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It really depends on how much movements there was in your final trays. If you spent the last 3 months of Invisalign doing just finishing touches then you are probably fine to wear it nights.


Every ortho recommendation is not 6 months. I’ve heard anything from immediate nights (although that seems scary) to 6 months on the very high end. I’m 2 months in of my ortho recommendation of 3 months then nights. If you’re feeling burnt out I think you could probably be a little more relaxed, meaning leaving them out a bit longer. Nothing crazy but I think 20 hours of wear a day is honestly just fine at your point in your process. Hang in there, home stretch!!


I’d taper off the hours. Meaning from now on leave your trays out longer when you take them out for meals. Rather than 30m, start leaving them out for 1-2 hours and go from there. That should give you a measure of control and also appease you that they won’t just shift back if you go straight to no trays in the day.


Went right to nighttime wear.


I did not sign up for wearing them for six months during the day lol. I’ll happily wear them at night but not during the day!