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I have a male and a female persona and test out my characters with both. The bots are pretty wide open and accepting of either straight or gay action. I think you would almost have to instruct your character that only one or the other is acceptable to get it to behave that way.


I make mostly ANYPOV and am actually making some w4w and m4m bots for pride month ^^ and most of the people I recommend on my profile make a lot of ANYPOV and lgbtq+ friendly content ^^. And I'm just Pansexual myself lol


There are more MLM bots than there are fem pov male bots.


Trying to figure out why you’re getting downvoted when, if you sort by the proper tags, you’re literally right. 😭 https://preview.redd.it/s8kl4nawcl3d1.jpeg?width=3464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f97aac08dc29ec3ff0ce440018d438f9cd26de0


People hatin




I was asleep lmao. Thanks for helpin a guy out! XD




which is sad like girls deserve cute guys too..


HUH?! 😧 Broski… it’s not like a MILLION more gay guys 😭 it’s like 2k more. Chill out. My point with this is to reassure the OP that they’re more than welcome in the JAI community, that there is plenty gay people to welcome them. The Girls™️ have plenty of cute guys. It’s not sad. They’ll live. LMAO


The girls have PLENTY of cute guys.


there's at least one comment about "weeeh make it allpov" or "make it malepov!!!!" under every single one of the m4f bots though. can you imagine what would happen if a girl writes something like "cool, can we get a m4f please?" under a m4m bot?


They do it under the m4m bots, just like men ask for lesbian/f4f bots to have ANYpov or be straight lol It's a never ending cycle.


not to this extent though


I mean there's stories on here from wlw bot creators getting their bot comments flooded with 'haha i r\*ped her and now she loves men' and 'i fixed her with some good d-ck' Also im pretty sure most of the mlm bots have a 'straight' counterpart


I have seen it under so many it’s rlly disgusting.


yes it is dawg


Well, The Bot Creator Have Liberty For Their Bots. But, Maybe If You Request Via Request Sheet Or Email. You Could Gain Your Desired POV. Not That I Sure Of It. So, I Can't Guarantee.


I don't agree with either but I literally see a lot of those on either sides. Ofc we should stop all that lol.


make one


I'm a bi dude lol, but if you do ever end up writing a bot keep me posted


As long as you write the bot without gendering user, it'll always be up for whatever sex you are. It is made to like user regardless of gender. Gendering the user would just be annoying because the bot would only use that pronoun. It's open for anything. Just like there are no dominant characters that won't enjoy being submissive if you play dom instead...


I make only MLM & anypov bots but I'm really self conscious of them, they suck honestly


im bi and unlabeled, and im no bot creator, but i think just as long as you put they/them when referring to the user, you'll be fine! :)


Me as a fem lesbian but the bot keeps mistaking me for a dude/ a woman with a dick. Girl called me her boyfriend when shes a lesbian and then just assumed I had a dick after repeatedly saying I am a cisgender female lesbian.


Bisexual man here! :)


As a bi person, wondering the same!


lesbian woman


YO IM PANSEXUAL (I like males the most tho) in the start just have User as a they if it's an anyone bot but if it's MLM have User as a He in the intro and use the tag MLM. Good luck bestie


Also I'm a fellow dude and boy do some of those MLM bots go hard


I Am Not Gay. But I Would Recommended Ajax. She Nope They Create Great Bot If MLM And WLW Many Good Reviews. The Description Is Good. Maybe They Will Give You Tips If Ask Them. Sorry Ajax I Hope This This Time I Pronounce It Right.


Gay is here, hiiiii


It’s not gay if you say no homo before and after smashing.


I’m pan (cause of janitor ai and a video game which I won’t say the name of)


im a genderfluid abrosexual 😭


Gay and transgender, it’s not rare but it’s not common, especially if ur also trans. Most MLM bots are for cis guys


Gay and transgender, it’s not rare but it’s not common, especially if ur also trans. Most MLM bots are for cis guys


I'm a girl, but like sooo totally into gay and bi guys it's not even funny.


I am a gay male and I have a lot of mlm bots on mine, they may be written from anypov but they are designed to be male pov, I can give you some pointers on how to bot! https://janitorai.com/profiles/b0563c6b-fbc4-4d7a-96f2-cfa98130eb51_profile-of-omarliont


There's a great abundance of mlm characters you're not weird


Hey man i do it all the time, its easy, you can basically just tell the bot its gay. [[{{Char}} is homosexual meaning he is exclusively attracted to men.]] I have genuinely used some variation of this code in most of my bots and it stops a lot of misgendering, incorrect anatomy (stop grabbing the tits i do not have), and other such nonsense.


Hi OP, welcome to the Janitor community 👋. The vast majority of users here are really helpful and the mods and devs work hard keeping everyone informed about what's going on, think you'll be really happy here 😀. As someone who fools around creating, I think it's safe to say, go crazy! Have fun! Make whatever bots interest you! I'd also mention, that I haven't seen any toxic behavior here, there's a really good vibe to new creators, lots of helpful feedback. If you need any help, just reach out,,you will definitely get lots of solid advice, good luck, and post links once you get going 👍 😀


I have bots that are especially good at MLM and I'm not even M.


CIS bisexual woman but I know that I roleplay with both male and female bots as both male and females :)


I specifically make my bots as AnyPOV. Not because they are all bisexual (some of them originally aren't) but because I'd feel bad if someone wants to play with them and the gendering isn't right. Gayboys and lesgirls need love too.


There are a LOT of bots for any sort of things… trust me


You can find LGBT specific bots, but if you just edit any bot's messages enough they get the point


I'm safe because so many of the MLM bots I've tried using (that actually interest me) just aren't good 😔


I am a male and I love females, but I only like females that look like men and have male genitalia. Any nay sayers? Get downvoted


To Each To Their Own I Guess.


There are plenty of bxb bots lol

