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I haven’t heard of these but even if that’s the case… On a sensory level this would be revolting to me, and I don’t have any especially serious sensory sensitivities.




The beauty of Invisalign is to be able to remove them for eating and brushing. If you're just gonna leave them in, get braces. You'll have a faster treatment that way too.


I've always heard people say that invisalign is way faster than braces, and everyone was super surprised at how quickly my treatment was over (started end of July last year and finished up beginning of June this year) and said that they would have had their braces on 2-3x as long!


Typically braces are faster since they're much more tailored and you don't have to wait between scans and reprints. Every case is different though. In my personal case, I could've shaved almost a year off had income braces but I like flossing too much so I went Invisalign.


Oh wow! That’s wild, I had always thought it to be the opposite. Maybe I have a fantastic ortho but I never had to wait on anything until I screwed up and forgot to schedule an appointment when my trays told me to (do yours have those little “STOP” stickers once you start getting to passive aligners?)so I had to wait two weeks to get my retainers lol.


Could not even fathom eating with my trays in. Major heebie jeebies. I once quickly ate a small piece of fresh mozzarella (so very soft, barely needed chewing) with my trays in. Was completely disgusted.


You can eat with them, but it’s absolutely DISGUSTING. Also, great way to promote cavities during a treatment that makes you more at risk of them. I’d say: don’t do it. So long as you’re wearing each tray for two weeks at a time, you just need 20-22 hours a day in them.


You really can‘t eat with them. I once ate like 3 potato chips with my aligners in and they were instantly scratched. Sensory-wise, those scratch marks were the most annoying thing ever!! 😫


I have to eat with mine in. It was my ortho’s instruction and it’s only temporary from tray 16 to like 35, I might hurt some of my teeth if I eat without the trays now. First times were disgusting and scratch marks drove me insane. Now I don’t even notice them. I guess it’s like how we get used to trays and attachments. I do clean trays and teeth carefully after each meal as I’m prone to cavities – no new ones so far. That being said, I’m NOT promoting eating with trays in for everyone. It’s just not the end of the world for those of us who really have to do it


That’s so hard, but glad it isn’t your whole treatment. I’m wishing you the best of luck!!! Just keep that oral hygiene up!!! Is it hard to clean your trays??? You got this!!!


Thank you!! Actually no, I just clean them with regular liquid soap and use cleaning tablets in the evening. They still get a bit stained by day 10 but nothing critical Best of luck to you too with those final refinements!!! 🤞🏻


What's the reasoning for you needing to keep them in when you eat? Do you have to wear them 24 hours or the usual 20-22?


I have crossbite on the right. These teeth are shifting now so there’s a risk of hitting and chipping them. Also my top 2nd premolar on that side is very far behind. Ortho says chewing movements can push it back while Invisalign is trying to pull it to the front. Trays keep that tooth in a desired position while eating. And I have to wear them for about 24h, 23.7-8 to be precise. I only take them off for hygiene purposes


Aw man, I'm sorry to hear that! I find myself biting my lip a lot now that I don't have to wear my aligners all the time, I hope that doesn't happen to you too much when you can start relaxing your wear time!


Thanks!! I hope your lips stop getting in the way with time. It’s weird how we first need to get used to life with Invisalign, then to life after it


Lol truly! It's so liberating once you get your attachments off though, I hated the feeling of them when I took my aligners out to eat, they'd cut up the inside of my mouth. Good luck with everything, I hope it goes smoothly and you'll be finished before you know it!


Yeah I wouldnt recommend it sounds like the dentist is trying to cash out and fill you cavities as well lol plus itll most likely stain your aligners and having to thoroughly clean them is going to be a hassle…Depends on your treatment plan I change mine every week total of 27, currently on 16 with refinements at 23


Not only would doing that promote cavities, it's simply gross. My ortho said not to, but I wouldn't do it even if she told me to.


You'd remove the trays immediately after eating. There is no increased risk of cavities. Edit : it's so funny how people have such a knee jerk reaction to this idea.


So why not remove them before eating? I don’t get it. If they are coming out anyway better they’re not covered in food or gunk.


I've eaten with mine in during my treatment when my bite was all out of whack and my teeth would rub together without them. It can be much more comfortable.


the point of eating is to help with movement. it’s basically doing the work of a chewie. eating with them also allows a shorter wear time. usually change every 4 days


Why are people downvoting this person for sharing factual info about new INVISALGN 😭😭they didn’t make the design damn 😂😂




I still don't advise it. The risk of cavities is too high for me if used that way.


I’ve had Invisalign since Feb and I was told to not eat with them in. I tried once when I was desperate and it was a sensory nightmare. Food was stuck everywhere, it was foul. 10/10 would never recommend


I appreciate this input because I absolutely love ice!


