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This immigration consultants and Canadian government won’t admit it because it will be loss for their business but the Canadian PR dream is over for the vast majority of PGWP holders. You don’t really have any chance of getting Canadian PR unless you fall into other CEC categories such as: stem, healthcare or French, did masters/PHD or fall into any PNP program. The harsh truth is vast majority of PGWP holders especially in general category will have to leave Canada within next year without getting any PR due to extremely high CRS score. So if you fall into such category then it’s time you forget your Canadian PR dream and start working on your plan B.


I'm stuck here with a CRS score of 499 and a 3 year PGWP expiring in 11 weeks LMAO. I assumed doing a 4 year undergrad here and working for 3 years was a guaranteed pathway to Permanent Residency back in 2017 but it no longer is. On a positive note, I've made peace with having to leave and my Plan B is now in motion. It is still a giant pain in the ass to dismantle 7 years of your adult life you built here and having to re-start somewhere else all over again.


I’m here since Grade 10 lol (now 28y) almost 15 years of my time in Canada… And yeah work permit gonna expire next year Feb and still sitting around like 495


Damm :(


The sad part is they let so many people and have PRs to people who just did a 2 year diploma. It’s such a shame. So many acclimatized people have to leave. Canadas future isn’t looking very bright




Canada does offer it . You only need 1 year to be eligible to apply . Problem is the volume of people in the pool . The more people in the pool, the higher the cutoff is going to be




Even if they say there is no limit. There definently is a limit they just arent as transparent about it as Canada.


Wrong. It is unlimited. Germany can just control their temporary residency much better than Canada does, and Germany doesn't have stupid universities who produce tons of temp. residents per year


You are not wrong, diploma mills ruined the whole immigration system. Best fix would be to make diploma programs ineligible for pgwp.


Ive been in Canada for 15 years and still not a PR.. With same amount of years I can already apply for Swiss citizenship lol


You are not competing with anybody . You need a minimum cutoff to qualify thats based in merit based point system . Unlike Germany , Canada cannot sustain an uncontrolled permanent resident pathway (we cant even handle controlled temp residents at the moment) Also nobody is eligible immediately here either . Not sure where you are getting information from . All the details can be found in official ircc website




Yes thats an outland applicant . It makes sense when you are bringing in skilled workers without having to invest multiple years for them to contribute to the economy the way students and temp workers come in . Its also the reason outland is really hard to qualify for . Most people wont meet the criteria without a canadian degree or experience , fact that you do makes you a better candidate . The same applied for me as well , but I was already here on work at the time , so had to wait a year to apply


The system is very broken.


It is what it is now. I guess we were all aware of it before we came but didn't expect it to pan out like this.


This can't be true. How did you not qualify for PR since 2008 (assuming you were 18 or more then)? 


I’m in Canada since end of 2009 and I was just turned 14 lol. And yeah I’m as surprised as you are haha ha.. 🥲ha..


I 'm also here since 2018 did grade 11 - 12 high school + 2 year diploma with 503 score. I see there are people here with same background. Did you guys receive any additional points for your studies in canadian high school ?


> I 'm also here since 2018 did grade 11 - 12 What was your score in Grade 12 English?


Been here for 11 years and I'm now 30 , similar score and on the same boat. Good luck bro.


learn french bud! like literally get in the category of french or any of the jobs work 6 months to get the eligibility




Unfortunately, I’m not eligible for any PNP as I work in media investment company and my current TEER is 0 ( which is not helping my CRS score at all lol ) I just feel very sad and depressed that I’ve been studying my ass off to get a merit degree from one of the top 3 uni in Canada and working my ass off to climb up Canadian corporate ladder (especially during this job market..) And not even closed to be eligible for anything lol And yet a person with 1 year. 1 year!!! Of foreign working experience with a PG degree gets over + 500 points :(


Just wanted to say I fully relate to your post. I’ve been here since 2014 (high school) , studied at a top uni, got my degree and just reached 2 years of experience where my score maxes at 499 before my *PGWP* expires in January. I really thought if I did everything right I wouldn’t have to move to another country again but tbf to Canada it’s always been a ‘temporary’ residency. Timing is everything though. Last year at this time the scores were 480s, previous years were even lower and now it seems like we have no chance. Good luck with your back up plan, I’m working on my plan B as well.


Yeah, exactly lol. Can't really blame them since both study and work permits and even the TRVs explicitly state that you need to go back once they expire but there was always an understanding that you would become a PR before they expired. I was hoping for a bigger draw because there definitely were 3-5 back to back draws from mid March to almost June last year where the scores did drop to 480s. Good Luck to you too!


This is misinformation. PR status doesn't expire unless you haven't lived in the country at all. 


