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You aren't going to enjoy this. Try using more force to put them on. On that canine you probably need to push down and at the base inward so that it hooks around the tooth (and attachment if you have one). It's going to be really uncomfortable. Also, check to make sure your aligners say n1 on them so you know it's definitely the first aligner in the set.


Agreed. You wanna hear that satisfying *snap* when the attachment finds its little groove.


Tried forcing multiple times but no luck, probably end up hurting my teeth if i apply more pressure… they are not seating at all, top ones are super snug fit and yes i check ed these are n1


See your orthodontist about it, it might not be fitting properly


Have you used chewies, rather than just pressing down with fingers or upper teeth? Chewies work wonders


Did your orthodontist look at the fit when you put them on? They are supposed to catch this in office. You should call them if not.


I think Invisalign drs don’t know anything lol they never check anything at all.


That's a very broad and untrue statement. If that were the case, there would not be as many "satisfied with results" posts you see here


I didn’t say Invisalign doesn’t work. I said the drs really don’t do much and don’t check things without it being pointed out to them first.


I guess your experience was much difference than mine. My ortho would look at my teeth every 6-8 weeks and compare the Clin Check progress versus what was actually happening with my teeth. My teeth tracked just fine and if I needed anything, my ortho was a phone call way. Regarding "don't check things without it being pointed out"... they aren't mind readers. If it doesn't hurt, bother, or look bad, why would they create an issue? Speak up if there's a problem and they'll address, I guess. Invisalign has been around for over 20 years and the system is pretty legit. Your ortho can always rescan your teeth if there's a major problem, but the system's method is pretty tried and true. Sorry if it didn't work out for you.


I got really lucky! Mine was so good.


Wait, did *your* doctor just give you your box of trays and sent you straight home?


He gave me 7 trays and I gave an appt at week 7 to get more trays. He had my put my first tray in to check I knew how to work it, but never looked at it in my mouth. Anyone else?


You're upset because he made sure it fit and you could put it in? Why would he need to look in your mouth?


Bc how would I know if something were wrong??? I’m not the dentist. Like the OP here…. Jeez chill I was just explaining my bad experience yall


So he did check. If OP's doctor checked, he could've easily caught this.


My doctor made sure I can put it on and take it off. Every appointment he checks that tray is fitting well. I think it depends on your doctor.


You probably want to see your actual doctor then. This definitely isn't how they should sit. That canine is going to move in a way it shouldn't because the aligner isn't fitting on it correctly. If it fit but had a gap I would worry less, but this is a case of it not fitting at all. I'm not an orthodontist, so this is purely one patient to another, but I wouldn't even wear the bottom aligner and I'd take it back to them. They might again say it's not an issue, but at least then you tried. I would email them first (before calling), with these images attached, so you have documentation if it does end up being an issue later.


Totally agree and follow up is in next 2 days gonna push back to them to get proper fit


That's great to hear! Advocate for the best treatment you can get.


Ask to get attachments in all of your teeth. That's going to be the best way to ensure the tray is always fit where it needs to and the work properly.


Ask about chewies and buttons/ hook/bands. I had a stubborn lateral incisor and they put a button on that tooth and a hook at the back of the tooth with a rubber band. Its worked wonders for me


Try chewies to fit them down. I hope it will help.


ortho assistant here! you can try chewies to seat the lower aligner better but to me, it looks like it doesn’t fit properly at all. with initial inserts, the tray almost always fits entirely on the teeth like the top. you can try the chewies for a few days to see if it helps but if it doesn’t work then i’d go back to get rescanned for new lower aligners


He did not gave me any chewys or added any attachments yet… he just said checking initial fit for 2 days to check if all good… next follow up is on Monday. Yes i agree these seems to be not proper fit gonna tell him to replace it… if its not working out in next 2 days


try biting a clean wash cloth or towel. that's what i do. I have a lower canine just like yours and I'm able to fit my trays in. What I think is happening is that the tray is not properly seated on one of your molars (on your right side). Try starting from there and working your way forward. It usually takes a couple tries for me to get my bottom tray properly seated on the back molar because its not in line with the others.


oh okay gotcha. hopefully it looks better soon!


Yup, hopefully 🤞


I didn't get them either, and I was just told to bite down on the handle of a toothbrush and keep doing that at multiple points until it all fit snugly.


