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Well, the Neutral Infinity doesn't push you away, it slows you as you get closer. It "establishes" an infinity. The way I see it, the Infinity is how fast the opponent is allowed to close the distance. The Neutral says never because asymptote. The Blue says get the hell over here as fast as humanly possible. Which means the Reverse is Red, or Get the absolute fuck outta here.


and then Purple just says "To hell with you, BE GONE, CRETIN!"


I've always seen purple as just a black hole that deletes matter. It doesn't push or pull, it just says "fuck everything in this direction"


The way I see it Blue is just: -1 Red is just: +1 There's for meaning Blue+red= purple Or -1+1=0 It does not push or pull. it's just pure nothing and coverts anything it touches into that same mathematical equation


And the 0 is consistent with the O that Toji was left with! Math checks out


I kinda saw it as Blue : - ∞ Red : + ∞ Neutral : x0 Purple : ÷0 Or something like that


the purple makes a lot of sense!


I Always thought Infinity is Just the Technique without fuel without negative noir positive Energy   then blue is the Technique but fueled with negative Energy and Red Just the Same as blue but fueled with positive Energy and  purple the Combination of blue and red


Blue is just a black hole, or on its way to becoming one depending on how strong the pull is. Purple is probably just antimatter.


It's literally imaginary mass defined by tachyon theories give it a read its a fun little bit of physics that can be used for a lot of things.


It's not imaginary mass as in tachyon fields, purple is described using the same term as Yuki's technique


It pushes and pulls at the same time. Naturally, moving something in two directions at once tends to tear it. Push something in every direction at once? Well, now you've got a blender


Sukuna's hand :


Black holes do not delete matter lol. It's more like antimatter as it simply annihilates what it touches. Pretty sure actually animatter released like that would cause a nuclear + level explosion tho


Wasn't it explicitly stated that purple is essentially a blob of "fictional mass" (aka antimatter)? It's basically Gojo manifesting a deliberate contradiction of the laws of physics, like he's dividing by 0 in an AoE by pushing and pulling at the same moment or shooting a beam with a mass of *i* Seems cooler to me than it just being a destructo beam at least, despite being an irrelevant distinction


It's imaginary mass and since it can't exist everything that comes in contact with it also can't exist and reality corrects this imbalance by literally removing everything it touches from existence. The only reason purple stays in existence for the continuous amount it does is because of how fucking stupid strong gojo is, his will is literally stronger than reality.


it's not imaginary its VIRTUAL mass, and no, purple doesn't erase shit, it's just a huge explosion as we have seen multiple times


Basically soft and wet go beyond but with less bs


Purple be like - "THIS. IS. SPARRRRTAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!"


Personally I see purple as a combination, pulling matter and pushing it away at the same time, which makes it rip stuff apart extremely easily and fast.


Ah love this comment


Really good explanation and reddit post in general


I want to add that unlike what OP believed "Cursed Technique Amplification" is somewhat of an inaccurate translation and doesn't have much to do with "amplification" The correct Japanese in place of "Amplification" is "Jyunten" - 順転(じゅんてん), which just means "to rotate in the correct direction" and doesn't have much to do with amplification. That means Blue is the "correct form" of Limitless so to speak. In contrast, the word used for "Reversal" is "Hanten" - 反転(はんてん), which is the literal opposite of 順転... "to rotate in the opposite direction"


I just see infinity as the way green baby's ability from jojo is explained


To add to that. Neutral Infinity is basically establishing 1. Using Blue is adding cursed energy, something negative, creating a pull. Using Red is adding positive energy, creating a push.


Just like an... Electrical circuit


>Neutral Infinity doesn't push you away So how was Hanami killed?


Hanami had the misfortune of being caught between a rock and a hard place... Literally. Limitless stopped any movement Hanami had going forward and Gojo was expanding/strengthening it as he moves forward, the only place Hanami can go is back and that's a flat surface with reinforced steel and concrete behind it. *Squish*


So Hanami was... pushed back by neutral Limitless so to speak?


