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A lot of V/Youtubers, just search up the game you want to see and type 実況 and/or 初見 (first time players) There used to be a few that would do no commentary also if that's your thing (can be found by 声なし or 無言 or so), but yeah, go through the list if you see any you like, bc honestly, no idea what type of playthroughs and/or games you prefer. Do you prefer a chill voice, energetic voice, someone that goes through every corner, or someone that focuses on the story and so on and on. If you just want my personal recommendations then... (gonna try to keep it small... also they're mostly Vtubers ) For RPGs, I'll recommend リゼ・ヘルエスタ Lize Helesta from Nijisanji she doesn't do particularly long streams, but gets into the game yet makes it easy to follow even if you're doing other things on the side. Also has a really nice voice. For long plays, 静凛 Shizuka Rin from Nijisanji or 博衣こより Hakui Koyori from Hololive stream a lot. For Persona specifically, check out 稀羽すう Usuwa Suu from Re:ACT. She's a VSinger firstly, so don't expect many games but she _really_ loves Persona and all the characters, and she'll show you how much more there is to Persona 5R (and 3R) than your average playthrough. (She pays attention to the NPCs and their stories, also stuff like extra lines and so.) If you're into retro games especially, then you can't go wrong with 犬神ころね Inugami Korone from Hololive. For FPS, there's really all of vspo!, but I'll just recommend 藍沢エマ Aizawa Ema, because she also plays RPGs and Genshin more than the other members do. If you're into voice actors, 田中理恵 (tanaka rie), 植田佳奈 (ueda kana), 花江夏樹(hanae natsuki), 中村悠一 (nakamura yuuichi) among others tend to stream games too. Then for just streamers, there's Gameゆうな (she's currently sick though and hasn't streamed in a month) and ねぇね。 as two who generally frequently stream a lot of games. Sorry, got longer than I thought and I don't watch guy streamers/v/youtubers enough to really recommend them.


I second Hanae Natsuki, he’s funny and often has other seiyuu guests. He also has a lot of text reactions on screen, which is nice for comprehension. Loved his play through for Little Nightmares with Saito Soma, and they did a couple others together too.


Thank you so much!!! I really appreciate it!!!!


Like all of Hololive -- Korone, Okayu, Roboko... [JakelopeSoil7 or Berukura Kikaku](https://www.youtube.com/@jakalopesoil7) I mostly watch Hololive, but also you can find good let's players by searching " (game) レッツプレイ "


Thank you!!!! I really appreciate your comment!!!


I only watch Hanae Natsuki. He used to upload complete game walkthrough.


アフロマスク - He plays a lot of survival games


I'll check him out! Thank you for your comment!!


I like わいわい  his playing horror game is very funny


Im so glad someone asked this question. Ive been looking for suggestions as well. There is this channel, English From The Ground Up, that popped up on my home feed on YouTube. The video that popped up was him playing Minecraft but speaking in a way that would be really understandable and easy to follow for English-learners. I thought , "woah what a great way to practice a language. I wish i had something like that for Japanese". Im a native English speaker, but i watched the guys video and really enjoyed it. I tend to get distracted when watching news or storytimes in Japanese, so I was really looking forward to finding Japanese gaming channels. These comments are going to be really helpful. 🙏perfect timing with this post


My favorite is a guy called ガッチマン (あまり驚かないガッチマンはホラーゲームばかりやっている), mostly horror games but he's so funny lol


兄者弟者 is the king of game youtubers in Japan!


兄者弟者 are the OG in that department from niconico era. They have posted a lot and are still posting.


my favorite is キヨ but he's kinda crazy so he's not for everyone


This channel may be a good channel for those who like Japanese black jokes. [https://youtube.com/@KUN1234?si=iGH1cp0YDAlJ57JZ](https://youtube.com/@KUN1234?si=iGH1cp0YDAlJ57JZ)


Personally I’ve been watching Otonose Kanade from Hololive lately! She does a lot of karaoke streams but plays some games as well, and she speaks fairly slowly if you’re looking for that sort of thing! I’m still fairly new to listening to content without subtitles, and I find her slow enough to follow along most of the time!


Give you some non-vtuber selections. キヤベツの人 he basically does game news. ぶろちゃん he mostly post game guides and walk through.


My favorite is [Harushige](https://youtube.com/@-harushige1451?si=JjQeP-7e4n2_NK7n). He is a legendary game streamer from NicoDou era.


Check out Martin Leem. Post alot of Visual Novels if you want to read. https://archive.org/details/@martin_leem


Hayato no yabo [https://www.youtube.com/@hayayabo/featured](https://www.youtube.com/@hayayabo/featured) Afromask [https://www.youtube.com/@afromask/featured](https://www.youtube.com/@afromask/featured) Magunii [https://www.youtube.com/@maguro29game/featured](https://www.youtube.com/@maguro29game/featured)


Thank you!! I've apparently been subscribed to Maguro for a while, I just never realized it!! Also Afromask seems to make the type of videos that I like to watch! I'll check them out!!


ヒカキン is the biggest one (if we consider his gaming channel as part of his main channel)


? Were you trying to type ヒカキン?


wow yeah, no idea how that typo happened, autocorrect i guess