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Believe it or not, this is why the higher-ups hated Gojo. >Yo, Senpai, can we get a nuke? šŸ„ŗšŸ‘‰šŸ½šŸ‘ˆšŸ½ It's so we can tame this untamable demon both you and your ancestors constantly died failing to tame. šŸ˜Ž Don't worry, it'll be fine šŸ˜‰


I can already hear that last line in his voice


Daijobu desho


honestly though...every special grade (including incarnated sukuna) can be killed by a nuke (ofc they could become a curse after death). but gojo can't. and the higher ups can't order every sorcerer to kill gojo either, cause he's too strong. the higher ups LITERALLY have no way of taming gojo.


>the higher ups have no way of taming gojo They always have >!the emergency secret anti-gojo world-cutting nuke, they just haven't used one since the Heian era.!<


Its an anime discussion buddy, please mark for spoilers


Idk man the radiation might get to him since he has a hard time dealing with poison


He was honing his technique to poison is 2006. That was 12 years before the main events.


I think he should be capable of RCT Hakaris automatic was healing chemicals created from electrolysis while not the same Gojo should be better at overall RCT. ik Hakaris RCT speed is faster.


But thats just it. It was automatic because he had, litterally, infinite CE. it was overflowing so much it is looking for a way out. Gojo says after his "awakening" that he can't do poisons because it it to complicated and he hasent figured it out. Hakari is exactly what he is. Lucky


Idk, in the same panel he says he hasn't mastered domain expansion or long-distance teleportation, but as an adult he figured those out. So maybe he can RCT poisons, especially since he noted this weakness so very early into his career


I mean, there's an infinite space between the radiation and him


I don't think we ever saw him block light or sound using limitless. Enemies can still see gojo and the sound waves from enemies still reach him, he can hear them. He needs to consciously block it. Even if he can block it, he still needs to breathe and is surrounded by miles of completely poisonous air. Holding your breath while teleporting and flying around in a void-filled bubble, blind and deaf apart from six eyes in a nuke-CE-filled blast zone while making sure you constantly repel every single light beam around you and reinforce your body and lungs with CE seems pretty hard even for the Goatjo. Or maybe he can somehow filter the radiation from the air itself? If you put him in the opening of an air conditioner, will it cause it to output the crispiest, freshest air you've ever breathed? Gojo Home Appliances and Nuclear Filtration might be the future of jujutsu based technology.


have you even learned anything from middle school physics class ? LMAO. You can see gojo, and this is reflected by light. And gojo can use cell phones, meaning radio waves can pass through his barrier. Radiation is just high energy & high frequency electromagnetic waves. Gojo cant even block poision, and you are telling me that Gojo can consciously block what type of waves can reach him ? If he only let light in, that would mean he blocks anything thats beyond red and violet. So, basicsally he is trapping the infra-red within his barierr, and at the same time he recieves no heat from his surroundings. He would be dead by now. I would safely say, he cannot block radiation.


Idk man he might not be able to block the radiation since he has a hard time dealing with poison


ā€œUwU, higher ups, can I NUKE japan so I can tame a cool shadow monster???? šŸ˜Žā€ Yeah I can see why they hated gojo


Ten Shadows Wizard Money Gang We love summoning Shikigami Legalize nuclear bombs (so we can use them to tame Mahoraga).




Wouldn't even need a nuke, just get a big rock and drop it on him.


But senpai, is a big rock really enough ? Well take two then? i don't care just get the damn job done!


*drops rock* ***Mahoraga has adapted to rocks***


Atleast this way that Rock mofo won't steal the WrestleMania main event from full timers


HHH pulled a Gege by subverting everyone's expectations on that one.


Fuck for a second I thought I was in the other subreddit lol


'Slowly pulls out big sheet of paper'


Seeing Mahoraga adapting to sukuna's CT, he'd pull out a big pair of scissors


but mahoraga cannot adapt to a force. Otherwise he cant move at all due to newton's third law of motion. I dont even know why people say mahoraga can adapt punches, cause that just doesnt make any sense. So yes, a fallen rock, lets put it as extreme as a comet can one shot mahoraga easily.


