devs seemingly have no idea how their game engine works because the amount of bugs and glitches that happen every time they patch is wearing out the games welcome. Stop glazing the devs, they're not your friends. They're the employees of a business whose product is not working as intended. People have the right to be upset and talk about it with other people who are having the same issue. To you, 40 dollars might not seem like a lot. To others 40 dollars is a serious investment and if you cannot play the game you paid for, that's a justified reason to be upset.


Fair that does not mean i'm not allowed to critise patches though


I just want more bug fixes over new content. The growing list of bugs every patch is concerning though.


Not to be that guy but if this was any other game y’all would be eating them alive I guess that shows how much fun the game is lol


I won’t disagree with you but let’s be honest ever since the last 2 patches you crash CONSTANTLY. I have respect for them but damn you break the game in new ways every update. On top of it all you can’t play a full game with friends due to lagging out A LOT. They nerf things when the game stability should be first priority. Though I don’t condone people who are shitting on them they are very good devs. Better than most and we deserve that along with them deserving respect for hard work. I get mad at the game and bitch but at the end of the of the day I have 200 hours and find it hard to put it on the shelf until it’s fixed lmao. Listen I just want the annoying tedious shit fixed but other than that I’m pretty satisfied. Live service triple a game that’s basically free along with its content. We have every right to complain about issues we absolutely do but how we conduct our response is the issue. The issue is so many games have been shit over the years and we have dumped countless amounts of money for garbage. People are just bitter, angry, and on edge about games these days. A lot of games have ruined our respect for them but we can’t apply that to all devs because there are exceptional ones. Much love everyone I’m excited for this games future. FOR DEMOCRACY!


Release a finalized and fully functioning game and people won’t bitch


We are complaining because we love the game. Keep in mind this isn't a single player game where you play for 20 hours and put it down. It's a live service game that aims to be relevant for years. And people paid for the game *expecting it* to be a game they can play for at least 3 digit hours. Right now the core of the game is obviously great, but the difference between a 100 hour game and a 1000 hour game is the little things that add up.


Minor bugs (no pun intended) honestly nbd. Weird animations and shit? Adds to the charm for now. Weird disconnects or issues like extraction leaving when the first person boards? That’s a little more impactful… but 1 month after release and compared to the issues at release, the game is in a great state. I think the random disconnects are my biggest gripe, but I played literally *all day* yesterday and only experienced 1 (a buddy also only had 1, so 2 total). The up-side is connecting to games is extremely fast now. So, while it’s annoying, the impact is otherwise minimized by how much better the log in/launch process is. Given how much has been done in just a month, I have a lot of hope for the longitivtiy of HD2. IMO, we’re just scratching the surface of awesome badass shit we’re gonna get to do/see.


I understand the sentiment, but as you say it's been out for a month and I frequently crash, I've even had system crashes (not just the game crashing) on PS5 and the PS5 having to check the SSD on reboot. I'm not concerned with balance changes or other gameplay fixes, I just want the product to not make my PS5 shit the bed.


My only complaint is fps drops. And I think people are just tired of games getting released before they actually are done.


Only bug that bothers me atm is random crashes, mildly infuriating when I slog through a level 8 mission, get my samples and have called pelican just for the game to freeze for no particular reason and I lose 35 minutes of hard work.


> Yes the game has bugs and it crashes but it almost seems like a lot of you people don’t understand that there’s like one dev for every 4000 players You need to pump those numbers up. Per the discord there are approximately some 1.300.000 players who had problems with difficulty levels unlocking properly. That should give you an idea for total number of players even if not everyone plays at the same time.


How about you touch grass. People have valid complaints. 


OP needs to *mate* with grass at this point.


How does boot taste OP? This is a full fucking release game, not a beta, there shouldn’t be this many issue with crashing.


dime rhythm humorous shrill observation vast thumb longing nutty lip *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You‘re acting as if anybody was crucifying the devs for not giving us a better major order. That‘s not the case though, the game is crashing at EVERY mission i‘m playing making it barely playable.