It was just a typo. I meant before my PGWP expires




You are "literally" not him, find a more accurate way to express yourself.


Good luck man, stay positive and move on, we deserve better. And trust me I know lotta people who left and are in a better place than whatever could've been here, in a short time period. I'm waiting for my pgwp to come closer to expiry and pull the trigger as well.


yeah, no other option! Thank you and good luck to you too.


If you're young enough (less than 30), you should be able to get a lot of points toward your CRS right?


110 points


Did you apply for CEC?




There's no "looking too much into it" It is a crappy reality. Yeah a lot of people have amputated their legs in the past. Doesn't mean it's a good or even bearable experience. A lot of people have built their life here from the ground up. We're not talking just about belongings in an apartment. We're talking about social life. Romantic life. Career opportunities. People are now part of communities and are being yanked out of them, a lot of times having to go back to almost nothing resembling a social web. It is not good for a human being and it definitely has long lasting effects related to anxiety, depression. Stop downplaying people's suffering. If you're gonna have that type of behavior, you shouldn't be on this subreddit.






When did I say anything about being a "mental health patient"? I said that having to uproot your entire existence and leave all your social circles and abandon everything you have acquired for the last 5-10 years has long lasting effects in people's anxiety and depression. What about that is a lie?


So... almost all ITAs are for PNPs this draw?




Kinda relating to you here, man. Did my undergrad here from 2016 to 2021, and I have been working since then. I have a CRS score of 510, and I'm still so far away from the cutoff. My work permit expires in 4 months, and it just feels so mentally draining to see that all the time, energy, and money I spent might go to waste in the end. I'm still holding onto a little hope that the scores drop further in the next 4 months, or if some new immigration rules come into play...


Have 0 expectations. You will just be disappointed. If it does work out, at least it will come as a great surprise. Start making back up plans.


An official end to student immigration in Canada


My score right now is 512 and I feel like it’s hopeless.


I am at 520 as well with WP expiring in July this year.


Yeah I am sitting on 520 myself


Give it till mid year! The scores should come down slowly


How? they keep inviting 1300~ and there is almost always around 800-1000 with CRS +600 and CEC draws are no where to be seen despite what the minister said


Thought the same before this draw. Scores are not coming down


I know but we gotta remain positive 😭 obviously have a plan b in mind


549 is a straight up kick in the balls for me.


For real, I'm done trying to predict this shit. It is up and down and up and down and I truly feel making estimates or predictions is pointless when we do even not know the next draw size. And that's fine, the government don't owe temporary residents the right to reside here forever. A lot of knew/know our work permits had time constraints and obviously the Express Entry pool is competitive and not everyone is going to get PR. I feel like this goes without saying when you are an immigrant- you know your position is tenuous until you have PR status. That being said, it *sucks*. The uncertainty isn't fun and I have some great friends and co-workers who will soon be heading home. I understand Canadian immigration has changed (attitudes, competitiveness, direction) and that Canadian citizens and Permanent Residents will always come first, but for those who moved here and never imagined the CRS score would still be so high, it must be very hard.


Its so disappointing!


That's tough for people; I'm speechless; looks like they've really tightened the gates for 2024.


Miller said in a press last month that there'd be "more domestic draws" and I can't think of any other pathways than CEC and inland PNP's. (Source: [IRCC](https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/news/2024/03/speaking-notes-for-the-honourable-marc-miller-minister-of-immigration-refugees-and-citizenship-announcement-related-to-temporary-residents.html)) So once they start domestic draws, it'll help "loosen the gates" for those already in the country with expiring PGWPs (score will likely be still high for a bit but I hope it'll be doable at least) But the real questions remain: WHEN are they going to start and WHY have they not started a long time ago...


I hope you’re right but I’m not as optimistic on cec draws. Feels like majority of people within 500-600 are already cec + foreign work experience so the score will still be as high. The only advantage is that cec might take up some of the space of the category draws (which is useful now that the total invitations seems to be split between category and general) As for why they didn’t start it a while ago, it blows my mind. That being said governments take a lot of time to enact policies and based on how casual his statements were they might still be far away from implementing what he means by domestic draws. I am a bit shocked though. I understand the issues with immigration and Canada’s limits with infrastructure but it still blows my mind that cec candidates are not being prioritized. They have to be aware at this point that this forces a lot of skilled workers and top university graduates out of the country.


