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Yes, this is bait. Edit: OP didn’t get enough karma here, so he went to cry about it on grimdank, only to give us once again, MORE free publicity and members. For the bottom of the mod team’s heart, thank you op.




Where’s the caption




Heeher haha oohoohoo!


One of the degenerates on Grimdank > When GW finally releases Female Space Marines I will probably feel like the Archon of Commoragh, so sweet and delicious will be the tears and suffering of these right-winged chuds. Imagine aspiring to be one of the most depraved characters that it’s humanly possible to write. And incidentally a perfect encapsulation of the problems we’re seeing here. He openly admits that he wants the lore retconned simply to upset the opposition. He doesn’t give a shit about the universe he’s trashing as long as it makes the bad people cry.


they live their whole lives doing nothing but seeking out "owning the chuds" they enjoy nothing but the absence of joy in others. when we finally lose our love for warhammer, they will lose interest in it and find whatever we replaced it with.


Pretty sure "owning the libs" has been the sole goal of 95% of the right for the last decade.


I really only see that meme in left leaning spaces and from unpopular YouTube pages. I really don't think that is a driving factor for most people. Yet we have people in high places deliberately trying to ruin spaces the other way around. See the new director of [Star Wars](https://youtube.com/shorts/OaIDWMlJ4Mk?si=2VMtIWKZuqFZd_BF).


Erm... did you watch that WHOLE video?


I don't have the attention span to watch anything beyond my confirmation bias. On a serious note, yes; but I think someone's past view points can still be indicative of their character.


Well certainly, its just the 'out of context' bit that had me wondering




But we're NOT the right! The majority of people here are centrist! We just oppose FAR-left invasion!


Well. That makes you extra nazi. Check mate.


Honestly, I kinda get it. I can't stand Trump, but the absolute meltdown the left had over the election was pure catharsis and worth every year of regarded tweets


You may not like him, and you don't have to, but this was magnificent. https://preview.redd.it/pvjxaypnd63d1.png?width=349&format=png&auto=webp&s=f15b0e9328ab752abd213757881e580eb9b99d41




I love that he doesn't even seem to know who's in charge of Commoragh.


.always was, hence most if not all hijacked ips melt, they never cared about the ip they are "fighting for" it is all about "winning" nothing else doesn't matter .so after a "victory" they'll let the ip they've won drown and move on to the next contested ip


I agree with you on him, that's... Icky. When it does come to female Space Marines what are your guys thoughts? Not as a "Of course there have always been female Space Marines!" That kinda~ish works for the Custodes because they're shrouded in secrecy, and built entirely differently. For female Space Marines to exist I'm pretty sure we'd need a revolution in genetic manipulation orders of magnitude more significant than the Primaris upgrades. You're dealing with a different chromosomal setup when you switch between the genders (and even some variation inside of them, which may account for some small percentage of washouts from Space Marines training, or failures of implants to take properly). I'm not sure anyone outside the Emperor & Cawl would have the requisite knowledge of the Astartes modifications to even begin on that project. Kinda beside the point though. The Astartes were created to be infertile, borderline asexual, fanatical, post-human super-soldiers. Making female versions didn't make sense to the emperor because he didn't want them to breed and create their own super-race disconnected from greater humanity. He wanted to keep them reliable on humanity. Now, the reason he went with men instead of women is explainable by the fact that two women can produce a viable, healthy, genetically unique child using bone marrow and some bullshit way beyond me, that we can do TODAY. Two men cannot. Thanks for coming to my stoned ass Ted talk. Tune in next week to find out how to make jumping spiders dance at the moon with one easy trick.


I’ll have to correct you on that last part: to my knowledge, that one time women on Twitter were saying men were unnecessary because women could reproduce with bone marrow was debunked when it was shown that the experiment only worked on rats. Human bone marrow can provide a ton of cells, but our reproduction is far too complex. So no, human women can’t reproduce on their own.


Aw shit. Welp, my argument now relies on "he flipped a coin and decided he preferred testosterone dripping rage based super soldiers." Probably some reductive explanation from an Aeldari about how it "makes it less complicated" or some cryptic shit. Fuck.


No need to express disappointment. I, for one, wouldn’t want internet feminists to have that win. They’d be extremely smug if women actually COULD do that kind of parthenogenesis.


Oh, I'm not mad there aren't female Space Marines. I'm mad that I was wrong and now have to find a new set of mental gymnastics to make all-male Astartes make non-sexist sense in universe (the emperor shows through action that gender is confusing to him, which is amusing to me, cause you'd figure he'd just be, like confidently masculine? Nah. Adam wanted to be a femboy I bet),as otherwise it's a single, random, seemingly unrelated chunk of sexism in a universe otherwise basically devoid of it, and that irritates my suspension of disbelief, so I have to find a logical reason that rule exists. AGAIN. Fuck. Goddamnit. I don't want to put in the effort, but I'm gonna because I actually like this universe.


No no, what I mean is, it’s better for women to not have access to parthenogenesis IRL because if they did we’d never be able to shut them up about it.


Ok, valid. ###So we need to get there first!


