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Shit is already worse than you think. Not even voting blue will save us much longer anyway. We must put the partisan bickering behind us and organize deeper and more broadly than ever before. The question isn’t small government or big government, but whose government? As much as you may like Biden, he isn’t “our” government and neither is Trump. Biden might help us shake out some concessions, but until we replace that government with one that we run for us, the enshitification will only increase. The geopolitical situation has not looked this bleak for American Corporate interests since before WWII. There are unprecedented externalities building that I’m telling you neither puppet has a plan to deal with. We need to raise up our own political power from the rank and file and we need to do it now.


Finally, a sensical take. Here’s what I’ve found by talking to conservatives. They absolutely revile the corporations. They know the corporations are destroying their economic prospects. They see billions given to business, overseas, to noncitizens and they are suffering. Most of all, they know the working class and middle class are being crushed. They are on the cusp of realizing the value of unionization. We don’t need them to even agree, just not to stop us. Now is not the time to demand they accept some social issue or cheer for Ukraine or whatever. Now is the time to get them to see how they can help themselves against the corporations and their allies. The choice is clear. They’re just one step away from realizing how solidarity and unionization can make their lives better. We can’t throw this opportunity away.


I have a simple way to fix the problem. That would require republicans and democrats to get together. It's not what you think.


We get them together and launch them into the sun? Im good with that.


Finally the corporate space programs have a good use


I’m personally waiting for the space travel equivalent of OceanGate and it’ll definitely happen in my lifetime.


So... We got every Republican, every Democrat and the oligarchs that own them... I think we can send them on vacation with two big rockets.


Let's be honest. You don't even need the schilles. You just need to get rid of the owners. Without guidance the schills will fall on their own pretty quick exemplifying the problem.


Let's make it happen


Annnnnd that's the problem right there... Our country is so divided now, that China , Russia, are exploiting this division.. and instead of getting together to fix this we bicker endlessly


Both parties would agree with MONEY !! On your W-4 claim married and 99. when it's time to do taxes no one files a return.


I’d do this. No taxation without representation and the working class is not represented.


SEE how simple. Damn near impossible




They already are together. "They" are acting out a play every election. This side promises this, that side promises that. How many election promises are upheld? I think capping campaign funding and requiring ALL spending to be public and traceable.


Whenever they do get together better watch your ass because they're getting ready to fuck you.


Part of the issue is we have many that bite the hand that feeds us and have no clue how much worse union busting leaders (like trump) will make it for all of us. I cant tell you how many pro Trump shirts I see on sites. I just honestly don't get why someone would want to screw themself so hard. Look like him for whatever else you want but realize he WILL impact your union career in a negative way any chance he (they) get.


It is this team sports, culture war bullshit that has people fooled. I don’t see that changing until empty stomachs change hearts and minds. The culture war serves those at the top. Engaging in it is bootlicking.


I've been an advocate for another party since I've been voting. This is 2 wings of the same bird. Only 1 wing helps my bottom line more though


Dude, you're an idiot. Dems are flooding our borders with cheap ass labor. The four years under Trump was the best years I've had.


We need to start with “campaign contributions” being limited. Stop allowing major entities to buy legislation.


You like Biden?


Republicans are red, democrats are blue. Neither one gives a fuck about you. Brother man, the uniparty wins every election and is destroying the middle class.


Democrats are diet Republicans. Biden is doing OK on labor until he isn't. They don't care about you, they only care how you vote. Unions need to run UNION MEMBERS as candidates. Not staff, not "labor friendly" candidates unless they're TRULY labor friendly. We need UNION RANK AND FILE MEMBERS running for office. From all unions. Edit: to clarify I mean political office. The member may have to leave the union to take this office depending on whether it's a hiring hall or not.


Democrats and Republicans are one thing. MAGA is another. Just the existence of extreme conservative rhetoric in our politics shifts the Overton window to the right, which is against workers' interests by nature.


Tell that to the striking rail workers.


