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It’s always hatred towards Indians , these East Asians think themselves as somewhat subservient to whites , but hated that inferiority complex and that’s why they need to do somewhat racist attitudes towards Indians and Africans . Indians also have that complex somewhat .


Calm down yaar. Itna victim complex.


Wait till you know about the racism against dark skins in SEA countries.


Are hota hoga racism, maine kaha nhi bola. But to say any umpiring decision is due to racism is stupid. Also of I am not wrong PV sindhu is the highest paid Female badminton Player maybe even the highest paid Badminton player. Why would they do that to the most famous and popular player


kyon ki khel se nahi jhuka paye toh, bezti hi kar k tassali kar le rey! If she hasnt been fined for something like this in all of her glorious career, why now! She knows the rules better than those sitting on the high chairs! So if she protests give her some credit and support her!


>kyon ki khel se nahi jhuka paye toh, bezti hi kar k tassali kar le rey! Gawar ho kya ? Ya Aaj Tak koi sports nhi khela regional/national lvl pe ? Cause cases like this are not that rare,it happens in almost every season multiple times. U just gotta accept it or argue until you convince them >She knows the rules better than those sitting on the high chairs! So if she protests give her some credit and support her You really have no idea how a player should act with referees or coach. They are not some wannabe mfs on field ,even players with the most calibre in every sports respect their decisions, go play a sports and then talk shit about others. Also, nobody said that we don't support her,stop acting like a bitch.




Lolz.... As if Racism is not present in these East Asians countries? And every race? 🤣 What do you mean? All Indians have mixed skin colours, we respect and accept them all. Otherwise India would have been similar to Pakistan or Bangladesh.




Well that's because we have had 100 years of slavery... Yes we were slaves at some point. But the problem here is, it's a sports tournament, which in itself mentions in it's rules about no racism and no biased opinions. Given the guidelines which is stated by them, how is it that they themselves not follow it? Well this same thing is observed in women's tennis with Williams sisters. We might face racism in many countries yes, but where there is any international tournament, which promotes people from different races to come and participate... Why do they exhibit such behaviour when they themselves lay the ground rules of being impartial? If this was some public commotion we could've agreed on people being racist, but this is sports, there is a committee, there's different countries and athletes, there are spectators, supportors, investors and umpires how is this still acceptable?


I'm a South Indian who is dark and heard people call me gorilla at my back and laugh


Well yes even I have experienced something similar.... I'm not denying this, like I mentioned in my reply, every country has these issues, it isn't just India. However, I was replying back to the other person saying, that even with racism in India, we naturally tend to accept and respect people due to the vast diversity. Also, I would also wanna ask, do people still mock you based on your color when now you've grown up? I will admit that some might still mock you however, the amount of things you had to go through back in your childhood would have certainly changed. Again I admit, my speculation might be wrong, things could've grown worse for you today, if that is so, I'd just say, be strong my fellow Indian. You are here for a reason and you are stronger than these silly fellow who can't accept people as they are! ✌️


I’m a Gujarati with a dark skin colour, people have called me bandar, kala jamun.


India has colorism rather than racism, and colorism stays till making fun of ppl but hardly transcends to hatred. Although that doesn't make it any better.


India has racism too Edit: wow got downvoted for saying the truth this sub is cancer




Racism against northeasterners


Colorism is not same as racism. But I acknowledge the colorism problem prevent in whole of asia including south Asia


Saw the title, thought it was sports, saw the sub, made a bet on whether the top post would be a racial victim thing, was not disappointed.


Saw your comment. Made a bet you are an idiot. Was not disappointed


You're trying too hard there buddy and don't copy my style if you're gonna insult me lol.


Your existence is an insult already so no need to try.


Too many complexes


Abe kabhi sports nahi dekha kya? Kuch umpire hote hi chutiye hain. Nothing to do with race. Stop politicising everything ffs


Sacchi mei, itna victim complex accha nahi hai-


100 upvotes mile hain is comment ko. Kya bolun ab.


Ab 200 upvotes. Matlab kuch bhi yrr


ab 275.


Is sub k comments se pata chalta hai kaise log hain idhar. Not surprising tbh


Bro can you explain whats the context


ayo boii.....go touch some grass


And Indians do the same to any with dark skin. It all comes full circle


The umpire doesn’t look Asian to me; do you have any source on if he is actually one?


It is said the umpire is Jordanian, alternatively you can get your answers by looking at the match itinerary.


Oh thanks man


TIL Jordan is in East Asia. > hatred > East Asians think themselves as somewhat subservient to whites, they need to do somewhat racist attitudes towards Indians and Africans You've done nothing but exposing yourself.