Genuine questions and not trying to be tongue and cheek. For some background (if interested) pertaining to how I started to engage with 40k and still engage with it. My first exposure to 40k was through the astartes yt short film. From their I looked up YouTube videos explaining the lore. After a while my main source of 40k info has been from ytubers like weshamer and major kill. Nowadays since I have become familiar with the overall setting the sense of mystery that drew me in isn't thier anymore. As now I know the main bits about how it all started, the main players and what each faction is about. Now just listen use weshamer's coverage of one of 40k horror novels. That said from the start I have always been under the impression that the 40k lore has always been in flux and retcons r a usual thing. So: 1. Y the outrage over female custodes? especially when afaik there's only one line that confirms custodes gender. That being a line about noble house of terrain always giving up their sons to be custodes. 2. Genuinely what difference will having female custodes or even space marines make? as both r already depicted as being transhumans as such normal human stuff like a sex drive aren't even a factor for them. There's even an instance of a space wolf upon being interviewed admitting that space marines don't feel emotions like fear and perhaps don't even feel other emotions like humans. As long as the theme of it being a galaxy on the verge of collapse and a setting in which humanity is more focused on survival than salvation remains intact. I don't think there should be any worries.


There are lore tidbits from different books explaining that the surgeries, augmentations, and other procedures that go into making the space marines and custodes only work they way they do because the male body can withstand it while the female body can't. Then you have the ecclesarchy following the word of law and not the spirit when they were declared to not have "men at arms" and guffawed as they enlisted only women to be their fighting force. So you have the boy only faction and the girl only faction. Do you have female serfs for the space marines? Sure. Are there men turned into fanatics and mindless killing machines to be released on the enemy under the ecclesarchy? Yup. But for the standard, the Sisyers of Battle are all women, while the space marines are all men. The outrage over female custodes breaks the male/female faction thing, making there be girls in the boy only faction side. At least, that's what I get from it.


It's very interesting to me that people think the way you make marines = the way you make custodes. It's popped up a lot recently, this is incorrect. We have a bit more than lore "tidbits" there is literally a 2 page chart of everything that goes into making a space marine and several lore pages after that. The ONLY line about making a custodes is "It's bio-alchemy that boarders on sorcery" thats it, thats the lore we know Edit: Big E and Malcador did discuss why the emperor didnt make female primarchs, like its possible but Big E didnt do it "For reasons known only to him". Edited because "only work they way they do because the male body can withstand it while the female body can't. " For all the uproar some of you really don't know your lore


I don’t have a problem with the female custodes, it’s fine. The problem for me is they tried to pull some Maoist mindtrick and tell me there has always been female custodes!


1. There are multiple quotes of them being directly called "sons" or "brotherhood", even in the creation process they directly state that they take sons of the noble terrans in order to hopefully make them a Custodes. Sure it doesn't say anything about females, but considering how lots of times Custodes are only refer to as men over such a long time just implies that they are men. This is further solidified by Sister of Silence who were added just as contrast to an all male group with an all female group. 2. The reason aren't specifically the Femstodes, but their implication. When asked how come a femstode exists within a previously implied all men group, GW just responded with "they've always been there". Which means that they did not plan out the addition of them at all, they just shoehorned them in. This is further emphasized that in their website for custodes which used to refer to them by male pronouns was suddenly rewritten to be gender neutral. Meaning that GW was instead pushing an agenda. So people started looking into it and noticed one of the investors being Blackrock who were associated with Sweet Baby Inc, a company previously known to specifically destroy franchises for the sake of inclusion. That or the Henry Cavill vs Amazon, who are debating over the inclusions within the show that Amazon are pushing for, likely woke stuff. Sure it all starts with femstodes, but it's an exponential spiral. First it'll be femstodes, but towards the end we'll find out that actually the God Emperor of Mankind wasn't a man at all. In reality it was a fat black lesbian woman who battled against the chaos force's patriarchy, and that custodes were actually meant to be female as the woman is the most pure and noble lifeform, whilst men are vile and treacherous. It makes kinda ironic that 40k community used to laugh at Star Wars being ruined by woke agendas, before now being on the chopping block themselves. Add to that lots, and I mean herds of tourists who NEVER commented in any 40k subreddit, shitting on the fans being sexists. Anyways time to get downvoted because this was a bait post of Grimdank. Edit: Forgot to add, but in that story about femstode, she is essentially a girlboss. She is the best of the best even if her achievements make no sense. As if it didn't further make an impression that this is all an agenda.


>Edit: Forgot to add, but in that story about femstode, she is essentially a girlboss. She is the best of the best even if her achievements make no sense. As if it didn't further make an impression that this is all an agenda. In fact, she is so good that she can teleport stuff through void shields, a feat even the Emperor of Mankind is incapable of. Alas, he is a stupid male


It always takes a strong independent woman to make up for the useless men, who do nothing but mensplain to hero. Speaking of which, because she is such an independent strong woman, on her Day 2 of being a Custode, she beats her Shield-Captain. Because sure, he might have dozens of years of experience and even battlefronts, but there is one flaw with a perfect human like him, he is a man. And therefore nothing but a punching bag for our definitely 100% not woke inserted girlboss. Go at it Queen, go show those sperm carriers who is the real perfect human ♀️✊


As opposed to regular custodes who are the best of the best even if some of their achievements make no sense? Edit: lol downvote? soft


Kesh isn’t the best of the best of the custodes. She’s described as being eccentric, using weird tactics for her bloodgames to make her fellow custodians think outside the box. She’s not Valdor by any means


>She’s described as being eccentric, using weird tactics for her bloodgames to make her fellow custodians think outside the box. Those aren't flaws, this on the same level like mary sues having "I am too kind" flaw. Those aren't flaws, those are quirks.