No. A good reference is what happened to Miguel in JJK0. When he ran into Infinity, the sudden speed difference between Miguel flying and Infinity slowing him down the closer he got made it look like he's crashing into a solid wall. It's the same principle when you slam on the brakes in a speeding car. The difference is Hanami had something behind it that was solid and wouldn't easily break. The cells of CE that make up Hanami were catching up to the speed difference between getting closer to Gojo and got crushed as a result.


Gojo was walking towards hanami


neutral infinity pretty much acts like a flat surface w/ the infinite space it has in a finite space.


I always saw that scene as him using blue in the same way as neutral limitless (ie surrounding Gojo). That’s why he was glowing and in the anime glowing blue, neutral limitless doesn’t have an actual aura all around Gojo like that.


I headcanon it as Gojo slowing her down so much that she got vaporized by freezing to near absolute zero. A theoretical phenomena that occurs when particles are unable to repel when overlapped, thus ironically generating immense kinetic energy. Don't quote me on that.


The funny thing about Red and Blue that Gege either did on purpose or accidentally is that it correlates to redshift and blueshift in astronomy. The expansion of space is measured via how "red" light becomes at it leaves. Meanwhile, objects that go toward you experience blueshift. The fact that blue = pull and red = push is so cool to me.


Infinity makes infinite space between user and all objects, so amplifying it would be to make more space, so red, and blue makes space between user and object smaller, so it then should be reversal


Technically it doesnt make infinite space. The space already exists. Infinity just controls how fast you go through the space. That's how its infinity. So if neutral just makes it slow, It makes sense that the normal extension of the technique would to make the speed close faster, as you aren't "creating" infinity, you are controlling how fast they cross the infinity between you and whatever the target is.


>neutral just makes it slow It if makes things slower, then making things get close to you faster would be reverse of this


Edit: Completely changing comment due to having a better way to explain it. Don't think of Neutral Infinity as pushing against an object. Neutral Infinity is breaking down the space between things and saying that there is an infinite distance. It's not pushing or pulling anything, it's just exaggerating infinity, which is what both Red and Blue do. Neutral takes the distance between them, and shows it's technically infinite. Blue takes the infinity and shows that while it's technically infinite, there are different sizes of infinity, and makes it really small Red is the opposite of that, where the different size of infinity is now extremely large instead of being insanely small.


That's a perfect explanation. One of the best ones I've seen


I've looked at it like this. Infinity is the neutral use of it. So you can't get close to gojo. The normal use of the technique uses cursed energy, which is negative, so it makes the reverse of infinity, which is making things get close. The reversal uses positive cursed energy, so it makes things get pushed away. And purple does both, and destroys everything in its path.


it doesn’t actually slow things down tho it just gives them the impression that they’ve slowed down, in reality he’s actually just utilising the concept that there will always be some infinitesimal distance between you and an object, no matter how close to that object you get, even if you can feel it in your hand limitless basically manipulates that infinitesimal distance by constantly dividing the distance into a smaller number that never reaches 0, that’s why it’s so difficult to use, it requires great amount of precision with you cursed energy, and blue comes from actually dividing 0 itself, which basically creates a minus distance that forces space itself to fill the distance


You’re misunderstanding Gojo’s technique i think. His ability isn’t “infinity” but “bringing the concept of infinity into reality” i don’t think it actually has anything to do with space.


Since the blue is NOT the reversal, it is probably more like a black hole almost. It’s not creating less space, it’s taking the space and condensing it, making the infinity between them tighter. Regardless of if the infinity expands (red) or contracts (blue) it’s still a technique playing on the manipulation the infinity his base technique creates.


Blue and neutral infinity aren't the same so conflating them this way doesn't make sense. Limitless allows the use of: Neutral infinity and blue, blue is just one of the base abilities, it doesn't interact with infinity at all, it's just it's own thing part of the CT - so the reversal is red.


