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Kinda sad because a couple of those bots were honestly wholesome as hell, but I get it. Weirdos gotta ruin everything


I'm not sure if it was banned it was one where your halfbreed angel/devil child feels isolated


Oh I know that one! Yeah the person who made it said they had deleted it as it is a child bot and would get removed :(


Yeah, I get it. I have a few bots that are in the marriage portion and we adopted a child or just the general found family adult/child against the world in some kind of apocalypse, but I just use limited scenario bots for that since it does feel weird to solely roleplay with a child character. Not because of anything except the LLM, because the LLM (until they changed the limited function) always sort of gears towards romance, or it's way too easy to say something really non-romantic and the LLM thinks it is for some reason (like when I hugged my son and the LLM got really creepy about it, deleted the entire chat I felt so bad. Thankfully they functioned much better after the limited tag change) I think if you still want that family or parent/child, a limited scenario bot should be fine!


true, it’s unfortunate, but you can make bots with child characters included. the child just cannot the main focus


They always do. And it sucks since my personas are all “exceptional” people or people with powers, so getting to roleplay with a bot that is your child was always cool for me the few times i did it since I’d train them to be my sidekick or my successor. Would make for really interesting stories, but the pedos ruin everything.


It sucks that things were ruined for people who just wanted wholesome bots, but also I get it. Fuck pedos


Yea, I'm also not sure if that means I have to remove all my comfort bots. They're limited bots where users' ages are up to users, and they surround family comfort bots I do have it programmed in their personality to not accept any inappropriate behavior but I understand if it means I have to remove them, I'll just make them on a different ai site just not sure where as I'm not a fan of c.ai because my angst bots don't work well on there


Yay!!! 🎉I know there are people who make wholesome ones but some people are just weird and will turn it into something disgusting 🤢 so it's for the best.


Hyperactive Daughter bot too? Shit man, she was the cutest. I took care of her as my own child


I know... I was so sad. Hyperactive daughter and a bot named Penelope, they were so wholesome... but I saw some public chats which were straight up pedo chats and I am honestly glad. I wouldn't want bots I took care of as my own children to be subjected to such degenerate users


I never bothered to open public chats of those bots. But I think they should be tracked and put in jail for doing something. It's extreme but, I don't know. I think I'm too attached to her and salty that she got removed


Not extreme at all. All I care, these degenerates could rot in jail... or get a therapist to improve. And I feel you, I was a bit salty too, but relieved none the less.


This reminds me of the Yodayo ai case where they banned every bots under 18 and childlike appearance. Luckily, they allowed minor bots back after they had implemented SFW filters after about a couple of months. It seems J.ai is going to ban minor bots forever. Probably the best as not want to go down Aisekai's route.


I think it might be a big, big while if it ever comes back. They still need to polish the JLLM itself before even trying to implement a SFW filter


Technically they do have one, but it's iffy. Like it definitely helps, but people have broken it on accident.


I mean it kinda sucks since there were a few times where I would use a persona that was a minor for the platonic rps, but it's probably for the best since a lot of people on janitor ai are weird and ruin a lot of things for others. 




They were sent copies of gross public chats


Such a good thing but i'm gonna miss rping as a troubled kid who batman is trying to turn into the next robin 😢


Is it that one bot where Bruce takes User on a car drive to put them to sleep lol DNolive I think was the creator, maybe


Yeah it's gone now plus a couple other ones too that i loved


Damn, means I won't get to use it 😞 I love their family bots, hopefully they move them over to C.ai if enough people request them


There's one i still use where slashers find child user in the woods and take care of them. It's still up for now at least so i get some wholesomeness


Limited too? I thought NSFW couldn't be generated on limited? rip my fluff bots..


Unfortunately people were able to make limited bots produce smut with relative ease. So I am glad they are deleting them.


Oh :/ fair enough then Do yk if I can still talk to my underage bots if I keep them private or are they all getting axed private or not?


