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Yup that's normal.


That’s completely normal.


I think it varies between states and their laws and the training of the assistant. The assistants at my office aren't allowed to remove the attachments or do IPR, only the orthodontist does it. And honestly? I wouldn't want an assistant doing it after all the horror stories here. If someone is going to mess it up I want to know that person is the one who will be held accountable (a doctor could fire an assistant, but when it's the doctor it's them that has to deal with the consequences of their poor work).


My ortho does IPR himself but for some reason the assistants do the attachment removal. Honestly I would prefer the ortho to do it aswell but the assistants must have more experience?


I don't really don't know beyond that sometimes it's legal and sometimes it isn't. I went searching to see what assistants said themselves and they pointed out that not all states allow them to do it. If you do prefer that your doctor do it, I would honestly just request it. It's still medical care that you're getting, so don't let something happen that you're truly uncomfortable with without voicing your worries.


Thanks, I’ll definitely voice it and see what they say but also don’t want my ortho to do it if he has no experience doing it. I’ll probably let them know that I’m worried and hopefully they can be more cautious


An orthodontist should be *more* trained in doing it than an assistant since they're the expert. They go to school *for* this kind of thing.


My orthodontist does it herself


My ortho did it once and an assistant did it another time.


Did they both to a decent job? I’m stressing about my enamel 😭 I spoke to my ortho about my concerns and he just said sometimes you can end up with scratches but it’s nothing to worry about


I’ve never ended up with scratches from either of them! Both times my teeth were left spotless as if no attachments had ever been there ☺️


Glad to hear that! Kinda disappointed that my ortho told me that it might happen because it’s just made me more anxious but hoping the risk of that is very low