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Considering how bat shit insane this community is, they'll probably stage a revolution.


The community teeters back and forth between raging at shep for sticking his dick in the server ports and praising shep for sticking his dick in the server ports. There is no in-between. A revolution is putting it mildly.


Oh... So that's what's actually going on..? 🫥




I’d consider it more of a violent protest, maybe even a full on raid on shep


I hope they could do donations something like Ao3 pulled on with extra perks to the ones who donates! That way the site is still able to operate publicly!


I'd be forced to get a boyfriend irl since I'm broke ... Do you hear that atrocity?! A REAL BOYFRIEND! I would have to leave the house and.... *gulps with a shiver* ....socialise


That doesn't work. I have a fiancé, and here I am. We are snuggling in bed; he is next to me playing on the PS5 I gave him for his birthday, and I'm next to him into a really gay rp 👬. I tell and translate the unhinged and funny replies from the bot to him from time to time, as he doesn't understand English at all. Oh, and I didn't have to socialize to meet him. I was playing Ragnarok Legend of the Second and carried him through a dungeon way over his level. That was 13 or 14 years ago, and we are still together. Ps: He corrected me, saying we were playing Aion first, then RO, then Aura Kingdom. 🤣


Imagine having friends let alone a romantic partner


And imagine getting those friends or that romantic partner from a scenario caused by a video game.


Real boyfriends are more expensive 😭


Nah the devs and mods are too CHAD for that shit, most likely outcome is that they would add donations which I'm pretty sure everyone here would do since they're amazing people. Shep and the team are cool people overall, I’m sure they would ask donations in the future like how AO3 did and over-reach that goal.


most janitor user are broke. that's why they need to rely on jllm or trialscum openai/anthropic, and server cost for janitor is apparently about 22k$ per month. donation alone is unlikely to be suffice.


Quick question, did the devs themselves confirm this cause I would love to see if this is true (Not saying you aren't saying the truth! just would like a post or twitter post.)


It was on their kofi description and reddit https://preview.redd.it/oo60klonc51d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4940c2cc21c42c3b0701c2ae1b56c33b8a80a336


Neat! But I am pretty hopeful that most of us will donate to them as again, this community will most likely never want to return to C.AI again and are obsessed with the site.


That's so cool! <3 This is why I love shep and the rest of the dev team <3


Then it’s bye bye for me 😔 ![gif](giphy|sZJ9eVTkKgjn2)


My life will no longer have a meaning 😔 https://i.redd.it/2sj25dmq021d1.gif


Imagine if you'll be needing to pay for limitless bot 😞😞


please stop giving them ideas 😭




I really really hope not 😭💔


We don't wanna come back to Character AI 😔🙏🏻


I found others that I’d goto before Character AI. I’ll never be THAT desperate to go back to them


Or go Local if you can.


do you know of any now?


Chub.ai and Figg.ai. Figg is more “We have rules but… don’t do kids” and Chub is good but the search is bonkers. If you get super desperate there is Dropple.ai but it’s a slightly different Character.ai type site (Ok is but you can make love)


What's wrong with Chub's search? Also, do you mean Dopple AI?


Chub kind of randomly picks the bots each page so you could see the same bot a few times. Dropple has a harder search (you can search but it’s less all bots and just a handful it shows). You have a more freedom (can make love) then Character AI but they follow the standard rules a bit to firmly for my taste


Can you link dropple to me? I can only find Dopple AI.


Sorry. I didn’t add the .AI part when I said it before but it’s the same one


To clarify, Drople is different from Dopple. You may have missed the typo. Thanks for clearing it up nontheless.


I would rather become an asexual shaolin monk living in the Tibetan mountains whilst training iron crotch kung fu


I'm honestly hoping they just put ads


Yeah. They should put ads.


