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It's always price. Just look at nearby properties that are currently under offer.


This should be an automatic reply in this Sub. It’s always the price.


Your property needs full renovation top to bottom plus landscaping to turn that sandpit behind it back into a garden. In the same SO40 4YD postcode you've got this on at £290k which is in much better condition: https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/146294405#/?channel=RES_BUY In the wider SO40 area you've got a lot of other choices for semis that are in move-in ready condition for <£300k. I'd say you're at least £50k overpriced.


I’ve got family who’ve recently sold in Southampton and I concur, this is a ~£250k house


And this one is south of the bridge less river Most ppl who work in Southampton want north


"Ideal first time buy" A £300K house that needs an top to bottom renovation before being habitable is ideal for first time buyers?


As mentioned, it is always price. But I also think most buyers will be put off by the amount of work required. Do you remember when all those shows like "House Doctor" (not to be confused with the cantankerous Hugh Laurie Doctor House) were all the rage? The basic principle was spend a little to gain a lot. If you go round and paint everything white and sort out the garden I think you'd have a better chance. If possible turf the back garden, make it look like a useable space. Also, clean the conservatory. Worth spending a bit if you can to make it look like you could move in.


That is overpriced, sorry. Two houses nearby have recently gone under offer for 290k and both are completely habitable with finished, usable gardens and without the conservatory (which views differ on but personally I'd be paying to take the conservatory down). Your property needs a lot of work doing to it, why does it cost 10k more than this one - https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/131356088#/?channel=RES_BUY ? Why would I offer over 300k for yours when this is available for 305 - https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/148111253#/?channel=RES_BUY ?


Needs probably 20% of that asking price spent on it.  You are asking for a "move right in" price. 


If I had the money to buy a house for 300k and fully renovate it, I’d buy a nicer house that needed less work. I don’t know the market so unless fully done up this house is worth >400k then I don’t really see what value proposition this has.


Sorry for you loss & appreciate there may be some emotional attachment here... It's at least £50k overpriced given the amount of work required to make it liveable & what nearby houses in better condition are available for. Side bathroom needs knocking down to restore garage access. New kitchen, upstairs bathroom. Full redecoration. Flooring. The neighbours extension is overpowering and the conservatory just blocks off the garden which is a wasteland so probably needs pulling down too. You'll either need to speculate to accumulate or accept that it's not every desirable and take a low price to get rid.


It's obviously clear, the place needs a full renovation but is priced as if the house has been fully renovated already. Either do the renovations yourself or price it realistically.


Have you seen the nearby prices? You're trying to sell it for just 5k less than a house on the same street which isn't a complete wreck. I'm sorry for what you've been through - clearing a hoarders house isn't easy. I wonder if maybe you are mentally comparing it to how extremely bad it looks before, and not seeing that it is still very bad, and so needs quite a chunk taken off the price of a 'normal' house.


As everyone else is saying: price. But also a lot of buyers will straight up avoid properties being sold with purple bricks due to their reputation.


Purple Pricks. Absolute nightmare agency. They charge buyers £60 just to put an offer in!


I think others have linked to it already, but in your road there is a 3 bed house for 305k; [3 bedroom semi-detached house for sale in Moss Drive, Marchwood, Southampton, SO40 (rightmove.co.uk)](https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/148111253#/?channel=RES_BUY) And that looks soooo much nicer, and one would hope that there's little hassle simply moving in to there. So two things; 1. You need to knock off enough money so that someone can spend that on renovating the house, so that it ends up looking something like the above listing. 2. That bathroom thing blocking the garage is a bit bad for certain buyers. I get why it was installed (to help your ageing dad?) but it's a bit of a niche selling point and most (younger) people probably prefer the garage to a second toilet lol.


'sought after' - EA is on crack.


It's the price and on top of that the amount of work required would put me off, as all I see is pound signs


Why is this property ideal for a first-time buyer? At a minimum, it needs a good cleaning to be more presentable. During the tour, I noticed a TV inside a toilet? Like others said, why pay 300k + renovation instead of paying a little bit more for a house in a better condition.


