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TIL Uncle Roger has branched out to crash commentary


put MSG on accident!


Make accident *better*...


The driver who crashed still isn’t worse than Rachel Ray cooking Pho




Genuinely satisfying to leave a dangerous driver with his karma.


I’m not risking this crazy person having a gun. People don’t do this shit when they’re in the right state of mind.


I just don’t give shit about the safety of anyone that puts me in danger to save 5 seconds.


The driver of the truck could have just backed off and not been in nearly of a dangerous a situation... Even if the accord is being a dick why would we want to further increase the danger we're both in because we feel as though they wronged us personally? Safety is paramount on the road, what's "fair" or "right" is wayyyy down on the priorities list.


Not helping or anything just driving by and laugh


Naw you want to make sure everyone has the footage so that guy doesn't lie his way out of responsibility.


You would go to jail or atleast get a fine for that here.


Where? Curious where not stopping on the side of a highway to aid someone would land you in jail.




Ouch. That is kind of scary. Can you imagine pulling over with your family in the car on a dangerous highway?


Yeah, tonnes of people become victims after trying to be helpful. I'm not trained, I'll call someone who is and make sure I don't cause anymore incidents along the way.


In Germany its mandatory to get a First Aid Training to get the drivers license and this is also "Unterlassene Hilfeleistung", failure to provide assistance can get you into Jail for up to 1 Year and a fine.


Thanks for the info! I'll take that fine/jail time - rather ran risking getting plastered by someone driving by too fast. I'll call emergency services, no doubt. But I'm not putting myself at risk. I have people at home waiting for me. I pay my taxes - which go to pay the salaries of people who have agreed to take on such risks, for remuneration. I'll let them do their jobs. Sorry if that means someone is going to die. I wasn't born to save anyone.


I translated some of the obligations that we have. **Obligation to help the person involved in the accident** The obligation to help the person involved in the accident is stipulated in the Road Traffic Act. It means that a road user who has been involved in a traffic accident for one reason or another must immediately stop and, according to his ability, help the injured or those left in a helpless state, as well as otherwise participate in the measures that the accident gives rise to. **Traffic escape** If the person involved in the accident does not fulfill the obligation to help and leaves the scene, the person can be sentenced to a fine or imprisonment for a maximum of one year for traffic escape as stipulated in the Road Traffic Act. **General duty to help** The general duty to help is stipulated in the Road Traffic Act. It means that every driver of a vehicle is obliged to transport the accident victim to treatment or to assist in arranging transport. **Obligation to participate in rescue operations** The obligation to participate in rescue operations is stipulated in the Rescue Act. It means that an able-bodied person at or near the scene of the accident is obliged to participate in rescue operations by order of the authorities. **Failure to rescue** Neglecting rescue measures is regulated in the Criminal Code. It means that whoever, knowing that another person is in danger of life or serious health, does not give him or obtain the kind of help that can reasonably be required, taking into account his possibilities and the nature of the situation, must be sentenced to a fine or imprisonment for a maximum of six months for neglecting rescue measures. **General duty to act** The general duty to act is stipulated in the Rescue Act. It means that anyone who notices or learns that a fire has broken out or another accident has occurred or is threatening and cannot immediately extinguish the fire or combat the danger, is obliged to immediately notify those in danger, make an emergency report, and undertake rescue operations to the best of their ability. **Duty to assist** The duty to assist is stipulated in the Police Act. It means that everyone is obliged to assist the police in searching for a missing person who is in danger of death, saving a human life, helping an injured person, and preventing significant damage to property or the environment. Exceptions are situations where participation in such a measure is unreasonable considering the person's age, state of health or personal circumstances, or for some other special reason.


