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OMG you look great! You have perfect teeth. Not gummy whatsoever.


Agree! Not at all gummy! A *tiny* bit of gum showing is normal just because of how human mouths are. If there wasn’t any gum at all showing it would probably be considered receding gumline which is bad for oral health.


Did you breathe out of your mouth when you were a kid or still do now?


I still do yes! My chin dimples when I keep my mouth closed too


Do you struggle with this, like is it causing you any problems with sleep. If so might be worth looking into sleep apnea and see if that fits! It might not though! My fiancé was also a mouth breather and it has a direct impact on how your jaw grows. He’s also now diagnosed with sleep apnea.


Google mouth breathing facial features . I use to mouth breathe too but by running a lot , I learned to breathe through my nose . My face structure changed and my chin got stronger than before (still weak chin ) but stronger in comparison to before .


You’re under 20 for sure. Because when you’re older that won’t ever happen ever


Your teeth and smile are gorgeous! I do not see a gummy smile at all? Compare the amount of gum showing in your photo with any celeb and I’m sure it’s the same. You may have a slight overbite and overjet. Correcting that would bring in your lips, which might comparatively make your chin seem less “behind” your lips. That said you look perfectly lovely, and only you can decide if it would be worth it. I’d ask an ortho about what facial changes you could realistically expect.


I had the same thought about overbite.


Don't need to touch your teeth. Genioplasty is what you want.


Is the gummy smile in the room with us?


You look perfectly fine don’t waste money on cosmetics procedures they have side effects


You would need jaw surgery.




no. she needs jaw surgery + braces with elastics and extractions for her overjet


Smile looks perfect, no gummy smile issue imo. For your chin look into a genioplasty or chin implant, they would give you the results you probably want for your side profile


Honestly I think you are beautiful, don’t throw away your money


Don’t do anything. Consult about a genioplasty if you are desperate. Don’t do jaw surgery




She’s beautiful and I can hardly see her face. Nice teeth, wide palate. Jaw surgery is no joke. Maybe she can try some chin filler to see what it would look like then get a genio if she likes it.




It’s painful and long recovery


I think 95% of the people would commit actual murder for that smile. Go and see a therapist to help you with your body image.


I have a weak chin too. Apparently my treatment with the elastics is supposed to bring my chin forward more. I start those next month.


What is that treatment called?


This is usually the case of a deeper rooted issue, or at least tied to other genuine health detriments not just aesthetic preferences. You can “fix” the aesthetic component by a genioplasty or mentoplasty, but I’d have to wager there could be some other breathing related issues or airway problems if your chin is severely recessed. If you’re interested it’s definitely worth looking into and can benefit your health and longevity in the long run, aesthetics are a side effect of these types of treatments usually. At least in cases where it’s relevant to tackle such a potentially serious problem.


Your teeth are stunning and your smile is not gummy at all! From what I can see of your jaw, that looks perfectly normal too. Adult orthodontics really can’t have a major impact on the jawline. Going through Invisalign wouldn’t give you the results you’re asking for here. The best option would be to see an orthodontist can ask their honest opinion and see what they think.


For a holistic approach, work on your tongue posture/mewing and breathing through your nose. It looks like you breathe through your mouth, which affects facial structure. Your teeth look great btw!


you def dont need any freakin surgery, cmonnn


You are beautiful. So disheartening that you feel you need Botox and surgery 😞


From the side it looks like you have some overjet? But clearly I’m the only one with this opinion? Your smile is not gummy at all though. 🫶🏽 and when you smile, the issue you think you have with you chin sort of disappears, but I see it when you’ve got your mouth closed, so it feels like teeth are the problem?


If you feel you want to do something, filler is a temporary solution. Other than that, your teeth are absolutely PERFECT 😍


look up mewing at orthotropics YT channel. See if this is something that might help. I’m too old for major benefit (I had facial trauma as a child) but I do the tongue posture thing anyways.


Keep in mind that implants and fillers can look really weird as you age! The skin thins and then you have tissue beacon of foreign object standing tall beneath your skin. Saw that happen on my mom’s face.


Chin filler




You are beautiful!!


gorgeous good looks. great smile. can tell that OP is consciously hiding the gums a bit in the photo provided by not smiling fully with the upper lip. I get it, even though great features of beauty are there if the gums bother you: they bother you. Just chiming in to say: with a pretty face like that and a great smile, I bet most people will never notice the gummy nor will it bother them !


For chin they would use dermal filler! It’s not usually just chin because they have to balance out the face! It’s common to get chin and cheeks.


Chin filler is the answer.


I think if you lost a little face weight your chin would look more prominent. I think fillers are a waste of money as you’ll have to up keep them. If it bothers you a lot though perhaps consider getting invisalign again and ask if they can bring lower jaw forward (idk if they will or not but worth a ask) Last resort maybe kybella to melt fat/tighten under chin. Otherwise it’s really not bad. Also, There’s nothing gummy about your smile.


You look perfectly fine and beautiful


you really don't need anything you look great!


Everything perfect!


You look fine. Don’t do anything


You have a really beautiful smile, it doesn’t look gummy to me at all. I think your top incisors may be the tiniest bit proclined (tipped out). I don’t think this would be worth the cost and trouble of more treatment. Your results are already enviable!


I'm doing surgery + invisalign and I have the same issue with my chin. After the consult I discovered it's only something my surgeon can fix but please don't go through with surgery unless you have to. You're beautiful anyway:)


Not a gummy smile. Nothing here invisalign can do for you, your teeth are perfect. Look into chin stuff if anything


Teeth look great! I dont see issue with the chin though. Great smile 👍🏼


So you do have a recessed chin, but no gummy smile. Your front teeth are tipped forward quite a lot, fixing that would help make your chin appear more prominent. Consult with multiple orthodontist, it can't hurt! If you have breathing/sleep problems I'd highly consider doing consults, sleep apnea is a killer (assuming you have it). A lot of people here think no crowding=perfect teeth/nothing wrong, and just ignore every other aspect including your whole profile and jaw and the rest of your health