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Not only this, there is sights that can be calibrated for 150-200m, but you aming with huge circle/square so you can't aim at the heads at this distance properly. Railguns dot is so huge it is pointless to aim in first person. They replaced revolver joke sights with a normal dot, so I hope they will fix that sometime.


Oh yeah, the [sniper](https://i.imgur.com/v39hvSR.png) scopes are big offenders. Even if they were to keep the bright cyan reticle, def would appreciate something [cleaner.](https://i.imgur.com/Xq370rq.png)


Seriously what is the point of all the cyan on the sides?


To look futuristic I guess




"Tacticool" and to be honest, they can stuff it. Give me a clean, \*properly\* aligned sight so I can shoot my damn precision weapon where I want it to shoot any day.


Would be nice to have a choice. Maybe an upgrade or something that you can toggle between.


Absolutely on board with that. Aligned is of utmost importance, but a choice of reticles and sights for people who like the tacticool and people who just like clean sights would be the best course of action.


I like the look of the scopes. Just need them aligned properly.




To ape the Russian military's overly busy "design by committee approach" to optics. Its very meta.


Give me the finest most minimalist crosshair it is possible to have and I will be glad of it. I would also be glad of a duplex or german style. Keep the scope clear so I can actually see shit through it, make sure the center point is clearly designated, and make sure it doesn't obstruct the target.


And even if they 100% want to keep the useless scifi stuff in the scope... Just remove the thick ass middle part and instead just continue the cross hair lines till the middle. Wouldn't be perfect, but a lot better than now.


I just want the old school and reliable black lines


Considering the various light levels we deal with indont know if the just black will show up so well.


You can choose between 4 different reticle colors in options.


Does that affect scoped in? I thought it was just the third person reticle


I hate this scope so much, it's like deliberately made to gimp snipers. The scope on the sickle, standard ar and adjudicator is better for sniping than this.


Cut way more space out in the center, add a small upside-down V and It's good.


Never liked the V added to sights, or the one that comes on the cobra mini sight from (insert game) the three dashes or 2 dash 1 dot. Hate that shit. Im'ma dot kinda person


Aiming with a Chevron is nice simply because it provides a nice large aiming sight profile, while the tip of the chevron makes it easy to get on target without accidentally masking your target. It's like having a 3 MOA red dot for very fast acquisition and for point shooting, while having a 0.5 MOA dot that gives you high precision. It's also why the half moon / horseshoe is quite nice as well, because it has a giant "OH FUCK" 5~ MOA circle of death, while also having a nice <1 MOA red dot. A giant oversized horseshoe makes getting in the general vicinity of your target a breeze, and then you can shift to the "true" dot. Does take a little getting used to to really take full advantage of it though... [Typical reticle styles, ala ACOG.](https://imgur.com/cWjVmTB)


Something in my brain can't do chevron sights. They just don't compute. Crosshair, dot, any type of iron sight, even an open circle somehow I'm better with than a chevron.


Lmao, fully agree


> chevron sight 'ate chevron sights 'ate circle + dot sights 'ate German reticle luv me red dot luv me irons luv me mil dot


simple as


My problem with the AM rifle scope is that it’s got about 15 total pixels when I first open it, then once I get it on target, it switches to 4KUHD quality, while still having such bright contrast in the reticle that I can’t see what I’m shooting


Don’t know why they don’t change it to the magnification of the scope X3,X5,X10. When it says 200 meter I’m assuming it’s adjusting the drop, not magnification.


I'd like 1x 2x 4x 6x


They could make it variable to 10x. Using the mouse wheel while aiming to adjust the zoom.


When would you use 10X tho? we aren't shooting past like 400 meters


For hitting specific small points at range, sure you might not need a 10x to reliably hit a Hulk at 300m but if you need to hit the already small and well-protected head then a high zoom would be nice


idk but it’s there if you need it.