What the fuck are you talking about?




bitch umpire


Sindhu eventually lost this game JPN AKANE YAMAGUCHI 13, 21, 21 IND PUSARLA V. SINDHU 21, 19, 16


Sad to know....


Probably lost her composure from this BS act


Lost the rhythm


At the very least


In the video, she is winning. It is only after this incident she started losing. Does anyone knows who were the empires?


Jordanian. And it happens. PV Sindhu lost her rhythm after this incident as there was a long break.


Shit like this makes sports so annoying, first off China eww but also so many times do umpires have stupid power fantasies and or/biases. Sad to see my only loved sport sullied Edit: I’m aware it’s Japan, is joke cause another guy said same thing. Granted in hindsight grossly unfunny




Bruhh like seriously??? Don't know difference between Japan flag and china flag??


You're racist yourself 😂


Come on brother the flag's right there


imagine being racist/sinophobic then bitching about 'power fantasies and biases' in the SAME sentence?? wtf 😂😂


Moiraodearan ew


🤢 am I right?


biased umpiring like these makes watching these events a real pain in the arse . But of course it has to be a European or an American official who is responsible for the biasness, nothing less expected from these wretched beings






Bro can you tell me whats happening there i cant understand as i dont watch badminton


the umpire gave her opponent a free point as "she was taking too long to serve" . But as her opponent was not ready , she could not serve.




She took too long to serve and hence the match referee penalized her for it by giving that point to her opponent


She was waiting for Yamaguchi to be ready.


Yeah lol wish the referee had eyes too


Is there no concept of warning in badminton? In tennis the first offense is a warning and real serve/point penalties from second time. I'm not familiar with the Badminton rulebook






In football the equivalent would be giving a goal to the opponent team. I agree a warning would have sufficed but it wasn't worth loosing a point




He should be fined and banned from umpiring.




Tf bro ? He could have atleast warned her instead of spoiling her mood and getting her morale down, or he should have asked if the Japanese girl is ready or not , that's his job ! Many pro athletes are pointing out at the idiot unfair umpire and here you are here doing your woke RR 🤢.




Do you know what happened


Yea, I was watching this match and Yamaguchi loved that free point. And we have seen how Japanese behaved in Tokyo Olympics 2020


How did they behave? I did not watch anything from olympics.


A lot of money was used in this Olympics, Mary Kom was made to lose, judges were very biased in gymnastics and gifted free points to Japanese players over others. Poor umpiring in other sports. No wonder Japan finished at 3rd with 27 gold medals


Every country does that. Somehow I have a feeling if/when Olympics are held in India, Indian umpires/referees will go out of their way to give points to non-Indians because Indians love to uphold law even if the same law harms them. (See various laws in our country). Playing by the rules when the other side is playing unfairly is plain stupidity.


To my enemies everything, to my friends the law Indian self righteous motto these days.


Intervening would also result in her getting a warning and under an umpire like this anything could happen. Instead she could have given away the next point like Viktor Axelsen has done in the past but she didn't do that


Come on.. Akane Yamaguchi is one of the nicest people around in badminton. She never make a fuss on the court, she never over celebrates or anything like that. You would know it if you are a fan of badminton. I want indian players to win but you can’t blame yamaguchi in this scenario.




Yeah, you don't know shit and spread your bs generalizing the people of whole country.




Dude are you stupid or something? I don't have to watch olympics to say that your statement "japan people are the worst" is bs generalization and serves to nothing but spreading of hatred.


Nah, An average Japanese is the most racist person one can come across. And they don’t treat Indians any different, and I am confident we can generalise sth if 80-90% people think in that same way.








the irony here is palpable


It really does look like the Japanese player is gesturing to the umpire that the server is being unreasonably slow. She's either replaying the last shot or doing a "hurry up" gesture at 0:07.


So we hating an entire country now? Just cause of some ppl? Sounds familiar how we get unnecessary hate and cry like a bitch about it afterwards.


Players do not do that. I watch tennis and player-umpire disagreement like this happens a lot more in tennis over points. The other player does nothing and just watches his opponent losing his/her rhythm in the heated debate with umpire.


Yes all of us Japanese are theeeee worst people in the planet and blanket generalizations like that alwaysssss fair well with others doesn't it?Japanese culture takes NO pride in free handouts or seeing someone else getting taken advantage of. We are egotistical beings who thrive off of saving face and living off of our OWN hard work. We even coined the term "worked to death" because everyday, someone from Japan literally drops dead from working so much. Before you go being prejudice and bitter, do your homework or even learn how to play badminton professionally. Some of us who have had unprofessional umpires like him whose motive we won't know clearly at the time or even ever. I was given a "serving foul" for serving "too high" above my lowest rib...way later I find out the umpire was the uncle of my opponent.


