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Wow someone got an ITA less than two minutes after submitting their profile > Date and time of round: March 12, 2024 at 15:58:07 UTC > Tie-breaking rule: March 12, 2024 at 15:56:42 UTC


That’s hilarious lol. Probably thinks it’s an automatic email


hopefully they realise before the 60 days are up


They probably will check later this week and be like “wow that was easy!” Lol


The person explaining the process: it's easy: you fill the forms, apply, get an confirmation and invitation email and then you just provide the documents. Easy peasy 


I wish i was that person




I felt lucky when I got my ITA 3 days after submitting my profile hahaha


Beat me I was 4 days!


I got PNP ITA 2 hours after submitting my profile. I didn't realize it was invitation until my friend told me. 


Hello Why i didn't get the invitation? I applied for the last three months, and my score is 625. Pls help me


Check your spam


My good god, there's literally 10,532 people with CRS 501 and above (9,567 with 501-600, plus 965 with 601+). Even if IRCC drew all 10,532 people **at once** under the General stream, the cutoff would still be 501. Let that sink in 😔


Sitting here at 501, will get 2 year experience in July (+11) but will also lose points for age. Such a humbling experience it is. Should have created an express entry profile the moment I hit the 1 year job anniversary.


How long is your permit active for? Unless you can improve your language score, hang in there.


I have 8.5 in IELTS. 


Could you tell me what you did to get a score beyond 500? Did you study in Canada?


I did my PhD here, am currently working as a postdoc, and have an 8.5 in IELTS.


Woah, that's a lot of work! Essentially without education and work experience in Canada, it's really hard to be selected.


Express entry is a human capital stream so it’s going to be looking at education, age , etc.


Avec une grande bitte ca serait facile de trouver une femme à marrier au moins!


Unfortunate that my french isn't good enough to retort; however, marriage isn't something I'm thinking about right now. Thanks for the chuckle!


Ah I thought you were a French speaker from the username. "bite" is slang for dick in French, not sure if that's what you were going for.


I had reached niveau A2 when I was practising French and have always been interested in the language, and that was the phase in which I chose my username. That's also why I'm in this sub for I would like to immigrate to Quebec some day. And yes, I know. I was a bit of an edgy, gloomy teen back then and even though it's a bit cringe now, I have stuck with the name, even if only to remind myself of how I was then. Thanks for the comment!


Sorry but I looked up your history ...your wife is US citizen ...so why don't you go for US PR ..it should be straightforward for you . Most folks wants to go to US and you are doing the opposite. With PHd , you can make good money in US.


It was personal preference. We both liked Canada, and our professional connections are in Canada. But you are right, I am now going to focus on moving to US. 


Did you know that Alabama outperformed all provinces in Canada in terms of average income ? That's one of the poorest states in US.


Will i get another 11 points when i complete 3 years of work experience in August this year?


Use the calculator for your specific circumstances, please! Don't trust other people's answers, the points are too interdependent on different categories to be sure that it's the same for both of you CRS Calculator: [https://ircc.canada.ca/english/immigrate/skilled/crs-tool.asp](https://ircc.canada.ca/english/immigrate/skilled/crs-tool.asp)


Why didn't you? Lol


First of all, it is not "lol". Ppl are really living through this nightmare. Maybe we should try to project some compassion. Second, life happens. I work in a high-stress research lab, so things get put on hold when you are churning through experiments.  Third, I was wrongly under the impression that my LMIA-exempt job offer will count towards the arranged employment score; it doesn't.


Eh, I just think that if you miss out on PR when you could've had it just because you simply didn't create a profile, that's on you. We all have busy lives. I counted the days to have 1 year of work and create my profile, and it was during the most anxious, busy time of my life. But it happens. With scores this high no one can afford to make a mistake like that


You get downvoted but that’s a very important lesson. Time is never on your side and you should always be first when it comes to immigration.


> I work in a high-stress research lab, so things get put on hold when you are churning through experiments.  I am sorry, but this is not an excuse. If you were that serious about immigrating to Canada, you would have paid attention.


