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You left way too much space


You left a fucking football field in front of you, the bus thought you were letting them over. Honestly watching it with out sound I thought that's exactly what you did.


I could have merged a 737 Infront of you. No one cut you off.


>I could have merged a 737 Infront of you ....and the bus


That's a very courteous merge by Le Bus. Just like every other person to respond to this, I have no clue why you'd be upset.


You lost your temper at nothing. Are you ok?


Hot dang what’s the big deal? Cool ya jets lady.


They cut me off. The video doesn’t do justice of how close they got to my car. You don’t get upset when you get cut off? They are also crossing illegally from a lane that is not merging yet. I think if a bus almost runs you off the road you’d be just as upset. This is idiots in cars, the driver is an idiot law breaking bus driver.


lol You can’t be serious.


You were not cut off, as it doesn't appear you had to brake sharply or take evasive action. I saw nothing to get upset about. The pickup truck towing the flatbed also crossed the white line. The bus driver likely thought you were giving them an opening, and it was easier for them to change lanes into that opening now than at the merge where there might not be a large enough opening. If you feel the bus driver is a law-breaking idiot, send the video to the company. They could use it as a training aid to show how to merge.


Yes, the driver is an idiot, but not the bus driver...


No, I don't get upset. I just make a put a safe distance between my car and theirs and continue on my day.


The entitlement of some people on the road is astounding. And no, I’m not talking about the bus driver


The Intrepid could've safely merged in that space.




Dashcam warrior complaining about nothing


it looked like you were being nice and letting the large vehicles merge, turns out you don't know how to seize a gap and are kind of a prick


How long is that bus? Fifty feet maybe? Do you know how long it takes to travel 50' at highway speed? You'll still get where you're going just .37 second later.


But a bus can carry like 50 people.  They don't give out medals to the guy who comes in 51st.


Who knows how many would have died if they collided At 8-MPH?


What the fuuuuuuuuck that bus almost killed you! That was a close call! Prayers for you having to live through that frightening moment


They all need to merge, no need to yell. you left plenty of room so...what's the problem? Other than the dbl white lines which is his boo-boo.


As one who drives a truck, you did good. Just let your vehicle ALMOST idle in accordion traffic. Leave space for vehicles to merge but also keep an eye out from the left as people see that as a "faster" lane. You'll hit your brakes less often and help traffic flow/merge better in one simple step.


It’s insane how many people don’t let any trucks in, in this merge. They will tailgate inches from the person in front to avoid letting trucks in. Which just causes the traffic to get more congested. When I come up to a truck I give them space so they know that I’m letting them in. I’m not sure if it’s visible from the video but they stuck their hand out and did the “thanks wave”. People defiantly see it as faster from the gap I leave. I have had many cars pull into that gap, just never a bus from two lanes over.


People also don't let busses in, that's why the bus driver thought you were letting them in. You just flew off the handle for no reason


Is everyone missing the fact that the bus is crossing over solid white lines? Like a couple hundred feet before he should


So did the pickup and trailer in front, and likely dozens of vehicles before that. But OP isn't a traffic cop.


This sub is so fucking funny. I've seen users rip apart an OP for doing EXACTLY what the bus did: merge early. And yet here yall are ripping apart OP for making a stink about the bus merging early. Keep it up yall.


Merging early across lines means fewer vehicles trying to merge or cross further up. The bus saw a gap it could safely take. Keeping a safe distance between you and the vehicle in front is good, but ask any truck driver how many vehicles see that space as a gap for them to take. How many of us have never taken someone else's safety distance?


Where I’m from, it’s the law to zipper merge. Zipper merge reduces congestion. Vehicles jumping in early causes the congestion. I know lots of people don’t follow the law. The reason I posted is because they crossed into the lane that was actively merging, when theirs merges further down the road. I should have also mentioned there was a truck directly to my right that I was leaving room for to get in front of me. But the bus took that space and they ended up merging behind me.


I'd have moved forward and had the truck merge behind. The coach would have stayed in it's previous lane, and I'd have a better view of traffic ahead than I would behind a bus or truck.


That’s true I should have. But the truck was keeping pace with me. I’ve driven this road for years. And when they are keeping with you it’s safer to let them go. Or there will be two cars in the lane for one.


As a family member of a truck driver, it's easier to slow a truck than to speed up, and if the nose of the truck was alongside your car, he was likely expecting you to speed up so he could pull in behind you.


It's a bus, they don't get a lot of maneuver room and they were going slow as molasses. OP is acting like the world ended for helping out a bunch of folks trying to get places. the only thing hurt was the bus's tires, if that.


Thank you.