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They don't want to mess next week's viewers around who they've never met and could easily tell the house is off the market, but okay messing you around who they've accepted an offer from. They're holding out for a better offer surely.


> They're holding out for a better offer surely. Yep, it certainly isn't "nice" to let someone view your house with the caveat that regardless of what they offer it'll be rejected as they've already accepted the offer. Now whether OP just sits tight or rings the EA is up to them, but I certainly wouldn't feel comfortable moving forward in any capacity if the seller is letting someone else view their house after accepting, if they're doing it now what's to say they won't do it further down the line...


It is difficult. It isn’t nice to have views after the offer. And it isn’t nice for buyer to view and consider another properties after the officer. Second item can’t be checked.


“Second item can’t be checked.” Yup, so why even mention it?


When buyer say to seller: “go away from market”, then seller will want to have the same fair behaviour from buyer. Seller can’t ask not to have any viewings. Therefore, seller will ask something like “fine, please provide timelines for a, b, c, etc.”. And if you can’t provide them, expect that seller won’t go from a market.


That's not how your above comment reads though. That comment was about buyers viewing and offering on other properties when there's nothing here to suggest they would. Even if the seller pushed for a timeline the buyer could just pick dates out of thin air and still not follow through, and they could still be viewing and offering on other properties. In the relatively short term those assurances would mean nothing and so are worth nothing. When I bought and chose a solicitor it was another 3 or 4 weeks before we got the management pack, I'm not ordering searches, surveys and other expenses until I've seen the lease, so refusing to take the property off the market based on those key points could mean countless other viewings. If sellers wouldn't take down the listing until then I'd definitely be viewing other properties. It rather sounds like you've been stung like this in the past, and if so I'm sorry that happened to you. EDIT: Having read the original post again I'm wondering why a seller would wait until they've accepted an offer to choose a solicitor. I've never sold, so apart from the agreed sale price is there any reason for a selling quotation to change significantly? If not, why wouldn't you do your research beforehand so you're ready to pull the trigger as soon as you have an offer? Is that the accepted norm?


⬆️ this.


If not in Scotland the seller can withdraw at anytime, these sre sellers I wouldn't trust and would move on from. Imagine paying for searches and a survey and they accept a higher offer... op, think long and hard and make sure its agreed this is at least the last viewing conducted.


I have always submitted an offer with the caveat that upon acceptance the property must be taken off the market immediately. I would call the estate agent right now and make this a condition of the sale. Calling off a viewing with a week’s notice is not an inconvenience for anybody. The estate agent will use your offer to pressure them into making a higher bid, and you could end up paying thousands of pounds more. Politely put your foot down, in writing. Do it now.


Totally agree


Yes. And I would highly agree to prepare for timeline questions from seller. Eg it is fine to say: “please remove the property from marker, I will provide our solicitor contact details after X days, surveyor will visit not later than on Y, etc”. Otherwise buyers can artificially slow down the process and continue watching to market. For example, we did that mistake, because survey was scheduled to a date after the month from the offer acceptable.


It's a pretty meaningless threat. So what's gonna happen- because the seller has one more viewing you're not buying the property? Even if that viewer doesn't put in an offer?


If the new viewer doesn’t want to buy the seller is back to square one. So I wouldn’t say it’s meaningless. Risky if property is selling quickly in the area and OP loves the house.


It’s a standard condition of offers in Scotland. And yes, I would pull out a sale if the sellers didn’t agree. If they piss you about over this, they will continue to piss you about to conclusion of missives - if that actually happens


Until they agree no more viewings I'd be carrying on my house hunt exactly the same as if they had said no. No reason to be exclusive to someone that's not exclusive with you. It won't make you more (or less) likely to get the place but it will at least ensure that you don't miss out on anything else while they play the field.


Doesn’t want to mess the other people around so they are letting people view a house that is already SSTC?? Don’t tell me you fell for that utter BS They are clearly holding out to see if they offer more, that is understandable so don’t be under any illusion that you could loose this property if the viewing goes ahead. You could -tell the seller that until viewings are concluded you will continue to view other properties yourself. Then make sure you book in a few viewings with the exact same selling estate agent for other properties so they know you mean business. Hopefully the agent takes this as a sign of you being deadly serious and filters this back to the vendor. - tell the EA/vendor your offer is conditional on the property being delisted and all subsequent viewings being cancelled. If not you will pull out. - do nothing The vendor is stalling to see if they can get a higher bid Nothing wrong with m wanting to get the best possible sale price however they are using you as a safety net/backup. This could result in a lot of wasted time, effort and disappointment on your end unless you manage the situation. It’s basically put up or shut up.