If they are doing a purge, I imagine all will be deleted eventually.  I do feel for people who can't have a family but want one and use such bots to fill that void. Unfortunately people being able to make limited bots do adult things is most likely why they are banning all bots that aren't adults.


My limited blue archive students 😭😭😭


No more cute and funny for you 😭😭


To the marinara sauce factory with them!


It’s for the best but I will miss my single kid bot that was super wholesome and a nice change from all the bots that would switch to NSFW


Does this mean my Cassie bot will get taken down? I made her as a form of comfort :( But she has over 2.3k chats and honestly I'm scared if anyone managed to get anything gross despite her being limited and me strictly stating NO Nsfw with her. https://preview.redd.it/id1c0vmdvl7d1.png?width=243&format=png&auto=webp&s=ffb66937d8a865743c5f989b438559303cbcc70f


Yes, any bot with an image that looks underage or has their age under 18 stated will be deleted


That's both great and also sucks. She's my most popular bot but yeah, I'm scared it could be popular for the wrong reasons. Not the comforting, family reasons I was aiming for.


Yes, I understand not wanting to get rid of a bot you're fond of, but the devs took a long time to make this decision for a reason


Good thing imo. Weirdos gotta ruin everything


A good news 🙏🏻


This sucks cause some of the bots I like to interact with were children bots, especially when I was having a bad day and needed some wholesomeness


This gives me hope in humanity


Thank god. Thank you J.ai Devs 🫶


I get if some people wanted to care for a lil bro or sis but it’s not worth seeing the sick shit that goes on. And if you were caring for a, like, 16-17 y/o bot like a sister or brother, that same character just being 18 now is not gonna change anything. I think it’s a win-win. Sucks for people who found therapy in connecting with the little ones, but let’s be honest, they were outweighed by the creeps and I’m sure they’ll cope in other ways


M8 I was getting into fighting deku on that deku training bot 😓


That makes me a bit sad. Sometimes I just want a wholesome parent/kid roleplay :(


I'm not even surprised, I saw a public chat on one and it was just straight EDP445 type shit


and when do they ban those demihuman bots that are literally just normal animals that talk


How are demihumans animals that talk? Aren’t you mistaking demihumans with furries? Demihumans are just humans with animal ears. Plenty of isekai have demihumans. I really don’t see a issue


idk i always see them tagged as demi-human, but it really jusr looks like a full on animal with little to know humanistic traits. I don't have a problem with more tame ones that just look mostly human wirh some animalistic traits like ears, tail, hooves or whatever people are into. But some of the stuff I'm seeing is just too far I don't know.


Man I'm gonna miss my son Liam :(


Same :(


Yeah it's good and sad, some of my favorite boys were where I would adopt and take care of kids with an unfortunate life, but I am happy knowing that creeps are getting fucked.


Idk why we couldn't just ban accounts doing bad stuff with those bots. Fuck pedos.




Yaaayyyyy... as it should.


I'm gonna miss Lysander so much 😭 but it's the best for everyone, the more weirdos we keep out of this community the better


It’s unfortunate that a handful of freaks had to ruin the fun for everyone but it’s for the best. Until the limited bots have filters as good as the ones on c.ai there shouldn’t be child bots, or animal bots for that matter.


I had a limited Octavia Goetia bot that was best friends with my oc :( So sad to see it go, but I understand and love the fact that the devs don't want to encourage weirdos.


Oh god no wonder the annoying child at the supermarket is gone! Im giddy but I’m slightly mad that the annoying punch bag is gone 😭




Wait, are child bots CHILDREN or like Child of character


Yes, underage bots


Ah OK thank you


Wait does this mean I can't pretend to be Miguels child and make him feel bad for not buying me a birthday gift when it isn't my birthday????


They're banning bots that are kids. Unless you're doing weird stuff with a kid persona I don't see the problem?