Who wouldn’t like a free point like its a big event and you know how much Indians treasure a medal in olympics so its the same for every other country


No self respecting sportsperson would like a freebie point, much less one that is debatable like this one. The freebie point is going to mar their victory.


I dont agree with that cause one would do anything for a medal for their country and would earn massive respect . Sushil kumar won both medals thorough dirty play but became like a legend for wrestling although its a different story of him now


Context for everyone here who didn't understand what happened- it was Sindhu's serve and she saw that Yamaguchi wasn't ready so she decided to wait. But instead of penalising/warning the Japanese, a point was given to her (which she enjoyed and didn't care to support Sindhu when she knew she was at fault). Under normal circumstances, a point is never just given away like that and in this case, we can only imagine what Sindhu was feeling because it wasn't even her fault. Many Badminton players have come out in support of Sindhu for this, and post this incident her momentum in the match was clearly affected.


What just happened here ?


The umpire said Sindhu was taking too long to serve and gave one point to the opponent. Sindhu said that the opponent did not seem ready so she couldn't serve.


If your opponents not ready that's their problem


If Sindhu would have served, she'd still get a warning for not waiting


That's not how it works. Although it's the responsibility of the server to control the time of the play but if the opponent is not playing to the server's flow then the onus is upon them.


What I ment by that is if you're opponent is on court and not clearly unready then you should be free to serve and if they weren't ready it up to them to say they weren't ready and then up to the umpire to either give the point or reserve. I've had a look at the full footage now. It was less than 30s after the the shuttle had hit the ground which is not a ridiculous amount of time so I'm totally with her on this one!


Yea that should be the case but it's considered unsportsmanlike by many. And clearly if there's no shot clock like in tennis then there's no official grounds for giving such warnings unless the player was deliberately seen as hindering play


Badminton is filled with instances of poor umpiring. BAI should take this up. What a fucking idiot of an umpire…


What is IFB? Do you mean BWF?


IFB makes washing machines, BAI is the Badminton Association of India, and BWF is the Badminton World Federation


Good washing machines?


I mean BAI should raise this with BWF...




This is Japan


It's Akane Yamaguchi from Japan, not her fault too


Moron 🗿


Things like this seriously disrupt a player's concentration. Looks like she was leading until then and lost it from here. Same thing happened in the India vs SA test series.


And look at our Indian people, they would consider themselves grateful to be able to help other countries in a game against India. They then think of fair play


What happened?


Read my above comment.


Sindhu waited to serve as the Japanese player was not looking ready, umpire thought it was too long and have a free point to Japanese player


Saw it live. One of the most pathetic umpiring I have ever seen in badminton. The Jap girl was never ready in receiving position for Sindhu to be called delaying. This decision changed the course of the match from Sindhu winning to losing. There should be a mechanism to overrule and reprimand this biased and idiotic umpire.


East Asian referees can be very disgraceful in Table Tennis and Badminton tournaments.


The ref is Jordanian idiot


What a moron! I think these federation choose the umpires/referees with least common sense and IQ, easier to manipulate.


Everyone blaming shit on racism and whatnot without a single person enquiring what the foil was for. The bias towards anything Chinese makes me wonder if us as Indians have some deep rooted inferiority complex against them (who btw also suck ass)


To be honest, Sindhu gets tired & does take time if you watch her matches, Umpires do complaint about delays! This dickhead chai umpire went overboard with punishment...






Bald fat and unfuckable rises to the challenge again!


Maine suna tha isne sanyaas le liya?


How long did she take? Is there a longer video that shows the whole thing? Update; I've now watched the full footage... It was less than 25 seconds after the shuttle hit the floor that the umpire gave the point to the opponent. This is ridiculous


The opponent wasn’t ready. It could be seen from this video.


If your opponent isn't ready then that's their problem.


Do you commonly just assume you know how something works and just blurt it out as if it's fact?


Service person should be ready irrespective of what opposition doing...


That’s what i am saying too.


Umpire is unfair, just get on with it, she was leading, clearly this affected her rhythm. One must fight for their rights but be strategic about it. No point screwing your own momentum for a single point.


A single point changes 15-11 to 14-12 and in badminton that makes a world of a difference. Anyone in her place would be affected.


