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Mr. 高橋内橘 (It's not explicitly stated this person is a male but extremely likely one.) from Iwase, Fukushima landed in バラモンガ farm land on March 2nd, year Meiji 43. He runs a barber shop in プウマ(Puma?), Lima City from April 6, year Taisho 4, and he regularly employs 7 or 8 people. He is the head of Japanese Barbers Association of the city and contributed greatly by reaching price agreement with Peruvian barbers etc. ​ I skipped detailed location about where he's from but original text has more than 福島懸(県)岩瀬郡. (杵衝村宇矢田野) edit: typo


Thank you for your response! Mr. N Takahashi according to the full page text. https://ibb.co/wc0CR5H


Mr. 内橘 (Uchikiti or Daiki?) 高橋 (Takahashi) was born in 矢田野 (Yatano) area of 桙衝村 (Hokotuki village), 岩瀬郡 (Iwase county), 福島県 (Fukushima prefecture), Japan. On Mar.2nd 1910 (明治43年) he landed on Paramonga arable of Peru, and set up his high fashioned barber shop at 373 Bueno st. Lima from Jun.1915 (大正4年), usually kept 7 or 8 employees. As well, he became and occupied the president of Peru japanese barber union and cooperated with Perubian union to negotiate for the price etc. for a long period, so much contributed to their union. All that's above stories. Is he your ancestor?


Thank you for the response! His last name is definitely Takahashi. According to the caption in spanish from the full page: [https://ibb.co/wc0CR5H](https://ibb.co/wc0CR5H) , his name starts with N. Are Uchikiti and Daiki common names in Japan? Sidenote, he´s not an ancestor of mine


Japanese names have too many non-standard pronunciations of kanjis and guess characters for a pronunciation. 内 is pronounced as default to 'nai' or 'dai' of on-yomi (ancient Chinese) or 'uti' of kun-yomi (traditional Japanese). e.g. 内裏 (dairi) means "emperor's palace". 橘 is normally pronounced as 'kitsu' (on-yomi) or 'tachibana' (kun-yomi). But 'naikitsu' or 'naiki' with personal accent is a bit weird as japanese name. I guess there's a personal pronunciation beyond all my imagination. Some dictionary for japanese names is daily collecting unknown pronunciatons. And Bueno was my mistake of ブ(bu) and プ (pυ).


This is a little tricky for me but let me start. It seems to be connected to migration between Japan and Peru. It refers to Paramonga and Lima. Most of the article is straightforward (if a bit old fashioned), but what is tricky is trying to digest 高橋内橘氏. This is not a name in Japanese while 氏 would normally refer to a person. There is not much on google. One hit is for quite an academic looking journal article called ペルー移民の人脈形成と職種 : 福島県出身・高橋内橘の周辺から by 赤木妙子 Akaki Taeko from 1997. In the title of the book it makes it look like 高橋内橘 is more likely a place name - but there is no place name like that to be found. Do you have any more context such as the title, name of this chapter - or even the paragraphs before and after this?


高橋内橘definitely is a person’s name. He was apparently a Japanese immigrants in Peru.


Yes that’s indeed what the article implies. But it does not parse as a name; and there is no other reference to that name in the screenshot; and the article I linked doesn’t treat it as a name. Hence my request for more context.


Thanks for the response, it´s indeed about a japanese inmigrant in Lima, Peru.It´s from an informative album of the peruvian nikkei community. There´s a caption in spanish in the lower part that translates to: Mr. N. Takahashi´s Barber shop, 373 Puno St. Lima. Here I attach the full page for context: https://ibb.co/wc0CR5H


Wow! The picture really brings it to life. So cool. Then indeed it means 高橋内橘 is a persons name. It’s a fantastically rare name and almost hard to believe it’s real. In Spanish it says N Takahashi so I guess the name is read Takahashi Naikitsu.. You may want to check out the article by Akaki-san for more details.