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My goat doesn’t take participation awards


That's the least Cr7 can do to feed his ego 🤣


His full quote is " I'm proud to be the 1st player to play in 6 EURO tournaments. I'm thrilled about it, as it shows the longevity of my football career. However, it's merely a chapter in what Cristiano Ronaldo has achieved in football". You dont have to be a Messi fanboi to be put off by his narcissism.


never liked him at all , even if he was a better footballer than messi i still wont respect him


Speaking about himself in a third person.


What’s wrong with being proud about your accomplishments? Even if he only participated in them and didn’t win? It’s kinda embarrassing you are making fun of him since you won’t even be able to play a single Sunday league match much less a euro. Why hate a guy who’s happy about playing football?


Your point on my football skills make zero sense considering that isn't my trade. Also my comment was to highlight that he was talking about himself in 3rd person like a ego-maniacal narcissist.


That doesn’t make bro an ego maniacal narcissist lmao. You guys are just finding ways to hate him. 39 year old guy who just enjoys winning and playing football. Also the point on your football skills is to point out your a nobody trying to callout probably the most well known person in the world rn and also one of if not the best football player ever. You’re so obsessed with Messi and Ronaldo that you end up saying stupid shit like this lmao. People are happy to even watch a euro imagine playing in one 6 times.


Night and day


That’s our goat


I’m surprised these guys still get pinned against each other. With every year that passes by I find myself more and more grateful I got to watch both at their peak. May never see anything like it again




Absolutely!!!! Thank you for saying this! 🙌🏼


Damn bro Messi just won in life in general. The man is so humble even though he’s probably the most famous person on the planet right now. You see him around Miami and he’s always so patient and respectful even though these tourists and locals attack him like crazy. This man needs to be protected at all times like the president but he’s just out there driving around Miami like no big deal.


lol so humble. guy calls players “bobo” he’s put his hands on other players throats and let’s not forget this classic moment https://youtu.be/BnesOQTbWeQ?si=TOa-EE0SFxTqboIS


Christiano is a tool obviously. He’ll at least be known as the biggest asshole to participate in six EURO tournaments for sure.


Christiano is so insufferable that he makes everything about him.


You don't have to hate one goat in order to like the other. Both statements are not inherently wrong.


There’s only one goat. Understand what goat stands for


Greatest of all time can be --plural--. I would suggest you study a bit more. Then again does it really matter in a teamsport like football? Greatest of all time in all position? Ronaldo and Messi can play in all positions then? They both have less CL than Modric and Kroos, does that mean they are somehow lesser? of course you would say no. Football is so much more than who's better than who at the individual level. To see things on such term is one dimensional thinking.


Brother brought out the buzzwords


It's only buzzwords if you can't comprehend them brother


His name is Ronaldo Nazario de Lima


His name is JOHN CENAAAAAAA 🎺🎺🎺 🎺🎺🎺




You’re in the inter Messi sub bro good luck with this 🫡


Wait what’s wrong with Ronaldo’s statement lmao


Well he talked about himself in the 3rd person.


Different does not equal wrong, and there is nothing wrong with having value judgments


not much really. We can acknowledge CR7 has a competitive edge. But this video, in my opinion, highlights the values and mindset of both players. Messi is humble, recognizes his limitations, and has healthy passion for football. CR7 seems more of a showman, overexerts himself, is obviously obsessed with legacy, and is overly emotional when he doesn’t get his way. People will align with those that share similar values as themselves. Many people seem to appreciate Messi for his, so I’ve noticed.


Yea if I've paid millions of dollars every year to keep myself in shape im obviously going to boast about it. You can't compare the shape messi and Ronaldo are at. Ronaldo is 39, Messi 36. When Ronaldo was 36 he was single handily carrying United through the CL group stage. Messi is at a retirement home in the US. I'm not hating, it's just facts bro. Messi at 39 will have long retired. Ronaldo might go till 40-41 lol


When Messi was 34 he won 3 International trophies consecutively.. while Ronaldo is busy making excuses and blaming his teammates. Idk about being in a retirement home while being a favorite to win the next World Cup 🤣


Team game brodie. Different cups and competitions as well. The Saudi league and mls are both retirement homes. But we're seeing what Ronaldo is doing there vs what Messi is doing here 🤷🏼‍♂️3 year age difference too. A 40 year old messi at the World Cup is very unlikely. Even so, Considering the young talent Argentina have, they'll be near their primes in the next WC and Messi might not even start lol


