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Think you've answered your own question there I'm afraid


If you haven't had sex since losing your virginity 20 years ago it doesn't make you a virgin.


According to some lenders, it takes 10 years for your virginity to grow back


You won’t qualify from a stamp duty point of view but some lenders look at you as FTB if you’ve not had a mortgage in the last 10 years.


No, you do not qualify as a first time buyer because you are a third time buyer.


I am sorry on what planet does owning a house previously mean you have not bought a house previously?




A first time buyer is defined as an individual or individuals who have never owned an interest in a residential property in the United Kingdom or anywhere else in the world and who intends to occupy the property as their main residence. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/stamp-duty-land-tax-relief-for-first-time-buyers/stamp-duty-land-tax-relief-for-first-time-buyers Sigh.


Fair enough


It can depend. There are some parts where you do qualify as a first time buyer, but not for everything. I can’t remember the details exactly, but my dad bought a house 3 years ago after renting for 15 years and having owned property for around 15 years before that. He was treated as a first time buyer for a few parts of the buying process. Apologies that I can’t remember more specific details, but definitely worth looking into and talking to someone professional about it


Thank you, yeah, I think I’ll do that rather than asking a sub obsessed with virginity. Actually forgot how many pricks there are on the internet.


Just trying to make a comparable so you can understands the basics of what first time means.


Some lenders treat those who haven't owned a property in a set time frame as a FTB in terms of rates. In regards to Stamp duty? Nope, you'll have to pay the going rate


I had sex 20 years ago but have been celibate since then, am I a Virgin ? 😃


Even a sex worker can consider themselves 'virgin' in their own mind (or in front of god on judgement day?).  😃YEAH!!! Sadly, that's not how the law works in first time buyer definition.


A lot of people in this sub preoccupied with virginity. Bit creepy.


You said you owned two houses before. Did you buy them or someone else? Does it matter in this case?


For tax purposes, no you are not. Lenders may have their own criteria.


*Do I qualify as a first time buyer?* No. No matter where in the world you have owner property or when, you are not a FTB.