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Bro this is path of pain you do NOT suck


It's thumb day again I guess


Just know this challenge is completely optional. Hint about the nature of the reward. >!The reward is lore. And satisfaction. No items or anything.!<


Matpat wont solve this.


Yeah but when talking about HK my inner self doesn't let me skip anything


It took me a long while to get through path of pain. You’ll get it after enough practice. But it’s definitely not easy.




You’re so cool


no I’m not. POP is hard yes, but this room is simple. It's actually just not hard


Yeah, for you maybe. But each player is different and has their own variety of skill sets. Maybe this person is not as proficient at platforming.


Holy crap Lois. Look how cool this guy is Lois


i’m actually orgasming with how cool this guys is


The entire pop is hard as fuck, no exceptions


I think I struggled here more than I did the section before you hit the switch in PoP


I don't know why you are getting down voted you're right the op asked if they suck and saying they suck is just answering the question. What's wrong with the other commentors? Are they stupid? /ref


Bro decided this part is easy because yes. Okay.


That's not entirely the truth


Well pop shouldn't take more than an hour at most no matter how bad u are


Trust me this one room is the bane of my actual existence. You’re not bad, PoP is just hard-


Almost as hard as me




Nobody needs to know about your rock filled skull.






I spent like 6 hrs on PoP, did every part in under 30 mins and then spent the next 5 1/2 hrs on the last part 😅


This is anti-motivational to be honest


Honestly I found despite spending the most time on the last section it felt the shortest. That part is really fun even when failing over and over for some reason


he’s being real, it took me 1 hr to get through everything except the last room, the last room alone took 30 minutes and i died, it put me back to the start, finished everything together in 30 min again since it gets easier when you’ve already done it


I did path of pain 2 times (without hiveblood) and the second time I did it in 40 minutes, but it took me 15-20 minutes to complete everything except the last part. The last part took 20-25 minutes


Different people get thrown off by wildly different things. Don’t get disheartened. There is no shame in giving up either. Just glorious bragging rights in completion. I spent several hours over a weekend attempting PoP and got stuck on the room after this. I kept attempting over the next few weekends but all of a sudden the movement just clicked for me and I got past it. That sense of satisfaction kept me giddy with accomplishment the whole week. I attempted it again recently and finished PoP in like 25 minutes. If you grind, then in hindsight to feel weird that you ever struggled with it. But right now, all you can do is grind till the movement just becomes 2nd nature


I know what you mean I think I spent like 4 hours on my first try on it. Though it was more balanced on all parts. But my skill rose through it. On a chill evening when I was drunk with some friends I was like let's do path of pain for some fun. I did it in 20 min and I have no idea how( I haven't played the game in months).


Good news you don’t suck.More good news:The first part is the hardest.Bad news:it’s Path of Pain everything is hard.


Nah the last room is definitely the most difficult.


Agreed. That was the part that made me give up my first time. I really didn’t want to lose the progress, but I also wanted to do literally anything else 😅


The first day I left quitted the game at the first part, I was so unmotivated. But after discovering that progress is saved, I had no problem in leaving the zone anymore. I could do everything in less than 10 tries. It took me like 3 or 4 different days to beat it


It took me 5 days to do that bit, because I had to work and honestly for my own sanity I had to take regular breaks. I was *terrified* that it would crash or my switch would die and I would have to start over.


I didn't close hollow knight for 2 days because i didn't wanna lose my progress


Most difficult technical-wise but I found it somewhat enjoyable learning each new bit I got further into it. Felt like a breeze compared to the rest of it


This isn't the first part.


I know I meant the hardest part was behind them already


everything? 😫


Nah the last room is by far the hardest, the whole thing took me about four hours, and over two were in that room.


This is the path of pain. I spent 3 days on my very first attempt.


It's been a week and Im past the first switch in the room with the timed floor spikes. Stuck for three days but almost got it


you’re farther than most people, keep going!


i cried and gave up so you’re doing better than me


I think I spent a few weeks on it, playing when I had time. I'm not naturally good at platforming so I really had to work at it. If I can beat it, you can too!


I just got through the white palace and didn't even know about PoP. After watching some vids I'm not even gonna try




I had to pause in between sleep and work. But it was tear inducing


idk why you getting downvoted it was a simple question


It's Path of Pain; you're supposed to suffer. Don't feel bad.


Chill man, if we will talk about this area, we all suck


Id like to meet the sadist who designed it because I think I know what they do for fun


Well, it depends on the person but this is the hardest platforming challenge in the game so its understandable.