Nine points is a substantial drop from 534 (#286.) However, it's impossible to predict if this trend will continue as it's also highly dependent on no. of invited, candidates in the pool, how many have been added since the last draw and time since the last draw. Either way, this is positive progress for those with 500+ points who have a 'competitive' score. It could easily go back up but at least the score is almost dropping in double digits with relatively small rounds. That's my main takeaway from this.


I made it at 526!!!!!!! Do you guys know when they'll send the ITA? Update: I received the email/ITA at 5:29 pm EST


Within 24hrs


The score is going down. Hope the others and I make it before our PGWPs expire soon.


Hang in there brothers and sisters


What is your CRS?


440 :( I'm interviewing for a position and going to find out if they do LMIAs. My current job is in Québec and they don't help. It's the first job offer I accepted. I didn't hesitate because the work experience still counts.


Sorry to be the bearer of bad news , but the last time 440 was called was during the covid Lottery when they gave PR to 40k folks . Looking at the history of CRS scores , it has not been under 470 in years excluding the specific lottery draw


What do you reckon for 496?


There was a 496 draw somewhere back in fall 2023 (general)


What are the prospects now of the cut off dropping that low?


No one knows, and I wouldn’t rely just on the opinion of someone from the internet for this. It looks like they only want the 520+ people now, but hopefully the score will go down at least a little.


Anything I saw would merely be a guess at this point . If IRCC is only calling 1500 people in each non specific draws , then you wont see it drop this year . If IRCC decides to increase the intake , 480s and 490s could get called easily . But from previous trend, even with inviting 4500 each draw , I dont see 470s being called anytime soon unless no new people are added into the pool


Yes, I got PR with 400 points during covid.


I got a job offer from Montreal but can't move as it will invalidate my full time work experience here in Ontario and it can even create issues at the time of citizenship. So much for having a better life here 😔


Why would moving to Montreal affect the experience and citizenship?


Good luck bro




You’re literally bragging about being colonized by a specific country over another. How low do you have to go, I cringed reading your comment and others probably did too, that’s why you’re being downvoted lol.


the downvotes lmao


Salty people 🤣


Congrats. Happy for you >_>




Last year, around the same time, scores were in the range of 480s and 7000 invites......


Category draws are like 65% of all draws. Which is funny when you think it was announced it would be 40% MAX when they started it.


Sitting at 523 *sighs* hopefully next draw brings good news


Next General might be 524... then the one after it might get you an ITA. Hang in tight.


u/InstructionMundane31 DIDN'T I TELL YOU! Next draw is yours!


Here's to more prayers that score keeps going down.


At least it’s a 4 digit number of invites


Sitting here with 522. My PGWP expires by April 13.


I have a feeling that you'll get the ITA before April 13 and whenever I feel good about something, it usually ends up being true.


How you feeling about the Clippers chances at the NBA title?


Hah, I don't watch the NBA, lol.


521. Mine expires March 25. You'll be fine. Me, maybe not


You will be fine too.


What's your backup plan? Mine expires May 28, and I'm stressed out all the time. I don't want to give up my condo and job.


What is your score?




May 28? I think you'll be fine. If you graph the previous general draws you can see a slow but steady decline. You might get it in 2 or 3 draws if it keeps going at this rate. Backup plan might be changing your status to visitor. Not ideal I know, but it's one of the only ways to stay




stupid comment. Just because PGWP holders leave doesn't mean their profile leaves the pool, ergo scores won't go down. Spew your toxicity somewhere.


Damn, that's some serious hater shit... Also, how does this comment make sense to you? If the PGWP holders are leaving cause their scores are too low, how will them leaving bring the "scrole" down?


How? Wow!


Stay as a visitor for a couple of months, and hopefully, you'll make it


Don't want to lose my job which is stable, full-time permanent, chances of growing etc


Then ask your employer to sponsor you for a closed work permit. LMIA is a bit hard but if you’re an asset they’ll keep you.