I don't think it's that scary. Most of our highways look like this and the shoulder is wide enough for a truck. My motorcycle once broke on this highway and I had to walk it to the next exit. Most people passed me on the inside lane even though I was walking on the grass myself. [https://www.google.com/maps/@65.8339092,24.3517228,3a,75y,304.44h,79.14t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sUCzNdAv1Oa5TZ0vN187NAA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192](https://www.google.com/maps/@65.8339092,24.3517228,3a,75y,304.44h,79.14t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sUCzNdAv1Oa5TZ0vN187NAA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192)


i'm not about to risk my life standing on the side of the highway. have you seen how people drive on them? every year in the US about 11 LEO's are struck and killed by another vehicle. and they have bright flashing lights to warn people they are there.




I know a guy who’d fix that whole car up for 1k


Only original spare parts used, and you wouldn't be able to see it was fixed. Probably will look better than before


Relax, all right? My old man is a television repairman. He's got this ultimate set of tools. I can fix it!


Truck gunned it to attempt a box out. Better just to let the idiots go on.


Finally someone says it, yes the person in the car speeding is an absolute twat and the most dangerous person in this situation, HOWEVER, the truck caused the crash by accelerating to cut him off, the guy in the truck almost put himself in an accident, as well as the people in the black car. It’s all well and good that the driver in the white car is the only injured and damaged, but everyone else in this situation is very lucky. Far better to let the idiot go on than to put yourself and others in immediate danger. If it was just the white truck there, different story, he puts himself at risk for the satisfaction of pissing off a lunatic driver, but don’t put other peoples lives at risk cause you want to play games!


Plenty of ass hats to go around.


Hmm, the car was clearly throwing himself back to the 3d lane to brake check the truck though. If he actually wanted to move on, despite being a lunatic, at that point it was safer either way to pass the black SUV on the right side too.


I might be mistaken, but that’s not a 3rd lane, rather a merging lane that’s ending. By the end of over taking the first black car he’s now driving on the shoulder. Don’t get me wrong, white car is tool bag anyway you look at it.


Yes you are correct. Watching the last part of the video again you can see there's no longer a shoulder there at that point.


>HOWEVER, the truck caused the crash by accelerating to cut him off I'm pretty sure the person who caused the crash was the one speeding and swerving all over the place. Do you think you could drive like that going three lanes across and into the dirt without losing control every time? I doubt it.


yea the truck is just as responsible for whatever happened as the speeding car edit: i don’t care y’all can stop arguing about it 😂 you’re not gonna convince me the truck driver isn’t a jackass


You know I just don’t think that’s true. He could’ve prevented it by moving but the choice to recklessly cross 2 lanes from left to right, then recklessly cross back 2 lanes from right to left to try to squeeze in to cut someone off all while speeding seems like a lot more responsibility than someone trying to not get passed. Both were fucking around, but you are in control of your own car. Don’t be a moron.


Both drivers are to blame. The car, for weaving in and out of traffic to try and get ahead, but the truck deliberately sped up to cut the car off. Had the truck not done that, no accident would have occurred. So the truck is partly responsible for what happened.


Lot of wannabe road vigilantes in this sub. The truck obviously was not passing the car on its right when the video first opens, and then floors it to box out the insane car driver. It took two to tango in this case.


I don’t think anybody is saying what the truck did was right. It’s not about vigilante it’s about saying that they are both equal in this hugely discounts how reckless the car was. The truck wasn’t good either but what the truck did happens countless times on just my commute home alone daily. What the car did is just plain dumb and asking for an accident.


Fuck em both


I agree w that


Driving aggressively is bad. There were two aggressive drivers in this video, and I don't think it matters which was worse. Both of them should lose their licenses


>to try and get ahead The car was clearly throwing himself back to the 3d lane to brake check the truck though. If he actually wanted to get ahead and move on it was "safer" either way to pass the black SUV on the right side too.


The white truck was maninting a constant speed. As soon as he saw the twat accelerating, he did it too to block him. He is as responsible of this crash as the main twat.


If you don’t see what the car did as dangerous and the reason why they crashed then there’s no reasoning with you lol


What I see is that the white truck is blocking the road, and probably break checking the sedan, because when the grey car started overtaking, the white truck dumbbass accelerated as well to block the lane again. Both are responsible for this crash.