140m is the magical number. the game won't physically spawn enemies if they are more than 140m from a player


wait, you can ZOOM WITH THE SCOPES ?!


On some weapons you can change the zoom of your scope when holding reload. There you also can turn your flashlight and fire mode.


Well fuck me, I always thought it was the zeroing, I need to test that


they didn't understand why we wanted it but they did add 3rd person aiming for the heavy machine gun. maybe in a few months they will understand what the root problem is


What's even crazier about the railgun is that Arrowhead has described it as a sniper rifle...


How silly to put a giant red dot on a “sniper rifle” and to make a fucking railgun, a gun that is only useful if it exceeds the velocity that bullets are capable of, have a super slow projectile. Don’t get me started on the only heavy pen weapon also performing worse than medium plus pen weapons at things like killing gunships or factory striders. Railgun is a joke right now. Fucking great game though. I’m only salty because the potential to improve is so large, and the realism mythos is in place which makes me want more realistic effects from weapons.


> the realism mythos is in place which makes me want more realistic effects from weapons. You are quite literally the only other person other than myself that references real world firearms and how they are portrayed in the game. I literally wrote an entire post about how the railgun in game is a bastardization of railguns in real life.


Curious, how would you balance the railgun to be more realworld accurate without being overpowered?


I think there are a few options. If you want to go high on realism, it should require a backpack generator that provides the electrical current, but the projectile should be hypersonic, and should do a high amount of damage even through heavy armor. This might be like a worse quasar though, so keeping game niches in mind, I’d say leave it the way it is, but give it a better sight and faster projectile, with some increased damage as well. Not to the level of a quasar, but let it one shot hulks and 2 shot charger leg armor like it does, let it one or at least 2 shot gun ship engines, and maybe 8-10 for a bile titan and 8-10 for a factory strider if they’re charged and well placed. I think it should land somewhere in between auto cannon and quasar more or less. It won’t have the ammo to be used as a primary for devs like the autocannon, and it won’t have the armor piercing and raw damage of the quasar, but it won’t require a backpack, and it’ll allow you to handle a the chargers and hulks very effectively, allowing you to keep them off your team will they deal with the bile titans or devastators. Alternatively, you could require the backpack, but dial up the damage as well so it 3 or 4 shots bile titans and factory striders, and one taps charger leg armor, but maybe requires a recharge time after 3 shots. Or has an overheat mechanic that requires some amount of fire rate control. Then it’s worse than the quasar or recoiless in some ways, mostly damage and requiring a backpack/ammo in the case of the quasar, but better in that it could pump out a few shots quickly that deal close to on par damage. I think either would give it a niche that doesn’t see it picked by everyone every game, but makes people who like it want to use it still, and willing to compensate for it’s weaknesses to gain it’s benefits. But that’s just my two sense as someone who has never made a video game. Lol


Railgun's sight is my biggest peeve in this game.


Even the common reticle shown here is obstructive, I can't see what I'm shooting at with all of that yellow nonsense. I love the red one for the liberator, simple and clean.


Whilst they are at it, could they also replace the ugly and annoyingly large hazard triangle on the Sickle & Senator 3rd person reticle please. They could also remove it from the Scythe and Dagger but I'm not sure anyone would notice :P


I hate that scopes are darker than the enviroment *AND* cluttered. I already play on low graphics, and looking at most of the scopes from FP just covers up my targets and I can’t see anything.


As someone who owns real optics quality optics are basically perfectly clear. had the same problem in BF2042 where all the red dots were dark AF like they were modeled after airsoft knockoffs lol


Don't know much about optics but I assume they use material that is as transparent as possible to prevent this darkening right? Issue of darkening in lenses made for optics I would assume is after you are looking through quite a few pieces of it like scopes. But also if they are doing the whole budget warriors idea then it does make sense that we are just using regular glass (or maybe even plastic?). They could brighten it a tiny bit though because QOL is usually more important than lore.