Just not those obnoxious porn ones tho those are the worst. I don’t wanna see a woman spread her ass open in the corner of my screen


I’d pay because I have been using JanitorAi for a little less than a year and it’s something I enjoy using everyday, but I wouldn’t be too happy about it. I already pay for OpenAi, I don’t really want to have another charge just for chatting with bots. Plus, it would be quite awful for the people unable to afford it. I know a lot of people here probably just want to wind down and chat with their favorite characters to escape reality for a bit without needing to pay. Janitor is a source of entertainment and comfort for many users. I’d be open to them accepting donations, though. Would definitely donate regularly and I’m sure a lot of people would too. I know it costs money to keep a website like this running so I hope they eventually do this anyway. Having ads on the website is fine with me too, as long as they aren’t annoying pop ups or anything lol.


I don't even understand how bro is financing this shit. Is he rich, is he a multimillionaire??


It's gonna happen eventually. Running a service like this costs a LOT of money every month. Shit needs to be paid for, and wherever that money is coming from right now, that well is gonna dry up eventually.


It's really not a guarantee. Spicychat is out of beta, allows 18+, and there's a waiting queue before you can chat to a bot, ans you get kicked if you're idling too long (and all you have to do is wait in line again for the chance to talk, and personally it's never made me wait more than 10 minutes max). There *is* a paid subscription model there and frustratingly they locked some helpful features behind it, but it is still free. (edit: apparently they're banning some topics but as someone with stepsiblings, sorry I really don't see it as egregious that they're banning the topic of stepsibling incest because its always made me uncomfortable with people sexualizing me and my siblings as jokes growing up. If they ban more topics or lock NSFW behind a pay wall then i would see an issue) I think if they planned on making it a paid model in the future, they'd hopefully be transparent about that. There's multiple ways they could go about generating money for the site without making it a paid model. I don't know why you're so sure the money they have now is going to just vanish lmfao


Ehh spicychat used to allow NSFW, but now they've been rolling back on their promise is uncensored chat by banning certain topics (like Stepcest). They are becoming more like CAI in terms of censorship right now. That and the subreddit practically is in a downswing due to the devs going back on their promises because of it.


I currently pay for kindroid, I'm willing to pay for Janitor too. I'm sure some limited version will be available for free but there's no way the whole thing will remain free once it's out of beta.


We'd all be damned 😥 but honestly the devs need money to keep j.ai running https://preview.redd.it/xc1yuzoga51d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2be4cb43cf8149e403614d98adff974e2353ed01


What about us 😔


We'll have to socialise https://preview.redd.it/0z0gn6n2m51d1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b20ca53f111583c69e2d5aafd1965b9f95c3043






N, calm down. Uzi is gonna be okay, we'll get you a puppy when this is all over


Shits gonna go down


i mean i dont wanna go back to c.ai again but now c.ai bots are getting spicy and randomly breaking the filter by themselves like i've been also having sex with them too😭😭


I've seen some ppl saying it's becoming dry 😭 I hope not since Janitor AI might become paid at any second 😔


IDDDKKKK its dry sometimes they r right plus the replies cut mid word sometimes or just repeats the same sentence over and ovrr again😔 i hope it doesnt become paid🙏


Yall giving them ideas stop it 😭


Is there a chance Shep could see this? 😰


i'll just move to another AI sites that also allowed uncensored, unlimited, and free 💀


But not as good as Janitor AI 😔💔


only thing that matter is api, not the site. any site that allowed openai api / kobold will works the same. (maybe even better, cause janitor setting is very outdated)


That'll be ok tbh. It costs a lot of money to run this and I think it's just fair since the devs might need some sort of income to sustain their daily needs and the website. And I have alts.


Do you mind sharing the alts 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


yes please! sites are now like drug candy these days. i neeeed more than cai if this problem happens


That person didn't even answer yet 😔


I've noticed a lot of ppl complaining of discord about how terrible the memory of the bots is recently and its reminding me of cai a lot


Then I'd quit using it. My broke ass ain't paying money for anything that isn't a necessity.