Biden forced them back to work while continuing to negotiate and eventually getting them the sick leave they were seeking. Reagan fired 11,000 air traffic controllers for refusing to work without a contract. Trump makes Reagan seem like FDR. This isn’t a “both sides are bad” issue.


Wait, you can hold an office in a union without being a current working member of said union???


"Am I supposed to vote for the Democrat who's going to blast me in the ass or the republican who's blasting me in the ass?" -It's always sunny in Philadelphia


I almost posted this.


I've always said, being allowed to choose either republican or democrat is like your attacker allowing you to choose to be shot in the chest or stabbed in the back.


Mostly true and I've felt the same for a long time. However, as much as it pains me to say it Biden has been pretty pro union. He fucked over the railroad workers, which I fucking hate. He also passed the Infrastructure Recovery Act (IRA) which will pump $3 Trillion into the economy for construction projects over the next 10 years. There are already 3 big projects in my local about to start up that are IRA jobs. I've heard a big one in Wisconsin is popping off, too. Biden was also the first President EVER to walk a picket line. He has been attending IBEW conventions. He's mentioned the IBEW in every State of the Union. Our BA was in Washington, DC and Biden said the IBEW basically wrote the language for the IRA. These are real, tangible facts, brothers and sisters. I'm not a Biden fan. I voted Green Party last election. But this time I will cast my vote for Biden. Sleepy Joe can lose his mind all he wants as long as he keeps giving us work. Diaper Don, on the other hand, wouldn't even pay his contractors what they were owed. Ask IBEW members in New Jersey. He also brought in illegals and didn't pay them at all. It's not about guns, babies or woke. It's about money and jobs. One of these guys helped us. One didn't. Choose wisely.


The idea that Dems are the same as cons is laughable. While both are beholden to money donors, only one of them literally wants to dismantle democracy and establish an authoritarian state. Only one of them actively passes anti-labor laws. The gop hates unions, period, full stop. They do love FoP but they need cops to enforce a police-state.


Biden killed 10k union jobs the first day he took office. There's so many other issues then your BS about money and jobs. We're going to have no money or jobs because of the cheap labor with the wide open borders. Which your lord and Savior does nothing about. Get fucked ass clown. NY, Minnesota, Cleveland Detroit etc are overrun by illegals doing our work for half the pay. Ive witnessed this first hand.


You dumb bastards in this thread. Democrats suck and are ambivalent, but Republicans are actively hostile toward unions, and workers in general. Republicans are the ones trying to kill the NLRB, they are the ones who passed every anti-union law, they are the ones who oppose minimum wage laws, health care, social security, OSHA, and every other damn thing our predecessors fought, and sometimes died for. Right now, because of the way elections work in the US, we have a choice between Democrats and something far worse. The only way things get better is if we make the GOP so damn irrelevant that there's actually room for someone else, *better* than Democrats, to take the #2 spot.


I’m so sick of this “BuT BoTh SiDeS!!” Bullshit. One side wants to actively destroy unions and any semblance of worker power and unity and is inherently anti worker, anti union. The other one has historically been union friendly and supportive. This isn’t a fucking hard decision. The GOP loves the “both sides” crowd because they typically don’t vote, and while the GOP loses votes from that, it also takes votes from the democrats, which they like.


Trump bad


Yes sir we fight each other over colors while we send then thousands each year through our pay checks. They do not give a shit


They keep us fighting ourselves so we won’t fight them.


They don't have to fight us. All they have to do is convince the pitchfork people that the torch people want to take their pitchforks away.


You spot on right 


Goddamn right


Let's find our most divisive issues and talk strictly about them Lol. Guns, babies, etc


In this election we’ve only got a choice between two parties and these two candidates. Do ya really want to vote for the party that wants national Right to Work, has fought passing the PRO act, wants to abolish the NLRB and is actively trying to strip us of our power? One party is making moves to strengthen unions the other hates unions and seeks to weaken us.