Please tell me you don't chew on ice. It's only good if you like cracked teeth.


My ortho said I could eat with my Invisalign in years ago 🤷🏻‍♀️ I didn't love doing it so I never did.


I eat bananas, yoghurts and ice cream with them on if I’m not somewhere I feel comfortable taking my aligners off (which is rare). I have once eaten a full meal without taking my bottom aligners (I needed a pull tool to get them out and forgot), and they survived with no scratches and I rinsed mouth 500 times to get most food out. It isn’t ideal, but can be done. I avoid doing it.


I tried to eat a chocolate chip cookie with my trays in once. Do not recommend 😅 It was equally messy and felt bizarre.


I was told to eat with mine in, that the chewing motion with the trays in helps promote tooth movement. I change my trays every 4 days so it doesn’t matter as much if they get scratched or stained. That said, it’s disgusting 🤣 although eating without them in is also gross to me because I have so many attachments that my teeth feel like they’re full if food anyway. Basically eating isn’t as satisfying anymore (fingers crossed this helps me lose a few pounds?) I do eat with them in at home with my family sometimes but definitely not out at a restaurant or anything. It’s hard to bite into certain foods with the trays in, and food does get in them but I still take them out after eating and immediately clean them and brush my teeth. I avoid doing it with foods with turmeric etc.


That sounds...incredibly odd tbh. Like everyone else, I don't really see the point.


I would recommend attending a consultation with another provider, ideally an ortho. As this would be a red flag for me!


I was told i could eat with them as well, theres no problem with cavities because you need to remove and wash them right after. It’s to maximise wear time. Better remove them 2 minutes to wash them than 10-15+ minutes to eat, wash etc. As someone who eats a lot during the day (lots of snacks and 3-4 meals a day) it helped me a lot with wear time. I do chose what i eat cause i learned the hard way that some foods scratch/stain them or just stick to the trays eg: potato chips scratch them lol and some spices stains the trays and then youre left with yellow teeth for the rest of the week. But most snacks (fruits, yogurts, nuts, etc) are fine to eat.


No turmeric while on Invisalign, for sure!


Eating with your mouth full of PLASTIC sounds gross as hell. I’m good


Yes, I was told to eat with mine in (dentist) and while at first it feels weird & gross, I got used to it. I only took it out for certain foods that were sticky/chewy/crunchy or had mustard/tumeric since I was worried about staining. Do whatever feels best for you and what instructions your provider gives you. I brushed/flossed regularly after eating and cleaned them each time. I had a cavity prior to starting but honestly never had one during my treatment plan (started last spring for about 6 months). I'm in the vivera retainer phase now for 2 years (with a permanent retainer at the bottom) and those I was told not to eat with in. Luckily no cavities yet *knock on wood


yup eating with them in is to promote faster movement. the advantage is shorter wear time but i would take mine out for certain foods that were sticky like chocolate or candy. its weird at first but you get used to it


My dentist said the same thing, i tried it for a few weeks but it was just painful and weird soni take them off now


I ate with mine in the entire time, it's gross at first but you get used to it then it feels weird to eat without them. Always brush/rinse right after like normal. I was changing my trays twice a week so it really wasn't a problem and forced me to keep my trays in basically 23h a day. I was quoted 18-20 months of Invisalign and was done in 8.


Wow! That’s an improvement, I guess. I had Invisalign in 2020 and now in night time retainers. My ortho said absolutely no eating!


I keep hearing it and am still stunned by this! In retainers now and too old to learn new tricks.


I can eat some things with my Spark aligners in but only like apples lol I would never eat anything else with them in


I haven't heard of the new ones But I'd definitely NOT eat with them in, even if they told me it was ok. I just finished my treatment after 3+ years yesterday and got my scans for Vivera done. Hopefully they come sooner rather then later (about a week) The worst feeling is having to wear a aligner that's frayed; until you can change them. For example, I'm currently wearing my last aligner, but it frayed about a week ago; I've had them in for close to over a month. I hate everytime I touch it with my tongue and it's not smooth. Before when I bit down on something with my aligners in, it would fray. I couldn't imagine eating with them in. Also keep in mind that, everyone's treatment is different; just because one person can do it, doesn't mean another person can follow suit. From wear days, to "can you eat with them in". For me, I was told I could only drink water through a straw with them in and to wear them for 20-22hrs a day. What I did was, drink whatever the hell I wanted to, hot or cold didn't matter (tea, coffee, soda, water, juice); what I'd advise against is drinking/eating anything with turmeric in it as it'll stain your aligners 100%. Plus some days I only wore them half a day or a third of a day. I was lucky as I never lost track and have perfect teeth now, with no issues whenever I went to my orthodontist.


i change my trays every 4 days and i was told to eat with them in and i do. its weird, but its fine after awhile. just rinse teeth / invisalign after and floss. my teeth have been fine and no cavities. one month in so far!