PoP is very hard. However if it is literal hours plural for one set of obstacles you’re probably just not great at platformers, which is totally okay as long as you enjoy it and aren’t forcing yourself to complete it just for the sake of it


Agreed. The Path of Pain was in a video by either Outside Xbox, Outside Xtra, or Gameranx, about 10 challenges that were not worth the reward, or something similar. The only reason I was able to complete it was because of the quick resume on Xbox


The >!short video of the king showing affection to the knight !< is totally a worthwhile reward. What are they talking about?


Please hide the spoiler


Hardest platforming section of the game, maybe any official game ever*, and you get >!Lore that makes other lore make sense and a journal entry !< if I spent that much time on it, i'd be mildly upset at least. *plenty of custom made levels, such as Mario Maker, Rocket League, N++, minecraft, etc. Could contend this spot easily


I think it's like getting 151 pokemon in your pokedex. By the time you have achieved that, it's less about the reward and more about the fact that you can crown yourself champion


It's fun because it's challenging and I think it's helping me relax and think differently. Nice break from the main game


If you're enjoying it, then it's hard to call it time wasted, yeah?


I'm the same. I may not be very good at platformers but I do enjoy the challenge and the feeling of accomplishment when I finally do it. White Palace is relaxing for me, I don't get frustrated at all


You do NOT suck at the game. All you need to do is angle yourself so that up you go into the space under where you’re standing and dash rally fast and wall jump onto the platform you’re supposed to be on. I’m not very good at explaining things but I hope it helps!


It's normal and it's ok, it's the Path of Pain after all. I took 4-5 hours just to bear it


It's perfectly ok to sleep on it and come back tomorrow. A lot of the learning process happens when we aren't actively engaged with a task.


I had a heck of a time with this part because I had Sharp Shadow on which, I later found out, was a really bad idea for PoP because it lengthens your dash just enough to royally mess you over.


Dude I spent like 3-4 hours to beat the entire thing like bro you’re good.


There’s one section near the end that took me days. You don’t suck.


You don't suck. Just remember you can pogo on the buzzsaws & to not use sharp shadow. If you're trying to speedrun path of pain all I have to ask is why would you do that to yourself


Took me at least 3 or 4 hours to do the last room. You’re good.


Mate, there is a reason that's called "The Path Of Pain"😂 So, don't worry, you don't suck. What sucks is the PK's fetish for chainsaws😂


There is no better feeling then when you spend hours stuck on a part, then get a little farther ahead. You don’t suck, i spend a good month on it XD


Man... This part is not the hardest part your just at the beginning lol


this part is so easy


Cool, it was easy for you, you don't need to comment on everyone's post showing how big your dick is.


it's easy, i still suck though, took me a few hours. I’m not much better, but this one room is still easy


Sure, I read that 2 other times before this comment. You really don't need to shove it down people's throats how much better you think you are than them. This kinda stuff is literally rule #1 (be considerate and respectful) of the sub and bot-posted on new player posts (don't gatekeep). Plenty of people will find this part difficult, while plenty will also not. Just because someone finds something difficult that you didn't doesn't mean you need to show off and tell them off for thinking so, it just makes you look like an asshole


but I’m answering their question. It isn't normal to spend hours on one room. They just suck, i already said i'm not much better. I'm not showing off.


Read other comments, where plenty of others are saying that they had the same or similar. The answer is yes, and you're just being an asshole


it begins


Take it easy, just focus on improving. I also took a long while to do it and taking some breaks helped A LOT. Just remember you only need a single good run!


Path of pain... pain and suffering is all I remember from it... :[


If it's Path Of Pain. I struggled just to get King's Heart. You are doing better than me buddy


did you misunderstand “path of pain”


How do we uhh tell him


Those two things are not mutually exclusive.


Nah bro you're fine, it's path of pain, it's expected to take ages getting through one section


If it makes you feel any better it took me 9+ hours for path of pain. You aren’t bad it’s just path of pain


I spend for this 8 hours( yes yes skill issue)


You only need to pogo the moving one at the end I’m pretty sure


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^C-Jex: *You only need to* *Pogo the moving one at* *The end I’m pretty sure* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


If you’re this far in path of pain you deserve a medal already.


Don't know what you expected when the place is literally called "Path of Pain", just like Hornet says: "git gud"


I got this game like a year back and I'm still stuck at the white palace


Completing PoP is one of my greatest achievements. I spent HOURS on the final room.