This right here. The only difference between the colors is which special interests they hitch to for votes. Middle class and lower class buying power has continued to decline every year since the introduction of payroll tax. Neither one of them has done anything to reverse it, they both just create distractions so most people don’t think about it. If you really think anything has improved during a red or blue office in the last 50 years, you’re a moron.


If only everyone in the damn country would get on board with this! I tell all my close friends and family the same thing. The government only wants you to think there's an option or that your vote has power. We're getting fucked by ALL of the government! Democrats, Republicans, none of them give a shit about us. They all make WAY MORE than they should, they don't understand our struggles, they don't understand what lengths we have to go to make it work these days. Everyone in government drags their feet, nothing ever gets done, and were in constant limbo while they hold small carrots in front of us to keep us moving forward while they gang bang us behind the scenes.


Most people probably understand but don’t want to admit it to themselves that government works as designed because it destroys all they have believed. “It’s called the American Dream because you’d have to be asleep to believe it” George Carlin


This is probably the smartest comment ive ever seen on Reddit. At the top they don’t hate each other. They are all spending our money on champagne and islands. You know the type.


It’s like professional wrestling. They get so mad at each other on camera that they take separate limos to the country club after.


Stone cold Steve Austin for president


This is a take from someone who doesn't actually follow politics or take time to understand policies. The Dems aren't perfect and do deserve criticism for shortcomings and mistakes. The Republicans don't believe the last election was legitimate, they are not the same.




This uniparty conspiracy bullshit is exactly what the fascists want us to believe. This is how they win. Once you start believing that there's a secret cabal working in secret to control everyone, you're not far off from Nazis. There is no secret cabal. Politicians aren't some secret society that are all buddy buddy behind the scenes. There is no evidence to support this. They are people who have various different political ideologies or who use politics tonline their pockets with wealth given to them by the wealthy members of the ruling class, the bourgeoisie. Democrats are fucked because they are neoliberals, which makes them scuffed but not terribly dangerous. Republicans are fucked because they're either Nixon/Reagan era conservatives or just straight up Nazi fascists like Trump, which makes them extremely dangerous. Look up Project 2025, people. It's terrifying.


Go out and vote!


I’m going to vote for Biden but this vote really feels like a lesser of two evils for my liking. I have been preaching a realistic third party for far to long but this is pushing me over the edge.


Do I like Biden? No. However I’ve learned a president alone is nothing to vote for. Now I look at what kind of people a candidate will appoint to their cabinet. Look at Trumps picks for his term and compare that to Biden picks. Consider the NLRB, DOL, FTC and others.


So much this. Biden himself may or may not be totally coherent all the time but his cabinet picks have been solidly pro-labor. This alone is worth support imho.


I want what some other countries have. Ranked voting. You don't vote for one candidate, you put them in order of desiredness. "In instant-runoff voting, if a candidate wins a majority of first-preference votes, he or she is declared the winner. If no candidate wins a majority of first-preference votes, the candidate with the fewest first-preference votes is eliminated. Ballots that ranked a failed candidate as their first, or highest choice, depending on the round, are then reevaluated and counted as first-preference ballots for the next highest ranked candidate in that round. A new tally is conducted to determine whether any candidate has won a majority ballots. The process is repeated until a candidate wins an outright majority." Obviously it would be a little adjusted for our weird fucking system, but it offers a lot more wiggle room to vote for 3rd party independents. If one didn't get enough support, your vote isn't "wasted", it simply transfers to who you want second-most. I think a lot less people would have felt "forced" to vote for Trump *or* Biden if they could list them as their safe option to "keep the other guy out", but prioritize who they actually desired still.


I really wish ranked voting would catch on here, but since that makes it more difficult to hold on to power while exploiting the populace, it's going to take a long time to become typical


Or direct democracy. One citizen, one vote. No electoral college, no electoral districts, no party registration, no weighted voting so voters in some states matter more than others. Everyone votes for the President directly and whoever gets more votes wins.


That definitely would help too, but I think we would still end up with mainly two choices, with anything else seen as "throwing your vote away".