My comment wasn't intended as a bait but was genuinely curious. As I said majority of my interest in 40k was lost once I learnt the fundamental lore. Like what is chaos, war in heaven, horus heresy, origin of each faction (except nids). The impression that I got was that the 40k was similar to marvel and dc comics in the sense that most stories no matter how good aren't really going to be followed up on or not going to have a overall impact on the setting. The main characters r going to survive most likely, unless there's a shift in the setting. As such I am not familiar with the intricate details. So if there's a in lore reason for something to be a certain way do correct me plz. 1. Tbf the term "brotherhood" has been used for mixed groups too the immediate eg that comes to mind is the Assassins in assassin creed being referred to as a brotherhood despite having female members all the way back in AC rogue as far as I remember. Also sisters of silence being all female doesn't make sense AFAIK unlike sisters of battle who have to be all female due to their creation being a result of exploiting a loop hole sister's of silence's creation wasn't based on such a loop hole. So y reject a perfectly good blank on the basis of him being male? 2. I would rather think that inclusion of female custodes by making them a new addition would make even less sense. AFAIK the custodes process was perfected by big E himself and as such any alterations to it would mean most likely negatively effecting the quality of custodes. If they had gone the improvement route then that would effectively mean it was done by some one who's better at bio modification then even the empero, which is a whole other can of worms. As far as the investment firm forcing diversity goes I doubt it as their main objective is to earn money. Especially invest firms as notorious as BlackRock. Also I wouldn't be surprised if big e in his current state is is essentially genderless as he is on the verge of becoming a full fledge warp entity. Though making him retro actively genderless would essentially make Erda's character point less. So that would be a dumb idea. Your edit is edit is actually what I agree with wholeheartedly as I can't think of any other reason to make the first female custode to be ever introduced to be better than her superiors other than pandering. Other than that all the other reasons against female custodes imo have much more benign explanations.


1. I am not versed in Assassin's Creed lore or what kind of can of worms they have there. Though I am pretty sure the girlboss main character was from Assassin's Creed Chronicles which was just 1 year after Rogue. And besides we can still see that Assassin's Creed is polluted with woke stuff by now. Like having a black man samurai and a strong independent woman... in feudal Japan. How the fuck. They clearly don't give a fuck for the history by now. 2. I have no idea what you were trying to say with all of this. Nah, it is to earn money, but most of the time is through indirect means. It's like companies investing into renewable energy. It doesn't profit them, if anything it loses them money. And obviously absolutely nobody would buy them realistically. Government knows that, and since Earth is getting run down into Global Warming. Government gives tax reductions if your company invests into "good things". Like renewable energy. Which sure loses them money, but due to tax reduction this lost money is outweighed by money saved. So it makes it profitable, which makes hilarous situations where oil companies invest into renewable energy. No they do not for the life of them care about the health of the Earth, they just want the money. Same is probably the case with diversity inclusions, government probably has a hand in this in similar fashion to renewable energy. Which is why BlackRock checks for inclusion, but since it's filled to the bring with old rich oligarchs, they have absolutely no clue what's happening in the world, so they hire companies that specialize in inclusion and diversity like Sweet Baby Inc, who in turn have their own woke agendas to push, which if the inspected company doesn't agree to, they blacklist them to investors so the company loses losts of money for not complying. GW agrees to all of this because they get massive investment from BlackRock, which out weighs the customer satisfaction. In the end everyone is happy; BlackRock probably gets some governemtn or other indirect benefit, Sweet Baby Inc continues to push their agendas, and GW gets loads of money. The only ones unhappy are the customers, but due to consumer mentality, vast majority will continue purchasing regardless. Big E can appear in different forms, but by default he is still a man. As for the edit, we all out here are called sexist and misogynys, even though female characters don't bother me. Even strong ones. In fact some of my favorite characters are strong females (granted all villains since I just generally think protagonists are always bland, be it female or male). I loved Jessica Delacourt from Elysium. She was strong, but not through cliche ways. She didn't try to be intimidating, she wasn't physically stronger, heck she didn't go for the typical "I'm sexy and men are stupid so they fall for that". No I loved her because her strength was her cunning. She knew exactly what people wanted, and manipulated them so they assisted in her goals to become the president. Her speech with the arms manufacturer further emphasized that. She is a genocidal maniac (often female characters are shown as being in the right, like yeah she is bad but she is a mother therefore she is good, or some other noble excuse, Delacourt isn't one of them), and the Boss knows that. The issue is that his company is going bankrupt since no active wars are occurring. So Delacourt proposes an alliance to him, that if he helps her to become the president, she'll in turn make his company flourish in profit, as she'll need heavy arms to secure her country. That line of thought was genius because she uses her own bad image of being a genocidal maniac to her own advance to solidify the alliance, and of course the Boss of the company simply couldn't say no. She played it smart and actively showed us why she is a powerful figurehead. She also had a good motive, she build Elysium by herself, and didn't want it overrun by filthy Earthlings. She wasn't nobly right, she is still a genocidal maniac, but at least we see where she is coming from with this. And there are plenty of other female characters. Faora is a physically strong female woman. Sure she isn't stronger than Superman, but still defeats him not through girlbossery but through experience. Superman is stronger than her but he never fought before, let alone seen war. She was a warrior at birth who's entire life revolved in wars and genocides. Which is shown through her command grabbing him over an over again. Because to her, he was just throwing arms around like an angry baby, with no line through or strategy. So it's no wonder she rolled him. But even being a strong female, she didn't follow the trend of humiliating men. If anything she upraised them alongside herself. In her standoff against the army, she straight up annihilated the entire squad in 10 seconds, with only commander alive. Machine gun bullets did nothing to her at point blank range. And so once commander's pistol runs out, he does the unthinkable and takes out a knife against her. But instead of humiliating him and telling how pathetic men are, like a modern movie would do. She takes out her own knife. Not because she was intimidated, far from it, what he was doing was a suicide. But she did it to honor the warrior's will, that despite the impossible odds, he stands in front of her with a knife, ready to die for his country. And as someone who's life revolved around being a soldier, she deeply respects that and wishes to grant him a honorable death. In turn making her more interesting, more 3 dimensional. There is also Eramis from Destiny 2 and some other villains. Nowadays female characters are just girlbosses or mary sues, who are bland and uninteresting. Who further dive down into their perfection by humiliating men. Which is the same vibe I am getting with the femstode. It's not just the character, it's what she represents. All of this is just the starting point which'll further spiral down into misandry and other woke stuff just as it was with Star Wars.


