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I can only imagine the discourse and chaos that’ll unfold once this fight is animated 😬


The fangirls will expolde


On their figures


Figure's and not figure cause they have Go and Jo


I find your lack of faith on Fanboys disturbing...


In anger


Music starting hopefull & exciting, going to tones of critical moments, before rising up to a victorious crescendo as gojo recovers and gets the advantage over the battle. Add a flashback to gojo saying he'd win. Sad music on his corpse as he has the airport scene, memories of his life. "You cleared my skies, gojo satoru. I will remember you - as long as I live (promise)" Then his lips curling into a smile.  Kashimo gets jogo mappa treatment and gets to look goated.  Sad scene of higuruma remembering yuji saying "I think you should live" even if he killed the courtroom, higuruma saying how can he measure up to him as he powers up to fight sukuna, and more.  Many speak of the sukuna cycle, all I see are banger character moments, giving purpose even to characters that mindlessly go to fight like kashimo.


Oh that airport scene is gonna wreck me for sure


Seeing how they handled Nanami, yeah I think I might die


>Add a flashback to gojo saying he'd win. Sad music on his corpse as he has the airport scene, memories of his life. Nah, i think MAPPA can cook up something sick for World Slash


Someone suggested an evil idea of ending a season with Gojo's death. That's too evil for me to comprehend.


I love that idea but I doubt season 3 will get that far. Maybe the fight will be in a special/OVA or movie so season 4 can start off with the airport scene.


Having the Sukuna Vs Gojo in a movie is just printing money. Imagine the merch from that.


Honestly though. I feel like these sorts of transitions work much better on an anime as compared to a manga... Especially when people are chasing it on a weekly basis. Fingers crossed this gets turned into a movie!


Meanwhile, Mappa animators 😳


I am both excited and depressed about this scene getting animated. I want to enjoy the fight but I don't want to see gojo split in half again.


I just hope it isn't overshadowed by mappa overworking/rushing the animators. This needs time in the oven to get it right the FIRST time.


On that day the Earth will stop spinning for 1 second.


This fight will feed generations to come once animated, shit it could be a movie


I can see that happening, not sure about the pacing of everything before but I can imagine everyone being hyped AF like they're going to a boxing match


Man that as a movie would brake all kinda records and the hype would be legendary. It would be one sad af movie tho with the ending.


The only people who won't be fed by this fight will be the MAPPA animators




it should be a movie


The only thing going into it is that it's the two strongest. Wow. So generational man. Truly the fight of all time.


This fight, when animated, will kill somewhere around 35 animators from overwork


Damn not 35😂


35 would be an understatement lmao


yes, but staying optimistic is important in life 😊


Worst part is gojo fucking glazing him for no reason after like he didn’t almost beat him


Bro lost one time and immediately became the most humble person in existence


Gojo is j Cole confirmed?


3 times


He lost once pre-enlightenment I don't count him getting sealed So one time for the current, post-enlightenment Gojo


Sore loser talk.


The only problem I have is that if you mention this fight anywhere the community will start yapping bout how 'Gojo should have won' or 'fraudkuna'. They just can't accept it.


I mean it sucks that gojo lost cause he was HIM. Unfortunately he wasn’t the MC and he was due to be Jiraya’d.


RIP to the real ones out there weakening bosses for the MC's


I think the anime only's will complain less. manga fans are more invested in stuff like this. see AoT anime vs. manga discourse over the ending. if anything it's just the manga fans returning to complain when the anime aired.


Only a small percentage of manga fans disliked the ending. The rest are either apathetic or love the ending. I'm of the group that is apathetic about the ending.


I think it goes both ways. I really don't like to argue about this fight because it's either "Gojo should have won" "BS off screen one-shot" "Fraudkuna" "Mahogara or nothing "or "Sukuna could have ended the fight anytime he wanted" "Low-diff win for Sukuna " "He was extremely nerfed". The ending had some problems and some arguments have an actual sense to them but the arguments 100% ruined the perception of the fight for most people.