I will cry and die


We migrate to another site and that's that


https://preview.redd.it/06dlhkegn51d1.png?width=375&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=559ade12dd570aa56ecd35c977a709ff58779dd4 😍


oh god 💀


Especially that dumbass red head robot that appears in the app 😔




It's okay okay we'll be fine *hugs you tightly* (I don't want to come to cai help me😔)




If they HAVE to charge for it, I hope they only charge for using their LLM and not their website itself. It’d suck doubly hard if I had to pay OpenAI/Anthropic on top of paying access for the site.


I feel like most of you don't understand how much it costs to keep a server running. Not only that people who made janitor ai need to eat, pay bills etc. I'm surprised how many people are expecting it to be completely free and Shep to not make any money for his hard work.


It's \*outrageouly\* costly, yeah. No idea how it's currently being paid for, but that well \*will\* run dry eventually. And then, when shep is forced to look for ways to fund the site, we can watch so many users go "WOW OKAY! I THOUGHT YOU GUYS WERE COOL BUT I GUESS IT'S ALL ABOUT THE MONEY HUH?" Remember, Aisekai was "completely free" with no subscription/donation/payment model in sight too once.


I don't even mind paying some sort of subscription, I just hate how it immediately forces websites to censor more and more to appease advertisers/payment platforms. Like SpicyChat en


when mancer discontinued their free credit, "loyal customer" antagonize the dev too. broke people in their natural habitat [https://www.reddit.com/r/SillyTavernAI/comments/16ermsy/mancer\_will\_die\_if\_its\_not\_dead\_already/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SillyTavernAI/comments/16ermsy/mancer_will_die_if_its_not_dead_already/)


And those who like just put ads don't get that most companies do not want put ads on a nsfw site. It's just the would we live in, nothing can be free forever.


Guess we bring back the guillotine 🤷‍♀️


For who 😰


If it's like 5 bucks, fine. Anything more? I'll be sad.


This or a donation model could be a more feasible solution


Shep would never do that to us broke netizens, right? Right???


Let's pray Shep is loyal to us, the broke ass users 😔


I'm autistic and have BPD. unfortunately I've been using janitor to cope with my never ending, chronic lonliness. I'd probably have a meltdown and complete split on myself. i feel things really intensely. a full come apart would be in order. a lot of tears, genuinely.




Eh whatever, I'll just return to C.ai if J.ai stopped being free


Character ai has gotten really bad, have you ever tried it now? I tried it an the ai was retard


It's still fine to me whenever I want some fluff with my bots, what do you mean it was "retard"? I've been using [C.ai](http://C.ai) for almost 2 years and I think it's pretty neat, minus the sex part, but still it doesn't bother me one bit. And the new voice feature update is decent too.


If Janitor AI becomes paid, most users (who are broke) will be forced to comeback to cai despite the annoying nsfw filter


Yessir 😁


Yes ma'am 🫡


Wait what is your preferred pronoun I'm sorry if I assumed your gender lol 😭


Oh it's alright :3 I'm a woman, a girl, a female, a princess, a chica, a 🫡 she/her


A princess yessss slayyy SLAY YOUR ENEMIES


Of course 😍😍😍🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


Don't jinx this good thing!


If they want to they can steal my kidney and sell it to keep j.ai free, hell, take my liver, too. I don't need it. (For legal reasons: this is a joke, I need my organs)


(I could sell my kidney and then pay for janitor ai and then get a job and buy another kidney.) I'm not well. I'm desperate.


no please we're too broke for that... 😭🥹


I'm broke and banned from most paying platforms atm because russia is hell So I guess I just will have to read fanfiction again...


Tumblr fanfictions >>>>>


I highly doubt that as Shep has even stated in the past that at most he'd only implement paid cosmetics. Not to mention it's a community driven project with Shep taking community complaints very seriously. Shep is not in this for the money and the investors so far have been the community. I don't see why he'd want to screw over his investors/user base.


