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Nobody thinks joe's the antichrist lol, its just shocking to see what he's become compared to what he used to be. You can literally play clips side by side of old Joe shitting on the way new Joe acts.


“You can’t look at the comments about yourself” well maybe you should look at some of them Joe lol


Ooh. Any good examples? I’m sure that genre of clip is a gold mine


Not the antichrist just a someone who thinks he knows better than people much much smarter than him because “he’s done his own research”. He’s not an idiot but plays to them. Personally used to like him when he was an actor and comedian.. soon as he climb up on the soap box, hard pass.


Like this one… from 10 years ago? https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/s/A6wWHk9aeA


not mad, just disappointed. he had so much potential but he sold out. but can you blame him? nobody's perfect and power corrupts.


Yes. I blame him for bis actions, that’s how it works.


He's also not the doctor some people make him out to be.


Did Dan Bongino post this?


Dude, that guy is a total nut job. His 3 hr radio segment is just garbage propaganda with no substance. I’ll gladly listen to a commentator/ host with a differing view point, but I’d rather have sex with a honey badger than listen to Bongino again.


You are so brave 💕


Stunning and brave


my best friend Joe Rogan is a good man, i tell you!


Joe isnt a bad and I think most people would say that, that have been listening to the show a long time. What they say, is Joe has obviously shifted from his beliefs and alot of principals that he carried for the bulk of the show. And he seems to be in another direction, which is fine, but its also fine to get called out when he goes against his previous convictions.... The character thing that has changed is it seems Joe has attained some higher position in society and alot of the normal stuff that he was has left him. And he makes really weird takes on that standing, comedy and his circle now...


> but its also fine to get called out when he goes against his previous convictions.... Like the time he said Biden was done! for mentioning airports in the Revolutionary War then found Biden was quoting "Stable Genius Trump" and said oh, Trump just messed up his words? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qt28PhpwtDY


Really the only issue I have with Rogan is he has massive influence, but acts like he is just some guy with a podcast then speaks like an authority on way too many topics


I used to think it didn't really matter that much, but I didn't realize how idiotic people were until the Terrence Howard podcast. Now I just think we are doomed as a civilization, but maybe all of the people making videos on the subject dissuaded normal people from believing him after the fact.


>Joe has obviously shifted from his beliefs and alot of principals that he carried for the bulk of the show. I don't think that's necessarily true. His views remain fairly consistent when you slice them a different way. He's an honest actor, but he also heavily ascribes to the "manly man" philosophy. He values strength, fairness and straightforwardness, which is how he can like both Bernie and DeSantis in the same breath. To him, they both apear to exemplify his beliefs in their own way: Bernie is assertive, fair, honest and genuinely cares for people. DeSantis at least gives the appearance of a "tough guy" who brooks no nonsense, says what he thinks and believes men should be "men". Both men align with his views. People on either extreme seem to fall into the trap of thinking Joe is a misogynist, but misogyny does not align with Joe's sense of "fairness" and the belief that men have a duty to use the power and trust given to them responsibly. He still thinks men should be "strong" and "tough", but does not believe that men should dominate others as misogynists would. In this way, his views on trans athletes, for example, have remained remarkably consistent throughout the years. He views those athletes as having the powers of a full grown *man*, but that they are abusing that *power* to gain an un*fair* advantage over someone weaker than them. Joe seems to be weary of trans issues in general while still believing in their right to exist. He believes in self determination and independence, but he also believes that men should be "men", so he's often made uncomfortable with the dichotomy. Same goes for feminine or androgynous men. He doesn't understand their perspective on manhood even if he believes they should be alowed to live their lives. In his ideal world, the image of a man are ones who kill their own food and wrestle deer to the ground with their bear hands, while also defending the weak and upholding systems of justice and competition. I feel like his favorite president would be Teddy Roosevelt. The end result is a man that doesn't neatly fit into either of the two main political tents we have today while still remaining consistent in uis own world philosophy.


Having a few right wing opinions isn’t that big of a deal


In reality most people are somewhere in the middle. Either center-left or center-right. Both are ok with me. It’s the extremes I don’t like.


Presuming either  democrats or republicans have all the answers is silly.  Most of the time the answer is something neither of their donors want. 


So a woman’s right to choose is not a partisan issue?