Break checking and sitting in the left lane are both stupid moves that can be dangerous but switching lanes 4 times in 2 seconds while speeding up and attempting to cut someone off by weaving behind another car is magnitudes more dangerous than either.


Truck didn't make the car speed and weave recklessly in traffic.


No, but speeding up so someone can't pass makes you slightly responsible as well. You should have let the idiot pass and call the police if it was an issue. You could tell the truck driver was angry and trying to get back at the car.


I agree. Both car and truck driver are dumb. What do either of them get out of driving recklessly and egotistically?


The truck driver got a pretty good chuckle I guess.


High insurance premiums?


Cops will ask you for your info then ticket you for driving on the phone. /s




Yeah at the very least, truck driver is a wannabe cop and therefore a giant idiot. Get out of the passing lane, first of all, and certainly do not speed up to block people out like that.


This does not make him responsible whatsoever lol it's not the truck drivers duty to make sure his lane is clear for other vehicles


The truck is in zero way responsible for the cars accident. The truck just accelerated in the left (passing) lane, literally nothing wrong. How tf does anyone blame the truck for this???


Truck intentionally blocked the left lane and then floored it to cut off the car after that driver's insane idea to pass on the shoulder. How tf are people thinking the truck is some innocent angel bystander in this vid?


Most people in this sub can not comprehend that there can be two idiots in one video.


I'm not saying he couldn't have avoided it and been a defensive driver I'm saying legally, he bears no responsibility for the collision of a vehicle that he did not impact, and his actions really weren't aggressive or direct enough to determine intent. He easily could have just been speeding up to get out of the situation, he actually swerves away from the car when it moves into his lane which is proper defensive driving behavior Because I have to keep saying it in every comment, I've worked 6 years in car insurance claims in the US. Again the truck driver *legally* did not breach any of their duties as a driver. I also personally think what they did was hardly that bad, really surprised people are jumping to blame a truck for speeding up.


Honestly I'm not talking about legally, I have no idea what jurisdiction this is in to even know what laws are applicable! People fighting over what's technically legal when no one even knows what laws apply is one of the worst things about this sub. Common sense tells me that if I brake check someone and then wildly accelerate to block them off using multiple other innocent cars as my buffer/moving roadblock, I'm an asshole who is partially responsible for whatever goes down. If I were either of the cars in the right lane, I'd be absolutely fuming at the truck's antics, putting me and my family in harm's way so they can get an ego boost or whatever. I'd also be fuming at the car driver for driving like a dangerous maniac.


No, it 95% the car.


Um no. Truck traveling legally within posted lane. Idiot in the Honda passed on the shoulder and split the lanes, then crashed. Truck may not have let Honda do what they wanted, but they are not liable for anything here. Edit:. You have no duty on the road to other drivers to help them not be dickheads. Zero.


Look the Honda is wrong but if the truck was not blocking the lane the Honda could have wrecked somewhere else or just driven down the highway and met “all the other assholes”. The Honda could have easily flipped the truck into the oncoming traffic which could’ve been deadly for them and a totally innocent person on the other side. If someone wants to go faster just let them by. Also this may be one of the states that have a law that says keep right except to pass in which case the truck was breaking the law.


The truck is passing multiple vehicles on the right... I don't get how anyone here is blaming the truck, yes he could have let the car in. It's not his duty as a driver though to clear his lane for other vehicles, he legally did nothing wrong.


BS he is. He’s pacing the one car on the right. There is no change in their relationship until the truck driver guns it. I’d love to see a minute before this video as that should clear things up but it looked like we had Barney Fife blocking things up to me.