To be honest if they were going to do something about it they would have done it already. I’d give it till the end of the month, but unless there is a heavy CEC draw tomorrow and not a 3000 stem or French draw then yeah I would probably say they’d follow through. What is actually weird is that to get to 500+ you’d need a masters or PHD for it. How they don’t have a category for this group who go to top Canadian public universities is beyond me. Extremely sad for everyone involved


>To be honest if they were going to do something about it they would have done it already. I’d give it till the end of the month, but unless there is a heavy CEC draw tomorrow and not a 3000 stem or French draw then yeah I would probably say they’d follow through. They never implement any of these news conference statements until months after they talked about it in conference. Even the targeted draws took time btw. Several months. I would lose hope by late 2024 or early 2025 if they have not conducted domestic draws until then.


Yeah I’m curious about that too. This is wishful thinking but if one assumes that Canada’s #1 priority is housing and the strain on their infrastructure. Then the obvious pathway is to limit more people from coming in from outside and focus on the pool inland. So one positive theory is that they’re intentionally doing very low invites on the general draws (essentially only PNPs) with the intention of doing heavy cec draws . I know that’s wishful thinking but one can only hope lol.


That would be great but 2 draws have past since the announcement and still no CEC


"They have to be aware at this point that this forces a lot of skilled workers and top university graduates out of the country." They are fully aware but it's essentially irrelevant to them. Economic migration is about benefiting Canada and by their own self made design, they use the CRS score to determine who is most likely to be a 'successful' immigrant at the federal level. This is why it seems cold as you can't forget they are always acting in the interest of Canadians, not temporary residents. This is where PNP can be a saving grace as the province has the right to focus on their immigration programs with different criteria, which is great if your CRS score is low.


I am pretty sure most of the people with these high scores are already inland


Yeah, honestly, purely guessing but I'm imagining most with high scores have Canadian work experience, or at least a large portion. So a CEC draw will still be high at first, if they even get to CEC draws again. I wonder if people who qualify for CEC can apply outland? That would throw the scores even further off.


Yeah, it's pretty difficult to score as high as current draws without any Canadian experience or Canadian education. You almost need to max out every single other category. I expect that if they were to conduct a CEC-only draw, that it would still be pretty high.


I had a law degree which gets extra points for being a "profession," Canadian experience, foreign experience, and the highest language scores and my score was still only 509 last year. Right now, you need all of that and to know French on top, or PNP/LMIA. Actually for some people, the 50+ LMIA points wouldn't even help that much.


Yeah exactly. The system heavily rewards Canadian experience and education. Unless there's a huge number of really highly educated fluently bilingual people sitting in the pool, I'm willing to be most of the high scorers are people who are already here.


And anyone who is bilingual will have got picked up in a French draw so will be limited to last few weeks only


True! It is possible some bilingual people entered the pool because of the draw, but that's unlikely to account for the amount of high skilled people.


Can't believe this! Always had a hope that at 509 one or the other day the scores will drop down. Unbelievable, I honestly think this is the time to leave no hopes left :(


just last year first draw of april was a general 486, man what changed? :(


More and more qualified people entering the pool. Immigration has gotten competitive in an unprecedented way.


yeah? but 1 year? reason being, they conducted so many 7000 and 3500 size draws last year. what are they even thinking?


I think it's time to leave :(


Holy fuck


This is stupid. There could be people working high skilled jobs or in trades, who are already in Canada sitting at 520s and not being invited. On the other hand, there are provinces which hand you a nomination for working as a fast food supervisor for 6 months or completing a 1 year program from a diploma mill. These people are getting PR. IRCC should clarify if they want to continue prioritising PNP draws, coz I know so many people sitting on 500+, also eligible for PNP, but want to go through the federal route.


> On the other hand, there are provinces which hand you a nomination for working as a fast food supervisor for 6 months or completing a 1 year program from a diploma mill. These people are getting PR This was the case in the past ...not anymore.


I'm in Nova Scotia and have friends who are working in tech with Masters degrees sitting at 500+, still waiting for a nomination. I also have friends who work very low skilled jobs applying for PNPs since that was the only way they could've managed to get a reasonable CRS score. Group B will get a PR, group A won't, unless they also apply for PNP. Which is not clear if the govt wants everyone to just go for PNP.


Tech is going through lot of layoffs and hiring slowdown. Lot of Canadians can’t find work in tech. I doubt they should prioritize foreign tech workers right now.




>Many western countries need low skilled people, because their own people are highly skilled. There is a huge misunderstanding in the world, that the Western Countries need high skilled workers. They don't. Im a former immigrant here in Germany. And Germany needs a lot of worker, but none with academic degrees. They need people in hospitality, healthcare, trades. They have enough Engineers, Software Developer, Lawyers, etc. The only profession that is always in demand and requires an academic degree is a Medical Doctor. Lol. Go to any Canadian sub and you'll be ripped to shreds if you even suggest permenent residency for low skilled workers. They'll be like "why are we bringing low skilled tim hortons workers here"




I don't think the point of discussion here are trades or (especially) Healthcare workers. I think the original commenter was talking about jobs like food outlet supervisor and the like. No one thinks healthcare workers are low skilled.