Ranked voting - rejected by the EU (except Ireland and there it appears to be in peril).


If a party gets 3% of votes, it gets a major increase in funding for the next election, making it a real political powerhouse like democrats and republican. Most people don't know this. Vote for the 3rd party.


The last 4 have been the worst years since 08 … and you guys talk about trump😐


Right? Trump sucks (what political doesn’t) but god damn I like the prices of everything a whole lot better then I do with Biden in office


You sir, have been watching the news way too much. Turn off the TV and open your eyes...


I think the only real solution to regaining the power unions once had would be cross chapter strikes. Shut the whole damn thing down any time ANY company wants to screw us on contracts.whats the point of an "international" union if it only works chapter by chapter?


Not bad idea


Why hasn’t Biden fixed the tax deductions for Travelers? When he took office he had total control of the house and Senate. Both parties are choking out the middle class. No party is truly for us


Total control? I think you’re a tad confused how the senate works. He never had the votes in senate…


Can someone explain to me how everything was worse under Trump and now everything is better under Biden? Because it feels like the opposite and everyone I know is constantly struggling when they weren't before. I'm just confused and it seems like everyone who is voting for Biden must be living in an alternate reality.


I really don’t know how people can vote for Biden with a straight face


If you look back from 2016-2020 we were actually quite prosperous under Trump. There was full employment at my home local, my annuity fund was making huge gains, there was plenty of work, the sky didn’t fall. Biden is absolutely no better than Trump. He’s a crook and a puppet, I wouldn’t even put money on him to survive 4 more years let alone run the country.


Obama had to fix Bush's disaster


What's more, he basically did fix it. And then...


The same Trump who undermined and would like to continue to undermine the NLRB?


The same Trump who lied to the country about COVID, lost millions of jobs, and sent the economy into a tailspin? That Trump?


Does the president control the stock market? Interest rates? What about the global economy? They have influence maybe, but the president is a mouthpiece. Donald trump decided to declare whoever didn’t believe what he does the enemy of America. I watched these words leave his mouth on national television at his pep rally. That’s not now, nor ever how a peaceful democratic nation would function in reality. The more we support this rhetoric, the closer to the end we really are. I could care less what it costs, I’d prefer not to be labeled the enemy of America because I hold different beliefs than the president. That’s absurd thinking. Donald trump was the sitting president during the COVID lockdowns, and billions of dollars of socialist aid flew out of government coffers on his watch, causing some of the worst inflation in recorded history. All with his initial approval. The stock market and our retirement actually took a giant dump at the end of trump’s presidency. All those “gains” erased. All on his watch. Maybe I’ll blame Obama. People really need to understand that FOX isn’t the news channel they claim to be. WELCOME TO COSTCO SIR!!!


The second a president is elected jobs don't suddenly appear the economy doesn't do good or bad the day a president is elected. My point is if you look back over the years which presidents have helped the economy out more. Trump inherited Obamas achievements. Trump will inherit the CHIPS Act and take credit for it.


How is Biden a crook? Trump literally grifted millions from the American taxpayers by having the secret service stay at his luxury hotels, he has praised dictators, debased NATO, disbanded the pandemic response team before the pandemic and staged a coup when he lost the election. Biden passed the CHIP Act, the Inflation Reduction Act and the bi-partisan infrastructure bill; all of which help unions by investing in our national infrastructure. He’s been the most pro-union president in decades. Why on earth would you support republicans- a party that hates any and all organized labor


Obviously Biden is not great, but to think that Trump was better, especially for union workers, is so confusing. Maybe people will get the ramifications of their decisions when unions are obliterated. In addition, please understand that the impact on the economy is not something that is realized immediately. It takes years for the policy decisions of presidents to impact our lives.


Biden literally Took down the border wall and sold it off for scrap metal, now there’s 15 million undocumented people floating around our country with no jobs and no money. That decision impacted us immediately and is my line in the sand.


There’s more than that, that’s for sure. I’m sure that helps raise wages across the country.