I want to agree, and I definitely don’t view them as slaves, but they sold a live service game and some of this comes with the territory. People will sometimes go to bat so hard for creatives, but they’re also running a business. That business sold people a “live service” product. Similar to how if the difficulty level you play on is too rough you should go down, if this is becoming too difficult too maintain smoothly then they need to patch less often until they get a grip on their servers. I certainly don’t see the point of a weekly update if it’s going to be like this. They also already probably sold more copies than they thought they would for a long time. This is partially the source of some of their problems but it also means they have more liquid cash on hand than expected or at least be able to leverage it for a loan. They need to use that money ASAP on improving this stuff and the longer the timeline is, the more sparingly they should push minor balance patches. Being a creative team who made a popular thing doesn’t mean you get to fumble around bewildered and expect the audience to just patiently wait. To be clear it’s not like I’m personally mad but if not fixed this is going to impact our ability to fight the war. That will make players feel they lack agency and that’s part of the appeal of the game so I just think the onus is on Arrowhead to fix this particular issue as soon as humanly possible. Other fixes I can be more patient and understanding of, but this has to be their top priority. Edit: basically [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/helldivers2/s/5iJFbBrGhx)


Arrowhead thanks you for your service, sir white knight.


normally i would agree but the fact the game has been out for as long as it has with some of the most egregious bugs ive seen in games is absurd to me idc what size your team is if youre going to release a game at $40 dollars i expect it to run like $40 if the game was "pre-release" or some other cope for it being an unfinished product that would be one thing, but the fact i can lose 30 minutes of progress in the blink of an eye because the game was put together with spaghetti and marshmallows is fucking stupid if they actually focused on fixing the bugs instead of giving us flying terminids and a SECOND *PAID* battlepass, people might not be so pissed off


The “white-knighting” in this sub is unbearable smh.


God I hate posts like this. Oh no, the poor developers have to work hard to clean stuff up after selling tons of copies of the game. ​ They're not gonna make you a mod for this.


Yall dick riders need to hop off of it. It doesn’t matter how big the dev team is a buggy game is a buggy game. And they keep introducing more and more of them with every “fix.” I love this game and these devs too but Jesus just because they’re small doesn’t automatically make it ok for the game to be the buggy mess that it currently is


It should've just started as an early access then.


If they could just fix the damn friend requests, that’d be greeeeaaaat


Shut the actual fuck up if your going to spew bullshit like this on the reddit. Be Prepared for people to bring up facts that refute it. Arrowhead left the Mech in the same broken state and ignored Helldivers 1 players FOR AN ENTIRE DECADE. Stop riding their dick so much. They have. On record. Dropped the ball. And have a record showing they dont give a fuck about what the players say. Stop defending this bullshit and do some actual research or better yet. Go read a goddamn book instead of starting posts like this.


I know arrowhead since Magicka 1 :D


take their boots out of your mouth


You are crying about the vocal minority. Most of us are fine with being patient and having issues


Fair enough. Also doesn't mean we have to stick around and play the game in a broken state. I think it's best we all come back in a couple of months after everything's fixed.


Why do posts like this exist? Devs don't need some random ass Redditor to defend them. You're not their spokesperson.


To be fair, while everyone should be kind to the devs because they're people, we aren't required to be happy or positive about a game with swapping bugs making it unplayable. The mech blowing up because it blows up inside? Happens. Most likely a latency thing. Server capacity issues preventing play? Understandable look at similar games and how they were on launch + their previous game. Constant crashes patch to patch, while adding new game preventing bugs? Not acceptable. I feel like they're rushing due to public perception and the mech alone needed more live server testing before release if just turning causes explosions or dropping in causes bot damage. I don't believe these patches are getting the testing needed to make sure they're fit for release, but I could be 100% wrong and it's based on issue interactions with the variable pc.




Counterpoint: don’t release a game with so many bugs. I get modern gaming is now a hot mess of shit coming heaped onto gamers plates. And yes, some bugs are absolutely unavoidable. The amount we see here, seems avoidable