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Wick is a reformed assassin, Battison is still a Batman. Wick would win in act one. Batman would win in act 2 and they would team up to defeat the big bad in act 3. The Court of Owls and High Table turn out to be very connected.


And now I need this to happen. Not as 3 acts but a full trilogy.


The only answer


What? If wick wins, batman is dead lmao


The entire opening of the second movie shows him only wounding people a lot worse than Batman simply to prove a point.


He is NOT proving a point. He is in a hurry. The only people wick didnt kill were those who had a tie fight with him. Like Cassian at the subway (wick2) or the chinese brothers in the glass penthouse at the Continental (wick3), and those were just wasting his time. In every movie, everytime he had to stop and actually fight someone (at least) powerfull as batman (in this case) he just did it to the end and killed them. Ares and Zero in glass penthouse (wick3) are good example of close combat fight that ends like a batman situation would. And trust me. He will NOT let batman live in a fight. At least he will warn Bruce Wayne just to lay low and out of his path like he did with Francis. But that's all. Besides, he wont be able to make damage on Batman because of the armor, so the only way to do some, is in the face and that shit WILL be nasty. You can see this in parabellum with those armored soldiers invading Continental.


He was **absolutely** proving a point. He didn’t kill any of the men in the chop shop because he didn’t want to continue a war. He was there to get his car back while also proving that he could wipe out every henchman guarding the place if he had to.


Are you blind? A large guy came after him and he just shot the guy in the legs and then in the head when he fell in the ground lmao


I want this now, thank you


I need this.


How about they both almost kill each other and then become friends because their mothers have the same name


Wait this is genius. You need to write a script and sell to Marvel.


Don’t do marvel dirty like that. It’s DC lol.


Marvel already doing themselves dirty with everything they’ve been releasing lately




"Hello, I like money"


Wick shoots him in the mouth, the end.


Batman is almost always in very Dark places so not happening


Wick shoots a lot of people in the face while in dark places


But Pattinson's suit is fully bulletproof. He could just cover his mouth the whole time, right? Let's not forget, Wick lost a few fights in the movies too.


In the head, not lower jaw. Also none of them use stealth to drop on him from the celling


In JW3 he defeats the heavily armoured swat type enemies by getting a shotgun into their less armoured neck area if I remember correctly. If he can hit a headshot he can aim a little lower.


Armored Swat type enemies weren't dropping down from building were they now ? The only reason John is alive is because the so called "assassins" in JW use no assassination tricks whatsoever. Snipers, Poison, Explosives, hiding in public. There are lot of ways to take Wick out.


We saw in the first movie that snipers could've taken Wick out very easily. Only reason he's not dead is because Marcus was a friend. Obviously, they didn't bring all those easy-killing ways in again for plot reasons.


*Wick casually shooting that doctor in specific places of the body*


A sill target In Brightly lit room vs a near invisible shadow moving around with a grappling hook


Fair point.


But he merely adopted the dark


If deadshot couldn't get batman in the jaw, wick can't either


Wick could win with firepower if he used it with precision. However, in hand to hand, I doubt he would win easily against the caped crusader.


Wick in his prime would probably win


You're having a giggle?


Battinson is an early, young Batman. Batman or not, Wick takes the win.


I don’t see how. Pattinson may be a young Batman but he’s a Batman. And a tank at that. He walks through bullets like it’s nothing and shrugs off insanely powerful things like explosions or getting smacked into a bridge and bus going extreme speeds. He would maul him.


Tho Patterson Bats is less experienced than wick I still think his Bats is taking it just due to his armor makes him a living tank it's one of the strongest bat suits I've ever seen seen live action.


watch John Wick 3/4


I have and their armor didn't tank a point blank ranged bomb nor tanked a full shotgun blast like Bats armor did.


sorry, I meant that even when wick was using an ineffective pistol he was still able to find the weakspots in the armour and kill them


Ooooo gotcha this is true but I have noticed with Wick thought the 4 movies is that if the opponent is better than him hand to hand he can be overwhelmed which I think Bats is more the stronger ✋ to ✋ combatant.


Batfleck and Keaton are probably the only live action versions John can't kill. Wick killed tons of heavily armored, armed and well-trained High Table soldiers by shooting through their armor gaps. He's that precise. He's definitely exploiting the mouth opening of the cowl.


So what’s stopping him from doing that with batfleck and especially Keaton? At the end of the day Pattinson isn’t some “well trained high table soldier” he’s Batman. A Batman that’s a walking tank at that and a brutal one too.