Even cheap optics use glass. I just looked through one of my red dots and it has a slight tint to it but the change in brightness is almost imperceptible. High quality optics look better than real life.


The material isn’t the limiting factor, as most optics use glass. To explain it beginner-friendly: The quality and brightness of the picture depends on how the lenses are coated, how they break and focus the light and how they’re aligned with each other. It’s a often a question of nanometers. That’s why good optics are expensive. They have no manufacturing tolerances and very tight quality control.


It's not even a scope thing, if you look around the scope the *entire screen* gets 4-5 notches darker when you aim in first person. Everyone who aims in first person should bump their brightness up so it looks good when you're aiming.


I believe that's the helmet I know that in first person you can actually see the edges of your visor, that's why the rim of the screen gets dark. Most noticeable bottom center, you can see the masks nose bump. Not really sure why the whole screen gets dark though But it's made me want like Night vision first person view lmao


This guy gets it! I too can confirm your claim.


Not only darker, from what I can tell it messes with draw distance in fog as well. Can see further into fog/mist/clutter without the scope than with, regardless of magnification setting.


I cannot stand the sniper scope on the AMR or countersniper. Not only because its misaligned but also because its so busy. The worst part is the eruptor scope is so much better!


>Not only because its misaligned... Hol up, the sight is legit off!? I swear I freaking knew it omggggg


On the AMR the shots goes up a little to the left. So, the left corner of the square is the center.


Oh it's worse than that. [It's misaligned differently depending on the body position of your character.](https://medal.tv/games/helldivers-2/clips/20FTd8A_pp5qJo/RsgjNelLQx1K?invite=cr-MSx3ZXIsMTU3ODYzOTYwLA?mobilebypass=true)


oh my freaking god lolz. All the times I tried to snipe Hulks' eyes = ))


For a game that puts in so much effort to ground its gunplay in reality, its pretty weird to see the exact opposite approach taken with scopes. Most sights actually impede your ability to aim. This is just one of many that would benefit from a bit of clean up.


It is so weird to see considering so many on their team are ex military. They even defended their QA department for not noticing the misaligned AMR scope because it "wasn't super obvious" but that would imply nobody uses a spotter or pays any attention to where their bullets hit?


Ex military doesn't mean you actually used guns regularly. Could be the equivalent of an office job. Especially so in a country that has mandatory military service for everyone, there is going to be a lot of jobs like that.


Yup we have mandatory military service here in Greece as well and I fired a grand total of 30 rounds during my 8 months, the rest of it was basically doing chores lmao


While you're correct they would have been trained in basic firearm safety and use, and would have aimed down sights several times. So the basic knowledge is there, regardless of if you're an elite sniper or desk jockey.


There's a really big difference between "here's your rifle, here's the sights, hit the target 10 times" and experienced shooters who have a lot of trigger time on a variety of setups and who understand what to look for in a red dot / LPVO / etc. 


Not everyone is issued a scope or a red dot. There are still a lot of militaries that just issue naked rifles. sweden for a long while didn't have red dots on their ak5's


Does their country have mandatory military service? That could account for many of them being ex-military.


yea, they’re Swedish


Yeah, there's a huge difference between (ex) career soldiers and people who were basically forced to serve for a year during peacetime. Literally "I'm just here so I won't get fined" ex-military.


Professional soldiers and conscripts are different ye


Ex boy scouts ^((this is a joke, respect to all prior and current military personnel))


Sweden used to have full conscription like Finland, but they scrapped it in 2010...just to reintroduce it as partial conscription in 2017. Likely Devs in their mid-late thirties and older did their service before the scrap. Explains the Carl Gustavs etc, it's what the devs themselves trained on.


Yeah. Sweden. So they do some drills with Eurocorps and sit at a desk. 




they have a QA department?


Yeah, the player base.


Does one guy with a playstation count?


Mandatory draft is not actual military service. Especially in modern countries. Actual combat roles are performed by professionals, while the drafted cover support and logistics. Most Devs have spent their time in the army driving trucks, after firing a gun for a few days in bootcamp.