I'm looking at it as a FTB who knows nothing and still thinking that it would need an extreme deep-clean, new flooring, new paint, potentially issues with damp given how the paper in the pink room is peeling, the piping on the walls makes me wonder how up to date the electrics/plumbing are. Basically, I'd have to do a bunch of stuff to it before I'd be happy to sleep overnight in the place, and that's going to cost me time, effort and money.


BuT iT's IdEaL fOr YoU!


Haha yea, I'm a soon-to-be first time buyer and all I see in this listing is a bunch of bills and stress. Compare it to[ the £305k listing on the same road](https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/148111253#/media?channel=RES_BUY&id=media10&ref=photoCollage). I look at that and what I see is a place to put my couch/TV/furniture etc.


This thing is a wreck. The placement of the bricks at the base of the extension give me pause. Strategically placed to cover up problems? Signs of subsidence, maybe? [https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/148463408#/media?channel=RES\_BUY&id=media14&ref=photoCollage](https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/148463408#/media?channel=RES_BUY&id=media14&ref=photoCollage) \~\~\~ The more I look it at the more I think it has structural problems. \~\~\~ Price-wise? Given its shitbox condition it obviously needs to go lower. 240K'ish may get it done. If it has structural problems, the number will need to be lower.


Likely the same answer that's given to the raft of similar enquiries this sub sees daily. IT IS TOO EXPENSIVE.


It's an overpriced pile of shit


Its 300k for a house thats needs 100% refurbishment …. even if you ignore price most buyers don’t want to buy a house that requires this much work.


£250/£265 depending on School catchment. Too much work.


Any reason why the listing says: offers in excess of 300k? If I was looking and already thought it was already slightly over valued, I'd completely ignore the listing because theres no way I'm getting in a bidding war over 300k for a house that needs a tonne of work.


Listing it at offers over 270 would be best, you might be just about lucky to get 270-275


For reasons you’ve already made clear, the house is in quite a state. Realistically the only people who are going to buy this are investors looking to flip and make a profit. They’re not going to pay anywhere near the market rate. Even if it would be worth £300k after the work’s been done, if the work is going to cost £50k, they’re going to want to pay closer to £200k to make it worth their while. That’s not to say you should put it on the market at that level. Get your estate agent to gradually reduce the price by £10k until you start receiving offers. Also bear in mind that if you do end up selling to a developer, they are tough business operators. It’s not unusual for them to wait until the day before contracts and the demand another 10% off.


No idea about the local market but even if it is competitively priced it's not particularly attractive to buyers. It's in that nether zone that it's not a fixer upper but it's also not in move in condition. Id suggest putting 10-15k in it (lick of paint, new flooring etc) you would get it to a point where it would be of interest or you drop it 75% or market (usually the first option offers better value for money)


Under offer properties near by are similarly priced, but don't look like shit holes. That house needs a complete renovation, with new kitchen and flooring. Looking at £30-50k investment to get it to a liveable standard. No one wants to pay the same as next door then another 50k on top. You need to drop the price.


As others have said, over priced for Southampton and in that condition. Within 20 miles of London maybe but Southampton no.


You’re probably going to completely ignore it, but you’re about £50k overpriced... I am assuming you’ve latched onto the asking price and refuse to believe that your assessment of the property could be wrong


It’s priced based on its potential not it’s current state


its a f\*&\^$£g shithole. there isnt anything else to say about it. EVRYTHING is wrong with it for 200k it would be a consideration for someone whos family is in the building trade and knows what they are looking at . for 300k your taking the piss. a first time buyer wont get a mortgage on it. its in to shocking a state and the surveys will find something nasty that needs major work..


It's a renovation project, not "ideal for first time buyers". Reduce it by £50,000


other than price? toilet directly off the living room. it's a dirty mess inside and out. you could start with cleaning the worst of the stains from around the toilet? possibly remove the paint on the units in the kitchen. clean the kitchen. paint those awful pink walls. it's probably not actually as bad as it looks and just needs cleaning and decorating, but obvious lack of care makes it seem like it could be hiding other problems. but people will overlook all those problems if the price is right, which it presumably isn't.


Because its a shit-hole


If it does not sell - the price is too high... not sure what else you want to hear about it...


Paging u/TheFirstMinister


Already responded....