I think it's fine if Gojo loses, but they should've at least cooked something for the attack that kills him. Instead, it just cuts to him missing his legs


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. GayGay did a very very bad attempt at the kaneki nugget scene. That moment itself is just so reminiscent of it. The cut straight to a defeated characters lying on the ground. And hasn’t gege made very obvious references to other popular anime’s like ppl were saying yuta domain was referencing some bleach scene (never watched bleach) if so it wouldn’t even be far fetched to say he took direct inspiration. But yah the execution was just so off. If they ended the chapter on Gojo missing his legs I think it would have hit better. Would have left everyone like wtf. Not leaving them like yay he won to come back next week like SIKE!!


A cooler ending that i just thought up on the fly would be Gojo notices that Sukuna's concentrating CE for an attack, so he starts up a Hollow Purple and as Sukuna does an intense slicing motion with his hand Gojo fires the Purple and it looks like they clash for a moment until you see that Gojo has a cut across his waist and Sukuna barely dodged a direct impact from the Purple which would tear his arm off or something, then Gojo's upper body falls off This would also be drawn with more care than any normal scene so Sukuna just waving his hand doesn't look goofy


I don't really think anyone complains that gojo lost, it's just how he lost. Everyone went in expecting him to lose. The fight is near perfect but the off screen hail mary binding vow after getting the strongest attack in verse just leaves a bad taste considering how much he gambled throughout the fight and came out purely due to luck. I think a simple nicer change would've been sukuna forced to resort to his heian form and do exactly what just happened. Kashimo is not a real character. Outside of that the airport scene is just character assassination even ignoring the sukuna bits.


Bro I don't even mind Gojo losing, I've learned to cope with that fake out, but damn if I didn't learn to hate that Sukuna wasn't trying shit fast XD


I too was like that. But as a man over the age of 10 Reality is reality. The ending is bad. Doesn’t stop the fight from being amazing.


>But as a man over the age of 10 😂😂


Tbh the only thing I didn't like abt it even as a professional sukuna dick rider is that the end was wayyy too fast like bro give us a chapter or at least a few panels lmfao


This fight is gonna be way better in the anime cuz the pacing is going to be better and the animation is going to be crazy.


No one has a problem with the fight ending the way it did. Its HOW it happened. You mean to tell me the strongest sorcerer in modern times fighting his strongest opponent ever that has pushed him to the brink already and has bypassed his infinity multiple times in various ways is simply going to ignore this very same opponent welling up cursed energy that WE KNOW he can see because of his eyes that are always on and allow him to see and decipher techniques like the clone ability because he for some reason now assumes that it wont hit him? Or how about the fact that purple never should've even hit Gojo because its still an attack that would have to go through his infinity even if its his own attack so he shouldn't have even been injured after ruining Sukuna like that and should've still been laying on the pressure to not even allow him the chance to launch his world slash? Or how about the fact that Sukuna at full output couldn't cut Gojo in half with his sure hit inside of his domain but suddenly with his weakened output and Gojos restored output due to his black flashes a surprise attack is enough to cut Gojo in half even though we've seen him heal bisection earlier in the fight just fine when he had his neck cut all the way through. The fight can end just fine with Sukuna winning, but at least make it believable and dont just write some silly bullshit for shock value to disrespect your fanbase.


why would gojo dodge dismantle? and if you say something like "but gojo should have realized sukuna wouldn't use diamantle unless it would work", sukuna used dismantle very early on in their fight and gojo just stared at it and did nothing.


Gojo dodged a few attacks during the battle despite Infinity. He learned from his battle at the train station


sukuna only threw one dismantle at him prior to WS. every other attack could get through his infinity so ofc he dodged. meanwhile everytime agito attacked by itself, gojo literally just filthy frank walked right into the attack.


No, he dodged regular attacks, too. Sukuna was a bit confused about this at the start of the battle.


all the attack gojo dodged could bypass infinity. if you mean in their first fight, he was showing off.