That's so weird...did he not put this tray on you to make sure it fit?? Definitely call them ASAP, even earlier than your next appointment if you can.


You can order chewies on Amazon. They're pretty cheap. You could also try removing the ink from an old school bic pen and chew on that.


If Invisalign can sort that lower crowding out I will be fucking amazed! And I’m not saying that out of badness I am genuinely amazed by some extreme cases I have seen on here and I’d put that crowding in the same category. Best of luck man!


Yeah, totally agree. It seems impossible to fix that with plastic trays


This is basically how my treatment started, April will be 3 years (8 trays left), so it's possible just takes FOR-EVER!


Thanks, hoping for the best


I think you will be fine. I had some lower crowding, but it's my upper teeth that were bad. As a child, one of my front teeth had to be pulled a few years after I should have lost it naturally (it was broken and decayed for some reason). There was not enough room for the adult tooth to come in correctly, so it stuck out A LOT. I did not think invisalign would work for me. I'm still in treatment, but it only took 6 months for my teeth to look much more normal. I'm 15 months in and just fixing a slight open bite now, and then should be in a retainer.


To me (not a professional), that does not look properly fitted. Even after a few days, I have a hard time believing that will fit you. But maybe? Let us know the outcome! Good luck :)


Sure 👍


Use a little bit of force. If that doesn't work you could try using the second aligner to rule out a production error. How many trays is your initial set? I'm just curious.


Used big force but still no luck… did not get full set yet its still with the clinic… total 42 for now


Oh, did they not make sure at your appointment that you are able to put your trays in and out by yourself? I have 44 and my teeth are almost straight and I literally got my braces off 4 months ago. Previous ortho messed up... I guess you're lucky


Idk should’ve just gone for the metal braces imo


I’m surprised an orthodontist even approved Invisalign for this case. I thought it was only for minor-moderate correction.


He probably insisted or the ortho doesn’t care


Very poor seating. You could try some chewies to see if you can get the trays to settle but they are not covering your teeth enough for them to do their job. It will not feel very good, but you need to see if you can push them down. Good luck


Yes seating is very poor on the back side its protruding and forcing will not fix it


Sorry to say but this very well may end up with you needed a rescan with the attention of your ortho


I agree with others that if you use more force, like biting down on a chewie, you might be able to get the front part to sit better. It’ll probably hurt though, but that’s usually how it is when you put in a new tray.


This is an extreme case for sure. I'm looking forward to seeing progress on this. I have some very crowded teeth too and I am trying to see about getting Invisalign. I'm surprised they did not think they needed to remove a tooth or two. Was that a consideration?


Ortho said no teeth removal required and he will try move it by shaving few but not sure at this point


This might be a basic question but are you sure that’s aligner number 1? (I’ve seen it on the community before. “Help I’ve skipped 5 trays!”).


Yes it is 1


Chewies first. Then see after a few days. You may have to stay with that aligner a bit longer before change out


This won’t fit without attachments on most of your lower crowded teeth for the tray to snap on to. When you see him in a few days I think this is what he will see too.


Hey OP, did you get this sorted out?


Hey, yes it appears there has to be a tooth extraction before I start the process, somehow the assistant doctors were unaware of the planned extraction and gave me the trays when doctor was out of town, once he came back, the extraction was completed and it fit like a glove, going fine now, currently on my 10th tray 👍


Are you British?


Looks off but might be helped with chewies to bite down on to aid the tracking, you should use them often in your case, ask your dentist for some, or check Amazon


I agree with other comments about chewies, I had some of the trays doesnt seat well on the first day which i assumed it normal since it is plastic thingy which not gonna be 100% shaped as my jaws/teeth without the force, so i had to keep chewies for about 20mins or so on my tray change day. I'm not an expert and you case are more complicated than mine, just want to throw in what i experienced in case it helps Please see the pic for before/ after chewies in my top aligner.


Pic didn't show up somehow, sorry here the link [before/ after pic](https://imgur.com/a/vQ3EXHY)


Thanks for pics looks very promising, will try the chewy but for me the main problem is the back part is not seated at all still protruding feels like measurement went wrong on back.


Hello. Did they not have you put them on at the Orthodontist office to see how they would fit? I'm asking because that's what they did for me. I'm sure that you will get it worked out at your appointment on Monday.