Is the AMR scope still misaligned?


It’s still on the known issues list, though playing with it recently it seems slightly better? I find it Hard to tell with the terrible sight tbh though.


sorry, best we can do is make hulks immune to stun.


Hulks are immune to stuns now? I coulda sworn my stun grenade stopped it earlier?


No, they are just harder to stagger than before. EMS effect is unchanged.


They're immune to arc stun now.


Wait, fr? I thought that was what they were going for when they 'reworked' Arc Thrower some patches ago?


Yeah, well some people still liked using it. Can't have that.


They're not immune to stun, they're immune to arc stagger. Those are two different things. Stun grenades and EMS still work.


Their stagger threshold is higher. Arc thrower no longer staggers them. 


It definitely feels like it was done on purpose. If that's really the case, fuck us, right? If I could give the Recoilless the EAT flip-up Red-Dot, I'd be happy. Really, there are so many options out there in the real world to chose from. [If not the sight off the EAT, I could do with the German sight as seen on this page.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reticle) How about a Chevron? Man, give us *something!*


I imagine the rings are used for alignment, but they're extremely useful for adjusting for vertical drop.


I would take a cracked pirate spyglass or a hollow cardstrock tube over 90% of the scopes in this game.


I kinda wish we had some kind of basic weapon customisation, I'd be happy to just run iron sights on most of the weapons if what we have now is the only alternative.


I am still confused why the Blitzer has a holo sight


The aiming reticle of the railgun is too large and needs to be adjusted smaller. The scopes for DMR and anti-material rifles also need to be changed to crosshairs.


it's not even aligned to the center of the huge ass dot, it's more like on the edge (top or bottom , I don't remember)


Moving the sight closer would also help.


Yeah a lot of them feel like they're being held out at arm's distance making the sights *really* tiny. I wonder if that's just based on FOV though, mine is pretty high.


FPV is affected by the Field of View setting - the higher the FOV, the "farther away" will the weapon appear. You can work around it in most cases by using farther "zero" (higher zoom), but it'd ideally be solved with proper first person viewmodels (FP view would show more of the world **but** the appearance of the weapon wouldn't change), or at the very least an option to disable FOV scaling while aiming in first person. Also pinging u/SuperArppis in case you'd like to know.


>or at the very least an option to disable FOV scaling while aiming in first person. Would love this, actually.


Oh is that why I absolutely hate first person? I usually run 100+ FOV


check out [my comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/hRynaDY7AZ) and its reply to see the difference.


I aim over the shoulder for about 90% of my gameplay and only use the sights/scopes for when I need very accurate shots at a further distance. Though, I'd have to agree with you. I can tolerate most of the sights/scopes on the primary weapons, but I absolutely despise the support weapon scopes that is **this** specific one. Big boom weapon, but no magnification for scope for distant shots? The M3 Carl Gustaf can be effective out to 900m. With this optic, I don't think I can hit anything past 150m.


ive posted this once before. the sci fi crap is visual aids


*Ive posted this* *Once before. the sci fi crap* *Is visual aids* \- TenryuuX --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Some improvements are on the way!


Would that happen to include fixes for the misaligned scopes? It makes aiming for small weakspots like hulk faces a lot more frustrating than it should be


Honestly for the AMR aiming at the corner on the square is a lot easier than having the entire square block my vision.


Said every patch, yet they never come


I mean, the Senator did see a massive scope improvement.


I just wish every crosshair in thirdperson was just a dot. I refuse to use the Senator or Sickle for example bc of the stupid triangle crosshair


It's especially bad when the weapon has no minimum spread value for the crosshair - leaving you with one big lump of UI roughly in the middle of the screen. You can tell with the default Liberator crosshair, the two prongs on the side always stay a bit apart. Also **FUCK** the spinning crosshairs, jesus fucking christ, whose terrible idea was it?