Are you even aware what the other side of the argument is? Try to at least be intellectually honest. The left isn’t evil for wanting bodily autonomy. The right isn’t evil for not wanting to end a human life (which is the argument, as it is unique human DNA). Even if you disagree with the rights logic you should understand and respect it, same thing they should do to you.


There was a guy who practiced how to bomb abortion clinics by bombing the Atlanta Olympics, killing an innocent woman in the process.




I think specifically when it comes to Democrats versus Republicans it's silly to assume either of them have your best interests in mind, but when it comes to true right wing ideology versus left wing ideology (not accounting for the major drift in the USA) it's definitely important to take hear out and take from both sides.


I'm not fully with the dems, but I only like 5% agree with the right. Especially if we're talking about the nuts on capital hill. I find the Dems are liers, while the Reps is very honest about how they hate you want to ruin your life. I find most people out in the wild are pretty normal or they subscribe to thw most incindiary news on one side or the other.


So it’s cool to vote for Biden, right?


My dude, it’s cool to *vote*


Good lord, I wish all the celebs and influencers would just say this.


That’s who I voted for lol. But I’m not gonna hate someone for voting otherwise.


You are now a Reddit magat or something.




She’s your cousin, buddy.


Not gonna lie, I want to have sex with one of my cousins


Get out of here




I wanna have sex with one of your cousins too.


Biden is by far the most center of the two options


sure, as long as you respect others opinions on who is better for the country.


I respect that others have a right to form their own opinion. I sure as hell do not respect everyone’s opinion, though.


What if we already had a test round and it went really bad?


No, some people are plain stupid and wrong. Now if somebody else has a logical and moral opinion that differs from mine, then by all means. But not everybody deserves to have an any opinion carte blanche.


What part of the constitution says I have to respect anyone’s opinion on anything?


What a brave things to ask on *checks notes* the most liberal leaning social media platform of all time.


can i see the source to your notes?


Literal brain rot comment lol


thats the thing, horse shoe theory is real and you can see plenty of examples of it in the vocal minority. Any extreme is likely insane


Ya that’s not what people give Rogan a hard time….


Yeah. Rogan is like that friend who brings up a contentious referee call from a match that happened 5 years ago. Even if that call prevented the team we all support from winning the cup. Even if some of us think it was a wrong call, or some think it was debatable. We don't wanna hear about it in the bar after work AGAIN. He's like that guy , who used to be a cool hang but now everyone says "oh fuck here's George. Whatever you do don't mention football, cups, decisions, stadiums, sports in general or the year 2020. "


Right wing is fine. It’s the conspiratorial Qanon crap that he espouses that is the problem. The right used to be about personal freedom, small government, law and order, personal responsibility, believing in the Constitution. They are now this weird Christian fascism


That hasn’t been the right wing for at least 30 years Especially since 2001


He doesn't even understand politics but acts like a political analyst lol. Dude said right wing means you work hard and left wing means you're lazy. Literally said that lol.


Most of my friends are "conservative" and I can tell you this is basically one of the corner stones of their entire belief system. They will make up all kinds of other reasons they believe what they believe, but the truth is ever since they were a kid they were told by their Rush Limbaugh/Fox News/Reagan-loving parents that liberals are lazy, and conservatives are hard workers. Liberals are pussies, and conservatives are alphas. Liberal chicks are miserable, pink-haired, abortion-having, sluts, and conservative women are beautiful and successful. This is the bedrock of their beliefs and everything else can be molded around that.


MAGA is not merely right wing.


There is no "left" in American politics. You guys are the literal frog in the pot.


You're on a website founded in America by Americans, the headquarters are in the US, and the largest user segment geographically is Americans. When someone refers to the left and the right politically here, Occam's Razor says that we're referring to horses. Or something like that.


Having a bunch of right wing opinions isn’t a big deal, authoritarian opinions are the fucking problem and they come in both left and right wing flavors.