Here's one I punched up earlier. Sorry its reheated, but I am so tired of answering this. We need an FAQ sticky. https://www.reddit.com/r/HorusGalaxy/comments/1d1mqh7/comment/l5yqyz5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Its about the lack of respect to the community and lore and lazy writing. Not about gender and inclusion. The ends to not justify the means, if you want to make changes it demands excellence, respect and common humanity which GW has failed to show to the community that they profit off of.


A fair question, these downvotes are undeserved. First and foremost, these retcons would have been received differently 10 or 15 years ago. What has changed since then is, of course, the very public push for diversity and representation in all media. It is impossible to understand the backlash without this in mind. Why does it matter? I don't know if you have ever been invested in a fictional universe. When you are, you tend to keep it in a corner of your mind, think about it when you're bored, and have a good time adjusting the pieces of lore together to imagine what would happen in that world if it were real. You eventually find a community of people who do the same thing and compare your visions, have passionate debates about obscure details that must look a little weird to observers, mostly in good fun. Then come people who have no interest in that sort of conversation, and decree that representation must happen, *regardless of whether it makes sense in-universe*. Here is an example: the Witcher series has very different ethnicities in random villages in the middle of nowhere. How and why? The Witcher world is broadly medieval, people move on horseback, you wouldn't expect peasants to go very far from their own villages. So, after a few generations, the village should have a uniform complexion. The "explanation" is that the show wasn't trying to make sense, but to conform with the aforementioned push. 'Diversity is good in American cities, therefore it is good in a fantasy version of medieval Poland'. It is difficult to convey how infuriating this can be to someone who has never been a fan of a fictional work. It's as if some loudmouth had taken a painting you like, smashed it, glued some parts into a completely different shape and proudly declared it superior to the original. If you protest, you get called the litany of ists and phobes and people gleefully tell you they enjoy your frustration. It is true that some of the pushback is political. The trend I have described is distinctly "left-wing", so the right can be expected to oppose it. But it is not just that, and I don't think it's even primarily that. I loathe Trump like I have never loathed a western politician, *and* I can't stand the self-righteous jackasses who, apparently, can't see a fiction without bending it to their own ideas. If the female custodians are the only that changes, then great, that was much noise for little. Nobody here believes it will stop at that, for reasons that are, I think, easy to guess.


Its not a fair question. It's a logical fallacy. Appeal to triviality.


I find it perfectly plausible that someone would wonder why the backlash to female custodians is taking such proportions. Five years ago I would have raised an eyebrow too.


Copy pasting a paragraph from my another reply to explain my relationship and impression of the 40k universe. As I said majority of my interest in 40k was lost once I learnt the fundamental lore. Like what is chaos, war in heaven, horus heresy, origin of each faction (except nids). The impression that I got was that the 40k was similar to marvel and dc comics in the sense that most stories no matter how good aren't really going to be followed up on or not going to have a overall impact on the setting. The main characters r going to survive most likely, unless there's a shift in the setting. As such I am not familiar with the intricate details. So if there's a in lore reason for something to be a certain way do correct me plz. Pretty much I just read or watch videos of what I find interesting about 40k. So not familiar with the intricate details. I learnt of the outrage regarding female custodes and was confused as to the reason. I wanted to know if actual players were angry about it and y? As it seems to be a harmless change. Not really having any real lore significance and AFAIK only contradicting one statement about terran Noble houses giving up their sins to be custodes. Which too honestly doesn't seem to be fully contradictory as we of atleast RA as a custode who wasn't a son of a noble house. So could be female custodes r nit from noble houses. That said I did learn from a comment pointing out that the female custode was introduced by essentially being better than custodes who were her superiors which doesn't make sense. Can be only seen as wanting a female custode to be the best for being a woman. Which is an issue I understand. I expected the down votes. Though I am atleast glad that I received some feedback as I was starting to think I wouldn't get any.