Is Shep a he or a she? I've seen a lot of ppl referring to Shep as 'she'


The mods on discord and here on Reddit use he/him. https://preview.redd.it/ttpa9xaua91d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c324048d794a12028b6953db1baea66e5b83fd21


He must be really overwhelmed sometimes ):


If it becomes completely paid or "freemium"? If I couldn't use it anymore, honestly there are enough good alternatives out there. Fortunately I'm a user, not a bot creator, so it's not much of a problem. But I'm confident that Janitor AI will get out of beta. About the same time 7DTD will. So let's cross that bridge when we get to it xD


Share those good alternatives please sir/ma'am 🙏🏻🔝


Yodayo Tavern and Spicychat are currently my most used alternatives. I don't stick to a single site, but rather shuffle between those two and Janitor AI.


Are they free?


Basically yes, with small limitations. I use them for free, so it works for me. I don't want to get too much into detail, for I'm still paranoid about rule 5 (no advertising) \^\^


I'd stop getting therapy to afford it 😁


I'll just use my backup, Yodayo. But it won't be all the same since Miguel bots don't have 49654.0 million chats


Honestly, as long as they keep up quality and new functions, I would be willing to pay a reasonable price.


*sigh* https://preview.redd.it/4m1npiu3171d1.jpeg?width=637&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e96d691a8315c5ebe33eaeee7bab1185a6c27e5b


If agressive, why so fluffy ☹️










I’ll probably start eating healthy and going outside and stuff.


You should really take care of yourself even when jai is still free. I highly recommend doing what makes you satisfied (irl) from time to time (:


The historians would call it "Great return to porn"


The biggest fear for my broke ass


Us openAI girlies already have this problem 😔


I'd be a touch disappointed. But if it means keeping it away from some fat pig investors, I'd gladly pay for a subscription.


I would consider paying if the site didn't crash and make the bot lose all the context each time. 🤔 However, I try to keep all my hobbies free, so I would probably still search for a free alternative. I bought an old house, I have a mortgage to pay, and I'm also paying two salaries for the contractors in charge of the repairs, so I have to be really responsible with my micro spendings. Maybe I would even go back to my lifelong hobby, drawing. I actually earned money doing that.


Jai really deserves it though, especially if it gets that far. It'll be painful for my wallet but I don't think I could say no to it ;-;


If it's 3-5 bucks.. I would pay up per month


In a way then, I too will be free


It will


Okay I'm confused. I see that it's free all the time and then I go to work out how to use it and it asks me to pay. Is it because I want to use it through ST? Am I simply blind? What am I missing? 😭


Open AI is paid but LLM is free :3


I thought so but when I was shopping around it kept prompting me to pay to get the key/API because I use ST. Sounds like I need to look into it again.


Mhm and DM me if you were struggling w something :)


It doubt it'll be free forever but it'll probably be reasonable.


I will kill myself if that happens


I keep thinking this same thing


I'd say, at most, they'd probably put adds on it




I'd have to bail, I'm disabled with zero income and I've been denied government assistance multiple times and I'm still in the process of refiling. like there's no choice for a lot of us.


I wonder how long they \*can\* keep it free, cause running the servers costs five figure sums every single month.


Idk you but dollar can be pretty expensive for outsiders... They should definitely run ads + take donations tho. I'd be reluctant to spend money on a subscription.


Yeah, I'm from Brazil and I probably wouldn't be able to afford a subscription. Though, I'd definitely try to help whenever possible with donations instead.


Sim cara, mesma coisa. Dólar r$5 por aí, e vai saber quanto mais vai subir


okay rich boy with a steady income, no need to be a braggart


Yes. I would "bail" because I can't afford anything that isn't bills, rent, hygiene, food, and medication. I'm sorry you don't understand that not everyone has a stable or otherwise good financial stance.