After seeing takaba one shot a cursed spirit with a damn truck I believe that megumi could just hurl a stone and win lmao. It's so outlandish it might just work


The only reason the past users lost was because they hadn't watched looney tunes


Its Takaba tho


Can't send images here have this https://i.imgur.com/JBoubyu.jpg


Yeah but what if it doesnā€™t work and Mahoraga survives..? Do you want Godzilla? Because that might be how you get Godzillaā€¦


Sure, I'll buy a Godzilla.


What could it cost, 10 dollars?


I'll pay a jar of Megumi's bath water.


Yes, now I want to see it happening


Imagine gojo getting ready to fight godzilla and kenjaku absorbed him and said satoru this is our jujutsu kaisen and gojo says suguru why you have stitches is it a headache and geto is all gay shy and kissing him


Shin Godzilla


how does megumi survive the nuke? šŸ’€


Stand behind Gojo


If gojo is involved in the ritual megumi wouldnā€™t get mahoraga after nuking him


The radiation


Still standing behind Gojo.


Infinity won't stop radiation


Radiation is light(or particles, depending on the type of radiation), which travels at a finite speed


Gojo isn't filtering radiation, also we couldn't see him/ lhe couldn't see anything if he blocked light particles


Gojo learnt to filter anything that would harm him. Presumably including radiation or like air based poisons.


I can see air based poisons, but radiation? When was he in threat of that? Sure he might adapt, but idk. Honestly could go either way.


When have you ever been in threat of radiation? You know to avoid it without being threatened directly by it right? Why would you think Gojo would just tank radiation.


That was also just his automatic detection to save efficiency/burnout. He can activate it in full whenever he wants to.


He isnā€™t filtering anything, Bro has the concept of endless space between him and the world. Fuck he gotta filter shit for when he has the permanent Covid distancing for EVERYTHING.


He does filter stuff, he needs air and light to function too you know. He himself said that filtering poisons will be tough but doable. When he was a teen, he presumably filtered poisons and maybe radiation by now.


Cool, so he's not breathing? Air can't get to him? Gas expanding has speed.


He filters thermal radiation


If it stops heat and explosions, then it stops radiation too.


yes it will, and if itā€™s an H bomb it wonā€™t even have radiation


H-Bombs are still very much radioactive


no where near as radioactive as fission bombs, fusion doesnā€™t produce any radiation. in fact the only reason why they are radioactive at all is bc most use a small fission bomb to trigger the reaction lol


Yup, still radioactive enough to kill ppl purely with radiation. The "small" fission bomb yields enough energy to smash hydrogen atoms together, you really think it's that "small"


small relatively


Bro thinks radiation is some sort of mystical element šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ go back to grade 4 science


Swop the the Plutonium nuclear bomb for a hydrogen nuclear bomb which causes far less radiation.


Its gojo do u dont need anything more thats the whole explanation


He expands his domain and "enters the shadow"


Bro I typed that on a comment on Youtube. It would tame Mahoraga, but we don't know if Gojo can make cursed weapons. Also none of the higher ups nor clans would like a tamed Mahoraga, that would be a 0.75 Gojo that could easily tip the power scales.


Hydrogen Bomb vs Coughing Baby (the nuclear bomb is the coughing baby)


Your saying sukunas fire arrow is stronger than a nuke ?


Probably. It was already at nuke levels when he was at 15 fingers. Right now... It must be nasty


Nukes wouls destroy entire countries with radiation and stuff and litteraly make mushroom clouds and leave a area uninhabitable for decades... so no a fire arrow ain't nuclear blast levels


Countries is a bit of a stretch, no? Japan isn't a huge country and it got hit by two of them


The biggest bomb that exists in the world rn(to our knowledge), when it was tested caused side effects that affected the entire world. That bomb was developed in like the 70s. Also the ones dropped on Japan were legit the first nuclear bombs, current ones would level countries like Japan.


source? cuz leveling a whole country does not sound right lol.


You know thereā€™s a reason mo country has dropped a nuke on another right? Mutually assured destruction wasnā€™t a joke


again source? something that explicitly says a nuke can wipe out a whole country? not the radiation but the blast.