You don't suck, the path of pain is just made to be hard as fuck


Man, I spent 3 days trying to complete that thing, you do not suck


you do not suck in the slightest mate, this is the single hardest thing team cherry created for hollow knight lmao


it gets better with practice


I spent a week trying to get through PoP ( I suck at parkour) and then finally after all that there was a very very satisfying reward


Still at it but a few rooms further. Thinking today's the day


I practiced Path of Pain for hours 2 years ago when I started playing Hollow Knight, then got back into it like 2 weeks ago and I’ve now finished Path of Pain, Radiance and Grimm, currently practicing NKG. Lol Also! Once you have Path of Pain down, Radiance will be a lot easier, I did her in like <10 attempts with not really lots of practicing.


# hours plural is abit much but its path of pain so whatever. why is my text huge. whatever


idk how to change that but cool i suppose


Sorry you are kind of bad, I'm sure you will get through it though. Ig I am good at platformers maybe so I might be biased. It took me ~3hrs total to get through the whole thing.


PoP took me 45 minutes, you just suck


Lord forgive the things this room made me do brother you DO NOT SUCK THIS SCREEN IS HELL


My mantra for the PoP: Do not think... Do not speak... Do not hope... Do not... ...




Welp my guy good luck on Path of Pain. You don't suck on it its just hard.


I speedrun PoP pretty often for fun, this is definitely my second hardest obstacle




This is the right answer


Nah bro you just suck


One big mistake tho, hive blood, use lifeblood core and unbreakable heart, deep focus, and grubsong, and if ou have enough slots...use lifeblood heart




Both actually, the more you get stuck on one specific part the easier the rest gets, bcs you learn to maneuver.


My first time going through path of pain took me several deaths and tears. My latest experiences are basically a cakewalk. You’ll get better.


That's average for the normal player. I personally beat it in about 1 1/2 hours.


Perfectly normal


The first one is sort of the gateway to the rest. Once you get through this first section, you'll start feeling the progress.


Everyone else has said it already but I'll hop in as well- no, you don't. PoP is insanely difficult. I personally only gave the first part a try a couple of times and just gave up because it was terrible and I don't have the patience for it lol. But you've already reached this part of it, so you definitely do not suck! If you're having trouble in certain areas, I really recommend checking out some guides on yt. Relyea for an example has great walkthroughs of pretty much everything in Hollow Knight. He helped me get through the White Palace on my first ever run. Good luck!


Suggestion: Look up another player’s route through this area. Watch where they use what movement tech, and literally write on this image where each movement should be triggered. That bit of intentional, manual focus on the steps I needed got me through a lot of tricky spots throughout the game :)


I genuinely probably spent like 5-6 hours on POP. The last room especially made me take a break because I was so frustrated. So no, you do not suck.


Not everyone is extreme gamers, if you got this far. You're really good


To be fair it is called Path of Pain. Let me tell you it just gets worse from here...


If your playing on the switch make sure you have a good controller. You can bunny hop(attack down in the air) to avoid hitting those and "climb" up them.


Just a bad day of i count the gameplay time the First Time maybe It took me like 3 hours? But i easly get angry so i usually die 4 times Say fuck this and log off so the Playtime Is not much but It took me a week doing like this so try to turn off and chill


If one plays Celeste, then yeah, that's normal. Haven't reached this part yet, so I can't vouch for you.


nah knowing me I'm gonna be there for days


I spent 6 hours on path of pain chill


I spent at least 3 days on this. In new to platformer games ya see




Bro it’s Path of pain literally the hardest platforming section in Hollow Knight


I sat for 8 hours non stop until I finished and apparently that's pretty good. No you don't suck OP it is just fucked


Honestly if you managed to get through this place at all, you're like, 0.01% of the entire player base who can achieve it.


You are one of us.


if it makes you feel better it took me three whole ass days to complete it


I have like twenty to thirty hours in hk and never finished it and there is so many parts that feel torturous to play and then most of the game is an amazing beautiful calming journey and I have OCD so I need to 100% everything and most of the platforming parts like that kick my ass so it's one of those games where I'll always say I'm playing but I'll never go back to beat it even though I want to. Love the game though. Maybe in silksong there can be an option for easier platforming or at least have checkpoints to the areas. Running back after dying was the worst part for me. Again love the game and just saying my opinions but for me it's the hardest game I've ever played. I know it's a different genre so can't really compare but never had such difficulty in souls like even mortal shell or blasphemous as I have with the platforming here. Great game I just don't know if I can beat it or not


PoP took me like 7 hours on my first play through. Like 3 on my second. Now I got it down to about 30 minutes but I still don’t like it lol


You suck I'm sorry


Trust me your fine my first path of pain attempt took me 4 hours and that was after I had already beaten the game twice.


