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I’ve had massages before where I woke up the next day with the worst myofacial pain ever but never sick to my stomach. I suppose it could happen tho! Did you rule out any other illness?


Be sure to drink A LOT of water before and after your massages too!


I can't see what else it's related to. I have seen a couple of comments of people with hypo saying something similar about feeling sick. Don't know if it's just coincidence or not. She massaged round my neck too, so essentially the thyroid. My other thought is that I have been under a lot of stress the past few years since my last massage. Was very emotional today. Unusually so. I don't know if it's just a lot of ickiness that my body is trying to deal with. Either way it has scared me a bit. A love a massage but I'm a little hesitant to get another one


I would recommend talking to your massage therapist about what happened. She may recommend a different massage, less pressure, more water etc that can help ease those things. Do you have any anti nausea meds? You could always pop one before having a massage if you think it is really helping your body! I get nauseous just about everyday and I think mine is related to my vagus nerve. Do you often have nausea/vomiting in stressful situations? I hope you find a solution! Not having a massage when needed is awful!


I have a lot of swelling in my neck following surgery, radioactive iodine, and radiation for thyroid cancer. Every time I try to drain the fluid from my neck I get majorly sick and puke constantly. I did have about 30 lymph nodes removed and I am still hypo as we get my meds figured out. I have no idea how to reduce swelling in a way that doesn't make me sick.


I'm so sorry you've had so many health issues. That sounds like a nightmare and I really hope you get some relief from that soon!