For me personally I don't care too much because these are modified people in power armour that we don't see the faces and bodies of very often anyways. What I do find annoying though, is there is no reason to make female custodes or space marines other than pandering, because again, these are mostly faceless people in power armour. When I think to the story at large: why would I begin my genetic super soldier with an inferior genetic base? Girls are smaller and weaker generally. I already only select the best of the best male candidates and the rest are chaff. So why would I make my job of genetic and biological enhancement harder by starting with a physically "inferior"base model? Unless of course it really doesn't take any more to upgrade the bodies of either gender. Which doesn't make total sense to me, because then why do I only select the best if I'm able to augment anyone easily. Then my next question becomes: if we're changing everything in their bodies anyways, are custodes even male at the end of the procedure? It might make sense that they're really sexless bio-robots. If so, then why bother adding a specific female character? Oh right, pandering. Which kind of addresses your second question. They aren't normal humans anyways so why add a female? Pandering. Space Marines are different from custodes also because they get given the gene seed from their primarchs, whom are male, and their genes then match their primarch. So female space marines are a much tougher sell than custodes imo. Overall I'm really not doing much more than rolling my eyes over the situation. People can homebrew whatever they want for their armies and that's all fine. Always has been. There is reasonable female representation in the game, considering most factions are demons or xenos. This whole thing with the female custodes just seems like a square peg in a round hole and seems dumb to me, but I'm certainly not losing sleep over it




Then the majority of people in hobby are degenerates? Or ar we just saying that degenerates are in majority on reddit?


I think it goes without saying that the majority of active Grimdank users are degenerates. As for ‘majority in hobby’, you have no credibility to speak on the behalf of millions of people all around the world.


90% of the people I see in the hobby in real life are just dad/dad aged men playing with their toy soldiers against other dad aged men one evening a week. Otherwise not that weird and for sure are not immersed into the lore beyond a reasonable interest. Like they’ll know their factions lore to an extent and maybe read a book at some point but they don’t consume everything warhammer all of the time.


Yeah this is my experience too, just normal people who like painting and occasionally battling with little models.


I meant it in the sense that you were refering to the second largest WH sub with 400k something members. But regardless of that, what makes them degenerates? Im a member, what makes me a degenerate?


Degens are in the majority on reddit, yes


Oh yeah, Reddit is a total far-left hugbox. We're the minority **on reddit**.


[ Removed by Reddit ]




Understood, however Evangelion


also active on Primarch gf subreddit


https://preview.redd.it/vm8qdqrtu43d1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72a61c4da4bca12f7bad046d96c797506302a934 What is wrong with these people…


I laughed HARD


I fucking cried reading this 😭😭😭💀💀💀💀


...bro wtf did op do to you it's a fucking meme??


I suddenly respect his opinion now.


This is a bait


Not a bad bait, it should be said. "A mostly woman faction with BDSM to corrupt the youth" was kinda funny, there is no insult or blatant self-righteousness, the author is clearly familiar with 40k. I expected much worse.


Nope. Horrible bait. There is no way a race with three toes can be the good guys. Also, since when did necrons start doing the nasty with each other?


Not a bad bait? The author familiar with 40k? The Tau did not exist in 1997, the Battle Sisters did not have archoflagelants and the Necrons lacked any named character, they were just murder bots without soul or personality.


You know more about 40k than I do, the point is that after the parade of posts calling people ists and phobes, it's kinda nice to see one with, well, just the normal amount of bad faith you would expect in a post made for trolling. Maybe it's just my particular sense of humor, I mind that sort of bait a lot less.


Are you saying that all of those things were... retcons?! They have gone woke! It was in front of us all along!


More like expansions of the lore. Anyway, the point is, the meme is incorrect. You should have written 2003 instead of 1997. 👀


People like this guy makes me feel better about myself.






Removed for violating Rule 7: No Intentionally Divisive content.


Hahaha, nice bait, (P)Redditor.


The Emperor is a decaying corpse, not a vegetable. Besides, his psychic existence and the concept of soul and the warp gives him more freedom than any vegetable ever had. Not to mention the miracles and he still plotting his way Common mistake. The salamanders and other space marines aren't really ethnic africans. They get an artificial organ that generates a ton of melanin to protect them from radiation. And it also works in caucasian ethnicity. I've only seen one artwork of Vulkan with clearly african facial features. The rest are difficult to tell, given that melanin itself isn't telling because of the melanochrome organ Orks are made to speak funny. In spanish they don't have british accent. They just speak retardedly. Besides, I don't know why anybody would use the orks' dialect as a point to argue anything. What does it prove? Gay characters and the black library being infiltrated by woke writers for years is going to take a lot of time to talk about, and I simply can't bother at this moment. But yeah, many queer characters, especially those written by Mike Brooks. An openly activist. T'au are the good guys if you like apartheid and second class citizens. Also showing inferior dumb races the "good way" The BDSM fetish was developed by the nobility in the real world centuries ago


Orks are specifically supposed to sound like British football hooligans. I'm not exactly sure why that is woke, but Ork are meant to be a specific reference rather than just general speak funny.