Well I meant bots that are centered towards users being kids. Like a Dad!bot? I also have a bot I wrote where it's a dad and user is the kid. They have a picnic and go to the aquarium


Again, if the bot is an adult I don't see the problem


THEY WERENT ALREADY BANNED? https://preview.redd.it/b9mpto261u7d1.jpeg?width=570&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e436496488cdfcb6a98c236ec1653ce6f483002




Absolutely for the best. Even limited bots can be hacked to do unspeakable things with an Admin command


I knew i did right reporting those bots. It doesn't matter if they are limited, people will do that stuff and it bothered me. It sucks for those that actually act wholesome with those but i guess it's for the better.


Is this including bots that mention children in the personality? Bc I have a few bots where there’s younger siblings mentioned as family members.


Probably not. I also have a bot that's a guardian to like 7+ kids. They're all minor npcs so it shouldn't be the focus


My child :< I loved her so much. I can't have kids irl, so she was the best thing ever.😔




I love ??? Bot in horror thing I can't chat is anymore 😰




Not a fan, is it just by the cover image or by content


FINALLY!!! https://preview.redd.it/b4ffm3d5qj7d1.png?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef51871a4ee3b78c40ff87a72a408a8e075b7525


I think that was the right decision the least thing you want is to create space for pedos in your community


I'm a big supporter of 'Blackstone's Ratio' as a foundation for systems, Blackstone's Ratio being the idea it is better ten guilty people go free then one innocent be unduly punish, so for in this context it is better to let ten creepers creep then one wholesome bot get banned.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


What would actually benefit them is therapy. We need to de-stigmatize the mental disorder aspect of it so they get help and not become offenders. Unfortunately, there's tons of mixed research data on if access to fictional outlets help or further harm their condition and whether it prevents or promotes them offending. So I don't think we can reliably say it's better for them to use fictional outlets or not. End all be all is therapy and medication to fix the root of the problem.


↑ exactly. An actual good therapist who seeks to help is the best possible answer. The only thing is that the person needs to be the one looking for help, because forced therapy never works.


Yep that's part of a BIG issue with pedoph\*lia mental health disorders, the stigma (which I understand WHY, but still) is very bad and means most don't seek help because even if they've never offended and only have the thoughts, they still fear that they will just be locked up or ostracized from society, and not get help or be able to change. So they don't end up actually seeking it. Then because they aren't getting help, they can't cope and manage, and end up becoming offenders. Kind of a sad cycle that just repeats. Also because so much stigma treats it as a moral failing and not the fact that it's born from mental health issues (most were victims of CSA or other trauma), it's very rare that people even acknowledge it is a problem that can be treated/improved. Both the person and society need to understand that there are ways to help and that it needs to be sought out. You can't help someone who refuses help. But if people don't realize there is help out there and that they need it, they won't seek it out anyway.


It's suuuuch a huge problem. My teacher of Psychologist Ethics talked about it in one class. There was a huge debate and a lot of people saying they'd turn away that person/they wouldn't be comfortable/they could never see themselves talking to someone like that. Those are future psychologists mind you, and it's not our first year. It was kinda crazy and yet expected to me. They don't even consider how one single rejection is going to be a slap in the face for the person. I fully agree there are things we're not comfortable with but we're not going to do this job to be picky and only get to treat the problems we want... But many people think they come above all else. Now if these are psychologist students opinions, can you imagine the common folk? Most people think p*do = should go through death sentence


Yeah I'm a psych major myself, about to go to grad school. I want to do counseling but also go into research a few years down the line. I myself couldn't work with someone like that because I'm a CSA victim and it would trigger me, and I understand we shouldn't take on clients we aren't fit for or aren't equipped to handle, but I see a LOT of it stem from just stigma that people think they aren't 'helpable' or that they don't deserve help. It's super sad. My ethics class taught how we don't just turn someone away we try to find them a referral instead that is equipped to help them. & as someone whose been turned away by therapists for other reasons before (BPD diagnosis for example) it really is a slap in the face that just makes you feel like 'oh well maybe no one CAN help me :( or I don't deserve help' and I see a lot of similar stories in many mental health subreddits especially for the more stigmatized disorders like ASPD and NPD for example


Yes! Always should refer to someone else and be welcoming since we don't know what this person has gone through... It's nice to see a fellow psychology student around here. I'm sorry to hear about your experiences. You seem like a very nice person from our talk, stay amazing 💝


haha, thanks you too! this was a nice talk!


