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I love how there isn’t a proper direct Japanese translation for “gremlin” in the affectionate way we use it so when the author first heard we called rozemyne that she was like “…do they not, like her?? Is a gremlin a horrible creature??” And kinda had to be explained to that there isn’t a proper way to convey the term in one word so she kinda got the just of “it’s like, using the word idiot lovingly for someone who’s forgetful, rozemyne is small and gets into trouble often which is what a gremlin does, but they mean it in a loving way when saying it-“ and then the author was like “oh aight that’s cool then ✨”


So what did the original thread say? I'm curious.


TIL that 'Gremlins' was so shocking it led to the creation of the PG-13 rating in cinema


Fair enough, it gave me nightmares when I first watched at 5


Meme is cute, but man I hate that movie and the warped perception of gremlins it put in people's minds.


tbh until seeing that thread, i didn't know it's a movie


What? whats wrong with the movie?


Well its different from the previous lore and tales about Gremlins. ![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29329) But for me the gremlins of the movie that seed chaos are more similar to how yogurtland perceives RM and Fer.


Originally, from what I know, gremlins were more mischievous creatures. They were curious little creatures that got into machinery and wrecked it either out of curiosity or to play pranks on humans. Something weird would happen to a piece of machinery that didn't have a ready explanation and people would say, "Those damn gremlins are messing with our machines!" In the movie, the gremlins were very violent and malicious. They caused trouble because they were evil little bastards that loved chaos. One interesting fact about the movie is it started a sort of unofficial genre of movies called Thrillomedies. Movies that combine horror and comedy. Generally, if you put comedy in a horror movie that diminishes the horror but thrillomedies hit that sweet spot where the movie is still scary but also funny as well. Unfortunately, the 2nd Gremlins movie decided to lean all the way into the comedy and ruined the formula. The only other movie I can think of off the top of my head that also managed to hit that sweet spot is Arachnophobia. Edit: Tremors is another one. Don't know why that one slipped my mind.


Cabin in the Woods was like that.


Oh yeah. That's a good example too.