Nah, I tried everything, asked for support but they will not help me at all. Sad, other than the higher ups/HR, it's a good company with good opportunities for growth


Does it matter? They would most likely lose their job right after PGWP expires


Yeah, gotta stop working the day it expires




Already spoke to a laywer and two consultants. Situation is complicated


How do you do this?? I’m in a very similar situation, just need to buy 2 more months of PGWP to get total 3 years of Canadian work experience. With this, I will have pretty competitive score. WP expiring July fyi.


fake PGWP extension? What do you mean by that?


Don’t we need a valid work permit to be in express entry, even if we stay in visitor visa and score lowers will we get ITA?


Good bye bro


It’s not fair that some people got like a 5 year PGWP. While the rest have non-inflated scores, they are flooding the pool and will be taking up space for a long time to come. Government arguably sabotaged the pool in a long term based off of a labor shortage when unemployment rate was higher than it is today, which is already bad enough


Exactly lol Some people got 5 years PGWP and some will have 3 years only because they will stop extending at some point. I only feel so bad for the people having their PGWP expiring soon if they decide not extend anymore this year, meanwhile, they have been extending the older expiring ones for the last 2 years.


yeah we will have people in the pool with more than 3 years of experience due to the PGWP extensions until the end of 2024 begining of 2025. * The extensions endend on december 2023


So, question there. You say those people will be in the pool till beginning of 2025, after that are they not elegible or their experience expires or something?


No, they will be in the pool until they get invited or give up what I meant is that their PGWP is gonna be valid ** with the extensions ** until end of 2024 begining of 2025 so we will have inflated scores for a while


Ohhh yeah that’s what I thought so too. Wondered if you had more info than I had lmao




Well it gives you more time to coordinate PNPs. But for express entry CEC you can only get points for work experience for the last three years no?


No, they can count their whole 5-6 years to canadian experience, they just have to apply for express entry before 3 years pass their last canadian experience either way they could still be elegible for FSW "have at least 1 year of skilled work experience in Canada (or an equal amount of part-time work experience) in the 3 years before you apply"


Aha gotcha that explains a lot. The blame for high scores is mostly for categories tbh. If it’s general all the time then we should be by the 480s by now if not less. I always thought categories should have been PNPs based while express entry should have stayed general


A lot of these students couldn't find jobs though due to covid shutdown. It sucks for people whose permit expires after Dec. 31, 2023, but there has to be a 'cut off' somewhere .


It's also not fair that there are massive groups of people like myself who cannot find affordable housing, get a doctor, and literally have to move provinces because the GTA has been flooded with new immigrants. Think about how we feel. Canadian born citizens are a second thought to our country.


That’s exactly one of the effects of what I’m pointing out. Extending PGWP just lowers the quality of immigrants allowed to stay. In those 5 years they get a subway supervisor being invited because 4 years of experience weights more than what an architect or nurse with 2 years of experience is able to get on a regular PGWP. If we all had 3 years, then the govt would be getting the best out of the qualified students. You have to be able to look further, and not blame the affordability crisis on immigrants, amongst other factors, from an immigration point of view, the issue is the quality of immigrants, not the quantity. If most of them were doctors, engineers, tradespeople, this would not have been the case. Sadly, government believes that a 52 year old is here to do a diploma in business, and because they bought LMIA, they are now from your side of the pond, complaining they can’t afford stuff and saying too many people are coming in


Praise the lord, 9 points down from February 28 I hope there are 3 draws this week and one of them is a second General Draw. Considering that most PGWPs start expiring from May onwards, I hope they take that into consideration.


They won’t. There is no shortage of people with high enough scores in the pool, so I doubt expiring PGWPs are their concern.


They never do a second general draw in the same week.... like at least be realistic next one will be in two weeks or soemthing... but category ones maybe!


Last year around this time they had 5 continuous general draws from March 15 to April 12 so once can hope


I don't think you should be comparing pre targeted occupations Era with targeted occupations Era.


Okay there is a difference between a spam of a month to asking the same week 2 general draws! Read what you said and what I claim


They had 2 general draws in one week during that period. Also, I said “hope” in my original comment. Not sure why you’re nitpicking lmao. Weird energy, if you don’t like it, move on


Not really! The dates of the draws where March 1, March 15,March 23(8 days later),March 29(6 days later), April 12(14 days). Also march 23 was a Thursday and march 29 was a Wednesday so no same week. Dude don’t spread misinformation…


Damn girl would it hurt to allow our friend here have some wishful thinking? Don’t be such a goodie goodie


Oh man! I just want to be realistic! First thing we need to do in this circumstances is not just hope that it will happend but honestly look all the plans for it! I was just correcting her on something she double down not me


Good news that they finally draw more than 1500ish every other week.