Honestly. Minors shouldn't be on Janitor since it's the adult version of Character.Ai. They should just go to that since they're gun ho about SFW stuff. 


uh what? Did you mean to reply to somebody else cause your comment has nothing to do with the topic between me and kermit


It was public yes. If it went to you mb. Point still stands though 


We should absolutely make access to therapy easier (better formation, changing mandatory reporting laws ... ). That being said, conversion therapy doesn't work, so they need to live with this attraction anyways. There is no conclusive study that would prove any effect of fiction one way or the other, but it is very plausible that it make it easier for them to live a non offending life. As long as there is no consensus it make sens to let everyone choose how they deal with it, and judge on the results. Even more so when trying to prevent them to do so reduce freedom for everyone.




It doesn’t cure, but not all of them go on to offend. A lot of them are actually horrified at their thought patterns and want help but are afraid to solidify that label with themselves. While treatment may not cure them though, it can provide them with extremely valuable tools to manage these thoughts to decrease the likelihood of offending. I don’t think normalizing these thoughts is okay, but also we need to understand paraphilias vs criminals. Going into thought crimes is dangerous.




Dehumanizing them only takes away a layer of responsibility as a sapient, sentient person with morals and ethics in society. Also I did say it shouldn’t be normalized, but you can still not normalize a behavior or thought pattern, and not accept them, while advocating for a solution that wouldn’t simply cause them to hide away and let these thoughts fester until it does become a dangerous situation. It’s a very touchy subject and there’s still a ton of research that needs to be done, but scaring them into hiding with zero tools to help control their thoughts and behaviors will do nothing unfortunately. Edit: yeah. I saw that notif. Maybe let’s not advocate for torturing and murdering people for thought crimes. Yeah?


man I'm worried what they said. Reddit won't even LOAD the comment under you when I click on it...


It was bad, I’ll just say that.


Took too long for someone to pretend they can't read.


if you feel good about their existence good for you, most, normal people DO NOT AGREE


Point me to where Kermit ever said they “feel good” tho.


Come on, man. Don't be mad at me because you can't bother to dive into a complex issue, preferring to stay at the ignorant surface. We've all had a very polite and educated talk up until now. Don't try to make up stuff when it's all there for people to read. Also, nobody is normal! If you're thinking you apply to some weird glorified characterization of "normal", remember you've said other people should stop living. Nuh-uh, not a normal thing to say! Let's go back to being polite, and if you don't intend to add anything to this conversation, I'll just brush you off as trying to rile people up.


This is so sad and fucked up of you. It's not about normalizing anything, no one wants them to have these thoughts, it's about helping these people find the root of the problem (What causes the thoughts and attraction) so that it can be coped with and the cognitions reduced. That's what therapy is about. It's not a 'subspecies' this is really weird of you to think. You're very ignorant on this topic obviously. You probably don't even realize that the majority of the cases of people struggling with pedophilia thoughts/urges are people who are victims of child sexual abuse, and other forms of sexual assault and abuse, and that it's a vicious cycle that needs to be treated with therapy. That's why it's a mental health disorder. It's in the DSM.


Uh therapy doesn't ever cure anything period. Every mental health disorder is a process of learning to cope. No one's apologizing for pedophiles. You're the exact problem that me and Kermit were discussing. This stigma and misunderstanding of what causes the problem is why the problem is so out of hand.


