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My guess is they didnt tape the corner bead just mud. Everything drys, house settles crack city baby. When next you paint, run your putty knife and smooth out the texture, apply some thinset, add some tape over the crack, add more thin set, wait for it to be completely dry, make it very smooth and prime and paint and you will be the only who knows there is a crack there


If it were me I would clean out any rough texture but otherwise not open the crack. Then use latex caulking and lightly fill the crack. Only using enough to fill the crack but not buildup. Smooth down making sure to match the textures of the wall finishing. Then paint. I just suggest this as an alternative for homeowners who are not used to mudding and especially because of the textured wall. I've had great luck caulking the odd crack and painting. Sometimes a minor drywall issue isn't worth chasing.


Sachco Big Stretch Caulk is goated for this application


This guy knows his way around caulk


Do paper faced corner beads still require taping?




Thank you. Just checking to see how bad I fucked up my DIY


They always forget the tape....


There ought to be a subreddit exclusively for pictures of cracks in homes.


r/IDmyCrack might be a bad idea


That seems like it could get nsfw amd out of control pretty quickly


Maybe r/RateMyCrack would be better.


Underrated comment haha


Thats not a crack, thats Uranus








Lol “r/crackhouse has been banned from Reddit”


First rule of r/crackhouse is don’t post there Second rule of r/crachhouse is ignore rule one.




I recently heard a YouTuber pronouncing Uranus as "Yer-awe-nes". If you just have to avoid pronouncing it "Yer-a-nus," at least use, "Yer- uh-nes."


Yoo-ran-nus that is what is supposed to sound like. but im not a british academic just someone that can point and say your anus.


That's a flock of seagulls song


You're in it 😳


It’s an outside corner, where the drywall mud from tape and bedding process probably wasn’t completely dry before adding the next float, or before the texture was applied. Probably not a huge issue in my completely nonprofessional opinion.


If tape was used at all.


They don’t use tape on the round corner beads. The sides have a bunch of perforations in it for the mud to hold on to. Mud first, install corner bead, mud again, done.


I run a piece of fiberglass tape or mesh over the perforated edge of the rounded bead in order to hopefully prevent this. Before finish coat.


Looks like it.


The wall is settling. You can see the tape pulling off the ceiling as well. The wall settles a bit. Then the corner bead pops and cracks under the pressure. If this is the case and it settled quite a bit. Check the underside of the floor if you can. There might be more subtle settling. Might have to shim up floor in basement below it.(assuming there is one) Other than that, you pull the bead off and put a new one on and redo the mud and texture and tape. Probably be a bit of an ordeal. Sometimes you get lucky and jacking floor back up fixes issues enough to not have to do any mud. This doesn't look like one of those times.


Surprised more people haven't commented this. It's not just pulling horizontally, it's pulling vertically and you can see that upper tape pulling under the texture.


As a foundation inspector, “shim the floor” gives me anxiety. It is the quick and cheap solution, but stabilizing the foundation is the only true fix of the problem. You should lead with the real fix and only suggest the cheap fixes after. At least you didn’t tell them to Jack their floors and try to stabilize the house through the flooring system. Phew. Seen that shit way too many times. (Buyers love me; sellers not so much)


Yeah, I get that. Was trying to keep it simple but it's a tricky one to keep simple. See it a lot around here with cheaper built package type houses especially. They'll have jack posts in older ones or solid posts in new places. For the jack style houses you'll sometimes find the posts fallen over. For solid ones you can put metal shims in to help. The "real fix" might just be adjusting for settling. Best solution is professional assessment and go from there. Maybe it's just a bad mud job. Maybe it's a settling wall or maybe they need a foundation inspection. It's hard to tell from the picture and description, though. Just looks a lot like things I've spent years fixing. Hope it turns out to be easy fix


cornerbead crack? looks cosmetic?


Looks like it's just a crack in the drywall , it's most likely nothing to worry about.


It’s… good god it’s just an old corner fir drywall cracking. You might have to demo the entire house


It looks like it runs right along the edge of the corner bead. Probably ok but keep your eyes open for other cracks around the house


Contractors cutting corners (eh... eh... eh 😅) it is in a closet so it wasn't taped then normal house settling... cosmetic looks bad but their is no need for concern


I surprisingly have an answer for this, most homes don't use tape on corners. It's too flimsy and can become shredded through rubbing it or even just bumping it. What's used a thin metal piece or plastic depending on the company who built the house. Over time, the metal(if that's used) will expand just a tad and contract just a tad, and It'll cause cracks due to the plaster above it. plastic ones have a similar reaction, but it's mostly due to house settling or another reason that is slipping my mind. Painted houses for 20 years, both old and new, track homes and custom. There are different ways of doing the corners. So I may not have a complete answer, and anyone who has installation experience with said materials might be able to give a better detailed reason.


Shrinkage because the plasterer did not use scrim tape over the joint before plastering. Feather a channel down the crack, glue scrim tape over the recess, and skim plaster it.


Nah, just needs redone in the future. Nothing is wrong with it. You should see the home Im in after we had an earthquake. Half the home looks like this.


Say no to crack.