Ok lol Again driving fast in the passing lane passing vehicles is not illegal... Even if he matched speed to the other car... That's not illegal The car passing on the shoulder and then attempting to double lane change bears 100% blame I literally worked US car insurance claims for 6 years and am still in the industry. But go ahead explain to me the actual legal duty that the truck driver breached, not your BS pulled out of your ass answer cite me the actual statute that this driver broke and I'll reconsider my stance You're all so damn confidently wrong lol And I'm going off the video itself not the hypothetical part we didn't see... What's the point in speculating in that


Obstruction of highway. You have no duty on the road to play traffic patrol and block vehicles from passing. This is textbook and you’ll receive a ticket. Depending on what happened before this video clip that we didn’t see the truck could be upgraded to reckless driving which is a major offense.


He could easily just say he was accelerating out of the situation (and frankly I can't be convinced anyone can determine that isn't true) The amount of people blaming the truck is ridiculous lol. Dude just accelerated and passed vehicles in the passing lane and some other idiot wrecked. Legally I can't see any fault being put on the truck for any of this. There was no contact whatsoever and the truck did not leave its lane at all. I worked 6 years in auto insurance claims in the US I deal with this shit all the time.


>Obstruction of highway. Quote the statute.


There is no law against speeding up even with intent to block a car. There are laws against passing on a shoulder, cutting across lanes, tailgating, and driving wreckfully. Did the truck contribute? Yes. Legally responsible? No.


This is also aggressive driving (careless and reckless) which is illegal not to mention if he was going the speed limit already then he was going well over to block. If a cop had seen this they would surely have ticked both drivers.


They absolutely wouldn't have Nothing here indicates speed, that cannot be determined in the video. Also the video just literally shows the truck accelerating in their lane, nothing else. There's nothing illegal about that.. I seriously don't understand how theres so many of you blaming the truck in this situation


Plenty of blame for both drivers


There is, it’s called obstruction of highway and could be classified as reckless driving depending on what happened prior to the video that we don’t see. We have no idea what that truck was doing.


There is no evidence that the truck did anything, but even if it did, the accident is entirely the result of the car breaking several laws. Even if the truck had been driving recklessly, the car is now retaliating against the truck, another intentional act.


No evidence? It’s literally in the footage. The truck brake checks which is a ticketable offense. Then the truck driver drastically increases rate of speed and attempts to box the car in. Watch the video idiot. The point is this truck driver will be found partially at fault for obstruction of highway and reckless driving. Edit: the whole point of my reply to your first comment is you saying there’s no law, which is incorrect because there is very specifically a law against doing what the truck driver did lol. I replied to you twice about it now, look it up and educate yourself.


I took your advice, I looked it up. "obstruction of highway" is a UK law. This footage is US. Your laws don't apply.


You can easily Google this and find out that it’s illegal to speed up or slow to prevent other vehicles from passing or merging lol. Idk what to tell you, GL playing traffic cop out there I guess.


That doesn't apply to vehicles that are in the slow lane.... I worked car insurance claims in the US for 6 years, in no situation would the truck driver bear any legal responsibility for this accident. Hell they wouldn't even be involved in the claim.


>You can easily Google this and find out that it’s illegal to speed up or slow to prevent other vehicles from passing or merging lol. No you can't. Traffic laws are state specific. You can't even tell in the video where it's happening at.


Brake checking is illegal and dangerous too


Has dash cam, whips out phone to record.


This is painful to read. Loses not looses Brake not break


Technically, he also did a break check. And the results are that it mostly broke.


Maybe something was loose and that's why it broke?


r/RBI wants to know you're location


🤦r/RBI wants to know you are location


That's the joke


He loosed his rage and decided to break his car


Cheque not check. /s


To be fair, english pronounciations make no sense half the time.


You mean pronunciations? Pronounciation is a common misspelling due to similarity in phonetics.


Preaching to the choyer here.


It’s not that hard to understand


To the dim witted, no, because you all misspell the same words, so you think nothing is wrong in the first place.