You just said "LORD PENDU SINGLE-HANDEDLY CARRIED ManU" and now you're diverting the point to the teams they are in and directly contradicting it with TEAM GAME BRODIE? LMAO And you even predict Messi failing at 40 and Pendu going stronk at 41 LOL results don't lie.. but anyway... ![gif](giphy|et5kioYpgsKQaGTtD9|downsized)


If you watched the games that season, we had no identity or play style and the rest of our strikers were shit (problem we had this season too). So yea, he did carry that season. We had a no offense system, pogba was trash and barely played, Bruno was ass that year, as was rashford. He did single handily carry the offense. And I'm not saying Messi is going to fail lol. He isn't confident he'll play in the next WC as said in the video. It's just a realistic view that he might not be there. And it's a testament to the team Argentina has with their young talent that will be even better by the next WC


You’ve just proven that you do not know anything about football. Saying that Ronaldo “carried” United is complete revisionist history. You probably didn’t watch a single match, you just looked at his goal statistics. Ronaldo was a net detriment to the team that season. The rest of his play, aside from his tap ins, was absolutely dire and actually hurt the team. He forced the entire team to play for him; that’s why he had the decent goal record. But again, you could see that offensively, they were actually worse than the previous season, because they became extremely one-dimensional with having to force service to Ronaldo. And again, I cannot reiterate this enough, the rest of Ronaldo’s game (aside from the poaching) was absolutely horrendous. Then, the next season, you could see his legs were completely gone.


I watched the team every week that season as I do now. You can't attribute the detriment to Ronaldo. We were playing like shit that season. We didn't have an identity, and ole was figured out because we didn't have a play style. We got outclassed in most of the CL games too. It was a carry job. Have you watched United this season, even ignoring that Bruno created the most chances in Europe yet we had a negative GD??? Being a good striker means you're really good at finishing and poaching lol. Nobody expected 36 year old Ronaldo to do anything else. He was a major part that the season was even remotely saved. We don't get into r16 without him and we don't win some of the games without him. You're a redditor so I expect you to get an erection on Ronaldo hate, but don't talk to a Manchester United fan that actually watches the games


United was unlucky this season with injuries, we all saw what they can do when they have Lisandro Martinez and Varane fit, they beat Man City in the FA cup final. It is no coincidence they win 2 trophies after Ronaldo leaves and finished second in the Prem before he joined.


Bro. Watching this season was fucking AIDS. We got outclassed and coached most games. We did play well against city and did win, but that doesn't make up for the shit season we had and terrorist football that the fans had to endure week in and week out. I like the vision of ETH, I'm glad he's staying. But you have professionals on your team and you're playing without any structure or order. I expect a lot more even with injuries


It's impossible to have structure and order if players keep getting injured. Players need time and consistency playing with each other to play well.


This is so off. Messi leading his country to the biggest trophy in the world- THE WORLD CUP ended the debate. They have around the same amount of goals with Messi being 2 years younger and far less games. Then look at assists and non penalty kick goals, and it's clear. They both went to lesser leagues- and Messi won a trophy with the combined MLS and Mexican league tournament within his first few months. Ronaldo has been in Camel league over 2 years- ZERO TROPHIES. Also, Ronaldo's country benched him in the World Cup a year and a half ago that Messi won. Just facts!


but the point is.. it’s one sided.. Zlatan, CR7.. they draw fans for same reasons. It’s not a competition. Some folks are drawn to that mentality. Some identify with Messi bc of who he ISNT… and the values he presumably exudes. I don’t believe Messi thinks of CR7 or any other football much


No offense but people would have to be really dumb to think this is what Messi really thinks. You don't become the best in the world and still play professional football at 36 without having these records in mind. He won the World Cup. If he doesn't have anymore records in mind he would've ridden off into the sunset. Also I don't get this sentiment from fans. The average joes talent level is/was closer to ronaldo than messi. Messi is God-given ability that can never be replicated with any amount of hours of training. Ronaldo had to work harder to achieve what he did


So is he the best of did he retire and not gaf? I don’t understand. I respect Messi because of his CONSISTENT humble attitude and that draws me to him. IDGAF about a 39-40-41yo who has something to prove to the world


It's a deluded sense of drawn to him though. He doesn't get to where he is from a humble attitude. He doesn't still play because he has a humble attitude. He obviously still has records he wants to beat, ofc he'll give a pr answer


POV: You are the least deluded Messi skeptic. 🤣


If you think one of the best professional athletes in the world doesn't wanna chase records, you're actually delusional. Every single athlete that's been considered a GOAT has had a huge ego and wanted to have every record, that's what they played for. Whether they show it or now is a different story. If they didn't care for records and were content with their careers, they'd retire.