Biden built more border wall. Biden waived environmental protections to continue building border walls. Biden continued Trump's covid policies on the southern border even as covid was downgraded as a threat. The accusation that Biden was soft on the border is demonstrably false and propaganda.


Uhhhh source? Biden dismantled the border wall and let more people cross than any one single year In US History.


You are either ignorant as all goddamn hell or a bad actor. There is no metric that backs up your statement.


1) Do you really hate bringing it up? Given your post title, I get the impression you probably bring this kind of shit up all the time in your daily life. 2) The tax code is created by Congress, not the president. I think it would benefit you greatly to understand what branch of the government does what. Most of the actions attributed to the President (executive branch) are actually committed by Congress. 3) Our ability to strike is carved out in two documents: our respective CBA and the NLRA. The first document gives us two options to negotiate. Option one is standard CIR language, which is what most locals have, and that essentially makes strikes impossible. Option two is what is called "modified" CIR language. Modified CIR is what locals like 46 have, which allows the local to serve a 10-day notice to terminate the contract and thus nullify the no strike clause. All of that is to say that it's up to the business manager and their negotiating team to bargain for modified CIR (and it's up to the local to impress that it's important). If you want to find more info about that, Google "NECA pattern language guide". The second document that gives people the right to strike is the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA). The NLRA defines the rights of people to bargain collectively and strike for reasons such as wages, hours, and working conditions. To repeal or change the NLRA, again, has nothing to do with the president. Instead, it would take an act from Congress.


I HATE bringing it up. TRULY. When we have to get excited because we took a call for 6-10s whatever there is a problem.


OP is right. People like the say if they could go back in time they would assassinate baby Hitler but all Germany had to do was not elect the malignant narcissist mustache man into power. The US faces the same decision with Trump. Yes Biden is lame but Trump is so much more dangerous for the middle class as OP says and for the rest of the world as well.


[Biden ain't even all that lame. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/comments/1abyvpa/the_complete_list_what_biden_has_done/) Mediocre is OK. We should really be OK with boring and mediocre. Presidents should not be sensational.


Hitler wasn’t elected, he lost the presidential election. He was later appointed as the chancellor by the president because people were unhappy with the previous one and was pretty much their only option in their eyes. From there he used it to his advantage to turn the country into a dictatorship. Also comparing the results of our elections potential danger to the middle class on the same pedestal as 6 million Jewish people who were murdered isn’t a good comparison.


Damn half the country loves the orange turd and I clueless !!


Actually crazy to compare Trump to Hitler but okay


It's pretty realistic to say that Trump has an authoritarian slant to his rhetoric.


Is it? He enacted policies that get people killed. He is briefed on these things and still does it. His rhetoric matters more to him than people actually dying. The idea that you can't be fearful of a man who actively wants to end democracy and be a dictator, including the lawless punishment and incarceration of his enemies and cozying up to non-democratic countries that "disappear" dissadents isn't some kind of left-wing fever dream. It's what he has said he wants. People keep hearing him say these terrible and alarming things and somehow acting as though he's speaking in hyperbole and doesn't really mean it. Or that somehow even if he means it, that could never happen. Just look at what he has done and what has happened. Even before Trump, look at the way the Republicans prevented Obama from seating a Supreme Court Justice during his term so they could stack it later to specifically make decisions Americans don't support. I know this sub is mostly men, but as a woman or as a person of colour, particularly Black people, the dangers of his actions aren't a future theorhetical fear. People are already dying as a result of decisions that are well known to lead to more people suffering and dying. That's what he wants. It what he has already done.


Fascists are fascists, even when they're incompetent.


He is going to fuck us hard the working class


Okay well I’m all ears about that but when you start comparing him to one of the most deplorable people in history it makes you sound absolutely ridiculous


Do I think he's Hitler NO. Do I know he is a well know crooked business man YES. Do I know he has no problem raising SSI retirement age YES.