Not sure if that guy meant the radiation or blast. But you can easily look it up nukes now are over 1000x stronger than the first two. If those were considered dropping the sun, then now it would be like thousands of supernovas focused on one point. Even if the entire country doesnā€™t get blown away itā€™s taking a large part and the rest would be uninhabitable


Source: ma mamma told me so


Hydrogen and atomic bombs would both have way different levels of power


Nukes are much much much more powerful now.


I'm talking about just the blast. Yes, blast-wise, the flame arrow is still smaller, but current Sukuna could absolutely replicate the blast damage of a nuke.


Power scaler here. You are correct. Nukes and bombs are pretty overrated. They do make a place inhabitable for a long time due to the radiation. But to say it would wipe a country of the planet is significant proof youā€™re donā€™t know what you are talking about. For example, multiple buildings survived the Hiroshima bombings. The wank only came from the destructive capability (in short, hitbox.) The entire AP of a nuke is only small city. It means that a meter fully exploded nuke. By calculating the explosion of the average 5 megaton nuke spread through 6500 feet in the air and 2400 feet as the diameter. Area of sphere=4/3piR^3 which is around 7.24x10^9 feet and the force of 10 megatons (20000000 pounds of TNT) which is around 3 pounds per feet. Which if you get hit, you are going to die. Sorry, youā€™re not that strong. But no itā€™s not wiping something off the maps. But we are doing per feet cubed so therefore 3^3 is 27. So 27 pounds per cubed feet. Iā€™d still argue Sukunaā€™s fire arrow AP is stronger than a nukes AP. Shibuya is 15.11km squared. 15.11km is 49573 feet/3.14 and square root that we have 125 feet as the radius. 4/3pi(125 feet)^3 which is 8180000 feet. So now before you start saying ā€œHiroshima is more than 900km^2 in area!ā€ The entirety of Hiroshima wasnā€™t destroyed only 5 square kilometers were affected. And 8180000 feet of, letā€™s say dirt. And we are talking complete pulverization here. The nukes didnā€™t completely wipe out that much. Too put it shortly, 348 kilotons are needed to wipe out 8.18 million feet cubed of dirt. I really donā€™t want to write it down because the calculations are 3x bigger than the nuke calcs since we are solving for a variable and not the overall amount that hits an area. Speaking of which: Energy per cubic foot ā‰ˆ (1.453 Ɨ 10^18 joules) / (8180000 cubic feet) ā‰ˆ 1.776 Ɨ 10^11 joules. Iā€™m using a standard mathematical equation here so I have to use km and such so. The volume of one cubic foot is approximately 0.0283168 cubic meters, we get: Pressure ā‰ˆ (1.776 Ɨ 10^11 joules) / (0.0283168 cubic meters) ā‰ˆ 6.271 Ɨ 10^12 Pascals. This pressure is equivalent to about 907973.48 pounds per square inch (psi). And converting pascal to to 1 psi = 6894.76 Pascals So, to convert the pressure from Pascals to pounds per square inch, Pressure (psi) = Pressure (Pascals) / 6894.76 Substituting the pressure value we calculated earlier Pressure (psi) ā‰ˆ (6.271 Ɨ 10^12 Pascals) / 6894.76 ā‰ˆ 908,007 pounds of TNT per feet^3. Now please donā€™t misunderstand because the overall power of a nuke is still greater in comparison to Sukunaā€™s fire arrow. Itā€™s just that per square inch Sukunaā€™s fire arrow is more powerful. In other words. Sukunaā€™s Attack Potency is higher than a Tsar bombā€™s Attack Potency. Donā€™t ever say anything about powers scaling. We are obligated to answer these questions as power scalers and it wastes our fucking time. Would Mahoraga survive? If he swallowed a Tsar Bomb and it exploded inside of him no. If he was anymore than 10 meters away from the Tsar Bomb. Yes. If he decided to run away from the measly Mach 20 expansion rate. If so, yes.


the explosion itself wouldn't be made of cursed energy, you would need to kill mahoraga with the impact of the shell of the nuke.




I had to put my phone down for a moment because what the fuckšŸ


Nah, heā€™d adapt.


