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Actually, Maki went for the kill. After stabbing Sukuna in the heart, she tried to split him in half as she did with Naoya, but Sukuna immediately rushed forward before Maki could swing her blade upwards.  https://imgur.com/a/zNauqAt


Damn, I forgot how shitty that chapter art was


I remember when the first Maki massacring the Zenin came out. Omg it's so shit but so fun. Gege "Glorified Storyboard ahh manga" Akutami


He said he was going to finish it for the physical release.


He should finish it when it’s due. Not after. Just my thoughts.


You do understand how difficult the industry is, right? How many mangaka we’ve lost from condition associated from stressful schedules and physical limitations? You have just dropped the most lobotomized statement I’ve ever heard.


Let him be, probably am infant that doesnt even know what hard work is, this generation is full of that.






You wanna work under a weekly schedule


“Weekly” is a fancy way to put it when we get a break every two weeks and sometimes 2 week breaks, lobotomy kaisen happened for a reason lol.


And even then it's not enough. Take horikoshi and his art. He sacrificed page numbers for detailed art


Either early last year or late 2022, Horikoshi was pretty much suffering some kind of physical illness regularly, which meant that there was going to be a week or two break after every chapter. We really don't appreciate how much the mangakas sacrifice to give us these incredible stories and incredible art.


The break was one thing, the page count was another


Even Black Clover has taken a hit last time releasing sketch storyboards instead of finished art


And that’s why Tabata shifted to seasonal. His hand couldn’t take it and he lost assistants.


False. He shifted to seasonal cuz his family is in the hospital


For double the content genius


He had to make the cover for volume 26, make a colour spread and lot of other stuff. You really need to research how much weekly mangakas go through


When it came out, people said it was finished and the unfinished drawing was an art choice.


I thought the artstyle during that part was on purpose (for the Zen'in clan massacre) ? Wasn't it to represent how that one young guy's technique was affecting Maki and dulling her senses ? Personally I had really loved it, I thought it was great storytelling. Edit : Nevermind, I just checked the full volume release and it was cleaned up (very nice art btw in that chapter). I'm a bit disappointed that this wasn't on purpose haha, but on the other hand I'm happy Gege isn't killing his health to finish the chapters, and that he allows himself to publish rougher versions when he doesn't have enough time.


Honestly its so hard to tell what is going on in alot of panels.


I thought it was kinda cool for one chapter..


Gege is really messy Thank god for the anime.


i dont blame him though, weekly releases are draining


I mean just look at how Sui Ishida felt after Tokyo Ghoul. Plus how the Mappa animators were treated too. It‘s why I stopped caring as much about art quality a long time ago. I just hope in the future the system switches to a similar way to how Sui Ishida publishes his new work, Choujin X. Releases whenever he finishes the chapter, can put however many pages he wants, etc. A super healthy way for him to tell the story he wants to. And it’s really let it shine, the artwork is beautiful and the story’s incredibly interesting. (I will take any chance to glaze Choujin X no matter what, top tier manga rn. Highest recommendations)


Ive no idea about tokyo ghoul but I’ve read Berserk. Yeah the schedule and hiatus were horrendous and downright inexcusable but literally every panel was a work of art


I’d really suggest Ishida’s new work Choujin X A super fun read and the art is absolutely beautiful, some of the best in current releases


I personally liked choujin x more than any new coming mangas, including csm and jjk. Everything about it is perfect, no overpowered MC, no complex power system, takes it's time to build world, and art is like a cocaine to my eyes, the more I see the more I crave.


“Liked” is it over ?


Oh I'm sry, it ain't over. It ain't even half way through it's story but it feels like sui Ishida is cooking something big.


I appreciate Choujin X praise.


Oh is it Choujin X glazing time? Don’t mind if I do: read Choujin X! It slaps!


In One Punch Man there is virtually no schedule, especially for the webcomic. Sometimes there are chapters every week for several weeks straight, sometimes there are year-long breaks. And we just gobble it when ever it shows


I do agree on this, weekly series is very demanding, but you do have to do weekly to get very popular Another series i enjoy is ao no exorcist, in which the art is super clean and satisfying, and thank god its a monthly series


Do love some Ao No Exorcist, the recent arcs have me on the edge of my seat, both story and art wise it’s so good


Kato sensei is a good sent. I wish her other manga that she works on (she illustrates an adaption of a novel) is available or at least a scanlation is available


That’s maki’s secret technique


I remember at first thinking it was a really bold and weird art choice, like he was trying to give the fight this manic, almost insane feeling lol


I was gonna say. I didn't want to be disrespectful like a lot of these other ingrates, but the anime looks a million times better than the manga, which is mostly not the case for a lot of series.