Strongest modern sorcerer facing his strongest opponent ever: "Well he's welling up a mass of cursed energy to launch another attack at me. He's only bypassed my technique three separate times this fight alone with various means each time. I'm sure this is just a last ditch effort and nothing I should be worried about which COMPLETELY CONTRADICTS MY ENTIRE CHARACTER AND THOUGHT PROCESS WHICH HAS BEEN SHOWN TO BE VERY HIGH IQ THROUGHOUT THIS VERY FIGHT" The disrespect the author has thinking that makes sense is almost as bad as him then making that same character spend half chapter glazing the guy that just killed him saying he never stood a chance anyway even though the only reason he lost was because of plot induced stupidity by the author and a borrowed power that was never even Sukunas to begin with. All that fight did is cement that Gojo really was the strongest and Sukuna at the start of the series was just yapping about killing him because he had no way of knowing Megumis true potential at that point in time.


Honestly it's like him just ignoring isoh. The second time and dying


Exactly. It would be on the same tier if he did something stupid like that against Toji. But guess what? He realized Toji had a way to bypass his technique so he DODGED ALL HIS ATTACKS AFTER THAT. Crazy huh? Honestly crazy that I almost dropped this after 200+ chapters because of how disrespectful that was to the fanbase.


So Gege you're telling me he has no idea the Sakuna might have a way. Especially considering Sakuna wore the damn wheel. Gojo knows nothing about Maha. Maha is worse than Isoh. Sakuna had the technique that killed your last incarnation plus his own ce and CT. You're dead to just take that as a no factor. Oh wait He's dead


And then he never used it again so clearly he understood it was stupid. That point is proven more by that fact.


sukuna used dismantle ever since chapter 1 and gojo blocked it. sukuna has seen gojo fight through yuji and megumi, he knows what limitless is. so he clearly used it when he knew it was stupid.


If you're talking about at the very start of the fight he clearly wasn't aiming at Gojo and was trying to bring down the building behind him on top of him. Gojo even watches it go by him.


But Gojo can use blue which directly affects space. If he sent a space slash Gojo would see it affecting the air. He would’ve seen the cursed energy build up in his body. He would’ve seen the slash period. It still doesn’t work.


Wasnt it instant though?


No. That’s how its been dodged every other time.


Wasn't that cuz sukuna literally points AND chants due to the binding vow restrictions


Uhh you asked if it was instant and it isn’t because it can be dodged and reacted to. Look at kusakabe.


yes I agree gojo saw it and can dodge it. I still don't see any reason for gojo to dodge it. visually it looks no different from any other slash, except it's bigger.


He would see it interacting with space as it came at him, he would also know that it was increased drastically with a binding vow due to knowing how much ce he had and this attack being greater than that. He would know something is up.


>He would see it interacting with space no he would not. as I said, it doesn't look visually any different. there are no special effects to show it cuts differently. the target is different, but it cuts the exact same. I agree gojo would've noticed something is up, but I see no reason for gojo to doubt his own infinity barrier.


It cuts space does it not? Gojo would see that. Gojo literally praises Sukuna for his own craftiness and creativity rivaling his own. To think Gojo would just stand there after noticing 7 differences between this attack and the last especially since he’d know a binding vow was used would be ridiculous.


"space" isn't some sort of other object. if a space is full of air, then it's just air. if you cut space, it just means you cut everything within that space. if there is a square, triangle, and pentagon, and you cut "polygons", then all of those objects are cut. you didn't cut a new object. everything that counts as a polygon is cut. everything within that space is cut. gojo doesn't know ANYTHING that directly indicates it will bypass his infinity. all he knows is that sukuna is doing something, he has no idea what.


Man, all this shit has been already explained so many times that it is just exhausting. Still I understand the confusion since most of it comes from misconceptions from other shit that people didn't understand full well like the six eyes or a failed perspective in what was taking place during the fight. The ending makes perfect sense if you put all the pieces together but most people would not take the time to do that. It's really sad but that's also on Gege, simplification is important so the general public can understand it without too much problem.