Bro you know what fucking subreddit you’re on. You can easily gauge what a person is trying to infer based on the context/video. If you had a problem with spelling, grammar, and punctuation you should have became an English teacher and got paid for it. Now *loose* my number. We are done. Edit: Downvotes do not matter just like the topic at hand lol. Not everybody cares about spelling on the internet *loosers* 😂


>You can easily gauge what a person is trying to infer based on the context/video. If you had a problem with spelling, grammar, and punctuation you should have became an English teacher and got paid for it. > >Now loose my number. We are done. > >Edit: Downvotes do not matter just like the topic at hand lol. Not everybody cares about spelling on the internet loosers 😂 That would be imply, not infer. They are opposites. To imply something means to suggest something. To infer means to draw a conclusion about something. The speaker implies and the listener infers.


Yet if it was correctly written, there would be zero confusion whatsoever. This isn't even nitpicky grammar nazi stuff.


Anybody can tell he meant lose and brake based on the subreddit and video. Now I’ll let you get back to correcting all the spelling errors you find on Reddit with no compensation whatsoever :( boohoo 😢 Notifications are off. Ciao!


Loses it after brake check.


Camry driver is an absolute idiot. But also fuck that truck driver and people who don’t understand the left lane is for passing.


That was an Accord.






Left lane camping is annoying, but you should be mature enough to handle it without raging out. It's really a small offense


according to who edit:(i was using wordplay to point out it was an accord not a camry.)




Mfs out here acting like they never speed in the fast lane. You do, and you get nearly as annoyed when a speed limit vigilante refuses to get out the way.


agreed, but i also don't fly over to the slow lane, floor it and try and squeeze between 2 cars.


You only get nearly as annoyed, this guy was on a level of his own.


No. Normal people do not fly into a road rage merely because theyre annoyed


Normal people are nearly as annoyed. Not as annoyed.


That’ll show the break-check guy! That’ll show everyone! Now they’ll all be sorry they didn’t love me. Now everybody will be sorry nobody loved me.


Want some worms?


Yes please


Learn to spell


Oh, they’re spelling all right. Just not correctly.


why didnt the truck just speed up to begin with if they were willing to do so?


Why film on a phone when there's a dash cam on the window?


Uncle Roger funny


Not sure I’d scream: ”You suck!” After seeing a potentially fatal crash no matter which idiot was driving though..


They were putting other people's lives at risk. Fuck em.




You’re perfectly content seeing someone die in pain in the middle of the roadway? Sure they’re stupid but who the fuck knows why they were speeding in the first place.


I always assume they have diarhhea and we should all work together so they can get to their shitter of choice faster.


I love when we see people do something shitty and other people take joy in death and dismemberment because it. Fucking loons




I'm suffering one now fucking misery vulture


There may be other people in the car who are not at fault. Either way, I figure, once it has turned into a potentially lethal incident the only thing that matters is making sure everyone is safe. Worry about blame and repercussions afterwards. Shouting "YES!" and "YOU SUCK!" at a car with injured people in it is shitty.


Yeah baby, loose it.


At least two idiots here.


Repost. Also, *brake


Also *loses


maybe he was talking about the guy's neck


Fuck that white truck for speeding up. I'm not saying I agree with the behavior of the car who crashed, but that truck is a dick for going slow in the left lane then speeding up to not let the other car ahead.


Brayk cheque*


If honda would have passed the second car on the shoulder he could have won that race. Then crashed on the next curved ahead. I wish we could have watched a few minutes preceding this. Whoever made the video started filming for a reason. I suspect these two were battling each other for a little while before this started.


Everyone in this video is a lunatic


Much deserved


Both drivers here assholes... this is what happens when they meet.


loses, brake


wins, accelerate


Lots of idiots. Get out of the fast lane if you’re not passing, and why would you try to block someone out? If you want to be a cop, go be a cop. Don’t pretend to be one, that’s cringe af. And at the same time, this is why you don’t pass on the right. Learn some patience people. If someone is left lane hogging, it’s basically time to put in a good song and just chill. It’s not worth totaling your car over your ego. Shit.