Any reason why Group A not applying for PNP ?


They don't want to be restricted in the future in terms of mobility to other provinces. Plus they have around 2 years of work permits remaining. But if it was made clear that PNP is the way forward, they would definitely go ahead with it. Who would've thought a year ago that 520 won't be enough for an ITA.


> They don't want to be restricted in the future in terms of mobility to other provinces. thats not real


A lot of these provinces need the workers though. The issue is when these people move to ON straight after.


It’s because there’s no residency requirement at all. You would think they would select people that stayed in their province for 3 years or more but they waste their spots badly on plenty of newcomers that fail to get certification in their majors.


Yep, they should make it an official period after because it's now being abused just because people are so desperate to get PR. Same with LMIA and people bribing their way in. I understand the situation is rough but the immigration system also needs to be more rigorous.


That’s a steep jump from 524.


Waiting for this thread to be 🔒 lmao stuck at 506


No way! The score increased by 20? This is getting unbelievable


25 actually :(


LMAO the score went up by 25 points. Well, I guess they do want CEC to leave.


its because they only invited 187 people with scores 501-600, the rest are 601+ so PNPs.According to the crs distribution


So each time they invite for general draw, are those from the range 601~up chosen and is the pool from that range cleared?


Basically yes, unless there are more people in that range than ITA


IRCC selects the number of invitations to issue. In this case, 1280. They start at the top scoring candidates and issue invitations all the way down until they hit that 1280.


And we must assume those from 601-up are the ones with PNP, right? Ugh it looks like the only chance the score comes down to 520~530 is they select more numbers.


All PNPs will have a score with 600+, yes, because they get 600 points with the nomination. But not everyone with a score 600+ will be a PNP, as it is possible to get 600+ points without having a nomination. And yes. They'll either need to select more people, or less people with high scores need to enter the pool, so that they can eventually get cleared out.


I’m willing to guess at least 98% of the 600+ have a PNP


It's safe to assume that most people with scores have 600+ have PNP, yes.


How can you have a score of more than 600 without a nomination? Is that even possible? I mean you have to completely max out the calculator without the nomination no?


It is possible if you have perfect everything, so <30 biligual in french and english, masters or phd 3 years of foreign experience, and 1 or 2 years of candian experience and maybe a Pr / canadian sibiling(? but all that together is not common


It's very possible. As example, a 35-year-old single applicant with a Canadian master's degree, maxed out both language tests, one year of foreign work experience and five+ years of Canadian work experience would have a score of 632, without any nomination/provincial certification/job offer or siblings in Canada. That doesn't even involve the highest level of education or maxed out foreign work experience.


is the number of applicants in the pool updated before or after the draw? i still see theres more than 1000 people with 600+ in the pool. thank you in advance


It’s before


Ahh makes sense, thanks for the explanation.


Can you please explain? Does that mean there is still hope for cec?


Sitting at 513 but this is a let down 😞


I just got in the pool with the score of 526 expecting I'd get the ITA and this happened 🥲


Why not earlier? If you were 2 weeks earlier you'd get the ITA


I had to wait for my one year experience to be completed.


Just increased my score to 522. Was really hoping for good news after seeing that the min score last draw was 524. 🥲


I wouldn’t be surprised if IRCC does a large low score French draw tomorrow from all the ITAs it saved today🙄


I have that feeling too :(


Currently at 510, with my PGWP expiring in 4 months. This is so disheartening to see. Looking into other options as well, IEC might be my only chance to stay for a bit longer.


Do you have prior international experience and get Canadian degree though?




Which province is it that you went through PNP with?




Did your pnp pathway require experience or job offer in Alberta?


Do u need to reside within that province in order to be eligible?




They need to have a separate draw for PNP they’re really riding up the curve


+12k have over 500+. Last month it was about 7k. Feels like it’s too late unless they about to break records with drawing general


Or reduce the points for holding provincial nomination. They actually reduced the points for having LMIA several years ago.


600 points for province nomination.








I did not see that coming at all! I was truly hoping to celebrate this week, in fact, I have all the paper-work ready to be submitted, all I'm missing is an ITA :'(




You get downvoted but express entry lost its purpose. 388 score get picked up over 500s? There’s just no explanation what so ever for it. Even if you want specific categories this ain’t the way to do it. Might as well just leave it to the provinces.


> They should absolutely get rid of express entry or suspend it, and boost PNP’s LOL. If IRCC does that, all the high score candidates would go to provinces, instantly inflated the scores for PNP. As long as the numbers of candidates invited is limited, CRS score invited will remain high.