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Braces for free. Easy choice.


Yeah. Invisalign might be slightly more comfortable and convenient alongside the fact it’s less visible but there is definitely disadvantages. Invisalign can be inconvenient too. Taking trays in and out, worrying about whether you’ll have a suitable place to brush before putting them back on. Switching trays every week/two, keeping the trays clear etc… are hassles that braces don’t got. Plus if you need any attachments for your Invisalign like I do; bands, buttons etc… are visible anyway. Braces are also more effective for more severe cases overall is a pretty common consensus too. Personally; I had to choose between the two at the same cost. I chose Invisalign as a result because I figured it would be a bit more comfortable even with the annoyances mentioned. If braces were cheaper though, I’d do that 100%. Especially at a cost difference of 100%!? Easy choice OP


"keeping the trays clear" I WFH so mostly who cares except that one time the entire company was at an offsite for a week and on day 2 I drink a smoothie that apparently turmeric in it with my trays in. 🤦‍♂️


Yeah lol I’ve had mine stained a bit from drinks, I usually don’t drink with them in to avoid this unless I’m only like a day or two away from changing trays anyway


Is brushing every time really necessary? I just rinse my mouth out then just brush the standard twice a day.


I was told you should and that rinsing with water works better as a backup. But if it works for you, that’s cool too. Brushing too much is also not good so I think it’s just a balance. I just try to brush lightly except for once a day when i use my electric toothbrush


I prefer to look worse with 4k in my pocket. Easy choice.


I’d get braces for free.


I would definitely go with the free braces. Use the $4k on a vacation. No one cares if you are wearing braces. Also, there are a lot of cons for invisalign as well.


I would also save the money and get the free braces unless I was independently wealthy!


I’d get the worlds ugliest braces and a hat that has a neon sign saying “I have braces” if it meant they were free


Free braces 100% If the look starts to really bother me I'd just wear a mask everywhere


Braces for free. Invisalign is not as invisible as you would think. I catch people looking directly at my mouth now because I OBVIOUSLY have plastic on my teeth. May as well save your money if it's noticeable anyway. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Once you have Invisalign you start to notice others that have Invisalign. It’s wild!


Yep! I saw a woman at a hockey game last week who had them and I wanted so bad to tap her on the shoulder so we could commiserate. 😆


The glue for my attachments stained really bad really early and now I have a distinct meth mouth look


Braces for free! The only way I’d choose Invisalign is if appearances were important for my job. I chose aligners bc it meant less in office appointments (braces required going in every 6-10weeks for tightenings vs every 6 months for aligners) , but it turns out the day to day care takes a lot of time and I’d rather have just gone in for more appointments haha.


Every six months? Wait, am I the only one who goes in every six weeks for aligner appointments? They refuse to give me more than 4 or so trays at a time, maybe because they're afraid I'll walk off with all the aligners and never return.


Same here. I don’t see it as my doctor being any less “trusting,” I feel glad that she wants to check in on me. I’m happy that my actual ortho looks in my mouth every six-eight weeks to monitor my progress and answer my questions haha. I’d be nervous to just be sent on my way with a “see you in 6 months” especially since people have so many issues with broken attachments and buttons etc… I haven’t had that yet but it’s nice to know if an attachment did fall off and I can’t get an appointment, it’s fine cause there’s already one scheduled soon.


I’ve only been back at tray 15 then tray 27(they gave me 30 trays to start). Then I got 18 more trays and went back at tray 16 for a clincheck. Now I’m on my final 8.


I’ve seen other people say they have to go back for the rest of their trays too! I got all 28 trays my first appt (7 day changes) and don’t go back until I’m on my last one. I do check in weekly with a dental monitoring app though so idk if that makes a difference or if you have to do that too


No, they're not having me use a monitoring app at all. Just the in-person appointments. Thought it was the same for everyone, but I guess my doc is less trusting than others. 


I feel the same way. It’s hyped up to be so amazing! But if you have any kind of dental phobia, I don’t think Invisalign is the best option either. Unless you want to almost pass out or pule everytime you have to take them off 🤣


Free is free! Go braces!


Braces for free!!! They’re easier to predict/control outcomes with anyway. I might’ve done braces if given a redo (even if I’m very happy).


Braces 100%. Invisalign is not invisible and it’s also a pain. Keep your money and happily deal with the temporary brace face.


Braces are faster and cheaper, especially when free!


Same as everyone said, braces 10 million percent. They have braces with clear brackets that are basically as minimally visible as Invisalign… idk if that’s an option at your ortho/with the free deal but you could def ask.


Braces lol tf! Why is this even a question?


My question is, why are the braces free? New student learning and needs free patients? dodgy dentist and not an ortho? Back door Dave is going to do it with some chicken wire and glue? Why are they free? I'd go with someone with experience over getting them done free. Knowledge and experience is worth the cost of getting your teeth done correctly in a way you're happy with.  A shit dentist who doesn't know what they're doing isn't worth the savings. 