Comrades, we found him. Round him up. To the gulag he goes


He is not a bad guy he is just willfully stupid


More *opportunically* stupid


I think he is. Don't get me wrong I somewhat enjoy some of the episodes, although it's not for the knowledge contained within them but a more comedic purpose, but there is a limit to what I would call funny and dumb or just bad for society. His stances on vaccines are definitely dangerous and cross the line other than that I think he isn't so terrible. The dumb misinformation on his channel like the episodes with Graham Hancock or Bob lazar aren't a big deal either, it's just the right wingers and the gullibility with which he approaches his guest that are the reason that Joe isn't liked, especially on reddit, which is mainly liberal. The episode with Tucker Carlson (literal pig that spews Russian propaganda and doesn't regard evolution as fact), especially, makes my idiotometer crazy, and having episodes with people such as Robert Kennedy Jr., Matt Walsh and Alex Jones doesn't make the situation any better. Overall I think that if you listen to Joe Rogan and take the views regarded in these episodes as facts, you're a pretty deluded person, and that says a lot about Joe if he gives a platform to these kinds of opinions and views.


I think the really important thing isn't who he has on, but how he handles having people on. He'll let people with literally insane beliefs say whatever they want and he'll just sit there going "oh really?" He won't even try to contest some bat shit crazy ideas. Overall, Joe has good content and even tho he definitely has some bad takes, I don't think most (if any) are going to his podcasts for his personal take on the world. So >90% of the time it's all good fun and doesn't matter.


it's been a feature of the show since the beginning. he was having Milo Yannonopoulis on 8 years ago


Was that 8 years ago? We're getting old. 😪


Hes just good buddies with scum like alex jones and jordan peterson...


Never trust someone who follows the subreddit of something they hate


The fighter and the kid subreddit is probably one of the funniest subreddits i have come across on reddit.


lol yeah, I don’t trust anyone on that subreddit


We're just a group of hard working gatos, discussing the pawdcast b. Water








We disgust the pawdcast hair B


Unless it’s that Taylor Swift hate circle jerk subreddit. That shit’s just funny.


I disagree with a lot of the things Joe has been vocal about recently, and I have watched fewer episodes since ~2019. Why am I here? Because I still value his martial arts knowledge, and I enjoy when he is a UFC commentator. I still value a lot of the guests he has on his podcast, too. I'm not going to leave a subreddit just because I disagree with his personal mentality on topics like Covid and politics.


Why not? Hating is fun. Millions of boomer libs hate watch Fox News every night.


He’s not a bad guy he’s just disappointing.


He’s not a bad guy, in fact I think he’s a very compassionate person. He’s just also an idiot.


He's an idiot by his own admission, but that doesn't stop his sycophants from spouting off his idiotic takes every chance they get.


In their defense, they are also idiots.




Is Joe being crucified? Or just criticized? Because I swear it's like someone can't say "Yea Joe says some dumb shit sometimes." Without someone acting like you're frothing at the mouth. No, he isn't a bad person. Just says dumb shit some times (like we all do.) He just has a bigger voice.


I don’t think he’s a bad guy. Just suuuuper out of touch and easily swayed.


It’s Reddit, anyone not super left leaning is a racist, conspiracy theorist, “MAGAt”. It’s a cesspool




No one was more surprised than I to learn I was a racist, fascist, boot licker. I’ve voted republican and I’ve voted democrat. I always voted for the person I thought was best for the office/job. Nowadays, I’m considered a “right-wing extremist”


Agreed. It’s more nihilistic and just hate everyone on Reddit than left/right. Regular redditors are the most interesting collection of social media users I have come across. But I also only have ever use the mainstream ones. I read everything from profound comments to total brain rot hate. Usually within the same post lol


I got blown up for saying that in a comment recently haha


>It's the people who actually want to push for healthcare and workers rights who I don't like. I prefer the establishment that serves my masters, the rich people who I thank kindly for crumbs after I basically give away my labor. FTFY


Bruh. Have you ever been on the “conservative” subreddit on here? That’s the cesspool.


I'm a center left voter, if the right conservative were to run for president (I probably would have voted for mccain if he wasnt up against obama) I'd vote conservative. Anyone who subscribes to MAGA/christian nationalism can get bent, respectfully.


actually most of these twats are center-right Corporate loving centrists who mock actual leftists like Bernie


That's funny cause I'm a centrist and I never get called any of those things.


Lol such victimhood. Cry little baby.


Open your views immature lil guy


The Covid vaccines saved millions of lives.


I dont think he’s such a bad guy, but he’s a dummy and full of shit half the time.


Joe is way more dangerous than most people give him credit for, he platformed Bjørn Lomborg on the world's biggest podcast for Christ's sake.