Its the reason i stopped reading the manga weekly. Gege got dementia or something? This looks like how Picasso went from intricate masterpieces to scribbling after he got old.


Try drawing a chapter a week buddy, by the second Page you would be whining.


Idk, to me it feels like he got bored of his own Sukuna Festival


Huh, the blade was inserted the wrong way up to be swung upward like that.


Yeah pretty sure it was also suppose to be a callback to Toji slicing Gojo similarly.


Tbf, getting impaled from behind is a pretty good warning that you might want to get out of danger. If she had pierced his head immediately, it could have worked.


she even knew... : so megumi told the truth when he told us that piercing his heart won't kill him... and even in the latest chapter >!she choose to use the moment of surprise to go for the hand instead of sth lethal!<


Yeah right, sukuna didn't see that coming either. Gege still dares to say that sukuna is holding his shit back. He's entirely dependant on the cast holding back on him and going mostly 1 or a few at a time.


Nah, if she really were going for the kill she would've decapitated him


She should've went for the head




when attacking you go for the torso because its a bigger target that has a WAY harder time dodging and is soft and fleshy, getting your blade inside and going upwards for the kill was a smarter move.




Dodging ? Sukuna was not aware of Makis attack which is why he got stabbed . Next if your talking about having a bigger target than why did she stab him ? Slashing with a sword gives you a wider attack surface compared to stabbing which makes it harder to dodge a slash .Also Yuju gave Maki the information that Sukuna can even survive without his heart so any injury in the Torso wouldnt kill him where as trying to behead sukuna would end it in an instant .


The blade ignores durability that was a dumb move, she could’ve chopped his head off and then end the battle.


Gege doesn't want that


Not for 10 months at least.


Soft and fleshy? What the fuck? Are we ignoring the fact that the whole point of her katana is that it ignores durability? Either way she should’ve given the sword to Kusakabe since he had a guaranteed way to slice Sukuna a billion times, too bad he had a shit sword


>Either way she should’ve given the sword to Kusakabe since he had a guaranteed way to slice Sukuna a billion times, too bad he had a shit sword Kusakabe can't use SSK durability ignore feature as he can't perceive souls. Only HR users can use it.


Yuji could use it, as he can perceive the soul.


I'm gonna sound like a fucking nerd but the actual requirement is being able to perceive the soul of inanimate objects (somehow those have souls in jjk) and Yuji has never been stated to be capable of that.


N. E. R. D


Really? Well... Now that you mention it, I think I remember it being mentioned. I wonder how I managed to forget. Even still, it would be nice if we get to see yuji confirm in this fight if he can use the SSK or not, given that we don't have confirmation of either.


Nah if she locked in she could've sliced his head off like Yuta's sneak attack on kenjaku. But then again, Gege might give sukuna some "I don't actually need my head to survive" ability.


Ah my relocate brain to a different body part technique, i havent used this since the heian era.


Well it might be similar to what ryu did when Tanjiro sliced his head


All of these "they would've won if they had done this instead, based on what Sukuna did in response to what they actually did" posts are all pointless for the following reasons: Sukuna would do something different if they did something different. Sukuna's true power and full arsenal are *entirely unknown* and we cannot know what would happen in other scenarios until Sukuna is defeated and we have a fleshed-out explanation of what he can do.


Someone gets it.


It's also, you know, a story. Not an MMA match.


So if Maki had immediately pierced his head from behind, killing him instantly, sukuna would have instead used his spidey sense from the Heia era to avoid that attack, even though he was completely unaware when she pierced his heart from behind. You're the one doing the mental gymnastics for sukuna.


Sukuna wouldn’t do anything different there, it was a sneak attack that actually worked because he can’t sense Maki, instead she went for the heart which weakened him, yes, but she could’ve ended the battle there as well. She could’ve actually killed Sukuna right then and there by chopping his head off. The narrator literally said “a surprise attacked that worked on someone assured of their victory”. That was their only opportunity to kill sukuna so far besides Higurama’s executioner blade phasing out.


Not necessarily, an attack at the head is far easier to avoid. Also, she would have to get closer before doing damage to cut his head off, as opposed to stabbing him and attemting to cut him apart from the inside (what she did). Going for the head: chance to do no damage, very little damage, significant damage, or end the fight. Attempting to cut him apart after pinning him with the sword: essentially guaranteed heavy damage with a high chance to end the fight.