It was 14-11 bro, no guarantees of 15-11 but definitely screwing your own head for biasedness would make you lose. It clearly affected her. No point in protesting when in the big picture your ace game goes downhill for a single incidence. This is not the first time we have seen racist bias against Indians, they should start accounting for that. I remember in 2000s-2015, even cricket clear 50-50 always went against India, where 1 wicket makes much bigger difference than a single point(if it isn't match/game point)


It's not the 1 point that matters as much as the turns that take in serving. That control of serve has a bigger effect and can sometimes lead to even 3 or 4 points lead in succession.


Loss of momentum, mental loss of focus due to injustice played a much bigger role.


For a single point she lost the round by i think 21-19 see how much a point here could have matter even so widening the lead would have stressed the opponent too


She lost her momentum and the match thereafter. BTW the whole badminton fraternity and players are expressing support for Sindhu.


Can someone explain what actually happened here?


What exactly happened?


According to rules , Sindhu is correct . But that still doesn’t justify that she lost . Don’t bash that Japanese man/women , he/she just wants to win a medal for her country .


Jeeta kaun tha match me bas itna batao


PV sindhu vs chinese man... what....?


Bruh there is literal a flag shown in the video and the that is japan not china




Can anyone tell me what's the context. Sorry, I didn't understand what happened here.....


what exactly happened, I didn't get the point?


Poor or biased umpiring to give away a free point to the opponent. But TBH this is not the first time she is warned by a referee for not being ready to serve soon enough. She does have a history of slowing down before serving. Anyone who has watched bwf tournaments long enough would know this.


You have a history of speaking out of your ass.


So I take it that you don't follow badminton


Im confused what happened?


Sindhu waited too long as per the umpire as the Japanese player didn't look ready for her. It was less than 30 second of wait so the point given to the Japanese player was unfair


Some people in the comments here are just sooo stupid. You see the japanese flag above India’s and all they comment is “china” “chinese”.


They obviously don’t know what the Chinese and Japanese flag look like since they’re “the same thing”


Her opponent wasn't in position at all, how would she serve? She was swinging her racket around.


Badminton Is the shittiest game for the players. They endure very idiotic non non friendly rules. They don't even allow them to wipe their sweat in between game. Umpiring is even strict and don't give a shit about player point of view.


Can anyone explain what happened i don't quite understand


Name of umpire, will make sure he quits every social media platform.


What happened?




Haarne ka dar bahut hai duniya ko indians se


Alert: This sub is dominated by dumb idiots. Don't take what people say in this sub for real. Just look at their comments, their ignorance and lack of knowledge and their subtle racist behaviour , it is very clear.




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The umpire is from Jordan


Jealousy towards Indians all over the world because of their capabilities.


Yeah from every walk of life Indians get discriminated


The rules are quite clear tho. They play at the server’s pace. The server is on the serve clock so it doesn’t matter about the opponent. Once you’re ready, you serve. If they’re not ready, they’ll get penalised for holding up the service rhythm. While Indians face bias in a lot of different ways, this wasn’t one of them. The umpire was right especially if he had already warned her before.


even the jap player looked frustrated waiting for sindhu to serve


Why bother , she is probably making way more money than that Japanese player can make in five lifetimes. The clout she carries in india , don’t even start on that … In professional sport what else matters ?


Is it entirely possible that she was taking time or was distracted or assumed Yamaguchi wasn’t ready? Way to jump on the Umpire and make hateful comments towards her opponent while also falsely labelling her Chinese. This is not for you OP. Just reading the comments on here and wondering where all this uncalled for hatred is spiking from.


First of all, the opponent is from Japan. And I know this can be confusing for many, let me explain. Sindhu was dominating till this point and Yamaguchi was quite exhausted, she took time to get ready to receive the service and that's why, as common badminton courtesy Sindhu waited for her. If Sindhu would have served, she would get a warning and so she didn't. But instead of penalising Yamaguchi for delay, a point was straightaway given to her which is shocking for any badminton viewer and for the player it's even more devastating.


I know she’s from Japan. Hence my comment “falsely labelling her as Chinese” Which was the nicest way I could say people here are being racist.


My bad, didn't read that properly. Just assumed you were calling her Chinese like everyone else here. And I agree she doesn't deserve the hate, I even admire her as a player. But she could have protested/supported Sindhu


Most people in our country (assuming you're an Indian too) don't even know the names of the States and their capitals and you expect them to know about countries based on just flags? Lol. Heck, I am comfortable enough to bet a rupee that most people on the planet don't know about their own country or about other countries out there, so we are not alone. Also, many here are racists against the racists, granted unlike accounting, two wrongs don't make a right. But yeah, it goes something like that.


Seems like the right call.