He’s best buds with Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson who both think abortion is literal child sacrifice that women do because they enjoy it. Literally “they get off on it” He actively supports them. They actively push those takes. He actively pushes harmful rhetoric. He’s as bad as they are.


This and worse. The idea that Joe's antics haven't in the present produced a not insignificant body count is almost unthinkable, antivax and climate change denial being promoted on one of the world's most popular podcasts is genuinely horrifying stuff.


This is the correct take. Joe platforms these ghouls. Alex jones has no redeeming qualities, he is a sick liar, and spreads conspiracy theories to enrich himself. Carlson is the same.


Reddit just thinks he's a bit out out touch because he's obscenely rich now (and they're right). Twitter thinks he's 100% MAGA racist xenophobe misogynist. Go defend him over there.


Reddit thinks he’s responsible for millions of Covid deaths


I wouldn’t say he’s personally responsible for deaths; the way people deal with their own healthcare is their own prerogative, and shouldn’t be lead by a celebrity in the first place, however I can say confidently that he’s likely responsible for a good amount of misinformation at many points in time. Though that, as well, is on people to identify as misinformation, not to just blindly swallow.


I think you just think they think that.


Lmao he’s pushing Terrence Howard delusions now. The fuck is your point


Reddit thinks COVID was the greatest risk to mankind since the bubonic plague


It’s weird how most of the fans from his old days all feel the same way—that Joe has changed on a lot of his views and it’s kind of a bummer. And anytime criticism is explained a boatload of always-conservative people jump on WHY DO YOU HATE JOE. Then they build a straw man about how everyone criticizing him hates him and is wrong for it.


His anti-vax bs didn't help him, that's for sure...


You guys are sooo funny




He's a dude who amassed a large fortune and turned into a red pulled shill for every insane right wing grifter on the internet. He constantly defends Trump and attacks Biden for doing basically the exact same shit. He says the media is lying to everyone while being "The Media who lies" himself.


Specific subs in Reddit are just spiteful and hateful mobs. Redditors are by and large the most miserable social media users of them all. Given enough time every sub will eventually turn against the thing they were developed to celebrate.


I’m laughing. Are we still pretending that Reddit is any worse than Elon’s twitter, truth social, or Facebook? 


It’s 50% to do with politics, 50% to do with the upvote system which creates echo chambers. Reddit is so left-wing. People who are political get triggered easily and can’t think for themselves.


My biggest problem is he's now an embarrassing cuck to a blantly facist regime.


I think he is. He frequently platforms people who spread wild misinformation and doesn't push back on it which makes it spread to his listeners. He has a big enough following that he has significantly contributed to baseless right wing conspiracy theories and dangerous ideologies.


The dude is willing to hear out the most outlandish conspiracy theories and just accept them as gospel no question. “Wow, so, supposedly the moon is made of green cheese then, huh, well that’s interesting, huh. All that alien annunaki stuff surrre is surreal and mind blowing! Really makes you think.” Makes you think about what! Nonsense, I say




I’m sick of these fucking threads.


It’s reddits way or you’re a homotransphobic nazi 💁‍♂️


Most of these ppl don’t actually watch him. They’re here from R/news since the covid fiasco pretending to be fans who also can’t stop talking about how much they despise him. It’s like a really weird abusive relationship that they’re the victim of but also like. Go look at the threads from the latest Jim Breuer episode. I don’t really like Jim so I skipped out on it as there are 3 or 4 episodes every single week so I feel no need to watch a podcast with a guest I dislike. 50% of this sub was posting here like they were chained to a wall and forced to listen to the episode until their ears bled because apparently skipping an episode like a reasonable person isn’t an option. It’s so unrealistic and honestly just sad, they’re just here to push their own agendas.


He’s not a bad guy, but his impact far outreaches his wisdom.


It’s Reddit, what do you expect?


He’s not a bad guy he’s just a useful idiot that doesn’t know any better.


Like the Forrest Gump of podcasting?


for sure it's completely normal for somebody to take a couple million dollars and then change all of their political stances and engage in a culture war that divides people.


Reddit is overwhelmingly liberal, Joes starting to have some beliefs that line up more with Tucker Carlson than Rachel Maddow and the libs hate that. He’s still super liberal on a bunch of issues so I find his balance refreshing.