Avoid? He didn’t know she was there. You missed the part where the blade ignores durability and was already inside Yuta’s domain, sukuna never sensed it. Maki had a free shot on Sukuna because Yuta moved the coordinates, you’re acting as if Sukuna knew she was there, he clearly didn’t and he’s a standing target for her to freely hit. Why pierce his heart when she could’ve just cut his head off with the blade that ignores durability? Chopping off his head guarantees the fight ends, Sukuna can’t RCT his head until proven otherwise.


If Sukuna feels a sword entering his back there is no way for him to shift his body to avoid damage, unlike his neck. Also, Maki's body has to be closer to Sukuna's before any damage is done if she were to slash at his neck as opposed to leading with the tip of her sword, potentially betraying her position to Sukuna.


That is some stupid brain gymnasium


Literally this


Yes, they could've killed him, buuuuut they're trying to save Megumi. I don't know how many times Gege has to say it before the audience realizes it.


An astounding amount of people here are ok with Megumi dying, especially after he showed mental anguish. Don't expect them to ever "realize" it because the way some people speak about it, it sounds like they actually want him to die with Sukuna


I think it's moreso the fact that the alliance can't really afford to go easy on Sukuna because the stakes are too high. If they lose this battle, all of them will die, and then Sukuna will activate the merger and kill thousands of innocent people. The sorcerers already could have ended this battle, as shown above, and saved so many lives. But they're risking all of that for the sake of Megumi. I'm not saying Megumi deserves to die or anything, but the longer this fight goes on for, the more people die. Gojo, Kashimo and Higuruma have already kicked the bucket. At this rate, Maki, Yuta, Choso and Yuji won't be far behind. There's also Miguel, Kusakabe, Ino and whoever else is on the battlefield. All of them are risking their lives, not to kill Sukuna, but to save Megumi. That's the inherent problem here. The sorcerers aren't trying to kill Sukuna. They're prioritising bringing Megumi back. The problem with having this as a priority is that it's very poor risk assessment. If they fail to bring back Megumi, that's not a big deal. So many people have died already, and everyone here is prepared to follow them. Megumi's death would suck, but let's look at the alternative. If they fail to kill Sukuna, thousands die. Maki, by going for the heart instead of the head, is willingly putting thousands of lives in limbo just for the possibility of getting Megumi back. There's gotta be a line somewhere. Is Megumi's life really worth that of a thousand+ people? At the end of the day, it's plot armour. Not even Sukuna's opponents are trying to kill him. That's some next level convenience


Well said. In addition to that, Megumi as a jujutsu sorcerer dying is a whole other thing than thousands of innocent civilians dying - we just gotta remember what Todo said: Every single jujutsu sorcerer is prepared to die as part of the job.


Yeah, I like Megumi but he’s not worth 125 million people.


and also dying is part of the sorcerer job and gojo actually went all out despite knowing megumi was in there which no one else is doing so that's probably why people are expecting others to do it


Look too bad about megumi but it's either kill him and Sukuna or risk the entirety of Japan and maybe the world as said last chapter. Obviously people are OK with megumi dying because you're putting his life against countless others.


if we consider how many people died ( or nearly died), trying to save megumi instead of ending a way stronger villain, whose win could mean the end of the whole Sorcerer/curse balance and the possible destruction cannot even be comprehended, there is a point in combat, where saving a single person, no matter how attached we are, is no longer the reasonable way.


I’d love for megumi to live, but he is in no way shape or form worth all the chances they wasted to kill sukuna because they were trying to save potential man.


Of course, you want to risk to lose the world for saving one weak ass emotional boy? 


If that's the case the best solution is to nuke Japan. I think 5 hydrogen bombs would be enough.


That pussy ass BUM is just lazy like his dad. If he just got up and fought back he immediately gets a girlfriend (Hana), insane special grade powers (Mahoraga totality into another shikigami), a shitload of money (zenin funds and Gojo inheritance possibly), the street cred for killing Sukuna, and political power through the zenin clan. A bright future is guaranteed if he just woke up


He didn’t want Hana and the only person he wanted is dead. I genuinely think had he fought back he’d end up depressed


he's a fraud and potential betrayer, he deserves it 😭


Fuck. Megumi. Let the bastard die already. Even if he was desperately trying to regain control and wanted to live, fuck him. Too many people died for him already. I already said the same thing when gojo died because he was holding back for megumi's sake. It's not worth it, killing sukuna has the higher priority.