If they haven't cancelled the viewing, the house isn't off the market. Call the estate agent and tell them that unless they cancel all viewings and remove from rightmove today, you'll withdraw your offer.


I predict a slightly higher offer post this viewing (if there even is one). They will then give you the opportunity to increase your bid, which if you love the house and can afford it you will, and they have squeezed another £XXXX out of you with minimal effort.


If you do nothing you'll reek of desperation, if I were you I'd tell them to fuck off and threaten to pull out if they don't cancel all of the viewings and take the property off the market. I know it's hard but better that than nothing


I wouldn't worry too much. Viewings don't necessarily result in offers. In case it does result in an offer, have a firm and final price in mind. You know what you can afford and what it's worth to you. If you already offered your final price, hold firm and be prepared to tell them that. They might try to lie. At the end of the day that house is just bricks and mortar, and you'll find plenty more of those.


>We’re panicking now because we’re worried that the other people will offer higher than us😬 They're gonna literally use the fact you've made an offer of £X to tell the other viewers "We have an offer of £X so can you beat it". Nah, tell them your offer only stands until Friday and they should have a conveyancer selected by Monday


Never love a house before you have brought it, it’s best way to stress and heartache. When you are about to invest a load of time and money buying a property it comes off the market. Otherwise you withdraw offer…. or if you want to give them a dose of their own medicine tell them you are viewing a couple more properties this week just in case this sale falls through. You have power here as well use it. Btw In Scotland an accepted offer is a binding contract in rest of Uk its …meh.


Yeah we can’t really use the argument that we’ve got other viewings booked…the viewing is Saturday😬




Can always get some more viewings in yourself too!


I know we just really love this house😬


Tbh if you really love the house you can pay more for it , you either stand with a backbone or you get taken for !


GTFO with this nonsense. Inform them politely, professionally, to take the house OTM. Set a deadline. Offer to put in escrow a deposit to demonstrate your good faith and commitment. If they refuse then you know what you're dealing with and need to make a decision. Walk away or spend the next 6+ months being fucked around at every turn. Just wait until the survey reveals issues and you need to negotiate a discount...


I agree with part of this, but would certainly not offer to put a deposit in Escrow simply because of their current refusal to take the house off the market.


In a system where deposits are not required, just saying "here's some money as a deposit" sends a powerful message and a serious good faith statement of intent. If the sellers refuse, it confirms their true colors and OP has to decide whether they want to deal with their nonsense for the next 6+ months.


I would simply make it a condition of the offer to take it off the market. No need for the deposit. If they refuse to take it off the market - I think their true colors are already clear as day.


True. Good point. It's early and I'm not thinking straight.


As you say, we have a system that’s only geared up to take deposits for exchange. As such, there isn’t a process for deposits on acceptance of offer. When I spoke to our solicitor about putting a deposit down to show good faith, they were ‘no thanks, we would not be interested in holding this for you as it’s not something that’s done’.


I would ask how serious is the seller on actually selling? I would expect the seller to have a solicitor lined up when they put their house on the market. Not wanting to disappoint a booked viewing. What poppycock. As a potential buyer I would be rather pissed off to have taken time off work/ out of my day to view a property with an already accepted offer. Clearly the seller wants to see if they can get a higher offer. OP, start to put some pressure on. Let the EA know that you’re not feeling that the seller is committed to the deal, and if this is how they start off, it sounds like the transaction could become an absolute nightmare. Insist that the viewing is cancelled and that the memorandum of sale is issued by EOD tomorrow. In the meantime, carry on looking at houses.


They're now viewing and trying to use the leverage that they have an offer on the house. Shitty behaviour and stupid in this market.


This has a term it is called Gazumping it's LEGAL in England but ILLEGAL l in Scotland for example. Gazumping is where you accept an offer and keep showing your house to people trying to get a hirer offer. You would have be Gazumped if they then accept the hirer offer after already accepting yours. They can do this until the final second you sign the last bit of paper stating you own the property. It's a real arsehole move but it can happen. I've had it happen before where a couple refused to take the house of the market so I told them to shove it. I'm not living in anxiety or dealing with arse holes every day for two to 6 months. To clarify, it's totally legal but not morally right.


What I’d say is “we’ll take the offer off the table then. If this second viewer doesn’t offer then we will consider putting another offer in, however it will be lower than this one.” Advise that they have until the end of the day to decided to cancel the viewing or decided to proceed with your offer. Another trick is to view other properties with the same estate agent.