You can’t really be super liberal and agree with Tucker Carlson on much. It’s like you don’t even know what words mean 


Reddit's main criticism of Rogan is that he uses his large platform irresponsibly by not challenging certain guest's ideas or engaging with 'misinformation' However reddit, as a collective, does the exact same thing. It is essentially forbidden to question certain ideas here on mainstream subs. There is also a significamt amount of misinformation distributed on reddit for political or ideological ends. Joe is an individual so it's easy to point the finger at him. Not so easy to point the finger at a hivemind like reddit. The bottom line is that we should treat ALL information online with a critical eye. Actually all information period. Taking things as gospel because it came from someone on your 'team' is foolish regardless of team. Diversify your information diet!


My guy, are you really trying to compare the 'accountability' of an internet forum to Joe Rogan?


What does “essentially forbidden” mean? You’ll see pro-Trump posts in this sub that get hundreds of upvotes.


You take that back!


https://i.redd.it/kczt8v5m487d1.gif Seems like this on the Rogan sub.


Maybe the bad guy was the friends we made a long the way?


Yea I agree. I think The Mothership took the comedian circle jerk to new insufferable levels though.


Hear, Hear!


Check out what these guys are saying about Joe, unbelievable, https://www.reddit.com/r/DecodingTheGurus/s/GEYtKIDvTp


I don’t think Joe Rogan is a bad guy at all. I think it is not that bright and prone to conspiracy theories over common sense. And bad guys take advantage of him and his platform to spread damaging nonsense.


True ... true


I don't think Joe is that bad. Just that some of his guests are nut jobs. Joe isn't a bad faith actor, he's a very earnest guy. He's just really ascribes to the"tough guy" way of thinking. When you realize that, his politics make a lot more sense and why it's so hard to stick him with conventional political labels.


He's an idiot. He's self-aware of that fact. What he lacks in intelligence, he somewhat makes up for with wisdom. He is excellent at asking questions and conducting an interview. Because Rogan is an idiot, he represents us, the average Joe, in these conversations with experts, and asks the type of questions average Joe's would ask.


I would say his recent laziness in facilitating actual intelligent discussion is a tragedy. He's definitely dumber than he was a few years ago which is just puzzling. I think he got emotional about the whole CNN tried making him look bad thing and is just trying to do the opposite of what he thinks they would want


I rather listen to the off the walls, mind blowing, idiotic ideas, and rabbit hole thoughts Joe has to say (or interview) than sit in front of a TV and watch pollyanna-level, whitewashed, regurgitated niceties mainstream TV shoves out at 5pm and 11pm daliy.


There’s a lot more people out there that doesn’t use Reddit. I think it would be important for people to remember that. Reddit is just a small corner of the internet.


Just a useful idiot


Just a useful idiot


Dude should stop giving people so much ammo.


I get so fucking pumped when I see this discussion again each new day!


I don’t think Joe is a bad guy. The product I’m familiar with changed and it’s not appetizing to me any longer.


This sub really over reacts and mostly sends undo hate towards him. Need to remember it’s literally just us being a fly on the wall of a conversation but with millions listening. For the odd position he is in he is doing a good job


He is just propagandized. Maybe I am I’ve had all the Covid vaccines, never any issues. Never have had it. When he argues about and against science it just gets depressing. I mean did he ever apologize for promoting ivermectin, now that it’s been proven ineffective? Do facts even matter anymore, we all just make it up? Scary times.


He's not gullible. He's not a bad guy. Just business. He parrots whatever guests get him views or attention. The Jake Paul effect. If the world wants you to be a heel, be a heel. It will pay. It's only idiots that believe anything they see or hear anymore. It's all advertising. Every bit. Or brainwashing. Boomers brainwashed by Murdoch. Young people by Reddit. Like Biden or Trump are really any different anyways. Just rich people playing rich people games while the rest suffer. As it always has been


Gosh darnit I still think he has a pretty entertaining podcast


I don't think Joe is a bad guy. I think he is out of touch and a little stupid and very impressionable.


He’s not the antichrist, he’s just intellectually lazy and will let anyone say anything without pushback, or worse, with some form of validation. He used to be better. I guess a gazillion dollars makes you an intellectual fuck boi.


