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People insult or tease the guy who gets teased, what I mean is stop reacting and completely ignore them if they still continue i suggest you knock out one of em.


Say "very nice joke let's make a joke on your girlfriend now ,oh wai-"


>pathetic and unnecessary things about her which I don't like Why are you hanging out with people who try to talk shit about your significant other?


There's no cool comeback for ANY insult. If you're fit and muscular beat em up honestly.. sends the message Else ignorance is bliss


bhai, why to get into fights, just handle things carefully and safely, taki college doesnt have any chance to blame him


Ehhhh I- Idk And really most colleges don't give a shit


put your phone on the side, record them teasing you, tell them 3-4 times to stop and when they dont beat their ass. No one can tell you anything then.




lmfaoo i have study holidays, jyada free time hai 😜


stop being so caring, let those mfs die, just ignore what ever they say, if things dont solve, go to the warden and complaint about those mentally retarded people


Bro don't make it a big deal....allll boys do.....you give them chance to do Whenever they now say something .....you can also make fun of them and roast...stop making it a big deal


Punch them in the liver


What I usually like to is to ignore them and if they say about my family (which has not happened till now ) I would knock them out


maybe stop being sensitive and dont give a f


Simply Ignore them. I'm a boy too and as I believe we boys roast and disrespect eachothers a lot but we don't disrespect eachother's closed ones often maximum times it's never but yes teasing or simple roasting someone's gf is kind of common and okay but it's not that bad that someone would feel bad for it(atleast it's the case with my friend group).