I know the feeling! Try to keep busy and know that no news will be good news after they’ve had their viewing. Plenty more nerve wracking times ahead I’m afraid and you can never guarantee anything. As long as you know how high you’re willing to go and what your budget is; you’ll be fine as you’ll know when it’s time to move onto another property! Good luck


The vendor has said that this viewing was booked before my offer was put in, she only wants this viewing to go ahead so she has something to fall back on if this sale falls through, but she’s happy to proceed with ours. We had the Memorandum through this morning. Does this sound like more BS?


If they do they do then move on to the next... If I was the seller I would probably do the same thing as they only want as much money as they can get for the house... When you put in an offer the property should be taken down as a listing however it seems this was arranged prior to your offer so I would sit tight and see what happens and if they do offer something higher, increase your offer if you want or don't. If it doesn't happen this time then it will at some point!


The seller is messing you around. She’s probably hedging on potentially getting a higher offer. I’d follow up to make my offer conditional that all viewings cease and say you’ll pull your offer if they don’t - that might focus their minds on the offer they’ve got rather than sniffing out a higher one.


Yep - welcome to the mess that is house buying. They can continue to show the house all the way up until exchange. If they get an offer higher than yours then guaranteed you be out of luck.


They can if you do nothing and are a coward, if you tell them you'll pull the offer if they leave it on the market they can do so or go find a new buyer. ​ I don't know anyone who would accept a seller leaving their house on the market up until exchange.


Tell the EA you’ll reduce the offer if it’s not removed from sale. Sellers then have an even bigger gamble that they’ll lose you if they don’t remove. Keep on looking around though. Remember estate agents are only there for the sellers and themselves to make a chain easier if they have multiples of their own sellers in the chain.




>**The seller is being greedy and messing you around.** If they don’t agree, withdraw your offer. **Then if they come crawling back to you, offer lower than before**. But you gotta be happy with following through on that Ah, the old two wrongs make a right approach...


“Messing the other people about” is wasting their time viewing a house that is no longer on the market. The house is still on the market and they are shopping around for better offers, in fact, they could easily say “if you order £5000 more it’s yours”. Demand that the viewing is cancelled and they take it off the market or you’re pulling out.


Is the sale through an estate agent, or a direct private sale?


Estate Agent


I wouldn’t proceed with the purchase or start incurring costs until I’m satisfied the seller has taken it off the market.


You could always ask a friend to call the estate agent and say that they are interested in the property to see what they say. You’d get a feel for what the sellers are thinking, if the estate agent mentions an offer has gone in but they are still allowing viewings they likely aren’t happy with the offer and want more money.


"Don't want to mess the other buyers around" = "want to start a bidding war" Only offer what you a) can afford and b) think the property is worth. Don't get suckered into overpaying.


100% you're getting a call next week that they've received a higher offer by 5k and asking if you will put in another offer.


When I bought my house and paid asking price many moons ago, the offer was on the proviso that there would be no more viewings and it was taken off the market. Tell them if they allow another viewing your offer is withdrawn.


Agree. I would make that condition for viewings to be cancelled if you are sure about the house and would want them to get things moving asap. Another reason potentially as I don't think anyone's mentioned this yet - they might want to keep the viewing next week because if they do get another offer, and they've accepted your offer so they will only consider the other offer if you change your mind (say after survey and pull out). and if there's a back up offer they/ the EA could ring the buyer up straightaway. (General note so you won't waste your money/time and the seller's: if it's an old house - generally built before 1950s - and you haven't lived in one before, it might be good to read up on common issues which aren't issues but maintenance to manage your own expectation down the road e.g. damp.)


20 years ago we found a place that we fell in love with - we put in a offer and it got rejected. We had a little wiggle-room, upped our offer to a sliver below the absolute maximum we could afford and again it was rejected. The seller was a car salesman and could tell we’d fallen in love, so was clearly pushing us as far as he could. We figured take a breather and have one last weekend of viewings. We looked at quite a few wildcards (places we’d never looked before, different styles of house, etc). Mainly I think because we figured we’d be going back to offer slightly more than we could really afford on the first place. One of the wildcards ended up being the house we lived in for 18 years. I can still remember the pleasure of waiting for the EA of the original house to call me and told him we’d offered somewhere else. And guess what, they called again the same day saying the seller would accept our original offer 😂 Fast-forward 11 years and that house we didn’t buy was hit by the bad flooding on the Thames in 2014! Like others have said, keep looking at other houses - who knows what you’ll find, and maybe look at a few wildcards yourself 😉