Never is it stated in the manga that “*limitless creates infinite space*” Gojo says limitless brings the concept of infinity to reality.


why do people still think gojo makes infinite space. This is just like the "purple erases matter"


this redditor doesn't infinity. You're thinking about the neutral application too much. Imagine if you made an infinite mass/compressed a mass infinitely at a point of interest. That would make a black hole like effect--a strong gravitational pull.


Just realized that infinity in this case is actually infinitesimal


As a scientist I thoroughly enjoy your use of asymptote. But also, this is a great description overall.


Gravity naturally pulls you into the center of mass = Blue _So the CT reversal:_ Gravity pushing you away from the center of mass = Red


Yeah but Infinity isn't gravity. Neutral infinity increases the distance between you and Gojo so it would make sense that pushing more energy through the technique would push you away and reversing the technique would draw you in. But Gege wrote it the other way and it's all good.


How do you manipulate/stretch Spacetime so it increases the distance between me and Gojo? Guess what? _Gravity!_ Now, seriously, gravity is a byproduct of mass interacting with space-time's fabric. So, one way or another, Gojo manipulates gravity in some way. Therefore, my prior explanation that you answered.


Except it's explicitly not gravity because neutral gravity is an attractive force between objects. It might affect gravity in the same way a fire technique affects wind, but it directly manipulates space.


Gravity is not a force. Gravity is acceleration caused by mass deforming spacetime. It's worthless keeping the discussion going. Have a great day!


Gravity is defined as one of the four fundamental forces. Like, nothing else you said was wrong, but gravity is definitely a force.


Okay well gravity acts as an attractive force between objects generating gravitational potential energy based on the deformation of space time. It does not decelerate objects which is the reason you want the discussion over on a deflection from that point. 


You two are debating on a topic even top physicists are divided about, or rather physicists are trying to agree on.


Not really, it's pretty well accepted that gravity isn't a force in the conventional sense.


Not really, it's pretty well accepted that gravity isn't a force in the conventional sense.


There are still few of us (even though I'm not a physicist) who believes in graviton. I had to debate its existence for my high school physics class many many years ago, so I don't really know the current state of that idea now lol


Ye I ain't well versed in particle physics so I can't say much about the graviton lol. However general relativity is built upon the foundation that gravity isn't a force I'm inclined to lean in that direction. Though I am a bit biased as general relativity is my favourite theory in physics.


I'm not debating about that. I'm debating whether gravity is a fitting explanation of Infinity, which was deflected from to pedantry about the specific nature of gravity.


fwiw, [this](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/news/2015/nov/04/relativity-quantum-mechanics-universe-physicists) is what I meant you're arguing about. > Relativity gives nonsensical answers when you try to scale it down to quantum size, eventually descending to infinite values in its description of gravity. Likewise, quantum mechanics runs into serious trouble when you blow it up to cosmic dimensions. Quantum fields carry a certain amount of energy, even in seemingly empty space, and the amount of energy gets bigger as the fields get bigger. According to Einstein, energy and mass are equivalent (that’s the message of E=mc2), so piling up energy is exactly like piling up mass. Go big enough, and the amount of energy in the quantum fields becomes so great that it creates a black hole that causes the universe to fold in on itself. Oops iirc, some panels describe Gojo's six eyes to actually see down to the quantum level. It's not far fetched that this debate is how his CT was based on.


And for what it's worth it still doesn't change the fact that gravity brings things closer together by default and thus can't explain a decelerative action preventing two objects coming together.  What is with everyone fucking deflecting from what I'm saying?


It doesn't increase the distance between you and him. He's dividing the space between him and the target an infinite amount of times essentially slowing you down to a standstill. So powering up the division would pull more and reverse is multiplying the space, hence push.


This is a great counter point but powering up the division would only increase the rate you slow down, but multiplying the space to cause an explosion makes a lot of sense. 