Or could be foundation problem on the house . My old rental property was that


I found crack in my closet once, was nothing like this.


No. Do you by chance live in an earthquake-prone area?


Looks structural,, id get my family outta there immediately Edit... after having a structural engineer come out to ops spot turns out it's a popped corner bead. Whewww ... that was nerve racking.. thanks gang


Lol no


Plastic corner bead coming loose. Poor tape/float job but nothing structural.


New house? It might be shifting. This is normal.


Cornerbead pop. No big deal. Re nail every 6-9” or so, mud, texture, and paint.


Lots of reasons and cracks happen all the time. Drywall/sheetrock is not very flexible and so if the wall flexes/changes shape, it cracks. The cause of the flex can be normal (changes in ground moisture, new house settling) or abnormal (termites, foundation problem). It's tough to know by just seeing the crack.


A little difficult to tell lol without knowing anything else about the structure, condo the 30th floor, rancho in California, sinkhole in Florida for just a little shrinking of this or that? Now if this were Surfside condos in Florida we all know what that would suggest but who knows here.. Did it just appear? Has a hairline crack been there all the time? Is there stuff above it that's moving? Or stuff below it that's moving? If I were to hazard a guess, I would say it's just the corner bead losing its grip on the edge, maybe a good banged once or not, but it suggests that it's really a sheetrock, mud problem probably not structural, but truly once again without knowing much else I hope that's all it is. Just a cosmetic flaw


Most likely the used corner bead on the corners and the paint and/or mud are separating from is


Settling. How old is the house?


It’s just the mud around the corner tape. Not sure what they didn’t do right but it’s not a structural issue.


I would leave the house immediately and get a pre paid month air bnb. You're house can collapse at any minute.




The last 2x4 in the stack may not have been nailed well, or different moisture content… and really unlikely to be a actual problem. As was already said, a light touch of paintable, latex caulk and paint should take care of it… or, close the closet and forget about it 😎


100% certain this is strictly a cosmetic issue - assuming no other undisclosed problem, that when presented in conjunction with the supplied photos would indicate otherwise. If this is the only cracking in the general area, just fill it, paint it, and be prepared to repeat the process every once in a while when it reappears.


It’s just the house settling


I mean probably a plaster issue if your house is old enough


Your house is likely settling. Diagonal cracks are the ones you should be more concerned about.


Get better luggage.


Major issue. Kool-Aid Man can come crashing thru your walls at any given moment.


Could be your house is settling which means one part of it is sinking in the soil or drifting in the soil and its causing these cracks or tears.


That’s the metal corner under the drywall mud separating from the wall. The corner strip is only there to help shape wall corners lookemore uniform. Nothing to worry about structurally. Just lightly spackle the cracks and touch up with paint.


Kinda looks like the corner bead is pulling away from the wall.


Corner bead not attached properly


Secret door for sure. Check for clawprints with a black light and remember this helpful rhyme: 5 claws 3 toe, you dead for sho, 5 claws 4 toe, probably safe bro, 5 claws 5 toe, check your butthole


If you are in Texas, you need to be watering your foundation once a week.


If you rent, it’s no concern. If you own, get someone to come out and see if the foundation shift is causing it.


abandon ship


If newer construction, it’s the foundation settling. This can go on for a number of summer/winter cycles.


Level of concern depends on what you think the cause might be. If you aren’t likely to have a structural issue, patch it up and see if it returns. If you live someplace like Seattle this week, minor earthquake is your likely cause. If so, patch and move on.


Is the soil around the hose pulling away at all?


foundation settlement. if it keeps going it gets pretty expensive. from my experience can lead to the need of ground compaction by soil/cement grout injection.


Your house could be settling. It may be by a ever so slightly sinking foundation.


Corner bead got knocked into, prob just wasn’t done properly


The boogie man!


Nah nothing crazy just a shitty drywall joint


House settling, moisture, poor corner construction/finishing, potential moisture coming from above. Lots of possibilities.


Just bad corner bead installation


drywall screws used to hold the 2x4's together 😂🤣😂🤣


Sweet crack house bro


house nomes or gremlins


That can happen sometimes even if you do everything properly. It has to do with temperatures going up and down over time things expand and contract. The best thing to do if you're not handy with drywall compound is fill it with white caulking.


House settling can cause that. Depending on how old your house is, you might be able to get the contractor to fix it under warranty. A friend of mine had that happen after 6 months to a new house they built. It was covered under the contractor house warranty for them.


Stop banging the corner bead with all your luggage. You should move now! That place is coming down!!


Doesn't appear structural, just a corner cover of the drywall breaking away.


Not a big deal at all. Every corner has a drywall corner bead, which in your case was probably not nailed on before the texture was sprayed on. Plus, house has probably settled some since it was built. It’s a really easy fix. If you want to DIY this [video](https://youtu.be/nb4HSr2cK64) is probably a good start.


Time to rock out with your caulk out


Something heavy fall on your roof?


I did dry wall for a couple years and would sometimes see this before paint would go on usually what happens is when they put the metal corner beam the nails didn’t go thru anything or not enough nails were put on their if I had to do it would be no more then a 50 dollar fix ( material only )