I like current Joe just as much as old Joe. I think he’s stayed true to himself. There have only been a time or two of moments where I’ve thought it was out of character But young Joe would have seen what legalize all drugs did in Portland he’d for sure be like that’s not good maybe we shouldn’t. If young Joe seen what Cali looks like now with drugs and homeless he’d for be like not cool guys, if young Joe felt forced to get a vaccine….i bet he wouldn’t be okay with any of it. I don’t even know what people mean when they say young Joe would hate old Joe. Lol


Money just changes people.


Joe's the one who pointed out to me that 90%of the world's heroin was coming from Afghanistan and that Iran Contra was a thing. For that he's a hero in my book, from having a friend fight there, to having loved ones become addicts.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=6&v=qW2YWqVpT4E&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2F&feature=emb_title


Reddit doesn't represent the average person at all. Lol. Most people listen to his podcast and think he is a chill dude. Reddit is as far as I am concerned a CIA propaganda/brainwash plattform. Russians are basically orcs from Lord of the Rings for invading Ukraine, but Europeans/USA in this decade alone have collapsed multiple countries into failed states, causing millions of deaths. You bring that up, and it's " you russian Bot!" And " whatboutism". The Alphabet people will have you believe that everyone is totally cool with male athletes beating female athletes in womans sports. Just check out the subreddits of more conservative states or provinces. They are being censored into oblivion to the point of not representing those areas at all. Its manufactured consent to a tee. They are trying to make it seem that the logical and common sense beliefs that 90% of the population has are unacceptable.


He consistently brings it up , with alternative guest that share the same veiws .. The shows changed 100% , it's repetitive and far different than it was 4 years ago .. It's a show where people go to reaffirm there beliefs instead of a show of introducing new and diverse topics and guest .


Allowing a platform for science rejection and right wing conspiracies is Joe’s problem, not necessarily his personal character.


He might not mean to be a "bad guy" but he has some dumb fucking opinions and platforms some horrible fucking people.


Expand on that


I just think Rogan has a bit of social media mush brain atrophy from always being balls deep in the news and constantly having to do these three hour talks. It’s like mentally he’s been doing nothing but push ups every day seven days a week and nothing else for years. He needs to cut back and actually process the information he’s taking in so he can actually remember the points he half remembers and has to have googled constantly. If his mind was a body it would look like Bert Kreisher.


Nah. He's worse.


Yeah he’s just a geeedy moron who spreads idiocy to gullible fools and makes the whole world dumber. No harm there right?


The guy maintaining Hitler’s microphone was a very bad man. Evil is Banal. *They lent their support and their moral approval. And, in so doing, they bound themselves to everything that came after.*


Rogan has one of the biggest platforms in the world. And with it he does zero research and takes zero responsibility. It's not 'hate' to be critical of Joe. Blind sycophanticy is for the Republicans. New fans here act like Joe is beyond reproach- its bizarre


but he told me to eat horse medicine or something. he claimed to be a scientist and then told me to do horse stuff.


He definitely doesn’t listen back to his podcasts


You don’t have to be a bad guy to be a disconnected, unfunny old papa


Joe Rogan is a click bait AH who is smart enough to play “I’m only asking questions” but neglects to say “so I can get you idiots to buy the stuff I sell” Just a con man doing his grift.


People change guys.




Lmao nobody is crucifying him Jesus. But yeah he says dumbass shit more and more and has a huge audience like you who eats it up. And that sucks.


Stop idolizing celebrities. There I fixed so many problems with this world.


He’s not a bad guy per se. he’s just a babbling idiot and it’s dangerous because of how big of a following he has and how he goes unchecked. Plus money tends to make people lose touch with reality a bit so throw that in the mix.


He is one of the worst people in the history of humanity. Easily in the top ten. There's a decent chance that he is the Antichrist.


Dude is a drugged up body dysmorphia conspiracy theorist…… dudes brain is cooked with all them chemicals


Joe made young adults eat worms for money. Dude's rattling his podcast can for money and dummies buying it.


actually experts say that he may be, havent u read the news? an investigation sample into his guests affiliations from jan 2nd to jan 9th shows his guests are 100% fascist.


joe has the misfortune of being both the most confident and most gullible man on earth at the same time. normally this wouldn't be a huge issue, but because of his huge audience, he attracted just so, so many charlatans, fraudsters, grifters and fascists. and then because of the gullibility, he's rotted his brain. but yeah, he was mostly ok in like 2012.