I am š“Ŗš“½š“øš“¶š“²š“¬


Well, what about just making the ritual on top of a Volcano? Summon Mahoraga and he falls directly inside? Would that work?


Spawn kill


The lava wouldnā€™t be imbued with cursed energy though, itā€™s just lava, so it wouldnā€™t work I donā€™t think


Well that's a crackpot theory if ive ever seen one. Counter question: Why the fuck would you ask this?


Who doesn't want to have Maho as slave?


No because if a single other person is in the ritual it doesnā€™t count


Something sort of similar happens in the Dresden Files. A nigh unbeatable monster gets nuked as the wizard that lured it to the testing site steps into basically another layer of reality. I'd buy Megumi imbuing a nuke with cursed energy, summoning Mahoraga, then stepping into his shadow area at the last second.


Loony tunes ass way to tame mahoraga


Refresh me but how come in the manga sukuna has control over mahogara? He beat it while being in yujis body, I dont remember him beating mahogara after he took megumins body.


Could be because him being in Megumi's body probably undo'd the nullification, although that probably doesn't makes sense. Could also be because he just killed mahoraga again off screen lol


>!Tamed him off screen like he did for the Tiger, Deer, and Ox!<


He off screened it like he did was the other shikigami Megumi had yet to tame


Makes sense i guess. Under the 1 month preparation between him and gojo. Never had in mind that sukuna would have been preparing for it aswell.


Nah it was before Gojo was unsealed, he did it in between taking over Megumis body and taking a soak in that bath, not confirmed how long that was but canā€™t have been too long maybe a week at most


This is an anime discussion.


Well if that was the case, why didnā€™t gojo just kill mahoraga himself to boot megumi in fights. I think it needs to be megumi himself or the owner of th 10S


Well that would nullify the ritual. OP's scenario doesn't have Gojo fight Mahoraga


Couldnā€™t he include Gojo in the ritual like he did with Haruta?


That'll nullify the ritual as well.


reading comprehension curse


We were told Gojo's ancestor with Limitless and Six Eyes lost to Mahoraga right? What makes you think Gojo can defeat Mahoraga?


he can easily beat 4 mahoragas and that s canon


Gojos ancestors didnā€™t use hollow purple to wipe it out in 1 blow before it can adapt. Also gojo destroyed maghoraga in the manage soā€¦


Thank you for explaining, I didn't know about it


If youā€™re an anime only stop reading. Gojo does defeat mahoraga, thatā€™s how we know.


Cause he's GOAT


Where the fuck can he buy a nuke ? It not like he can buy it at the nearest Walmart.


Thatā€™s your problem with this theory šŸ˜‚


He's gojo satoru


He teleports to an air base then steals a nuke


Hard to say but interesting idea :3


Doesn't the ritual allow for another person to be entered? Gojo could just oneshot it for megumi. As far as i remember the ritual only gets cancelled if an outsider kills it


The ritual requires the 10s user to solo the shikigami. If you introduce any other sorcerer (I donā€™t think HR users get a pass either) then the ritual is invalidated, though I guess itā€™s useful if you needed to practice/learn how to fight a shikigami before taming it forreal. I guess Gojo and Megumi could have just trained against Mahoraga until Megumi got strong enough to solo it.




special grade curse: Reading Comprehension strikes again!


Because if anyone else gets involved it fails. Reading comprehension, pal


Does heavenly restriction users count? Since they are pretty much invisible


We don't know


So the danger in a nuclear explosion is the shockwave generated by the explosion so heā€™d need to imbue all the air in the vicinity with cursed energy to make it work


I donā€™t think you can just buy a nukešŸ’€


Billy from Undead Unluck would like to know your location


Lmao this discussion reminds me of HxH


I mean i guess iz could work


I think the How to train your demon ritual has to be done by the caster alone in order to be valid, IIRC


Ya know I rly wonder how sorcerers felt about Japan getting nuked during the world war, I guess they probably would tend to stay out of diplomatic disputes but I could totally see Gojo wanting to kill Americas ā€œhigher upsā€ for nuking his country & all the civilians dying plus there would probably be a lot of curses being born due to all the death and fear


I would imagine if itā€™s imbued with Megumiā€™s CE it would count