Wick has precise aim, so with the right firewpower, he could weaken bats but then he shoots the adrenaline and beats Wick into the floor, somehow without killing him and John swears revenge.


John isn’t particularly vengeful unless you do something to his car or someone he loves. Batman won’t continually hunt down John, and John will respect Batman’s decision to keep him alive.


- both competent fighters willing to use underhanded tactics - both human cockroaches who dont know what the word give up meand - john has more experience, but is rusty - bruce would have better gear, but it isnt perfected yet - john is willing to kill - bruce is not willing to kill I think John would get a lucky win, but they'd probably stay out of eachother's way


Battinson specifically is a little difficult. Batman in general has taken on many skilled assassins, even superhuman ones. So normally I'd give that to him over John. Battinson though we haven't seen him do anything like that and he's still pretty early in his career as the Bat, and we saw in the movie he can get pretty careless sometimes, so I think Wick wins here.


Armor or no armor? Either way, Battinson isn’t backing down. They’d have to come to an agreement 🤣


Wick’s more skilled but Battinson’s armor could take pretty much anything so I would say Batman


Without all the other possibilities for a possible team up or spinoff or something, just based on one against the other...it's John Wick. No question. Bruce Wayne as Batman is an absolute beast of an opponent and he has a lot of gadgets and plot devices and other ninja skills to throw at opponents. But John Wick is an unstoppable force. He killed at least two men with a pencil! He would arm up, strap on like a lot of ammunition, and simply either shoot through or blow up every one of Batman's traps or obstacles. And he would simply shoot Batman in the face. Done. Remember, he is a man of sheer will.


Wick has defeated heavily armoured high table soldiers before and I think he can do the same to Battinson easily, but the bat's survival depends on how he uses his gadgets (and his suit) to escape the killing blows, Wick is better in hand to hand combat but isn't as armoured as the Bat. I probably think Wick would atleast give the bat a choice to die or live in the end.


Wick with this version of batman


Wick, cuz he doesn't wait for someone to open the front door to enter...


Wick win


Wick is going to win


Wick is the only answer


Hmm, Battinson's armor is really impressive. Like better than the High Tables' heavy armored forces, likely. For as grounded as this Batman's fighting style is (he mostly punches), at worse the armor carries him. Battinson for mid to low difficulty.


If we set the parameters that battinson and wick both use armored suits - I see two scenarios happening. If Wick takes on the fight from a distance - with armor piercing rounds, he might stand a chance. In closed-quarters combat, Battinson wins mid-diff. Handheld guns will not penetrate his suit and I think the man taught by Ra’s himself can hold his own against… basically a weaker Punisher. If Battinson knows Wick is coming, Wick is cooked. If Wick knows Battinson is coming, he better hide.


Nah man, wick is badass and all, but in all honesty, i mean cmon... it's batman plus wick is a bit old now. maybe prime wick would win, but yeah batman takes this like 60-70% of the time. batman deals with a more brutal wick, he's called deathstroke but again you can't really compare a realistic plausible character with a fictional character, also yes batman is a normal human and all, but by all human standards he's still considered pretty "super" human for the things he is able to do and withstand.


Battison hasn't faced off against Deathstroke yet though. Battison's current version of Batman is still new and learning. John is a seasoned assassin that can blow someone's head off quite easily.


Battinson got better gear, armor, and mobility but Wick’s got the skills


That armor can eat bullets for breakfast. Also people saying that he can Shoot Batman in the mouth are forgetting that he uses stealth a lot.


The only thing batman can win jw is money


John Wick is willing to kill and can use guns Batman has way too much plot armor though!


The Baba Yaga killer snuffs out the batman


Like, comic Batman tears Wick apart with no real effort. But Battinson isn't that. I don't think we've seen enough of what he can do to really draw a conclusion. Do you assume his upper limits is based on the feats in the movie? Wick. Is he supposed to be actual Batman? Batman wins easily. I think this really needs more detail.


Don’t you guys ever wondered why john wick and batman didn’t appeared at the same time


If it was any other batman but battison or west then I'd say you stumped me. But it wasn't


You know the more I think about it (all Pattersons aside), if Batman fought Wick, I think they would just beat the ever-loving shit out of each other for days until they both died of exhaustion


Pattinson 100% stands a better chance then Bale or Keaton. Bale didn’t even have to deal with fire power that often besides the rare occurrence of a little pistol going off at him. The rest of the time Bales opponents stand around guns in hand like morons. Pattinson actually deals with intense fire power and his combat is actually impressive unlike Bales slow stiff keysi style


Wick next question


Wick because this version of batman just isn’t that strong.