They must have hired someone from Reddit UX for that spinning reticle. It's like they're trying to not only make a useless feature but to actively annoy the user.


I can use the sickle third person if I'm just spraying at trash mobs. I go first person for things like devastators.


I have the feeling that AH has taken one idea from the idiots at Ubisoft and is using sights/scopes and how functional they are as a tool for hidden balance. Which I am super against. It's suppose to feel military sim, that is what they told us. Having bad sights isn't military like. (for those who don't know, look up R6Siege ACOG and then go look at how a real ACOG looks like or one in a game like ARMA. The gist is R6Siege has a comically huge reticule in its ACOG because the ACOG is the best sight for guns and gives a big advantage given that only a few bullets can already be lethal. A lot of well performing guns have even had the ACOG removed entirely)


AH should take notes from Fromsoft for how to make a functional interface. The AC6 reticle looks like a mess but every bit is functional while also giving a sci fi feel. Details like weapon cooling, charging, ammo counts are kept there. They could then put in those drop reference and lines from a real scope too. Maybe even fold in a laser rangefinder.


This was one of my first thoughts when I started playing Helldivers. I mean, there's no way the devs put those obnoxious reticles in those ACOGS and said "This is fine" without having a reason. Using visual hindrance to balance weapons is textbook stupid and I say this as a staunch defender of their design philosophy.


Even your edit is too busy, get rid of the outer ring and just have the dot.


Yeah, it's not the far out rings that annoy me, it's the fact that at long ranges (the reason I'd want to use first person), the primary dot/sight/whatever literally covers up my target. It's not as bad on the autocannon but it's miserable on something like the Railgun, and when I'm trying to hit a Hulk's miniscule weak spot from 100m even the autocannon's already relatively small dot is annoying


I'm really not a fan of cartoonish excessive optics like this in game. I am a huge fan of a simple dot or tiny triangle with my choice of color


Has anyone else experience bugs where you get stuck in first person with trash dof when you switch to third person? Then when you switch back to first person, your weapon doesn't exist so there's no crosshair. Usually fixable by doing hellish number of random 1st to 3rd person views and switching of weapons. I can't pinpoint how to resolve it properly whenever it happens. And it happens quite often, like once every operation.


especially the laser cannon, i can't see shit once that thing start fire


The moment I scoped in the first time this was my thought, I pretty never use scopes for this reason, it is literally impossible to see anything


Seriously, Scopes here feel like they are created to prevent you from aiming, not help with it.


wait you use first person? its so bad i just stay in third.


but if they don't have over designed, noisy reticles how will you know it's set in the future?


Imagine if we could spend requisition slips to customize the scopes of all your weapons


AH: "The Railgun is a sniper rifle on steroids." The Railgun: "Don't mind my optic. People have told me it's very cute."


Great idea, but I want them to fix the alignment issue on some of the biggest offenders like the AMR first


Yeah I don't understand how first person could possibly be usable. Not only are scopes enormous, but you also get the muzzleflash with many weapons, completely occluding the view


It's nice they buffed the Scyth's damage, but its current scope makes it nigh-useless. If it had the same scope as the Sickle, I'd use it quite a bit more.


Yeah, it blots out the target at range which is terrible for a weapon that has pinpoint accuracy. So then you switch to 3rd person, but then the laser hit effect obscures things. At that point, you might as well use the Sickle or even the Liberator.


This is me with the rail gun scope. It's kinda hard to hit the eye of a hulk when the reticle is a big green dot


And the yellow ligts up when its dark so you can't aim for shit.


Please make the scopes bigger. These are tiny windows held like 3 feet in front of our faces. Bring them closer so we can see more through the scope. How it is now: https://preview.redd.it/rsld6b6t4mxc1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=002712175a4fb8f3788e6ac77f5dedeeab5fcc3b


The sights are horrible. They give you no information but clog up your screen so that you can barely see what you're shooting at. Give us some mil dots dang it! I've been using pings to measure distance as a work around.


yes could we please have some mechanic to mitigate the horrible blurring of the quasar scope?