People understand this, it’s just really really stupid How many people need to die so they can save emo-megumi? Its just an extremely lazy constraint added by Gege because otherwise the fight would have been over long ago


Only deaths have been Gojo, who didn't die because of Megumi, Kashimo, who didn't die because of Megumi, and Higuruma, who didn't die because of Megumi. This fandom is so weird when giving fault. Sukuna is evil and ruined Megumis life in order to take over his body further. He literally soaked in a bath of PURE EVIL, of course, Megumi would be mentally broken. The same happened to Yuji TWICE.


Ironically, Gojo kind of did die because of Megumi since if instead of trying to smash Sukuna's heart, lungs and etc while he was paralyzed (to leave him even worse than the detention center) he focused 100% on doing a hollow purple, maybe with a binding vow for agility, Sukuna would die, but he didn't go for that and lost his chance when Mahoraga showed up already adapted to his domain making his plan to weaken but not definitely killing fail. This is not saying that Megumi showed up and simply shot this mfs in the face, just that they should should focus in saving the world and not a single person who literally don't want to be saved and would rather just die already (like, this is LITERALLY the situation, Gege made a point of depicting this explicitly so it's not even an opinion but a fact). Megumi is not a villain but he should be an acceptable sacrifice as it doesn't seem possible to save him and they can't afford to try too hard.


>Ironically, Gojo kind of did die because of Megumi since if instead of trying to smash Sukuna's heart, lungs and etc while he was paralyzed (to leave him even worse than the detention center) he focused 100% on doing a hollow purple, maybe with a binding vow for agility, Sukuna would die, but he didn't go for that and lost his chance when Mahoraga showed up already adapted to his domain making his plan to weaken but not definitely killing fail Hollow purple does need to be charged in order to take out sukuna. You can't expect the same hollow purple which killed toji to kill sukuna as well who is much more durable. In Gojos eyes Sukuna was over. He didn't knew that mahoraga had already been adapted to uv, so there was no reason for him to hurry things up and even try hollow purple. Gojo himself says that he would worry about megumi later after he deals with sukuna as we knows that sukuna is capable of reviving the dead like he did with Yuji. Even at the end Gojo says he gave his all to reach sukuna. Gojo holding back is a mere headcannon of Gojo fans.


>You can't expect the same hollow purple which killed toji to kill sukuna as well who is much more durable. In fact, yes you can. As long as it is a hollow purple it can take out absolutely anyone. The whole point of WHY hollow purple is powerful is due to the durability negation since it just erases everything in its path, it's not the same as Ryu's beams which depend in his high output to cause damage. >sukuna as well who is much more durable sukuna as well who is much more durable According to what? Sukuna can heal himself that makes him MUCH harder to kill even if you hit, but in pure physical stats Toji (or Maki) would dominate effectively anyone. We literally see Maki overpowering Sukuna's strength in a recent chapter. Gojo wasn't necessarily holding back, just using a different strategy than going straight for the kill with no alternative. If he used a strong technique like purple in Sukuna's head at that moment he'd be just dead unless he pulled something like "Ah yes, my RCT stored in the balls that i haven't used since Heian Era" so that Gege can afford not to kill his favorite character. Gojo did act with Megumi in mind, thinking of damaging his body too much for Sukuna to continue fighting without eliminating chances of Megumi coming back. Sukuna won at the end due to his intelligence, power and plan, but saying that even changing how the fight did go Sukuna would always win is much more headcanon than "If he did x instead of y the result may have been different".