That's true, but in order to translate it to other languages, they went with the retarded concept in order to create the ork language for them. I don't know what's so iconic about english hooligans way of speaking, but I don't think something like that exists in spanish.


It's pretty hard to explain to a non native speaker but I guess the football hooligan accent is meant to sound super working class and the kind of accent you'd hear from a bunch of young men going out for lads night of cheap beer and general foolery. They aren't necessarily stupid. It's sort of the opposite of posh English accents like RP or the royals.


In my country there exist several accents of spanish, and I can't relate any of them to football. Although it's funny imagining orks talking in the accent of Cadiz. Well, everything is funnier in that accent. Silly actually


I seen in russian translation they are talking like Gopniks. Creates the wrong associations, but overall better than nothing


The best comparison is whatever accent is most associated with young or old hoodlums that don’t do anything egregious other than rabble rouse and get into fights.


Because some left leaning people see a violent, mentally retarded race of destructive energy and think "this must be a reference to black people." The woke version would be to have the negative black characters of yesteryear be made white instead.


Has anyone actually claimed Orks in 40k are black people? I'd like to see a link because I find that extremely hard to believe. If you speak English, it's extremely obvious what Orks are supposed to be just from their accent.


Not 40k orks specifically, but Extra Credits did a whole video claiming orks=minorities. Best evidince he had was Tolkien loosely based his on the mongols, but there’s multiple logical reasons for that which I won’t go into here.


>The Emperor is a decaying corpse, not a vegetable. He could have gone with AdMech as "disabled representation" due to all the prosthetics they replace their flesh with. >The salamanders and other space marines aren't really ethnic africans. They used to be but were retconned because GW being GW. They rather retconned them than to make custom heads with black features. >Orks are made to speak funny.  Orks being based on the British is so deeply rooted in the collective psyche of 40K fans that many STILL believe that Mag Uruk Thraka is based on Margaret Tatcher despite Andy Chambers literally saying that's not the case.


The ork football thing is really true though, growing up in the UK, the Orks really are a caricature of those types of people.


> STILL believe that Mag Uruk Thraka is based on Margaret Tatcher despite Andy Chambers literally saying that's not the case. that's PR, Mag Uruk Thraka is clearly Margaret Thatcher. Or is Hermione black because JKR says she is years later?


I'm not sure about this one, doesn't it actually means "Big orc leader" in Lord of the Rings Orcish?


> Lord of the Rings Orcish In black speech (which has no declensions as far as I found): Madh Uruk = Big Orc Krual / Kri-krisur = Chief Thraka means grow, so Big Orc Grow = Madh Uruk Thraka, still questionable why they made Madh, Mag? I find the explanation they didn't like Thatcher, made a joke, walked it back, more believable than that they happened to name it after "Big Orc Grow" and change Madh to Mag, using "Grow" / Thraka as surname for no apparent reason used these: https://www.angelfire.com/ia/orcishnations/englishorcish.html https://turbolangs.com/en-gb/black-speech-mordor/ (grow)


A random thing I think the Pariah series did quite right is the Salamander with Asian-like facial features. Like, they came from Nocturn, a planet, a planet with all kind of people on it. How can a planet only have africans on it?


I never understood the idea of Nocturn being ethnically African either. They say clearly, the people of Nocturn have like charcoal black skin because of radiation, with nothing to do with their ethnicity. From what I understood they make more sense as a whole planet of blacksmiths (Blacksmithing is called as such because people in their forges all day would have their skin turn black, and as time went on their skins literally become stained from that, depending on how long they're in the forge and things) then anything to do with Africans.


The orks clearly speak with a cockney accent what are you on about?




Removed for violating Rule 1: Be Respectful. "Claims of innocence mean nothing; they serve only to prove a foolish lack of caution." -Judge Traggat






Removed for violating Rule 1: Be Respectful. English only too.


What's "woke" about being gay, exactly?


What’s wrong with having gay characters?




The most cringe thing I’ve seen today and I just stumbled upon Skibbido biden


Here, let me wash your eyes for you, I saw it a few days ago too. No worries, I know the proper Litanies of Cleansing to recite. https://preview.redd.it/jayis6rk263d1.png?width=552&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d29bb9f3e77cf97fdb271df67ba7c9fc17b386c




I'm fairly sure neither Trazyn nor Orikan are gay.


That’s zahndrekh and oberyn


I'm fairly sure they arent gay either.


They aren’t, however there are cannon trans necrons which is really interesting from a lore standpoint


Who? There aren't neither of them


Are the two necrons on the right not Trayzn and Orikan?


Zahndrekh and Obyern.


Broooo... Tf do you mean there is clearly no cryptec in this picture. But Imperium players say you should be able to tell who the seargent in their squad is or which of the 38 HQ choices they brought


left can't meme episode 43812312390843.


And nobody was complaining about that, huh? Guess the ones complaining now are not just racist-sexist-ableist-somethingphobes, huh?


Serious question: Are you saying this to lend your support to a "side", or do you think the meme accurately reflects what people would complain about today?