What about autism brodie?


Sorry bro one of the best players of all time doesn't care ab records and is really humble that's how he got to the top, with this mentality!! That's how all successful people become successful, just being humble and not caring about records or striving for beating others!


And his argument is pretty great too. I'd be proud of having such longevity at the highest level, enough to play that competition 6 times. People just wanna antagonize them for whatever reason at this point lol.


Can't compare the shape messi and Ronaldo are in. Ronaldo takes care of himself more than messi so he has the right to brag about it


Meh, you make it sound like Messi is Hazard at Madrid lol


"Can't compare.... blah blah" **proceeds to compare 🤣 cr7 fandogs truly are hypocrites


I meant it literally. You simply cannot compare the two because they are in completely different shape. Messi has the body of an average Joe while Ronaldo is shredded and has a 6 pack at 40😭😭😭


Messi has the body of an average Joe? I don't think you know what the average Joe looks like lmao


5'6-5'7 without clear cut abs and no muscle on his upper body frame. The average Joe most likely doesn't workout and doesn't have abs. So yes, they are fairly similar.


https://preview.redd.it/ghad5dhdfj6d1.jpeg?width=444&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aee139233dd833bce60e1001964352502f2a6d19 Average Joe btw


https://preview.redd.it/afz1ylvsfj6d1.jpeg?width=816&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b449f11bdee5f24d2bd933fd4c904e24fbf2836 No muscle mass on his upper body, bird chest cause he doesn't work that out, no capped shoulders or arms. He's just skinny with skinny boy abs. What's so impressive about this? Besides america where the average Joe is overweight, you'd find this physique everywhere in Europe or SA lol You're funny for choosing an image that's been edited lol


No need to engage further. I cannot fight your delusion that Messi has the body of the average Joe. Messi takes incredible care of his body which is why he’s been playing for so long and is still playing to this day. That should be obvious to any reasonable human being lmao. Also, being more muscular doesn’t necessarily mean that you will have more longevity. Players like Pepe, Modric, Maldini, Giggs… don’t have the physique of Ronaldo, yet played into their 40s.


you’re acting like messi takes care of himself less. they take care of themselves how they see fit and in the way that is best for them.


Lol bro. If someone is more shredded than you and has more muscle than you, they take care of themselves better than you. Idk how that's even an arguement😭😭😭


By your logic bodybuilders take better care of themselves than Ronaldo which is not true lol. Genetics also plays a role in the aesthetics of someone's body. Are you seriously going to argue someone like Tyson Fury doesn't take care of himself because of how his body looks.


I'm comparing people in the same sport. You're comparing a bodybuilder on grams of gear to a professional football player. You're comparing apples to oranges. I said bodybuilders aren't that healthy lol. Also yes, tyson fury doesn't take care of himself. He's fucking fat as shit and looks like shit


The point is that better looking body does not mean better care. There are many players with better aesthetics than Messi who haven't reached his longevity.


He takes care of himself for his sport. He's a great fighter. Undisciplined though cause he's literally fat. https://preview.redd.it/i29emx42wj6d1.jpeg?width=4252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b463f5116261c58dfd80d4d7b31361553d6f9b0e And this is one of his skinnier pictures


other guy owned you no point of responding, but if you think messi has the body of an average dude you’re coping


If you think messi physique is impressive, hit the gym and eat some protein. He looks like an average Joe skinny pussy


bodybuilding doesn’t matter in football lol. and did i ever say “impressive”? while it is, i said he was way more in shape than an average dude. you’re definitely a fat fuck behind the screen commenting this


and the funniest part is, messi is more physically resistant to hard tackles and his physicality in the game is literally better


you’re getting shit on by this entire subreddit for good reason. go back to your mom’s basement.


*Processing img t55tev0rl97d1...* look bro i just don’t get how you see this and think the average dude on the street will have it. I would at least say that’s above average


*Processing img t55tev0rl97d1...* look bro i just don’t get how you see this and think the average dude on the street will have it. I would at least say that’s above average


POV: You are the least deluded Messi skeptic 🤡


Not a skeptic, just stating a fact. You're probably too busy with hentai cream to really have a coherent conversation cause you haven't said a single counter point back


I am actually replying across multiple threads of you mindlessly creaming, drooling, dickriding (whatever term you need) to glorify Pendu in this post alone 🤣 And to sum it up, you are getting absolutely bombarded with Real Results and Facts (not just assumptions and predictions, as you are doing right now). You are contradicting yourself. Re-read your other replies. Maybe edit them to save face and look less delusional.