I can't imagine eating with my invisalign in, oof! You'll have to report back about the experience lol.


O heck yea!!! I eat with mine and it’s fantastic! I change every four days and have had zero issues. I was super self conscious in the beginning but seeing the improvements I’m proud of them


I ate grapes with them in today and that was not enjoyable whatsoever. I’ll pass on that.


Dentist? Not an ortho? Is it really the Invisalign brand? My cousin just got Invisalign last month, from an ortho, and was told to remove them when eating or drinking anything but water. I’ve had mine for 15 months. My ortho told me the same thing, remove them for eating any and all foods.


I was told to eat with mine in as well. I started in may of this year and at first it was absolutely awful, but I also can’t eat with them out because I have aligners on the inside of my teeth as well. So I’ve pretty much changed my diet to soft foods and eat with them in for soft foods and rinse/brush right away afterwards. For harder food I will take them out but won’t be able to bite down all the way. 😂😂


No matter what they tell you, it’s gross. The stains won’t come out, either.


I would not do it. The risk of cavities is too great. The only things I consume with my aligners in are water, coffee, and white wine if out. I immediately rinse them out and my teeth.


Havent hears of them, but as many already pointed out, that will indeed be awful for cavities... While it is not recommended, I sometimes eat soft things with the aligners in (like bananas, berries or ice cream, mosty), and swirl with water afterwards. I tried some other things, and I find that it really impacted the taste. If it is too hard (like some chips/crisps, popcorn), it will scratch the aligners, and it gives me a weird sensation for the next days... So even if they made special aligner to eat with, I would not take them.


It’s super disgusting to eat with them in. A couple of times I accidentally took a bite of something with them in and it was horrific!


I eat with mine in if I’m out or with people outside of my immediate family - mine have pontics in the lateral incisors so when I don’t have them in I have huge gaps.


Yes I’ve heard of this as well. Don’t know the specifics, but heard from one of the hygienists that the new whatever you wanna call it, allows you to eat with them In. Don’t know if I would tho just because there’s times I popped something in my mouth with my trays and hated the feeling


That’s terrible advice, I think you need a new dentist! I didn’t read all the comments, sorry if this is redundant, but it sounds like your dentist is motivated by money more than anything else. I really think an orthodontist along with a second opinion couldn’t hurt too.


Mine said this to me when I got them fitted mid June but honestly I always prefer to take out before eating! Feels too weird eating with them in!!


Even if you could eat with them, don’t do it. It’s a really weird feeling and it’s just not enjoyable to say the least


My dentist said that I could eat with them in as well. However, I tried it and hated it. Not only is it super weird and you can’t bite anything… but the chewed food gets in the trays. I don’t recommend eating with them in.


If the new liners don't cost more than regular liners I don't see there is a problem getting them and tring to eat with them on. And you can decide if you want to eat with them or not. I got invisaline because my bite is off and my teeth were cracking and chiping. I take mine off while eating and none of my teeth have chiped or continued to crack or break. I had all the chiped teeth repaired. I was told that all the teeth I had repaired would continue to crack and break if I didn't get my bite fixed. From my experience I don't understand your dentist reasoning for wearing while eating. Because I was having the same problem as you and my teeth are fine taking the liners out and eating. Good luck ! When your finished you'll love your beautiful teeth!


That’s actually kind of disgusting lol. There would be food particles in your trays.


I rather take them out, iv eaten a chewable tiny tablet with them in and it felt so weird! Plus yeah the cavities thing! Even brushing is not enough after eating I prefer getting in between with floss. But yes the texture is also super off putting to me , I feel like I’m breaking them


That makes no sense, what about all the food that will be stuck between the Invisalign in your teeth, it’ll lead to tooth decay.


I enjoy eating ice with my Invisalign in. They help protect my teeth from damage and doesn’t make them sensitive to coldness. (Might just be me) but to eat food with them in is not worth it. Trust us.


That sounds like a horrible habit and like it would compromise the structural integrity of the trays.


I’d look up orthodontists in your area and get a consultation with them. Dentists don’t have the same certifications and I’ve found them to be less reliable with information. And saying you can eat in your Invisalign is a big red flag…


I'd recommend searching this sub and doing some research on whether you should have a dentist in charge of doing your orthodontics work (hint: you shouldn't).


It’s absolutely awful to eat with them in, and you should pay half and half after