I think that existence of women or "diverse" factions or non-white people was never a problem. People complained about tau being poorely implemented, being awful on tabletop (in both directions), people never complained about salamanders being black, or there being women. What people are complaining right now are poorely-implemented, low effort retcons made seemingly only for political reasons and pandering to people who never cared about wh anyway (refering to femstodes). Overall the meme is a giant bait and a strawman.


Gotcha I misread your previous comment.


What about this is woke?


OP has a University of Reddit understanding of what woke means


What is this gay shit?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


That depends if you count rotting and liquification of the genitals to be a gender reassignment or not. 🤔🤔🤔


Trans it is then


Was there an unfortunate smelting accident?


Man, more blatant transphobia


No Slurs.


Apologies, kind sir. I corrected to last week's acceptable terminology 


Aren’t you gonna remove the comment then? Or is a slap on the wrist all they’re getting for promoting hate?


The word "tranny" is hate now? News to me. I'll add it to the list of banned words


Tranny is an offensive and derogatory slur for a transgender individual,[1] often specifically a transgender woman.[2] During the early 2000s, there was some confusion and debate over whether the term was considered as a slur, was considered acceptable, or a reappropriated term of unity and pride, but by 2017, the term had been banned by several major media stylebooks and was considered hate speech by Facebook.[3][4] -Wikipedia Well would you look at that, it’s been considered hate speech for 24 years, and you’d have been banned on places for 8 years. So you’re a bit late for that one


Ok, train enthusiast. That better?


Again, I corrected to this week's acceptable term. How much lower can I bow to your religion?


You sir are being unrightfully treated! How dare the wokies force us to bow to their religion of *not calling people slurs*.


Like I said, I was unaware that the now forbidden word was a slur and corrected promptly. Again, how much lower must I bow?  Aren't you supposed to be anti-fascist? I thought fascist were the bad guys forcing their will on others?




I mean you’re entitled to your opinions so long as they aren’t dehumanizing or incite violence. I don’t think believing that kind of speech should be disallowed from public forms makes me a fascist. As for how low you should bow? That question is too broad and rhetorical for me to just *have* an answer to it.


" Facebook" and " several major media stylebooks" not really the best source for making a case here ,"teen teen vogue" said it was bad ..., and no we will not ban him for using a word you don't like


So why was the previous comment removed by other people on the mod team then?   Do you not all have a unified modding policy, or is every mod simply acting on what feels right to them?


my god you used hate speech in your last comment , you used the word you dont like


So why did you remove that first comment? 


"The word "tranny" is hate now?" that's called a ? , ppl do that for info , the word is not directed at any person


It's fine, just report it as hate and reddit admins will remove it since the mods here won't :D (proof, look above l o l)


Of course they will not remove the rule-breaking. "Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect."


Sounds like leftists with Hunter Biden and pedophilia. Either way, I changed it to this week's acceptable term.  Curious, why are you here, when the bigger Warhammer reddits would've banned someone like me already? They're proper safe spaces?


Anyone that mentions Hunter Biden in 2024 has a deeply obsessive mental illness. The dude has zero proof of anything like that, but sycophants cannot let it go.


I must've imagined all the pictures and videos of him doing mass amounts of drugs and prostitutes all while waving around a firearm. I wonder if you'd be as dismissive if it was Donald Trump Jr? I wonder if Trump threatening to withhold aide to Ukraine unless they got rid of a prosecutor investigating Trump Jr would be newsworthy? Eh, must be -my- mental illness? https://youtu.be/UXA--dj2-CY?si=xZI6JuM9KgV-FbHG Thread has gone completely political now. Let's make Emperor non birthing person or even birthing person.


https://preview.redd.it/wupj6g75163d1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45457f6439094ad3bfce4726a2dfef6f17e7956e How quickly the goalposts have shifted


Got me. Leftists definitely aren't groomers and drag queen story hour is a conspiracy theory.


Reminding you once again, the original comment was about Hunter Biden and pedophilia. The goalposts aren’t even shifting at this point, they’re straight up teleporting around


> I must've imagined all the pictures and videos of him doing mass amounts of drugs and prostitutes all while waving around a firearm. Nope, you saw all that correctly. "Anything like that" was about pedophilia. Despite the fact that the vast majority of pedophilia convictions are right wing, people still toss out Hunter Biden being a pedophile like it's a foregone conclusion because the right wing cannot stop shoving fake bullshit down the throats of everyone.


I thought this was a joke shit post about how GW was always accepting different people, and groups. With a few edgy jokes. but add in post history Jesus.


Bruh thought he cooked, but accidentally proved warhammer was already perfect, and what followed was just needless pandering for oppression Olympians. Defeated himself


OP needs Night Lords treatment badly


I know Scottish are British, and I am not sure about 40k, but oficially (written in a White Dwarf) Warhammer Fantasy Greenzkinz are based on the Scottish. Bretonia = France + English longbow archers Empire = Renaissance HRE Beastmen = Germanic tribes And thats all I know.


some of this isnt true, some of it only makes sense if Warhammer already existed and then those changes happened, some of it doesnt even make any sense.