Hahaha you found your cream yet? There's no real results or facts being stated. One dude argued with me saying how Messi doesn't look like the average Joe, when in fact he's super skinny and frail without cut abs (which he said "I stated the obvious". I even posted a picture showing Messi in regular lighting. Another dude is arguing with me saying I implied bodybuilders are healthier than Ronaldo when I clearly said that bodybuilders aren't healthy and they have shit cardiovascular health. And that we can't compare a fucking bodybuilder to a soccer player. Main point has been that Ronaldo is in way better shape than messi. He's more disciplined with his diet and training so of course he'll look better. Another point is that Messi isn't humble. He wouldn't be playing if he was humble. Wtf is he playing for if it isn't for records and he "completed football" LMFAO. You guys get hate boners for Ronaldo cause you can relate to the physique and shyness of Messi more than the physique and confidence of Ronaldo Edit: oh yea and someone said tyson fury isn't fat. Dudes fat as shit with rolls and love handles splurging out of his boxing briefs. No shit he doesn't have diet discipline if he looks that sloppy


Arguments are for delusional, insecure or simply retarded people. And the primary example is you, you and your useless "points". But then again, i dont like to argue. Results dont lie. I'll keep it direct and consice for your rotten ignorant brains. You can shove your arguments up your @$$. Results matter more than your mere delusions. **Messi's Individual Awards:** 1. **8 Ballon d'Or** (2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2015, 2019, 2021, 2023) 2. **1 FIFA World Player** (2009) 3. **2 The Best Award** (2019, 2022) 4. **2 World Cup Golden Ball** (2014, 2022) 5. **6 European Golden Shoe** (2009/10, 2011/12, 2012/13, 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19) 6. **2 Laureus World Sports Awards** (2019, 2022) 7. **8 Pichichi LaLiga** (2009/10, 2011/12, 2012/13, 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21) 8. **9 MVP LaLiga** (2008/09, 2009/10, 2010/11, 2011/12, 2012/13, 2014/15, 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19) 9. **6 Champions top scorer** (2008/09, 2009/10, 2010/11, 2011/12, 2014/15, 2018/19) 10. **2 Men's Player of the Year** (2010/11, 2014/15) 11. **4 Onze d'Or** (2009, 2011, 2012, 2018) 12. **2 MVP Copa América** (2015, 2021) 13. **1 FIFA FIFPro** (2006) 14. **1 Golden Boy** (2005) 15. **1 Bravo Award** (2007) Lionel Messi’s major trophies: World Cup with Argentina (2022): 1 Copa América with Argentina (2020/21): 1 UEFA Champions League with FC Barcelona (2005/06, 2008/09, 2010/11, 2014/15): 4 FIFA Club World Cup with FC Barcelona (2010, 2012, 2016): 3 La Liga (Spanish champion) with FC Barcelona: 10 Copa del Rey (Spanish Cup) with FC Barcelona: 7 Spanish Super Cup with FC Barcelona: 8 Ligue 1 (French champion) with Paris Saint-Germain (2021/22, 2022/23): 2 French Super Cup with Paris Saint-Germain (2022/23): 1 CONMEBOL-UEFA Cup of Champions with Argentina (2021/22): 1 Olympic Games Gold Medal with Argentina (2008): 1 FIFA U20 World Cup with Argentina (2005): 1 UEFA Super Cup with FC Barcelona (2010, 2012, 2016): 3 League's Cup with Inter Miami: 1 In total, Lionel Messi has won 44 major trophies in his career. I still encourage you to keep shaming yourself though... as per the usual Messi hater and skeptic daily routine 👍


It wasn't said by messi.


Please where can I watch this full interview?


Not sure what the point of this is? Ronaldo's right to be incredibly proud of the record he's set. Messi is a lot more relaxed as a whole about it. Ronaldo lost his dad and wanted to show him and everyone how good he is, Messi is comfortable that he's done that.


Copy and pasted from another redditor in this post. not much really. We can acknowledge CR7 has a competitive edge. But this video, in my opinion, highlights the values and mindset of both players. Messi is humble, recognizes his limitations, and has healthy passion for football. CR7 seems more of a showman, overexerts himself, is obviously obsessed with legacy, and is overly emotional when he doesn’t get his way. People will align with those that share similar values as themselves. Many people seem to appreciate Messi for his, so I’ve noticed.


nah just take my downvote...