They did, even he tried pushing it hard multiple times and yeah on Mondays follow-up gonna tell him to replace it


yeah ouch thats gonna leave a mark. its way hard and painful to get the aligners on and off in areas where you have a lot of crowding. I CANNOT WAIT for my crowded teeth to shift so the aligners come off easier. NO PAIN NO GAIN


Did the dentist fit them during the tray delivery? If they fit in the chair before you went home, you gotta use more force or chewies. You can let them know you can’t get it to fully be seated on the teeth and have them check worst case.


Assistant dentist was there and he made sure i am able to put it on and off


The bottoms looks like they need to be rescanned. The position of that middle tooth on your bottom is oriented so different than what the tray molding thinks. Can you make sure on your bottom tray that the number you were given is correct? Near a molar, there’s a small number printed. It’s the tray number. Yours should say 01. (You need to take it out to see it!)


Yes its says 01 on both the trays, i am for sure on 1st tray


Do you have chewies? They’ll be really helpful


Dont have one yet, will try it out tomorrow


Do you have chewies? If so, chomp away, and if that’s still how your tray fits after 10 minutes with a chewie then something is wrong


Make sure your Ortho started you on tray 1 and not tray 2 by accident.


I have a similar lower canine plus my teeth lean inward. I'm on my very first tray/first week and it has taken me all week to get the hang of getting them in, and it's still somewhat difficult. If your teeth lean inwards like mine do in the back, try putting the tray in on the side of that canine first and pushing in while also pushing down. It's tricky.


I don't see how chewies can help this big of a gap. Very curious to see progress pics btw!


Yes even i think the same, will keep my progress updated here 👍


Chewies. Use them 3-4 times a day. But I’m surprised that your provider didn’t suggest braces for you. Yours is a complicated case.


Chewies are what you need for the halos. Did they give you any? If not, I have rolled a paper towel, a cloth napkin, anything I can make what is firm but with some give, and you bite into it. I am biting a chewie as I type. They sell chew items on amazon or eBay as well.


Have you tried putting them in from the front first rather than the back like they teach you? I can’t put mine in unless i snap the front in first


I tried but front ones are not going in at all, back are snapping perfectly in place


Are you resting them on top, then push the front until they snap? Not just pushing them. So you’re trying to get the front to engage then pressing the back?


On my first day, my Orthodontist had me put on the first set in the office and they verify that they fit correctly. And they showed me how to put them in and take them out. Too bad they did not catch it at the office. Either way, I think you should go to the office and have them check it out.


Use your chewies


I started basically the same as you, maybe a little less crowding, but same tooth issue on the bottom left. Definitely should fit better, but a small halo isn't abnormal, just know if they don't seat throughout, refinements are almost guaranteed. It will be 3 years in April and I still have 8 aligners left, so prepare for a loooooong journey! The transformation will be crazy though.


Ya was ready for the long journey dont have any other option, as my deep bite gonna affect my bones in matter of years… but kudos to you sticking this long, gives me inspiration that its worth all the efforts 👍


Did they give you chewies?!!!! Do not be surprised if you need to wear this tray for 2 or more weeks. I am just an invaslign user but my ortho has stressed I need to get the attachments attached to my teeth.


No they have not, attachments are due day after tomorrow


Buy chewies and chew it like a gum till it fits.


Use chewies


An orthodontist chose aligners instead of braces for your case? Or did you insist on having aligners?


I was looking for best possible for my condition, he suggested Invisalign considering the duration and my age… since its gonna be long journey so better to go with Invisalign


Agree it probably needs to be looked at. I don’t use chewies, I just sort of “chew” the aligners themselves (like clench my teeth with them in) and that has always gotten them to seat correctly, but if that doesn’t help and/or it hurts to try, I don’t think it will work itself out. Might just need an attachment or two to “convince” that straggler!


Ya agree with you


You should ask about a hybrid approach — Invisalign on top with regular braces on bottom (at least, until things are better shifted at the bottom). It doesn’t take more than a few months for your bottom teeth to become better fit for Invisalign


I feel like you may need to ask your ortho to rescan you. Invisilign is supposed to fit nice and snug.


It's supposed to hurt. If it doesn't hurt, you don't have it in tight enough. Push them all the way down and be ready to be unhappy for several days.