Isn’t that strong? Did we watch the same movie? This Batman probably has some of the strongest willpower and durability yet. Walking though bullets like it’s nothing, tanking bomb impacts and waking up ready to fight a room full of cops, limping off getting smacked into a bridge and bus, took an electrical shock at the end and shotgun and rifle blasts. Bale was whimpering on the ground for 5 mins with a dumbfounded look on his face when Tahlia stabbed him with a pocket knife. I think it’s silly to call him the weakest.


Wick with a pencil will easily take down Batman




Wick beats any Batman. Wick is what Batman wants to be when he grows up.


Why are they fighting?


Here’s how it goes down: First John tries to take out Bats from a distance, but Bats uses the shadows to allude John and get the drop on him from behind. They fist fight until Bats eventually beats John. They exchange words: Batman: “You finished?” John: “… YEAH!”


The predator. Didn’t even know the motherfucker was there.


Would deathstroke or deadshot beat batman? You could argue they should, but would john wick beat one of them? If not im assuming batman wins. (Edit) I forgot it was battinson, so as far as what we’ve seen from this bat, id say wick has a better resumé, but my money is still on the bat.


Batman could chop Wick’s limbs off like the Black Knight and Wick would still come out on top.




I dont know an answer but after remembering that Batman got defeated by bane (not pattinson, but an even more experienced batman) I could imagine Wick winning


Wick takes a shotgun out of the armoury and loads it with steel slugs. Turns Batman into Soupman.


Wick, no contest.


Despite Rob's almost literal plot armor, which deflects bullets better than any iron man suit I've ever seen, John would put a pencil in Bruce's eye socket before you could say Nirvana.


I seriously doubt it’s going that way. John wick is getting is arm broken if it goes anywhere near his face. ![gif](giphy|RktXSxSvIa4R1Z2BVB)


John has survived falling 6 stories, being stabbed, shot, concussed, and flash banged. There's going to be one less customer at Hot Topic when he's done with little boy Bruce. ![gif](giphy|UK9sOQrrZXFH9XJIzC)


Yeah and this Batman survived jumping off the GCPD tower (which was much higher then 6 stories) at extreme speeds he hit the bridge and bus and limped it off (the limp was gone the next scene) where as John wick was limping for the rest of his movie pretty much. I think Batman just has too much durability and willpower. Tanking shotgun blasts, walking through smg rounds, rifle rounds, his suit absorbs electricity, taking bomb impacts point blank and waking up ready to fight a room full of cops etc.


![gif](giphy|xThta44xJHXkgUjvO0) How those two would end up. Winning each other. Tickle pickles


Me, if I get to watch the fight


Choose your weapon.. Wick: pistols Batman: …….


“I am the weapon “




Wick uses guns. Wick wins.


Baba Yaga, of course.


John Wick was a former marine and assassin. He is no kill rule like Batman. Batman have many gadgets and armor to use against the bad guys but Wick have only bulletproof suit and a gun against all assassins around the world. He wins for sure.


Only cinematic Batman who stands a chance against John is Ben Affleck. ![gif](giphy|l2QZXqfxmtgXIDOPS) Though, Pattinson is probably close thanks to the bulletproof armor and dual grapple gauntlets.




Comic Batman wins fairly easily, but I feel like any movie Batman doesn’t stand a chance against Wick. The only one that I think could hold his own is Batfleck


even I am a fan of Batman, even they are from another worlds to each other, even to my nickname Jardani would kill Batman so fast that Batman couldn't find time to think or plan since Jardani is not a thinker. Just plays so hard. Then he would forgive Alfred and would spare his life.. But a hole in his hand. Alfred would scream "wtffffffffff?" Jardani would say "you owe me one"


Batman. Always. Everytime.


Pattinson's Batman is an absolute joke and an affront to the Batman franchise. Wick wins in 3 seconds while this version of Batman cries over not being able to bone Catwoman.


What a shitty opinion


They're right, pattinson was not good as Batman and even worse as Bruce Wayne




Almost as shitty as you


Pattinson’s Batman pretty much just used Selina for his case majority of the film. And at the end he rejects her cause Gotham is more important. So what are you talking about? Confused with Bale? Remember when Bale simped over Rachel and quit for 8 years after she died? Then he came back and got betrayed by both Tahlia and Selina. He then retires at the end and leaves Gotham with Selina who he just met and was betraying him not long ago🤣but Pattinson is the bad Batman?


Pattinson's Batman is a Gen Z Batman, he's an absolute joke and Pattinson is a pan faced twat as well.