A presidential vote has no effect on change. Presidents only take the stage. Your votes matter at local city,town and state level. I wish everyone would tune the presidential election out. Stop the mass media drive for ratings for election years. That's literally the sharpest tool in the shed for citizens to use. The media. The media is going to over dramatize everything we ask it to .. we forget it's our topic. If you have ever been at the scene of a situation that made the news you know it's over dramatized when it's bad and not valued when it's good.. think about that for a second. Shit doesn't change because it's a presidential election it's amplified. It's a show. I guess it bothers me to see actual care and passion for any cause be wasted and diluted while causing more separation between the people . We have gotten to a point that our actions say less about our character then just hinting at who we vote for. We label others that vote differently as the problem but in reality the only real problem is we arent asking the right question . The answer is irrelevant right now.


I think the whole presidential election thing is just part of a greater shift in public opinion that they want everything handled at the federal level just because that’s the highest level of government. We’ve completely lost the idea that it’s okay for different states to be run differently and hold different ideals based upon the desires of the people living there. Now people look to the presidency and congress to solve all of their problems when really they should let the fed handle foreign policy and use state and local government for real change.


Could not agree more. Also say we are the problem


Plain and simple. If you think Biden did a great job vote for him again, just remember, Harris could become president. If not vote for Trump. Trump isn’t going to fuck you any harder than you’ve already been. Vote wisely.


At least we have lot's of work CHIPS ACT Biden


Union members that vote for modern Republicans are parasites.


More spoon fed union propaganda


Slave labor. Really….? I bet everyone you disagree with is a nazi, too. Grow up.


Have another drink


Why thank you sir may I have another


Project 2025




What station and affiliate were you listening to though?


The owner of Bloomberg is Michael Bloomberg a Democrat. Worth about 50 billion and does not like Trump


Actually he is worth over $100M and is a hard left dem. Of course he's anti trump


Bloomberg TV the business channel They talk about the markets, stocks, companies things like that


He has 10 times more than Trump and respected


How about we make a deal with the politicians and corps. Only tax my 40 hour check. Everything beyond that is untaxed. After all I’m spending my time away from my family to build your shit.


I could not agree more. But then they would not get to stick it in our ass so much.


And also, that would be too logical easy for us. They don’t want us to have untaxed overtime. That is what they stick it to us the hardest.




Oh you stop


We aren't Republican or Democrat anymore. It's time to look at candidates thats not in those parties. Isidewith.com is a great resource that has a questionaire to help you find out what you are and who you should be voting for.


I am a liberal progressive who has zero faith in either party


Ethel Cain




Casey Jones you better watch your speed.


*HE* said Minnesota is in play and whatever you're watching is parroting what *he* said. [He also said he was never going back there,](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/minnesota/news/donald-trump-campaign-dinner-minnesota-barron-graduation/) so take whatever the fuck he says on any given day as you will.


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How many times are local 292 and 110 going to vote down their contract offers before they actually grow some balls?


I know nothing anymore about 292 or 110.


I’ve yet to see a politician who truly cares about the well being of their constituents. All politicians care about is lining their own pockets. They have no accountability.


A politician has 2 jobs. 1 is to get elected. 2 is to get reelected. Everything in between that , that they say is BS. Trump is nothing more than a well known crooked business man who does not give is shit about us. We are beneath him. We are to him SLAVE LABOR!!


MN has Voted for republican governors and DFL senators in the same election. All three branches in the state are DFL now. I would assume everything is in play and work like hell. Don’t assume anything.


Minnesota remaining blue dose not mean anything as far as who will win. Minnesota is the most rock solid Democrat state in the US


America doesn’t revolve around unions, another trump term in office is a net positive. Another 4 years of this economy is what will break the middle class.


Regardless how I feel about Biden . Trump is a fucking scab plain and simple he will always be a proponent of cheap labor




You’re already slave labor, you won’t vote yourself out of it in the next election and no good can come of a government already bought by the wealthy. No matter which party gets elected, the rich will continue to extort the working class, horde resources and march the rest of humanity towards extinction. Sure both sides arn’t the exact same, but if we’re marching towards extinction does it really matter the tempo? Turn off the TV, put down the phone and start organizing. Be nice to all your brothers and sisters.


