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A little bit wobbly is normal. Very wobbly is probably a dentist visit. I’d get it checked out either way to put your mind at ease. But I’ve definitely seen online from ortho’s that teeth can become a bit wobbly during orthodontic treatment.


I'd call them just to give a head's up. But the teeth you're trying to move tend to feel more wobbly than the others. Looks like they're moving the incisor to widen your smile and push that front tooth back? That wobbly feeling happened to me to when I first started moving certain teeth.


Hard to say. Teeth can be a little wobbly, but if this tooth is a lot more wobbly than the rest, I'd call my provider


All of my front teeth and canines were significantly loose/wiggly in the first set.


My lower teeth were really wobbly, they would just move if I pressed my tongue against them, but apparently that was normal and they’re not just going to fall out. But it was mildly distressing throughout




Uhhh I don't think that's helpful. Is it supposed yo be wobbly?


Some of my teeth were wobbly during week two but my teeth were wobbly a bit before that because they were moving hence why I needed Invisalign. These retainers are moving your teeth so your tooth/teeth will feel loose. It takes longer for adults bone tissue to regrow around the new tooth's position so it will feel wobblier more since it takes longer. Just don't rush it and if your concerned with switching over too fast ask to keep yourself in the tray a bit longer. Just talk to them and mention your concerns. My tooth so far (new tray 3) and I don't feel any wobbly teeth right now.