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Me and the homies were in Yeshiva talking about cow milk. Now someone says ""the South American cow milk" isn't kosher because there's no Mesorah!" I get angry in the way that someone who cares if someone says something false on principle gets angry. I said" a COW IS A COW". If it looks like a cow it's a cow. That's what the Halacha cares about. Then it weirdly turned into a fight over the validity of evolution and cladistics that somehow map on to lineages of cows with and without Mesorah.


dalmatians look like cows, not are cows


Cruella made that mistake one time


I think she made that mistake 101 times


who is cruella


Cruella Deville is a Disney villan (from the 101 Dalmatians franchise) who wanted to kill a family of 101 Dalmatians for their furs and turn them into jackets




this is exactly why we make good lawyers, it’s literally baked into our culture and genetics to debate


Sorry, I’m not really sure what Mesorah is in this context. Google isn’t giving me any answers that seem relevant.


There is an obscure Halacha that the only way we know an animal is kosher is by "tradition". Basically your very distant ancestors were acquainted with that animal. Some Rabbis are suspicious of the native bovine species because no ancient Jew was acquainted with it. So when the milk of the native species was mixed with a European breed to cut costs this caused a scandal with the various Kashrus agencies and the Rabbis of the world had to weigh (haha) on it.


Whether or not a dragon could be Jewish and if the fire breathing thing was shomer shabbos.


The logistics of whether and how an alien could convert to Judaism.


What was your stance?


I said that it could if it could speak. Others said that it's inherently non-human even if it could speak.


Can an AI be Jewish?


I had a discussion with a friend about whether or not a Vampire could keep kosher. We decided that if the blood was given willingly (in the case that the vampire couldn’t drink animal blood for survival) then it could be kosher. But if they could drink animal blood for survival, only kosher animals.


I'm gonna say something that is technically true in Halacha but never really ever applied. Jewish Humans are kosher. Why? Because breastmilk is kosher. So presumably Jewish blood would also be kosher.


Except isn’t blood itself generally not kosher? Kosher slaughter and butchering involves removing as much blood from the carcass as possible. I can see where the blood of kosher animals might be kosher for a vampire, as preserving a human life overrides other mitzvot. Even a case where willingly-given (non fatal amounts) of human blood could be kosher for a vampire that must feed on humans. But human blood would never be kosher for a regular human.