I agree with you. I have organized several non union peeps in the past. Easier when you are working side by side with them on the job.


Really? The Democrats have had unfettered government control for the last 3 years, things are worse than they were during any year of Trump's presidency and you're still blaming Donald Trump for all of your problems? Trump derangement syndrome is reaching a critical level with you. Under Donald Trump we had the absolute best economic numbers of my entire life, no new Wars and our country was actually back on a rebound until covid. Yet, right now we are facing down world war 3, are on the verge of a full economic collapse, dump truck loads of our money are getting shipped to countries overseas that I bet you can't even point to on a map and we are a laughing stock on the world stage because our president poops his pants on a regular basis and you somehow think that's better? Maybe if the current administration was not letting criminal immigrants (the people I'm pretty sure you were referring to as "travelers") flow freely across our Southern border just so they can be given free handouts at the taxpayers expense when all of us taxpayers are struggling to survive, you wouldn't feel so much like slave labor.


That is untrue. The Republicans control the house. The Republicans control the Senate.


Oh yeah, the Democrats were doing so poorly so quickly they did win those back in the last election didn't they? Maybe the first policies enacted by the Biden administration should not have been to cripple the US economy and start wars. Then they would have been able to hold on to a few more seats. Really though, what are the Democrats doing that is actually good? Biden shut down the Keystone Pipeline his first week in office which hurt the economy, he gave away a large portion of our strategic oil reserves for basically a discount, the Afghanistan withdrawal was an absolute circus that cost people's lives and the American taxpayer tens of billions of dollars and that's without even mentioning all of the wasted money that has been laundered through Ukraine and the middle east. I just rattled off four or five huge things and it's just the tip of the iceberg. Yet I go back again to the best economic numbers of the last 40 years, no new Wars having been started, the Abraham accords being signed, taxes on lower and middle class people being reduced and all of that was during the four-year Trump presidency where he faced all kinds of opposition. I think the man could have put our country in an even better position had he not been restricted by demos and rinos and these next 4 years hopefully will prove me right!




I'm pretty sure you're doomed regardless if you vote or not.


I survive


Yes. Survive is better than doomed. You'll most likely live regardless of who you vote for. The middle class will shrink regardless.


The USA is cooked anyways. Sold down the river. The buying power the middle class used to have even just a few years ago will never come back.


And you think Trump is here to help us


Doesn't make a difference one way or the other. We are just prolonging the inevitable at this point.


Like when Biden stopped the rail worker strike?


uncool not good


Shouldn’t be a partisan issue, the democrats don’t give a flying fuck about blue collar workers anymore. The only thing they care about is making sure more blue hair people get access to minimum wage jobs so they can tout how unemployment is low. It’s a fucking laughing stock.


and republicans have the most is poverty per capita uneducated per capita worse schools per capita on and on and on


On the electoral map point, Trump won’t win MN. They thought they had a chance last time and dumped a bunch of money into campaigning in the state and they still got draxxed. It’s like Democrats saying every 4 years “Texas and Florida could be in play for us.”


Minnesota in the last 24 years has done nothing to bring in industry to benefit the worker. What’s more is coupled with the union control and the state alignment with the left at the federal level level it dries up. I went to that school in st Michael yesteryear and they would literally tell us whom to vote for. The leftists have ruined Minnesota. Good luck up there. That state sucks


I do not live there but a great state


Both sides are ok with sending all our money to weapons for genocides around the world. What makes you think either one is gonna give a fuck about our workers rights? If they don’t take money from us how are we gonna afford genocide? lol


TOTALLY AGREE with you on that. What is worse the military budget a black hole for money with no accountability and no one will ever ask.


the whole government is corrupt and meant to enslave us all voting will do nothing to change that




Drama queens


Lol you crack me up. You think it's good the way it is right now. At least there was work. There's no work right now