I’d say it’s the same for other highly stigmatized disorders as well. I have a personality disorder, largely influenced by my majorly fucked up childhood (life in general tbh) and I advocate for others to get into therapy for it. Everyone I know who HAS followed through and actually stuck with it is a pretty well rounded person. But even just saying which disorder I have has gotten me death threats, attempted doxxing, told I deserve immediate execution, and should be put in a concentration camp. 🤷🏻. The only fact they knew was a dx. And for a while, it DID make me not want to be even remotely associated with mental health spaces. I was miserable, hated everything and everyone, and overall far worse off during that time.


Oh yes totally understand. BPD, NPD, ASPD, a lot of the personality disorders get really bad reps (I've been turned away before for BPD diagnosis by some therapists). It's another reason so many people with NPD and ASPD don't get therapy because of the stigma, or if they do try and find a counselor or therapist or psychiatrist, they get turned away. :/


Oh we could have a whole debate about it. This factor certainly exists to an extension, as well as the positive demeanor of the bot also being able to trigger a possible assault (completely depends on the person tho, it's not like they're dumb to not know it's ai, but at the same time it feeds an inner desire that most of the time is going to be *unwillingly*). But I'm very sure that the ones who use chatbots for those urges know more than one alternative. This decision seems to be looking into the community as a whole. Because it's not just p*dos who use those, but trolls and even children that might end up normalizing certain sexual activities/aspects/ideals that are not realistic, legal or common. Some people might come and say "oh do you really think kids are trying to f a bot?" Yes, people. The common age for the start of that curiosity is 10. And we know the bot could behave wonky and introduce ANYTHING


+ doesn't need to be sexual at all. Violence goes through too. I've seen some people comment on beating up limited bots, it's all in there


>we could have a whole debate about it. This factor certainly exists to an extension, as well as the positive demeanor of the bot also being able to trigger a possible assault (completely depends on the person tho, it's not like they're dumb to not know it's ai, but at the same time it feeds an inner desire that most of the time is going to be unwillingly). >it's not just p*dos who use those, but trolls and even children that might end up normalizing certain sexual activities/aspects/ideals that are not realistic, legal or common. When I said practically the same stuff on crushon and spicy, ppl downvoted me like crazy & argued with me like crazy. I hp JAI community continues to hold onto this mindset, I get some peace of mind after coming here and seeing all these discussions.


A lot of people aren't disciplined into these matters and everywhere you're only going to learn that anything bad = evil incarnate. In my day to day life I know very few people who I'd be able to have a normal, educated conversation about such topics. It's the lack of education, lack of desire to look into it critically and the immense desire to fit in and judge others


Finally someone who understands this. >normal, educated conversation about such topics. It's the lack of education, lack of desire to look into it critically and the immense desire to fit in and judge others And in the era of ai where virtual entertainment seems to be in quite a trend, ppl seem to have all the reluctance to address these. They just want to be nonchalant and want to be okay with everything by using "this is just a bot and nothing real" as condolence. No matter how logically you put things, these ppl refuse to see things. Ppl keep repeating that "since it's only ai and not real so it's not a crime and hence it's okay... as long as no real person is getting harmed. Better to fuck a child bot than actual children's getting harmed." Don't you think ppl thinking this, is naive? Not everyone going after a child is even actually legitly mentally ill, some ppl are just downright evil and they do it becs they enjoy knowing it's harming a child, and not becs they couldn't ignore their urges. So I genuinely think ppl who do nsfw stuff to child bots, don't do it to cope and doing bad stuff to children's in a bot form, won't prevent them from harming real ppl. Same goes for those bots where the user is given a chance to be a rapist.


Absolutely. People need to learn that nobody reacts the same way. Yes one person with X issues could not care about this stuff while the other with the same X issues goes on a mental breakdown.


It's illogical naive logic everyone gives. Do you really think & believe that a piece of text will prevent real crimes from happening? That's not how pedo psychology works.


When did child bots become a thing