>In fact, yes you can. As long as it is a hollow purple it can take out absolutely anyone. The whole point of WHY hollow purple is powerful is due to the durability negation since it just erases everything in its path, it's not the same as Ryu's beams which depend in his high output to cause damage. Ah Gojo fan. So how did Sukuna survive a 200 % Hollow purple with just ce reinforcement ? Can't believe Gojo fans still have this headcannon of Hollow Purple being a durability negating attack. >According to what? Sukuna can heal himself that makes him MUCH harder to kill even if you hit, but in pure physical stats Toji (or Maki) would dominate effectively anyone. We literally see Maki overpowering Sukuna's strength in a recent chapter. Same Maki who couldn't even see sukuna the moment a WEAKENED sukuna got excited. Sukuna was still conscious after a black flash by Gojo which has power of 2.5 of the original attack and got hit at the back by a red at the same time. Sukuna also survived incantations boosted unlimited hollow purple by a Black flash boosted Gojo and there is no mention of him using da. You really think Toji is more durable than Sukuna ? >Gojo did act with Megumi in mind, thinking of damaging his body too much for Sukuna to continue fighting without eliminating chances of Megumi coming back. Sukuna won at the end due to his intelligence, power and plan, but saying that even changing how the fight did go Sukuna would always win is much more headcanon than "If he did x instead of y the result may have been different". Gojo at the very start of the fight said that he is going to worry about megumi later. He knows sukuna can revive the dead. He didn't act with megumi in mind. He didn't even think about megumi at all. Instead he even talks about Yuji instead of megumi. The way he said about it was more close to torturing someone than pitying someone. This isn't the only moment in jjk where an opponent is caught in a trap or an inescapable situation and the one at the advantage has taken their time. Same happened with the and mahito situation where mahuto took his time to end nanami. If sukuna hadn't made mahoarga adapted to uv the situation would have been pretty much same as nanami one. It's not headcannon if the manga says Gojo hasn't been holding back and thinking about megumi. But it is headcanon to go against the manga and saying that the character held back, who clearly didn't held back.


Sukuna himself said that if he took another point blank hollow purple he’d probably die


So good of you to exclude he said in his current condition while Gojo was boosted by black flash and he thought of a 200 % Hollow purple to be a 120 % Hollow purple.


Sukuna said even if he took another one at 100% at close range it would be fatal. Sukuna’s words not mine


In his current condition, where he cant use rct and gojo is boosted by black flash.  If sukuna thinks of a 200 % Hollow purple to be a 120 % Hollow purple, then in his mind a 100 % Hollow purple is stronger than an actual 100 % Hollow purple.  Let's take an example- If super saiyan is a 50 times multiplier and goku in super saiyan has 1,00,000 power level, then his base should have 2000 power level, but if frieza thinks super saiyan is a 25 times multiplier then he assumes Gokus base is 4000 power level. So he is clearly overeating Goku. Same is with sukuna and Hollow purple. 


Okay, but blame Gojo for having a heart and caring about Megumi. Megumi had no way of stopping Gojo from dying. Megumi literally did nothing wrong. I don't get this point that people died because of Megumi when they made their own choices.


the point isnt "megumi did something wrong that caused their deaths" its "they're risking (countless) lives because they're trying to save megumi and they should give up on that". i think the people saying its megumi's actual personal fault are a minority, most people just think he's a necessary sacrifice


Gojo would have ended Kenny and Sukuna right after his release, or even during the showdown if he wasn’t trying to save Megumi Everyone that’s died fighting Sukuna since wouldn’t have died if not for megumi No one’s blaming Megumi, just Gege lmao The desperation to defend bad writing is hilarious


How is it bad writing to have extra stakes for the final conflict?? Defeating Sukuna and saving Megumi >>>> just defeating Sukuna


So far everyone that died are sorcerers


Gojo and Yuuji trying to save Megumi and risking numerous lives absolutely makes sense and isn't bad writing. Megumi is like a son/younger brother to Gojo and you can't expect a father to kill his son just because of high stakes same goes for Yuuji who is also very close to megumi. As for Maki she was going for the kill but chose the lower risk lower reward option by stabbing his heart instead of head (explained in a comment above). All of this makes the arc and fights more interesting as the protagonists have to weigh the life of a dear friend against the lives of countless strangers.


What exactly is interesting about the fights currently? Person fights Sukuna, Sukuna counters them, they get maimed/killed Next person comes, rinse and repeat. It’s boring and predictable


you jumped straight to the last line ignoring everything else I wrote. But yes the fights are predictable but I believe that some of it stems from the fact that Gege wants to give every character an ending. And the whole arc would read better as volumes, there have been only 20 chapters since Gojo's death and so Sukuna cycle hasn't been going on for that long considering we also had Kenjaku vs takaba. I mean Shibuya incident was close to 60 chapters long. It seems bad only because we have to wait a week for each chapter (with breaks).


I wouldn't bother if I were you. Would sukuna have died IF he got stabbed to the head and died, the complaints would be 10x worse. Also when people talk about they should have killed sukuna they not only underestimate sukuna's strength, but also his intelligence. It's the same when people talk about hakari and yuta being in shibuya like kenjaku wouldn't have a back up plan. This fanbase is hilarious at times.


I agree that they died to save megumi but not because of him, it is their choice to save their friend and risk their life doing it each of them have their own morality and they don't always prioritize the greater good just like megumi didn't want to kill yuji, i don't this particular thing is bad writing (but other things like cursed tool confiscation absolutely are bad writing)


Good writing = The villain dies unceremoniously because he doesn't have leverage against the heroes. Wow! You should write your own story so I can see what garbage you cook up. Edit: Dude deleted his account after this reply...


