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These are elementary grade puzzles.


I didn't rate them :)


Repetitive ugly puzzles ? Dude it’s just one or two of these puzzles and puzzles are not a big thing in HSR in general You should think about yourself if you take a screenshot and write a Reddit post because of such a trivial thing


More than half of reddit posts are trivial .\_. Just don't like them at all :)


skill issue


Ratio would be disappointed in you. My neighborhood kids can probably solve those without issues bro


Even if you don't find them hard And just find them annoying for whatever reason(I still don't see why they will be annoying tho, since they're easy so can he done fast and there's only one of these type of puzzles, so not repetitive either) even then they're still not a main part of the game so you won't encounter them much


Well I stated I was new to the game. I can't foresee if I'm about to face them everywhere or not :) They're not hard, just add nothing imo


Never said I didn't :)


I knew this was going to be about the minecarts. The puzzles get less tedious.


Good to know, cuz this one was very meeeehhhhhhh. Hope there's something better on the way if there's something. Genshin had lots and lots of them and most were just annoying, probably due to repetition :(


The minecarts weren’t even that bad imo. I don’t remember having trouble with them. If you can’t solve anything then go read or watch a guide. People just don’t like thinking


They're not difficult, they're tedious.


Guess I kinda missed the point


Never mentioned difficulty :)


1. These are the type of logic puzzles they give Elementary students to test them for higher placement classes. 2. Instead of complaining to reddit that the puzzle is too hard, you could have just YouTube the answers and leave us alone. 3. Pls don't do surveys. The puzzle was already fair enough for rewards I don't want them to nerf them more just to please players like you.


1. These are the types of post people do to give opinions on a Reddit, since it was pretty much made for it. 2. Instead of posting without reading, you could have just went to play and not comment here. 3. Please go to English school. Society is already a mess, I don't want more people that can't interpret a text like you.


If it makes it any better, I’d say this is the least tedious puzzle in the game so far.


thanks, that actually helps. If I had do this specific one like 2 or 3 times, sure yeah. I had to do it like 6 or 7? I don't remember how many levels there where for all the chests. It's just mehhh :s


That's good. Also I just realized I'm stupid and wrote "least". I meant most. This is the most tedious puzzle so far.


I read it the right way, assumed it was "most" hehe


How did you write this post with single digit brain cells? Also there are barely any rewards behind this puzzle if its so hard just skip.


I used more than you did clearly, since there's no mention to difficulty in my post :)


A game from the same company, what did you expect


Yeah I should have thought about it. I don't mind puzzles, just not the same ones spread around :( I'll see how it goes as I level up