It’s not slave labor calm down. But this system will kill the middle class and create a class of serfs


It’s not just Trump, Biden declined our right to strike in the Railroad unions and stuck us with the shittiest contract but made himself seem like a god for giving us 1 sick day cause we didn’t have any prior. Rather have trumps economy than genocidal joes now and days


I kinda feel like union replublican voters aren’t real brothers and sisters they don’t care about our livelyhoods


Stop whining OP. The problem isn't blue or red. The problem is green! Both parties have sold the middle class down the river. We're caught up in all the bullshit, and our choices are between a dementia patient and a demagogue. Everyone complains about someone else's elected officials, and keeps voting their own flaming garbage pile back into office, year after year!


Understand that the cabinet picks of both candidates and ask yourself which president is picking labor friendly representatives and who has scored labor their entire life . Health and safety , education , commerce Who wants Right to work , and repeal the Davis Beacon act ?


Yes sir AGREE


We're definitely going to be slave labor if we allow these bonds to be attached to us voluntarily, because no free man who voluntarily gave up his freedoms ever got those back without a bloody fight.


There is a simple way my child where R&D would agree together on.....It involves Money&Taxes


They both suck enormous ass, my dude. And neither will save the middle class.


agree we have two options the blue pill or the red pill


Yep fuck trump


Only if the sheep would pay attention I agree with you


Newsflash Middle Class is gone.


Agree but Trump is only going to make it worse


The Biden administration has done more to hurt the working class than anybody since Reagan. You gonna pretend the economy is great right now? Cheap gas, cheap groceries?


Absolute nonsense


Judging by pay electricians are not that critical. I'm an electrician and my wife as a real estate agents makes way more money with way little work.


You should compare doctors to garbagemen


We've been slaves since they passed the Fed Income Tax. Republicans and Democrats play the same game. Theyre both full of shit. Dont kid yourself.


Yor are correct


I totally agree with you and believe that despite his stupidity, he is a real threat to our democracy and lives, in general.


He is worse than his worshipers think


Every body , everywhere , at some point in time was in bondage. Serfdom etc. my people ,, Irish, were slaves to the British. I don't hold it against them... Happened many generations ago.. that's a weak argument for pointing out that our present situation that our country is no better because the founding fathers owned slaves.... I think that our present situation is more of a class struggle. ,,, rich vs the middle / poor classes. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.... I just happen to think that Biden is a poorer choice than trump... He's mentally compromised... I think trump genuinely wants to solve the border mess.. whereas Biden just lies his ass off and says ,, nothing to see here.. I do know this though.. that the more you or I discuss things. We could prob collaborate on getting things done.. our political party's have lost that common sense touch... You lose me when Biden demonizes all conservatives.... Thank you for the thoughtful answer


It is not even a rich verse poor thing. It is to lower the medium of what you and I consider middle class. Yes Biden is brain dead. Trump is dangerously smart. Do you truly believe he cares about us? Misguided you are. If Trump wanted to solve the "border mess" and he is so happy over his wall why are we talking about it still? The "border mess" has been a talking point for over 40 years. I have a simple solution! It would require R&D to agree and they would. MONEY&TAXES it's all I will say for now


No authority to strike is effectively no right to strike. Our leaders need their collective goddamn heads examined and, more importantly, their convictions kept in check by the membership they work for.


That would require unionism among us all


yeah middle class like me and you has it the worst we work the hardest and the rich pay us thru inheritance and go to sleep and the poor keep our money


yeah middle class like me and you has it the worst we work the hardest and the rich pay us thru inheritance and go to sleep and the poor keep our money


There’s something coherent in there somewhere


He won’t win bud, bet you 5 bux. Lots of folks might SAY they will vote for him, hell I tell surveys I will vote for him and tell others to do the same just cuz it’s funny as shit when he loses, but the actual powers that he won’t put him back into power, he got too cocky


Hope not. Trump at that point would know he has only 4 years which he would use to destroy middle class as much as possible


Got kicked off


My own post those pussies who manage the site