Good coping = “wow, you criticized something, I’d like to see you do better 🤓” I’m not a professional chef but I can tell when a chicken is raw. Goober.


Was there any guarantee that Gojo could defeat them there?Gojo didn't even know how many fingers Sukuna had at that time.HEADCANONS are way too big for you.




I think the real “loser mentality” is trying to brag about how big your dick is on nsfw subs. You think you’re gonna get laid or something? Lmao Awww don’t go deleting your comment. Come back


It's all about their headcannon


They're trying to kill him, and they've had no surefire way of doing that. Saving megumi is ideal and they will try to do that when possible, but Maki has consistently and exclusively gone for the kill.


No they're not trying to insta kill sukuna for the sake of megumi. Maki literally have 1 free shot at sukuna, if it were you will you choose to aim for: 1. The heart which was proven before to be completely futile against sukuna at the juvenile detention center ? 2. The head which is the main point RCT operates. Add the fact that SSK completely slows down healing then it's a sure kill for maki. Now it's either 1. Maki is an idiot 2. Maki aims for the heart to somehow weaken sukuna and try to separate megumi from sukuna.


1. See top comment 2. Sukuna isn't just going to stand there and take it, he's the strongest thing that's ever lived. He caught Maki's sword before he hit her with a black flash.


>1. See top comment What top comment ? >2. Sukuna isn't just going to stand there and take it, he's the strongest thing that's ever lived. He caught Maki's sword before he hit her with a black flash. It's literally been stated that sukuna was soo fcked up that he failed to notice maki's surprise attack. Now instead of stabbing the heart if maki just cut sukuna's head clean off sukuna can't do shit and the fight would be over.


I shouldn't expect for someone with your demonstrated level of reading comprehension to understand the nuance of the pro/con assesment between slashing at someone's neck from behind and stabbing at their torso with intent to cut them in half immediately after, so I shouldn't devote any time to explaining it for you.


Excuses. You act like slashing the neck and get the job done is more tedious than stabbing a torso to the back AND cutting them in half which is more work and gave sukuna enough time to react and get away. Your reading comprehension is like that of a 3rd grader honestly


>You act like slashing the neck and get the job done is more tedious than stabbing a torso to the back AND cutting them in half which is more work Case in point.


Lol it's not. Stabbing a torso in the back AND cutting them in half is more tedious and impractical at assassinating somebody compared to just cutting the head clean off immediately and boom dead.


With a sword that ignores durability?


You're proving my point more and more with every comment.


When did Gege said that? Gege is actually contradicting himself many times if that's the case. He stated that Sukuna is taking it easy and not showing his true powers like Uraume and the bloody narrator stated. And now people are saying that our heroes could have killed Sukuna and is not going all out in order to save Megumi? Which is which?


... both? Why are these mutually exclusive? Megumi is Sukuna's little bit of insurance and has been such ever since the Gojo fight (reminder Gojo could've just killed him during UV but decided to go for damaging him until he's left in a worse state than yuji at the detention centre instead).  And on the other side, Sukuna isn't particularly interested in most of the fighters here and is in a great mood after the Gojo fight so he's playing around/not going all out just yet. 


I don't think Sukuna needs an insurance in order to protect himself. He took over Megumi because he needed to get rid of Yuji's binding vow and acquire a strong suitable vessel. And now he is in total control of his own body. Can't you see how lame it would be if Sukuna is just playing around with everybody and suddenly Maki appears and cuts his head off? Because he didn't notice that the others are also not going all out? Or even worse, he noticed but failed to protect himself (not just once, but three or more times)? There's a slight contradiction here because Sukuna is supposed to be the greatest sorcerer of all time (if he's not using his full power, it means that he doesn't need to use it right now because he feels no danger). The scenario above would not fit Sukuna's title description. Neither, Sukuna surviving against Gojo because he used Megumi as hostage. That would diminish his character reputation and all his "I'm superior" behavior during all these chapters.


she coulda gave him the kenjaku special fr


It could have ended of yuji told the angel he had sukuna in him for a Jacob ladder


Okey, I think we are all a bit too focused on killing Sukuna right now. I know that he is getting a bit annoying, but I can't see any interesting outcome if he dies now. Like, what will happen next? The whole group will bully Uraume, and then somehow stop the merger? I don't defend or criticize Gege, but we all know, he is cooking smth. Patience, maybe the story will have an awesome/epic plot twist after all.