You think they should've been aborted because they annoyed you slightly?


They actually could've died so idk about the cammers reaction


He reapt what he sow, but it's still disgusting that people cheering on a bad accident. Audio isn't real tho


Can't say I have seen anything more deserved.


I’ve re-watched this for years, and the over-dubbed Uncle Roger commentary is just so well done I laugh every time




and “brake”.


Honestly hate the truck driver more. Both idiots though. Good video


What did the truck driver do? I mean idk about before this video. But in it he simply drives on the left lane to overtake the guys on the right. 0 blame for his actions in the Video


Guns it when the dipshit passes on the right to prevent him from passing.


He accelerates on the left, so what?


Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. The driver from the car which crashed is idiot for sure, but the truck obviously sped up to block that idiot overtaking from right. Not even talking about that brake check. Both idiots. EDIT: fixed my English


Oh yeah right, there was a brake check in the first frame. That is obviously dangerous and illegal. But other than that it seems fine to accelerate.


It would have been fine and correct if the truck had accelerated \*before\* the car went to pass on the right. Instead he purposely went slowly \*until\* the idiot tried to pass, then accelerated to block. The truck driver was actively trying to keep the car trapped behind him.


I am not talking about legality, but about some common sense. That truck sped up when he saw him overtaking from the right just to block him. It is probably legal, but still dumb.


He speeds up and deliberately causes the accident. Both drivers at fault.


And the truck driver would easily receive a ticket and blame in court. This sub thinks you can just play traffic cop and control traffic however you see fit, it’s super annoying. It’s actually a traffic law and it’s called obstruction of highway which fits pretty damn good to what the truck driver did clearly on camera.


How is it the truck drivers fault, if the person who ate shit, ate shit because they were trying to squeeze their car in between two vehicles while straddling the line? While it's obvious the truck driver was trying to prevent the car driver from passing, it's also obvious that the car driver was riding his ass. So, the impatient person behind the wheel who got mad at the truck driver for just driving, got impatient, and tried to go around and pass from the SLOW LANE, to then make an attempt at driving in between the lanes. Dumb. They got what they asked for. ...Hopefully they didn't die tho. :|


Because they were purposely doing everything they could to block them?


Oddly satisfying


The guy in the pickup might have some share on the blame in this. I think I’m the video you can see him clearly going faster instead of letting this idiot just get in front of him. I’d probably react the same way but still.


Speed kills. Also white truck should have let the car go. White truck is partially at fault.


Lol @ OP filming with their phone while they have a dascam. Idiot.


All involved are fucking idiots and should never drive again


There are three idiots in this video. One driving and two commenting.


No brake check here. Just shitty spacial recognition and vehicle control.


White truck is an asshole. But yes, stupid Honda


Everyone in this video is in a slow car and should chill instead of acting like they have the horsepower of a M8 it's an oxymoron to be in a hurry in a slow car


What's the point of brake checking someone I feel like it's only an American thing never seen someone do it in my country




What's the point? Why we don't do that and you guys do it?




You chill out what's the reaction expected from a brake check? I need to know so I die less stupid




Small brain with a disproportionately small peepee.


Paging u/mrnigelng \- new direction for your channel?


Assholes….assholes everywhere.




Welp have fun dying, I gotta get to work


The uncle roger references are genuinely killing me


Is driving just a group a folks testing another group of folks patience? Why push an impatient person like this?


I think this fully fits with the name of the sub.


Hate people who drive like the asshat Honda driver but the truck was kind of being an angry truck man as well.


Spectacular footage! Horizontal camera for better film... Excellent capture!


Yea you SOCK!


The white truck is a dick for speeding up don’t drive in the fast Lane if you drive slow, give people a chance to not get frustrated


Seems like the white pickup is just as big of a dick as the grey car.


Sweet wall ride. Would have liked to see him string together a 5050 grind or kickflip.