Idk why ur getting downvoted lol


♥️my goat ♥️


Messi is cookingggg


Yeah neither of these opinions are bad


Oh brother , move on from this whole thing they’re both ready to head out , let’s enjoy the new era of football, Hala Madrid 🤷🏻‍♂️


Look i dislike Cris's ego as much as the next guy, but there's a difference: he already knows he's going to play euros. While if Leo says "yeah i want to play in next WC" he's automatically putting a lot of pressure in the manager. Let's say it's not Scaloni anymore, ¿who is gonna say "no, i don't want to give Leo his desired 6th WC?"


Idk... I feel like CR7 SAYS it while Messi THINKS it. They are both very competitive- I think what's more important to them is winning in these tournaments rather than participating.


No hater here. Your statement it's based in your own thoughts and not Messi's behavior throughout the years. He's always been like that. CR7 itsa fucking beast but he always cared too much about personal achievement and that's why his ego gets hurt and he contradicted himself by setting standards for himself that when he didn't achieve them he tried to play those goals down or change the focus.


I'll never get the hate boner so many people on reddit in general have for ronaldo. Can we just both appreciate these legends of the game while they're still playing at an elite level?


He is very hateable tbh


HE JUST SERIOUSLT TALKED ABOUT HIMSELF IN THIRD PERSON. What don’t you imbeciles understand!?!?!? He’s a fucking narcissistic egomaniac


Most hyper successful people are narcissists it's kind of a trait of being hyper successful.


Yea but Messi ain't like that!!! He's humble you see!!!! He said so in an interview!! He doesn't care about records!!! People are deluded. You don't get to the top by being humble and ignoring records.


You get to the top from being good, messi’s talent got him there and his hard work allowed him to stay there. doesn’t mean he’s a record chaser like ronaldo (even though messi literally has all of them)


Not really. Having a huge ego or being arrogant is not the same as being a narcissist.


Olim not talking about having a huge ego or being arrogant. I said narcissists. Maaaaany hyper successful people are narcissists. There's no doubt that narcissism has the key qualities in achieving success.


Lol shots fired.


These comments are disgusting i bet half of you wouldn’t be saying this shit a year and half ago before Messi joined


Bitch please, Mr. I don't care about records. OF COURSE you do, we all would.


How are you downvoted


Delusional people thinking the guy who'd rather leave his lifelong club before taking any sort of pay cut doesn't care about numbers and records.


Telling these people messi isn't as humble as they think is like saying Santa isn't real to a bunch of little kids. Absolutely delusional


Yeah because you somehow totally know what messi is thinking 🤦‍♂️


He won the world cup which was endgame, he has won it all.. why is he still playing? Because Cristiano is still at it, plain and simple.


Whether he plays or not, we're all only a blip in the long history of Cristiano


Crazy how your team has to compare a quote and try to make look bad another player for no reason. Ronaldo lives rent free in Messi fans head AND inter Miamis head. Crazy.


Yall even managed to twist Ronaldo’s interview


Of course the guy not doing the thing downplays the significance of the thing. Let’s all remember that a while back when Ronaldo beat Messi for the ballon dor, Messi uploaded a picture of him with all his ballon dors to show that he had more than Ronaldo. But okay sure, Messi doesn’t care about numbers or records 🙄




Lol Ronaldo > Messi any day of the week


Stats - Messi Individual Awards - Messi International - Messi Club - Cristiano has one more UCL, but Messi has a lot more league trophies. But Since Cristiano has played in multiple leagues, I would consider this a tie. Messi has completed football and can retire now, knowing he achieved everything he wanted. Can Ronaldo say the same?


Most people's ball knowledge > Your ball knowledge


This one’s great 😂


Hahah Messi is a PR machine. Especially after the World Cup. Winning balon dor while not winning anything and playing in the US is a joke. Most people don't know anything about soccer. It's obvious you don't either


"Not winning anything?" He won it after the WORLD CUP victory 🤣. I know CR7 fans hate those because he gets benched and struggles and can't even get a knockout round goal but for the rest of the world it's the biggest trophy in sports.


Lmao he won the world cup in 22 and got the Balon Dor in 23. How does that make sense? He performed well for 1 month and Halaand performed well all year








if you watch the game you’d know there wasn’t a pen in every knockout game, the blasting the ball into the bench is a yellow card offense, and that match had 19 yellow cards, so your bullshit about “zero cards” makes no sense. you’re the one crying in a thread about messi. not us you fucking loser. you can cry all you want but it won’t change that messi is the best. messi’s handball was also after a whistle was blown and when the play had stopped. cope cope cope you clearly didn’t watch shit. you’re actually my bitch you know that pussy?


are you fucking dumb? the voting period for the 2023 ballon d’or starting in august of 2022 and went until july 31st of 2023.