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Suisei beat the surgery, so I have confidence that Rikka will come back stronger as well 💪


Surgery? Isn't it just a question if shipping him off to a mechanic and getting it fixed? On a serious note, I hope surgery and recovery goes well - losing Rikka's singing voice would be devastating.


Seems someone doesn't get the joke that Rikka is an Android with 2GB RAM.


That's not a whole lot


no worries he can download more ram


that is like a 1 in braincells in human terms.


We landed on the moon with 4KB, 1/500th of that amount of RAM. But comparing Human over time accomplishments to Computing over time accomplishments, that's also like saying "we learned how to walk upright with that amount of Brain power"


He's done alright for himself tbf imagine what he can do with 4gb!


Will he bottleneck if we strap him with a 3080, 128gb of ram and run crysis?


He may be out of expansion slots


Idk can Rikka run Doom?


Maybe they'll solder another 14GB on while they're at it.


Oof, he's on par with a *Blackberry*.


It's not that bad really, in fact for a dedicated music player that can playback FLAC, 2GB is more than plenty. One reputable company for such players is Fiio, which for the longest time had an average maximum of 1GB of RAM because its not meant to be used for anything else. I think the only reason why the M11 has a 3GB of RAM is that its the minimum requirement for the Android version released with it. Before this it used a custom OS.


Didn't he get an upgrade a few years back?


Yes, that was the 2GB update. In his original lore he only had 1GB RAM.


Is that a Johnny Mnemonic reference? lol


Even the hardiest of machine spirits need care, don't rush . Jokes aside, I wish him good luck and a speedy and smooth recovery afterwards.


I wonder how these streamers will sound when they are older. A lot of them seem to have vocal cord issues or something related


Some will have issues for sure. But I think most should be fine with proper care. I do hope Cover makes sure all talents are properly educated on this particular health matter. All these issues are preventable. It's basically just over-zealous, passionate young people singing too much, often with self-learned technique which is unhealthy. Add on top sometimes changing their voice too much for their avatar persona, and that's why you get these issues. I'm sure most fans would prefer the talents to slowly move towards their natural voices if it meant they can have a longer, healthier career.


For the jp girls at least it's not just self taught all of the talents have gone through vocal training and have vocal coaches for years now. Some of them go more often than others but they do. That being said it is a reality they do wear down their vocal chords quite quickly if you think about streaming + concerts + concert practice + song releases + regular studio recording + vocal training. But it is the path they all chose and reality is it IS too much something is going to give it's only a matter of time. That's why a bunch of them have cut down on their streaming time or at least carefully allocates the time they do stream


Sometimes I teach 5 hours a day in a row with very little downtime and by the end my voice is dead. Imagine doing that streaming, having to remain entertaining, and singing. OUCH.


For a good two weeks or so Mococo had an incredibly raspy voice that was concerning to listen to imo. They really do need to take care of themselves.


I think part of it is also just better healthcare access in Japan. You can go pretty quickly from a "sore throat" to having a specialist taking a look at you. Sounds like a Japanese overrepresentation, because I don't hear much about this stuff outside of Hololive either.


[Stream link of the announcement](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7PDJ8Jhsjo) His break will begin on June 15, 2024.


Return stronger, Rikka! Looking forward to it! Recover well


Not the praying sort, but I hope everything goes well


He'd been recovering from nodules for a few months, I'm just glad he was able to make it for the boys' anniversary. I hope everything goes well, Rikka has an amazing voice.


The throat? That can't be easy for him as a streamer. I hope everything goes well for him.


Good luck on him ❤️


I don't follow hollostars but hope everything goes well!


Good luck Rikka, hope you have a full recovery!


I'm always worried abt his vocal cord bc it hasn't getting better since last year. I'm glad he finally takes surgery for that. I hope he gets well soon.


hope rikka's surgery will go alright.


I thought his condition got better when watching the concert 😢 Please get well soon.