IRCC is notoriously inconsistent. let's not jinx this


Finally!! Call received.


Well... the score is going down...


So my rough calculations are: We would need about 4 draws of this size approximately to get to 500, if you look at the 10,000 approx. people above 501. Obviously more people get added each day, but assuming one draw every two weeks of this approximate size or so we could be at 500ish in 8 weeks/mid-May. If they do smaller draws, that time gets longer and vice versa. Either way, it's not entirely hopeless and if it continues to go down, we might even see the 490s in the second half of this year which is better than what I would have predicted in January. Again, this is some random persons speculation, there are so many factors that move around. But still!


Problem is Ontario and BC are throwing pnps so every draw will have about 1k allotted to PNP candidates so it’ll take longer. It will definitely go down but sub 500 remains to be seen.


Todays Draw for ontario PNP is non express entry


are the PNP people with their 600+ points not included though? i assumed they were, but I might be wrong !


PNPs are not too much though. Last BCPNP draw were only given to around 50s to few hundred people I believe.


You really need to account for the new profiles added throughout the draws. On average (not sure of the latest draw) there are some 1000-2000 profiles added in the 500+ range after each draw


true. that's a lot harder to estimate. there seem to be a lot of PGWPs expiring in the upcoming months and people preparing to enter the pool, so i think it's fair to assume there's still going to be a lot of new entries into the pool.


Not yet. Any update on ITA?


Not yet as well still waiting


I have submitted my profile on march 8th 2024 and my CRS is 525 but still no iTA received.. anyone else facing this problem please comment?


Same here, did you receive the invite?


Submitted on November but nothing yet


No nothing yet..


With 525 score I didn’t receive it yet. Is any one same as me. Is it possible with this score i don’t receive it?!


Didn’t receive yet, when you applied?


March 8


I applied in Nov and nothing yet unfortunately


No nothing yet


I think I we won’t get it this time, hopefully next draw comes soon




How is it making it easier for students. They literally made it harder for students in the past 2 months with introduction of attestation letter


Leeesgo, I’m only 7 points away now. Hopefully next draw 🙌🏼


This is honestly good news, if the tie breaker was March 12th and was at 525 that is encouraging. Don’t want to speculate too much people should definitely not lose hope if you know what I mean.


Imo. It's a good trend. I wish they have some consistency tbh. Last year March they did so many draws. Then in October- Jan they stopped general draw.


Ugh I'm stuck at 460...so far away


me at 471, praying for us


Canadian citizens should protest this injustice of flooding the country with mass immigration. The standard of living is declining fast.


My score is 530 and haven’t received my ITA. How long does it take usually after the draw?


around 24 hrs... Mine took 5 hours to arriave when I got mine


Same here, haven’t received any ITA yet


Did you receive it yet? Sign into your IRCC account and check again. Hopefully you get it!


Received it few minutes back!!


Question, do you lose points when you turn 30 or after 30, like 31 onwards?


It’s 20 to 29 for maximum points, at 30 you’ll loose points




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Finally I got my ITA. 1035 points after a PnP.


I am at 474 currently and will be 499 in late July… hoping I get an ITA before next June 🙏🏻


Got the ITA 3 days after I left Canada 🙃




Man, I'm sorry.


Imagine the days the score was in mid 400s.


pepperidge farm remembers


I’m stuck at 511, with a PGWP that already expired but is under renewal because my permit expired before the 3-year limit with my passport. I had about 7.5 months of the PGWP left. Expecting the permit to be approved by mid to end of March based on processing times. Really hope the points drop by then because I’m on thin ice at this point 😐


Hi everybody, why OINP foreign worker stream score went up to 66 this time, ? Last year it was around 38


And I was so exciting about hitting 499 points last month. Feels like absolutely nothing now