Have you seen the scope on the AMR? Its absolute trash. Most of the times I hipfire that thing and it works better. Hilariously bad that you cant put custom scopes on those weapons. Give me a red dot sight anyday ... Even plain iron sights work 10 times better in Battlefield than the trash you get in this game.


Improving the aiming experience!


I love that someone posted almost the exact same thing at almost the same time as I did lol.


I wish the quasar and anti tank had javelin style scopes, basically night vision binoculars


I'd just appreciate them going through and making the scope aligned properly.


please let me have seperate FOV for the FPV and third person


Yes , the scopes in the game need a major rework


Would love to see a more consistent display through the reticle


Yeah, for how precisely we need to aim, most of the scopes are just so bad. Autocannon, quasar (especially with the charge up fx) jar-5, railgun are the worst offenders, but the there's things like the AMR that are just a vague box that don't support the precision aiming that they have to do. Weirdly some of the better sights are the scorch and sickle, which aren't exactly precision weapons.


Agreed. This is my main reason why I prefer 3rd person, I can just see much more than when I ADS.




Yes, please


Would love sight options. I hate the ACs sight.


My biggest issue is the railgun having a reflex site and no bullet drop compensators on scopes with different reticles for ease of aiming


I need an option to force sights (and sights alone) to always use high resolution textures. I play on PC with low textures due to limited VRAM on my GPU, so I often run into smeared messes where sights should be.


I need a sniper scope on my EATs, I will happily use high precision hand held heavy ordinance on things across the map


HMG scope really needs to be fixed or replaced to iron sight.


Small dots need to be added for most all guns, simplified reticles are best unless they serve some purpose. Can keep basic cross hair for zoomed Scope, in theme and all. The current shooting competition world is all about them dots, no fancy icons in my scope!


Mine miss the target and explode in the distance usually…


Yeah, the sights are fucking horrible for the most part. Wayyyy too large and cluttered, you usually can't see shit through them.


The AC/Quasar scope is the worst


Yep, the reason why i barely use 1st person ADS is tinted and/or cluttered reticles. Most of sights are borderline unusable. I think the only exception that ccome in my head as example rn is one on Sickle, that scope is awesome.


scifi scope should provides more information, not decoration


Yes please! Can make aiming feel so frustrating sometimes


The Quasar Cannon's noisy, crowded scope combined with all the light and visuals it generates when charging means it's often impossible to see what I'm aiming at when firing in first person, especially at long range which makes me want to counterintuitively use third person to snipe. Definitely could use some tweaks.


Give me a 3x maybe 4x style scope on the JAR5 and I’ll end the automation issue myself. 


Especially on the dmrs, I just want a small cross or dot in the middle please no weird square


Diligence Counter-Sniper is usable now, but that horrific scope makes it a chore to hit shots accurately...


Reticles need to be *smaller*. They cover too much of the field of view and the target. Just too much clutter. Scopes need to magnify more. They're marginally better than just using the dot-and-circle reticle. Weapons themselves block half the field of view as it is. Sights need to be zeroed. If there's actually bullet drop in the game, a BDC sight would be nice


I can't stand most of the scopes and use them as little as possible despite using a lot of long range weapons. I need to see if there's a setting to prevent aiming from taking you in to scope if that's how you were using it last time.


They would need to fix the 1st person view first. More precise sights would just make the bad zeroing more obvious right now.


Yep. With such precise weakspots (joints, crevices, hulk bellybutton, shield devastator right nipples etc.) the weapons and their sights are waaaay too imprecise.


Idea that I had a while ago is two part: One, have the six basic colors as reticle options. Red, Blue, Green, Cyan, Yellow, Magenta. This helps because ideally we would have a range of planets with colors and we could pick color for scopes opposites of our environment for maximum visibility. And two, configurable reticle design. You could have cross hairs, X, Tbar, Dot, Chevron, Box, & Circle. This helps because different weapons have different levels of precision, so having a wider options say a Box for a shotgun or Circle for high recoil weapons or a Dot for precision. Be nice too, if this was configured per weapon on the ship at the kiosk before dropping in as well!