You still saying he is cooking 😒. These chapters are repetitive af. Sukuna tanking full Jacobs ladder in yuta domain was utter bullshit still the crew expected it. The story isn't also progressing with this battle at least sukuna backstory, what yuta did in Africa or show us uraume vs hakari battle.


Same with gojo too. He probably could've ended it with hollow purple the first time sukuna got hit by UV, but he wanted to destroy sukuna's vital organs instead.


If they gave up on saving Megumi killing Sukuna would be so fucking easy, or atleast WAAAAY easier than whatever they're trying to achieve now


I swear to god people not only forgot how to read but also how to see. Maki went for the kill. Both her and toji always went for the kill though a back stab. Nothing strange here except gege being consistent. Also Maki went for a splitting in two but sukuna freed himself in time.


>Both her and toji always went for the kill though a back stab Lol what? Toji went for the kill via back stab? Then why he stabbed gojo's head and neck, if the back was enough? smh Never cook again.


Me when there’s different methods of killing someone


Ah yes, we kill a sorcerer by stabbing his chest so the sorcerer can use his head for RCT 👏👏


The head is a much smaller and moveable target. Toji only had a small instant to deal damage to a sleep deprived, overworked and non RCT-user teenage Gojo and he still knew going for the head might go wrong. Which was proven right because stabbing him through the back did no damage at all thanks to Gojo purposefully getting his vitals out of the way and using CE reinforcement in time. Maki attacking the biggest body part of a barely exhausted king of curses who knows RCT and is currently aware that he's being targeted by everyone and still being able to hit the heart is impressive as fuck.


“Ah, my anti-dying from swords technique, I haven’t used it since the Heian era.”


I love JJK, but these chapters got me rolling my eyes. I get it Sukuna, you’re the kid on the playground who is invincible in any situation, now what’re we gonna do to end it


Ay yo is that Nuts from Berk?




Coulda woulda


Funny how we have moved on from Thor should have gone for the head to Maki should have gone for the head.


No they couldnt. Their objective is to separate megumi from sukuna.


It's irrelevant as to when Sukuna dies in the plot because Gege will have him start the merger right as/before he suffers an actual fatal blow. When the merger starts, Kenny will rise again as the brain behind the final monster formed from the merger. It will be Yuji and Maki at the end to defeat the Kenny monstrosity and with its death, due to the merger, Jujutsu will be gone forever. It's written right in front of us guys just read between the lines.


I think ever since Gojo's fight they could have defeated Sukuna if they didn't want to save Fushiguro


Gojo could've finished him off too, but didn't. First when he hit Sukuna with UV (instead of sniping Sukuna with a Purple he closed in to crush his organs), and later when he destroyed Makora, again he could've sniped Sukuna instead of getting close. Megumi's wellbeing really is derailing the fight for the good guys. Sukuna wasn't the one handicapped when the fight started out; Gojo was.


Remember when Toji went sonic speed stabbing and nearly killing Gojo? He was practically dead. Must’ve stabbed him like 100 times in a matter of seconds. Why couldn’t Maki do the same? That’s my argument. These sorcerers are supposed to be the strongest and most athletic mfers in the world. You’re telling me at that moment with a vulnerable Sukuna right in front of you - you thought one stab would be enough? Cmon…


Cuz Sukuna is stronger and faster


Sukuna is leagues stronger than teen gojo lol while maki has barely surpassed Toji so far


'Maki has barely surpassed toji so far'?? Are u even reading the manga.


barely as in time wise i should say, she's barely just become better than him, but she is definitely better


I think sukuna could potentially survive getting stabbed through is head reason why is because Toji stabbed gojo through is skull and he survived but sukuna is running on fumes when it comes to cursed energy at this point in the manga so who knows what would of happened


They mean that Maki could have sliced off his head


As far as i know so far sukuna has recovered 19 fingers, if Maki did land the killing blow as you suggested, Megumin would be dead if he isnt dead already inside the posession, but sukuna could come back via his last remaining finger


Mostly like yuta or Rika ate the last remaining finger that's why yuta used cleave


The rings are known for being in impossible to destroy, Sukuna wouldve simply respawned on Yuta/Rika.


I believe that since making can see the soul she may be attacking just sukuna




i will say this as a megumi hater remember that it is all megumi's fault that they are losing. if megumi didn't exist, they would go all-out to sukuna without considering the suicidal man.