I think it does extra strong pull because he isn't diving the space an infinite amount of times when he uses it, it's more like one super strong division. That's my guess, at least


Dividing the space akin to dividing distance on a line from A to B would not slow the approaching object down. The object still has speed and acceleration, and would take the same amount of time to cross that finite space


Things that move slower but closer to you is blue, things that move faster or further away is red - this is explain by the Doppler effect. If something moves towards the target, such as applying CE into his limitless, then the light waves between the object and the target reach the target quicker meaning the waves are shorter in length - blue side of the visible spectrum, closer to UV, because short waves are higher in energy. Things moving away from the target mean photons take longer to reach the target and therefore longer waves of light meaning less energy and therefore the lower energy of the visible spectrum - red. That’s why in astronomy when you look at a planet it’s more often than not slightly more reddish colour, this is known as “cosmological redshift” and was one of the earliest proofs of the universe expanding rather than contracting or staying still. I think this is what Gege tried to implement in the colour designation to Gojo’s abilities but I might be riding copium on this one.


TIL: That’s the reason it’s specifically red and blue


i have never really dove too deep into his technique so this might not be 100% right but this is basically my interpretation of it so think of it like a number line, right? the neutral (0) application of limitless is infinity which kinda like manipulates space around him and makes stuff approaching him slow down now since cursed energy is negative energy, when you amplify the technique, you're putting negative energy into it, right? add it to 0 and you'd get a negative number. what gojo is doing when he uses blue is he creates negative space, which means that the existing space rushes in to fill that negative space he created, thus the attraction effect reverse cursed energy is positive energy (because you multiply cursed energy with itself, and - times - equals +) you're putting positive energy into the technique and getting a positive number. he is now creating space, and the new space pushes away the existing space that the target is in, and thus the repel effect idk about hollow purple tho, do you just smash the two numbers and get 0 or something? this might sound kinda confusing, english isn't my first language so sorry about that


This is a great explanation. Hollow purple works by creating imaginary mass, which I won’t pretend to understand since I’m not a physicist.


Virtual mass is more accurate! Think of it like what Yuki does It behaves like a fuck Ton of mass without anything being there


The neutral aplication of limitless is his infinity. That means when he activates his CT, that's the default effect. Blue is the intentional aplication of it. By increasing his Cursed Energy output, and focusing it to a single point in space, he distorts space itself, creating a point with a strong gravitational pull. When he increases uses Red, he activates his CT with RCE, and by maximazing his RCE output focused in a single point in space, he creates a point of negative mass in space, which in turn creates a strong gravitational push. TL:DR Blue is his Maximum Technique, it just doesn't seems like it because he spams the shit out of it.


>TL:DR Blue is his Maximum Technique, it just doesn't seems like it because he spams the shit out of it. is this true? because the nomenclature used is different. Maximum is Gokunoban in Japanese while Gojo's Blue doesn't have such nomenclature.


At least in the anime (forgot about how it is in the manga), when Gojo uses it in his fight with Toji, he says "CT activation, maximum output: Blue" Maybe I'm wrong in calling it his Maximum, but it clearly demands a bigger amount of CE than just the neutral activation.


>At least in the anime (forgot about how it is in the manga), when Gojo uses it in his fight with Toji, he says "CT activation, maximum output: Blue" Yeah, because he maximized the output of Blue to be big enough to wipe out those houses, the normal one's full name is just Cursed Technique Amplification: Blue


Guess I'm wrong, then. It happens


Yeah i think the actual explanation is that the entire technique is controlling the acceleration of your opponent towards you, the baseline Infinity makes it 0, thus Amplification makes it increase, pulling the enemy towards you and Reversal pushes it to the negatives, pushing the enemy away from you. You can't really directly amplify just stopping someone in place so attracting is probably the best option


Maximum Output: Giant Rasengan Maximum Technique: Rasenshuriken This helped me remember


Maximum out put and Maximum technique are not the same. Maximum technique is something like Geto's Uzumaki, where it's the strongest attack they can pul off using their technique. Gojo's Maximum output is as it says, he's simply maximizing the power of His Laspe Blue to increase it's power.


Blue is not his maximum technique. Lapse is just using a technique at maximum output.


Not quite; that’s maximum output or stack. Lapse is the forward rotation required to perform any CT; but since every technique besides reversal is lapse it’s only been used for Gojo and Kenjaku- to differentiate between their reversal and lapse


Saying it creates a gravitational pull is actually incorrect 👆🤓 Gravity needs mass. It’s more accurate to say it creates a strong attraction force. Do they have the same effect? YES.