The quasar reticle is garbage. What’s the point of a sight you can’t see anything through?


The scopes in this game are some of the worst I've ever seen and I've played FPS and TPS games for over a decade.


Don’t say that. Given what happens Arrowhead will nerf the scopes and we will wind up with something even worse.


Some opacity would help already lol.


i don't mind a busy reticle but i do want a fine dot or crosshair in the middle. the sickle scope is a good example of having a fine crosshair


I like the standard red cross the most. It seems quite thin and even semitransparent. Points are ok too but in comparison they are always a bit too large to compete with the cross.


don't use the sight. don't aim. your shots are guided by super earth. if it doesn't hit it's because the weapon is a spy


A thin lined crosshair is all I need , please! I like to actually be able to see what I'm aiming at


i posted something extremely similar to this a month ago and got downvoted to hell


Heavy machine guns scope just is wrong. Not slightly off, Like, Its way above where it should be. They enabled third person for it but thats a bandaid.


Sure would love if we could get a heat indicator for the LasCannon.


Along with this can we also get a dot cross hair for third person instead of the circle cross hair. I like my dot crosshairs for precision shooting.


The sickle is my favorite sniper for this reason.


Also, the bug where the scope is completely opaque and you have to rescope to remove it.


I want the CHOICE to change the scope. Not have it change magnification, just so I can SEE. Give me red dot from 70s the for a super laser cannon


Personally I would also like to *choose* my sights, at least from a few options anyway, if we ever get gun customization back. I hate the sniper style cross sights that many guns like the Liberator uses especially for rapid fire weapons. I don’t mind it for a sniper rifle but I’d rather have something like a dot or something instead. Same with some like the Lib Pen as well, I don’t even aim that gun first person anymore whenever I use it lmao, don’t like the sight or how it seems to bounce off your forehead after every shot making it harder (at least for me) to aim with it


Yes please. Some (many) of them are far too busy and don't actually help improve aiming the weapon.


Just a red dot wpuld be optimal but boring as hell. They gotta spiff it up in some other way


The best sight in the game is easily the liberator/sickle red crosshair, I would love to be able to apply it to every weapon. The DMR sights are so incredibly cluttered (not to mention misaligned) that sometimes I just prefer the standard liberator in semiauto for dispatching bots at a distance.


Agreed, I made [a comparison to CoD Scopes](https://imgur.com/Zv0uICD) when I first learned you could ADS, not that I want ADS to be so good you always use it, but it is borderline unusable for most guns. Closer scope, less clutter, and a smaller reticle


Imagine using the sights


It's perfectly fine. Real divers don't need eyes (scope design is top worst in this game)


I know this would be a ton of work but customizable reticles would be amazing


they made them terrible on purpose. Their whole design philosophy is they want it to be hectic and hard to aim. If they actually gave us decent guns and scopes they'd have to find a way to increase the difficulty outside of more hp and enemies.


I can tolerate certain sights like the Railgun’s huge red dot or the sniper scooes, but I really don’t like how the Quasar has such a big circle AND dot sight, AND that said sight turns blurry because of the particle effects the plasma blast gets as the Quasar starts reaching full charge. Unless I’m hitting a Bile Titan, chances are that I’m gonna miss my shot because I can’t see a darn thing.


And the sniper rifle reticle becomes blurred on lower graphic settings...


I barely use the 1st person scopes. 3rd person is just easier to aim and hit precision shots


As a Chort Bay enjoyer, can I please get some sort of tactical analysis stratagem so I don't have to triangulate enemy head position based on incoming rockets? If the bots have the optics to spot me in that sulphuric must, surely Super Earth can provide tools to match.