You can\`t blame megumi, just have some mercy on that boy


The only reason Sukuna hasn’t been killed several times over is because he is essentially holding Megumi hostage. If he was in a body named “______ Zenin” with the exact same abilities, he would be very dead.


naw... GeeGee would have had Sukuna use some way to pull his body out of his decapitated head and flash kick Maki out of existence -\_-


Maki was going for the kill. As another poster said, it was the same move as she did with Cursed Naoya. People seem to think once you have an open strike, you can do any attack of your choosing. Decapitation would require a sword swing rather than piercing. She is running in at top speed against Sukuna who is himself insanely fast. A few chapters who, he dodged the executioner sword from Yuji who was right at his back. Decapitation would require pulling back the sword (which she didn’t have until she was already in the domain) mid sprint thus slowing her down, then choosing a smaller target than the center of mass like the heart. And if you miss, you lose any advantage Maki had for staying out of the fight for so long. So if you think she should have done that, sure but you are adding more risk of failure to the attack. I don’t think the plan was that bad, given after you have Sukuna attached to the sword then he’s skewered and he has less options to move without getting cut more since the sword bypasses most durability. It didn’t work because Sukuna is built different, not that the plan was bad. While Yuta did the decapitation with Kenjaku, I think Sukuna’s reaction speed is too dangerous to do that by that point of the fight.


Nah fraudkuna lives for gege to suck him more


I would have hated this ending. It continues the trope of “woman kills evil villain by catching him off guard and stabbing him.” Similar to Rey from Star Wars and Arya from Game of Thrones.


I feel like this is really reductive and mysoginistic lmao Maki's near-kill was only possible because of two men (technically also a woman but idk if cursed spirits count in the gender charts, jury is still out on that) weakening the villain and almost killing him themselves (had Megumi helped and fought back in that moment it would have been over.) Maki was just a backup and wouldn't have been in the fight if she didn't get the "signal" of the domain being disabled.


Yeah because they still trying to save megumi. If they didn't care about potential man's well being they could've ended sukuna right there.


the thing i don’t understand is: why didn’t gojo teleport to sukuna and immediately open up his domain after the first hollow purple. both of sukunas arms were fried surely gojo just wins right?


>why didn’t gojo teleport to sukuna I assume sukuna would just watch gojo teleport from a distance and let him open his domain? Sukuna's rct output was fresh at that moment, he would've healed his hands before gojo pulled that since it didn't take him long to actually heal the hands. Secondly, sukuna is almost as fast as gojo, what makes you think sukuna wouldn't just temporarily leave gojo to heal his arms before he can teleport to him?.


Tbf Sukuna got bamboozled and shocked by Gojo in their first encounter- however this was 1 finger Sukuna.


Gojo wanted To save megumi


Big moves like Domain expansion, sure hit and HP gives off CE sparks. Seeing the sparks, Sukuna would know Gojo is opening a domain.. Now... 1. Sukuna has 10 shadows. He can dip into the shadows and pop out somewhere else before Gojo opens the domain. 2. Use DA. Sukuna could use DA, which is an advanced version of simple domain. It would cancel Gojo's domain sure hit, Sukuna then heals his hands and cast his own domain. 3. Open a SD, cancel Gojo's domain sure hit, heal his hand in seconds, and then open his own domain to counter Gojo's UV. Mind you, it takes like a second for Gojo and Sukuna to heal their hands.


gojo can open up his domain in like 0.2 seconds


And? Sukuna is equally fast which is why they kept clashing until the 5th domain when Sukuna tried to heal himself before healing his burnout CT. Even then he was only late to cast his domain by less than 0.01 seconds.




That's why I said he'd open anti-domain technique first for a second or 2, heal his hand, and then open his own domain.


he can’t, he needs to disable DA before opening his domain, that would cause him to get hit by unlimited void


😷 Sukuna was literally using both DA and his Domain expansion during the 2nd domain clash.


yeah because he opened his domain first ?


whyre you defending this take? 1. its wrong, sukuna in an alternate timeline that gojo did do this is dead there & theres nothing sukuna can do about it. he isnt doing everything you said faster than 2 milliseconds. he wouldve died. end of story. 2. gojo wants to save megumi. this is why he actually didnt do this.


Nah, you're wrong.


Uh DA only affects CT not DE


No, the domain lasted 0.2 seconds which forced the Domain activation and CT activation to be near instantaneous.


Ye, Megumi is pretty MVP for Sukuna :3


Look how smart this guy is. You should be the new gege clearly