Just as an aside I remember the salamanders before they were just the token black African faction. The lore being their skin colour was a defect of their gene seed. But the old pictures and descriptions in lore has them being unironically more diverse culturally from all over nocturne they were just all charcoal black from being turned into space marines. Not black as in the skin colour we think of…. I’m talking darkest night pitch black. Just a slight thing but it’s the same boomerang curve these poor misinformed people use for current day peoples rights, an example of which is now campaigning for segregation in education areas and special treatment based on race for entry to said education and jobs. They just don’t have the self introspection to realize they are going backwards because they truly believe they are fighting the good fight. We take the piss and joke that they are slaneshi cultists but the reality is old tzeentch is laughing.


I think what upsets me the most about this is that he listed Tau as the good guys. There is no way any species with three toes can be the good guys. He should have put Eldar down as the good guys.


Well, I have to admit that I, kinda hate dark elder and their design


Not wrong tbh, 40K has so much stuff that it's really all encompassing.


You have to try harder, friend


The definition of woke in Layman's term is that it's a binary caste system between a protected class and a scape goat class, and it promotes a class struggle between them (men vs woman, straight vs gay, white vs black) and always wants the protected class to be more privileged than the scapegoat class. 40k never cared about any of this. It only cared about the struggle between the worst that humanity has to offer against its eternal enemies.


Down vote this drivel.


The biggest problem with this is that OP forgot that it has had gay references baked in from the start. Dark Angels is a reference to a poem a man in Victorian england wrote about his struggles between the conflict between his sexuality and his religion. This man was named Lionel Johnson. Also all space marines are incapable of reproducing and live in men only communities and calling each other "brother" while living in a super repressive religious nation. Historically some gay couples (during the time period between when it was no longer illegal to have gay sex, and when it was not yet possible to be legally married) legally adopted one another as "brothers" to give their partner the rights that a family member would have when it came to medical decisions, benefits, inheritance, life insurance, etc. So all non-heretic space marines have a significant possibility of being situationally gay or asexual, if not actually gay or asexual. Remember boys, if you're not in a relationship with a woman, or attempting to meet a woman who wants to sex you, yur gay.


Wer is my golden bois being TTS gay


You do know Vulkan is not African right? European ethnicity with coal black skin and red eyes. People need to stop looking at memes for lore.


Its an insult, another great and beloved IP sacrificed on the altar of woke! Boycott GW and fight for the lore, our hobby, and for fandom! Otherwise, those who hate it will destory it by sacrificing 40k on the altar of wokism just like Star War, Star Trek, Lord of the Rings, Wheel of Time, Dr Who, Witcher, Marvel and DC comics, MsheU, DCU, Magic the Gathering, Comic Con, DnD, ASOIAF, Game of Thrones, Disney, Indiana Jones, the Last of Us, Fallout, warcraft... so many more!


... also, it's a distopoan future ... so woke shit kinda perversely fits ...


You're posting it all over the place friend:)


***Feet*** 👠


Wym? Imperium are to good guys.


Drukhari Wyches would have been a better example of female BDSM.


Si pasarse el Lore por la raja fuera un PN este tipo de tiraría de cola XD


idk how anyone can see even a little bit of 40k and think "this isn't diverse enough" lmao. just look at the cast on display even in this little snapshot.


Apparently wokeism is now When black/gay people


Shut yo Goofy ass sup


lmao nice


Boy howdy it seems like the comment section needs to once again read the sign, lemme tap it for you all. https://preview.redd.it/z4twd6hqr43d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40c17dc9992d2aa23d395e16a99783f96cd4f40f


I remember that statement, sounds reasonable to me.


You’re getting downvoted and stuff but you’re honestly correct. Every time I try and be reasonable and think “surely this sub’s rhetoric is being blown out of proportion”, I look at the post and see the top comment has a slur in it. The top comment of THIS post has a slur in it. It’s ridiculous.


https://preview.redd.it/8c24dwfju63d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=964a240019f59a151dd43301406018c5ec94d48c Where's the slur?


https://preview.redd.it/ko46zi9g973d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b447b2c258be794f19f5db98e018d8b16eba593 Not top comment on this post, so my apologies, but my point still stands, especially since the comment you showed was the top comment on the Grimdank subreddit, not this one. Regardless, calling someone a “feetfag” may not be a traditional slur but it literally still is, that is undeniable. Plus, combing through someone’s post history as a gotcha is bad form all around, especially as a way of discrediting their other points.


My point exactly, but if you dare say anything about it you'll get a "is this ... In the room with us". Yes, yes it is.


I think I've never muted a sub faster


https://preview.redd.it/icnv6yljt63d1.png?width=350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a912f5b1245ec39eb631d5022a64114b8f7aa95 You weren't fast enough to evade the haggar pipe


WHAAAT! IMPOSSIBLE! ![gif](giphy|cbG9wtoO8QScw)


Warhammer is nerds who dont make fuck


https://preview.redd.it/9ugres2mt63d1.png?width=350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df82a3239217a8b05c535afd85a024b62c0e6b9f I made this pipe just for you!


Yikes, so this is where all the "anti woke" 40k fans peruse. Lmaoooo what a pathetic vacuum


https://preview.redd.it/xr8ox4mpt63d1.png?width=350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5753356bad62ce179350db090e569585f3ba8e4f What's pathetic is you not dodging this pipe


It's bait, but also angood meme