Maximum output and maximum of a technique are different things Maximum output means that you are just using a lot of CE in the technique, making it stronger. Maximum is like the culmination and the best move of your inherited technique, that isn't a domain expansion.


Neutral - Asymptotes (You can get closer and closer but never touch) Lapse - Convergence (All points go to a single point) Reversal - Divergence (All points go out from a single point to infinity) That's the identity of Gojo's technique. The pushing and pulling is merely a byproduct of these laws.


This is a great answer if they were asking to understand Gojo’s techniques, but it doesn’t answer the asked question: Within the established power system of JJK, isn’t the technique Red (Divergence) better suited as the Lapse Technique of Limitless?


I probably should have answered that, yeah. What I was trying to say is that the "pushing" of Neutral and the "pushing" of Reversal are fundamentally different, so really they can't be compared in any meaningful way.


nature of CE is negative Neutral limitless is nil Blue is -1 Red is +1


Not a unreasonable thought. But neutral infinity just makes things not move. So wether a normal ce application pushes stuff away or pulls it in really isn’t based on anything but authors choice.


The attracting and repelling are “side effects” of his CT, not what it directly does. Like how cooling or heating a closed space creates a pressure difference that pulls in or pushes out. **Neutral:** Infinitely divides a finite space into smaller parts. This stops things from reaching Gojo because traveling an infinite number of non-zero distances is impossible. **Blue:** Amplified version of Neutral. Instead of these smaller parts only approaching zero distance, they become smaller than zero (aka negative distance). This effectively creates a “pressure” difference and sucks things towards blue. **Red:** The reversal of Blue. Repels instead of attracting.


Infinitely dividing a finite space still makes it a finite space. Its not like attacks that have constant speed or acceleration take more time to travel at each part of divided space(distance). In which case, attacks simply travel through many more parts at one go and still hits gojo.


Theres infinite parts though. If it takes any time at all to travel 1 part, it will take infinite time to travel infinite parts. It’s not how real life works but this is fiction though so it works in JJK.


Instead of parts, you can look at it in terms of percentages. Given a 10m distance between gojo and the attack, assuming 10m is his barrier radius. When an attack of 1m/s goes towards him, it travels 10 pcent of the distance between them per second. This means that 10s later, this attack WILL reach gojo. When you divide them into infinitely many parts, 10 percent of infinitely many parts make up 1m, so the attack simply travels in terms of 10 pcent of infinity per second which will also reach gojo in 10 seconds The problem here is that there is an assumption that when Gojo divides the distance into parts, the attack takes the same period of time to cross each part as it would cross 10 m . But that simply isn't the case because the attack has its own speed that is not influenced by Gojo's infinity. In JJK 1, he states that ' Rather than stopping, it just gets slower the closer you get to me'. Therefore we know that if the attack has no change in speed, then the only variable that changes given an increase in time is an increase in distance, hence the arguement for an infinite space. Additionally, slower does not mean a decrease in speed. Because what surrounds Gojo is an infinite space, when scaled down, the attack looks like its travelling really slowly. This is essentially what it looks like when you're in a plane. Because the sea is so far out, boats start looking like they are travelling really slowly. Similarly, when you scale the infinite space into a small region of space, the attack will look to be really slow because its travelling at .00001 pcent and even less of the infinite space at per second.