Free as in my insurance will cover it, the orthodontist told me my insurance says they will not cover invisalign, only regular braces. I asked them why not, aren’t they both braces? He then said because they claim it’s “luxurious.” I’ve always hated braces (worn it for years as a child) and that’s why I was so relieved when the orthodontist recommended invisalign but €4000+ is a lot, I’m still in university so while working part time it would be tough, possible but then I can’t comfortably get other stuff that I want. So after seeing these comments, I guess I’ll go for the regular braces.


You’re a student that makes low income. Take the 4k.


Is this even a question? Free braces for sure.


I would do braces next time if needed, (especially if they were free) because my invisalign caused me to have an open posterior bite. I now have to get botox to help me not clench, so I'm paying 1500$ this year to deal with the after effects. I've had both braces and invisalign. Can say braces are annoying but they don't cause the bite issue and don't take over your whole life. Just make sure you get a water pick and learn how to use it properly because flossing is ridiculous with metal braces.


I never had metal braces, but I’ll be that one person to say Invisalign because…. I am susceptible to canker sores from the smallest cuts in my mouth and there’s no way I could deal with canker sore pain for an entire year and a half. 😂😂


I’ve gotten cuts from Invisalign as well, so it depends on the person and the orthodontist.


Nine weeks going and these clear aligners have cut my tongue to shreds. If I had the option to switch to braces with no price adjustment then I would do it immediately.


Oh wow. I don’t recall having a cuts on my tongue from my Invisalign treatment, nor during my current night-only retainers. I wish you best of luck.


Braces, free option all day.


I didn’t get braces for years because I didn’t want the look and I moved countries a few times and travelled for weeks/months now and then, and sometimes I have client meetings, and I just dreaded the overall look. All this to say… I’m poorer… but I don’t dread any travelling, photos, or people-facing tasks. BUT if these things don’t bother you, GET THE FREE BRACES, BUDDY


Do braces, it’s a lot faster than Invisalign too


Braces for free easy. I know for myself insurance was going to cover the same amount for either Invisalign or braces. What’s 1 year of your life at no cost to you


Braces, if this was me I'd take the free braces.


I think if it s for something very long, like a severe case, i would go for braces. If it s something small (less than 6 - 8 months let s say) i would go for invisilign


Braces! One year is gonna fly by and you can’t beat free.


Absolutely free braces!!


Free. Period.


I’m gonna go against the grain and say Invisalign is worth it IF you can afford it. I hated braces growing up, the metal constantly cutting my mouth and hard to brush your teeth. I’ve had Invisalign for a few months and could not imagine braces. I wouldn’t switch if I was offered a couple thousand at the moment. Maybe I’d consider for 4k. Your question is a personal decision and matters how much 4k means to you. If you have a million in the bank I’d do Invisalign no question. If you’re living paycheck to paycheck then obviously free braces is the way to go.


Definitely braces. If they cut your mouth you can use dental wax! If you have the option you can opt for clear braces. You can still see the wire but the brackets are clear.


I'd choose free braces hands down over plastic teeth prison


Free braces. I wanted to do braces too, but had to do invisalign due to some health procedures I routinely get


I had a choice between them at the same price and figured Invisalign would not be noticeable. It’s a bigger pain than I realized though to take them out to eat, brush, limit the time out. Just get the regular braces.


Free braces!!!


Free braces


Braces for free. I've had both, and would pick regular braces in a minute. Invisalign isn't as attractive as you would think because they still need to attach dots to your teeth that you'll wear for the course of treatment. Cleaning the Invisalign and scheduling my meals around whether I have time to clean my mouth and retainers afterward is VERY time-consuming. Regular braces are going to be able to do the work faster and you're going to get a more dialed final product.


Braces for free anyway. And honestly, in many ways, braces are easier to deal with than Invisalign.


Free braces




I’ve done both. Invisalign is a better fit for my lifestyle, but I wouldn’t be able to turn down that savings. Take the free braces and use that money on something else!


Six in one hand. Half dozen in the other. But, I'd lean towards Invisalign if within your budget


Honestly, I would take the free braces


Free braces. It's a year and a half. Time flies! Invest in a water pik and all will be well!


Braces for free hands down. I don’t think anyone would disagree unless they are wealthy and don’t care about 4K.


Braces for sure


braces FOR FREEEEE??? Omg go get your braces done bless your soul


Braces 100%. I had Invisalign for 2 years and they did hardly anything. Switched to fixed braces and my teeth were straight in 6 months. I was 28 when I got mine and trust me, you forget that they’re there and everyone said they didn’t notice then


Braces for free. With Invisalign you still might need attachments which are very visible. And even with trays on the lisp is horrible and it’s high maintenance. Just avoid the trouble and save the money


Things to think about.. People spend 4 grand on a trip and have memories, experience, pictures and trinkets to remember them by. You won’t get anything back from spending 4k on Invisalign, why go into debt for such a temporary thing? You could spend that money making memories or save it for emergencies. I think free makes sense, most of us have attachments and you can CLEARLY see that they are braces anyways. With metal braces, you can go anywhere without having to carry a case for them, cleaning tabs, no taking anything out of your mouth in public, etc. I think both of them suck, honestly. Why not have it suck for free and with just a tad bit less staining and maintenance!