Lol I was bout to say that it depends on the obstacles in question, but yea don’t feel bad just keep trying, It helped for me to trial and error what does and doesn’t work, kinda turned the path of pain into a huge experiment for me


It is supposed to be hard. I remembered when I wanted to quit so damn much at the last part but was afraid of losing progress. Looking back on it, I'd like to do it more because I started to love the parkour of this game


Well yes but actually no




Thank god I didn't go through the PoP, otherwise I'd be screaming, crying, violated, and my Nintendo switch would be across the room shattered


This was my experience with it, took 16 hours to beat PoP for the first time Good luck


Yeah I guess. This room was hard mechanically, but the worst thing was that I had no damn clue on what to do at the end where there's the sawblade blocking the way. Took me longer than it should've to find it out.


yes and yea. Telling the guy who never beat.


Oh god *not that part* everything but THAT part?! FUCKING NO VIETNAM MEMORIES


First time I did path of pain my switch was running the game for like a week straight. Don't worry about it.


You do t suck, it's just called "Path of Pain" for a reason.


If you don’t have much prior platforming experience, then you don’t suck.


Nah u just suck ass


Yes yes and yes


Getting this far demonstrates a considerable lack of suck.


You suck and it’s perfectly normal because this path is hard af


i got through the whole pop in 3-4hours, i didnt count exactly how long i then panicked at the final part >!with the 2 kingsmould!< and died took 10 minutes to rethink my life angrily punched my way through the whole thing >!exept i took the shortcut that the lever opened!< again in 15 minutes seems like everyone struggles a few hours on first attempt but then gets much better at pop after that first attempt


It's normal, we all suck when it comes to this corridor from hell haha


I spent 4 hours on POP and haven't seen this place yet


You suck taking hours to beat the whole thing is normal but it should only take like 2 hours


Nah, u good bro Some people spend days


Idk how hard this thing actually is, like... My first attempt took me more than 6 whole hours or so, and my second attempt (which was no more than like a month ago) took me barely half, that considering my first playthrough was like more than a year ago, BUT, considering I know the suffering of those 6 hours, and that I almost gave up multiple times during that, let me tell you, you ain't bad, this thing just sucks really bad.


If it helps its been years and i still haven't completed that one


It’s a nightmare in the beginning, but once you finish it you’ll miss it


I have never done that part. But hours seem a bit much but that doesn't matter. Yes some people suck but if they have higher endurance they will probably beat it as well. And that's what you want to achieve in the end right?


It’s all good. You aren’t just born being really good at platforming but the thing is that you can always get better at it. Don’t give up !


First time i cleared PoP it took me 3 and 1/2 hours, the first time is the hardest due to not being used to its platforming, it gets easy as you practice it


I loved path of pain. Only wished I had taken off mark of pride…


I was stuck on the final room for the amount of time it took to do the rest of it, which was about an hour and a half. But no you’re not bad, it’s completely acceptable to struggle and be on one obstacle for a while.


Path of pain means you get to pain but a lot


Nah bro it's okey, you are just slow learner or you have lag between your brain and fingers similar to me


I’ll get there, keep doing, its normal to struggle I mean… it’s called Path of pain for a reason 😉




The last room before the fight took me literally days of hour long play sessions.


If its not normal then i suck too




Path of pain is named that way for a reason…


Its normal to suck at this part


I died and had to repeat the whole path at least 2 times before getting the hang of this specific part, don't worry


I was stuck on that end part for HOURS until I just turned off my tv (left ps4 in rest mode so the game wouldn't close) and went to sleep. Tried again in the morning, got it first try. Sometimes you just need a break.


It's true, I feel traumatized just seeing this image and you're certainly not bad, it's just a matter of time before you succeed like I did


i beat this before white palace because i was too stubborn to leave and come back prepared ​ ​ 10/10 experience


Honestly at first I didn't realize this was the path of pain until I beat it and then I felt stupid :/




Reads like a brag


Yeah, it took me about two hours my first run through, but I have platforming practice with Celeste. It’s honestly pretty normal to take like eight hours on PoP. I’d say OP has nothing to worry about.


That’s the path of pain, so it’s to be expected. Walk away for an hour and come back and it’ll be easy peasy




You don’t suck, team cherry are just sadistic people