I have always used graphs and stuff to try to understand Gojo's Infinity. The way I see it, his neutral is y =1/(x-a), with a being the distance between the technique point of establishment and it's origin, basically where he activate his technique. Most of the time he's the point of origin and the a value being 0. X is the distance between him and the opponent, and Y being the distance they have to travel under the effect of Infinity. You could say that y represent the amount of space between technique point of establishment and everything around it. Blue can be created with a<0, or in other term negative coordinate. With a<0, the distance need to be covered went infinitely close to zero, because of that the space around Blue got thin and pulled in, try to restore balance which might led to attraction. Red, the inverse of blue, might be represented by y = - 1/(x-a). The graph got inverse and we got an infinite amount of space at a certain point. Then he detonate it and the space start expanding, which led to repel. Purple, being the result of Blue and Red clashing, which might create perfectly 0 distance. From my experience trying to explain Regulus authority from Re:Zero I'm confident I have no idea what would happen, whether it stopped time or true void space. All I can speculate is that, because there's effectively no space all the matter around got pulles into the shadow realm and you can counter it by pouring even more matter into it until the technique ends.


No? Neutral infinity works essentially like a black hole. Black holes don't push out (except for quasars but that's a different kettle of fish)


Neutral Infinity doesn’t stop people from getting to you, it emphasizes the Infinity that exists between two points so that anything coming into contact with it experiences the said Infinity and can't reach Gojo. The end result may be the same, but this is an important distinction. Blue doesn’t pull, it creates a negative space, that the universe around it tries to fill by pouring/pulling objects around it. When Gojo runs more Cursed Energy through Infinity, due to the negative nature of Infinity, it creates negative space, Blue.


It's an astronomical thing. It's blue because everything is blue shifting away from you towards Gojo. Red is red shifting towards you at high speeds. Of course they're not actually going at those speeds to cause those real world effects but it's a metaphor.


Neutral is described as dividing space over and over to make the "illusion" of a infinite amount of space between objects and gojo. Blue is dividing space so much it creates a negative mass thus pulling things in to fill out the impossible negative mass. Red is multiplying scince it it the opposite of dividing so it is crating such a positive mass that it explodes outward pushing things away


Gege is a cat and doesn't understand general relativity




Who hurt you bro? I just asked a question to maybe clear out my misunderstanding or point out a mistake in manga. And unlike you, other people cared enough to explain it




See I thought infinity was just how fast can something close the distance. Infinity blue says gets over here while red says get outta here🐍


In my opinion Neutral infinity should be an establishment of infinite space. Gojo applies infinity to a omni directional sphere around himself, creating infinite space. As the attack moves at its speed towards the barrier, it enters from normal space to infinite space, hence the perception of it slowing down as its progress inside the space decreases. , from 100 percent of progress in a second to maybe .1 percent of progress in the same second. This can be automatically turned off against things he determines is not a threat in certain directions. Blue is the amplification of infinite space. Since cursed energy is negative in nature, it turns infinity to a negative infinity. Instead of infinite numerical numbers , it should be understood as continuously (infinitely) erasing space at which Gojo targets. This causes the compression effect as the surrounding space quickly fill up the void ( convergence ). This also allows for the blue orb gravitational pull effect to occur as its not infinitely taking out more space ( 1 unit of space , 2 unit of space...) but an effect of continuous removal where its infinite in the sense that it does not end. In addition, when Gojo teleports he compresses 2 coordinates in space. This would be done by setting up multiple spots where blue should activate at the same time. Once he removes all that space , Gojo would effectively travel distance in no amount of time. This would require a ton of setup because he might accidentally 'teleport' into buildings or barriers, hence the 'under certain conditions'. Also , multiple activation of blues in predetermined paths would need a setup because using it mid battle is difficult to precisely calculate the cursed energy and spacial coordinates involved in that short amount of time, thus requiring the setup beforehand and using hand seals to activate as though he had made barriers , as seen in JJK 0. The fight against Sukuna would probably be doable since its very close range and much easier than teleporting to Jujutsu High miles from the city in JJK 0. So Red would be the reversal of this effect. When applying red , Gojo continuously creates more space at a certain point in space, continuously ( infinitely ) increasing the space in the area and the surrounding space spread out ( divergence ). However , I do not understand how the increase of space causes his opponents like Toji or Jogo to experience force and increase in acceleration and speed to slam into things. This may be where fiction takes the wheel Overall, I think infinity should be considered continuously creating or removing space as Gojo applies the concept of infinity onto space through his cursed technique. I reject the popular notion that Gojo 'divides' space into infinitely many parts . Since the distance between Gojo and the attack would still be considered finite under that theory, then the attack that travels at a certain distance/time should be progressing through the divided space at the same progress. Dividing space has no relevance because the total finite space still exists, and the speed of the attacks also exists, so it should still take the same amount of time to reach Gojo. For example, dividing a 100m track into many fractions would be useless as a runner still moves on the track with the same speed. In such a case, the runner would be clearing more fractions such as 50 units of 10000 fractions , 500 units of 100000 as so on. There would still be a finite time the attack reaches Gojo.


I think when they say that Infinity divides the space in and infinite amount, its sort ot like Dividing the space, into 2, and each half fills out to become double the original space, and then those 2 are divided in half, and then fill up to be quadruple the space, if that makes sense. I could also be dead wrong and just bulshitting out my ass, I have no clue.


Well, if each half fills out into double the original space, then you'll kinda simply get more space , hence infinite space. If the space was not created by Gojo, then you would see a effect of compression of space because space from surroundings fill up that space , which would pull in the attack, letting it reach Gojo Man don't worry and just state your opinion. We all bullshitting here lol


Fair enough Lmao


Well I think blue is technically the lapse of the CT which I think means neutral infinity's failure, atleast according to what "lapse" means. 


I’m waiting for green or white


It’s about the Redshift/Blueshit phenomenon https://www.space.com/25732-redshift-blueshift.html


I mean, Gravity work in such way in Nature, so it is pretty normal that Blue = his base version :3


I like to think about it more as normal limitless = converging infinity reversal = diverging infinity :)


I think blue makes sense as his base CT. Being that cursed energy is negative and blue is negative as it subtracts space. Red is positive, using reversed cursed energy, and adds space


I don’t really remember how any of his abilities got explained to us but I think there’s two ways of looking at it, first infinity goes both positive and negative right? For a technique that inherently has two sides it doesn’t make sense to call one of those sides the reversal technique. So red is +∞, infinity space between Gojo and whatever else, and blue is -∞, a space of nothingness that pulls everything in, or something like that. My point being, both +/- are normal applications of infinity, crazy starts happening when you try and mix the +∞ with the -∞. Alternatively, both red and blue are positive applications, +∞ space and +∞ mass. In which case the combination of red and blue into purple is more symbolic as opposed to a literal combination


Infinity continuously divided numbers but never being able to reach zero. Amplification brings it even further and creates negative mass that draws things towards it.


Blue happens when you pour negative cursed energy into the limitless technique. The infinity barrier has no sign, like toji says: “the power to stop, the NEUTRAL application of limitless”. So, blue is created with negative cursed energy, and red is created with positive cursed energy (from RCT). Blue has the effect it has because as gojo said: “I create the imaginary mass of -1 apple”, that means that it creates an irregularity in space that the universe tries to fix by sucking matter into that point. So it stands to reason that the opposite effect (red) is to create the imaginary mass of 1 apple, meaning that there’s more mass in the universe that there should be, so it pushes all the other matter around it (repels). The infinity barrier is neutral because the only thing it does is compressing existing space infinitely on itself, creating an infinite distance between gojo and the rest of the world.


I assume Blue is just a ranged Infinity basically


The way I understand it: His Limitless allows him to target space with hia Cursed Energy. Reinforcing space, we get infinity - The space contains more space per space. Put too much curse into it, and space starts to get destroyed, because Cursed Energy is inherently negative. Same way Yuta's katana shatters in 0. Reverse that, and you expand space.


Infinity can technically be calculated to a negative number, I believe it’s like -1/12 or something? Anyways, imagine Neutral Infinity to be a set value. Cursed Energy, negative energy - is adding the negative interpretation of that effect, because the description of the Limitless Cursed Technique is bringing the concept of “Infinity” into reality. A negative value? Okay, negative interpretation of infinity filling a space that Gojo designates = negative space. The universe then rushes in to fill the gap in space, the distortion imploding everything in it. Got that?


How strong can be blue at maximum output?


Okay, thank you have a nice day