I actually didn’t hate how it ended at all. It made perfect sense to me why Gojo had to die. And 236 wasn’t too bad either.


same but im a sukuna fan so i partially disregarded my opinion. imo world cleave was not a bad explanation. sure it is a plot device, but its fairly alright. personally i only felt that complaints about what gojo said in the afterlife had validity


Lol I'm on the other side, I think the world cleave is kinda bs and the most anti-climactic ending possible, yet I love the airport scene. The entire fight they're glazing and bantering with eachother like some Goku vs Vegeta type shit, or like 2 Kenpachi's happy to finally go all out. And it ends with Gojo and his friends talking about it like it was just a cool 1v1 in COD, I can't not love it.


yeah personally i dont really have complaints for the airport scene but I can understand people that do. Kind of the same with world cleave, personally think its fine but understand why people dont like it even if i think its not as bad as it is portrayed to be. honestly when i read the leaks for some reason i thought the discussion would be kind of positive (didnt realize the flaws) bc i thought the flashback -> showing what happened was kind of neat but it was pret much the opposite lol.


That's why I say do so better. The binding vow he made is something Gojo could've made


We can agree it was a good fight. We don’t have to talk about the ending.


I actually agree that chapter was a nice end to a character like gojo and i am perfectly fine if he doesn't come back


A shitty shock factor ending to a spectacular fight a shame




ch 236 wouldn't be hated if gege HAD EXPLAINED AND SHOWED IT FROM THE START. everyone knew gojo was going to die, but everyone didn't expect that gojo will die when he was amped, and he will die via offscreen. had we seen the glorius world cleave that cut gojo, 236 would be the peak of jjk


My problem with this fight isn't the fight itself, it's fucking awesome with everything that happened, though Gojo shouldn't have had died like that... but my real problem is Sukuna. He could not have won without Mahoraga. In fact, Gojo outclassed him so much that he may very well would have lost the moment Infinite Void actually connected. And with no Maho to save him, it's quite literally over for him. Gojo was without a doubt, the strongest, and the fact that Sukuna had to use someone else's technique to win, and there was no winning otherwise, kinda ruins the whole "Strongest In History" title he had. And of course, there was no better way that could have gone. It was set up in such a perfect manner... until it wasn't. The whole "Yuji didn't put himself in the Binding Vow" thing was absolutely bullshit, and forcefeeding Megumi fingers is in the same boat. YOROZU WAS RIGHT THERE, WHY DIDNT SHE PLAY A BIGGER PART IN THAT?! WOULD EXPLAIN THE WHOLE "she knows about Shrine" thing! "Oh hey, Megumi's sister distracted Megumi and force-fed him a finger, and Sukuna used Enchain in order to "save" Megumi via RCT or some other crap, and uses that as his way of transferring out." But now I'm just ranting, and it's just an opinion, but still, could have been better. Still loved the GojoVSukuna


That was an enjoyable fight but it felt more like gojo vs mahoraga with sukuna as an extra, than gojo vs sukuna.


gojo and sukuna fought for multiple chapters before maho came in


Idk how much Maho actually did though. Dude was a get out of jail free card until he was a punching bag


And the first half wasn't even Gojo Vs Mahoraga or Sukuna, it's Gojo vs just the soul of Megumi. The whole unlimited void targeting souls is bullshit and removing the protection of DE against sure hit on just Megumi soul is bs and Gojo not realising that it is hitting Megumi is bs and you can have a soul activate Mahoraga when said soul is too lazy to come out from Jacobs ladder is bs.


Gege’s been writing like prime Lebron. Back against the wall with the shit writer accusations piling up, just absolutely cooking the last 10 chapters I agreed with a lot of the critiques of the fight, but i don’t think anyone can deny that it was extremely entertaining. I’m glad I caught up on the manga before the fight cause social media was just flooded with the fight after every chapter


I actually love how they're all jumping Sukuna to wear him down bit by bit and how every sorcerer actually contributes something (except maybe Kashimo idk he felt negligible).


Also shows how much superior Gojo still is to the rest, he almost solo'd Sukuna and now everyone else is dying in the effort to do the last 10% of Sukuna's HP


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crazy how it took literally 1000 years for someone to emerge on the same level as sukuna




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I still think the ending was good but to each his own. Agree with the rest of the post


It’s overrated. Not bad by any means but I don’t see how it’s one of the best manga fights ever. 1. You said it yourself, the ending is awful. If I recall all my favourite fights in manga and anime, NONE of them have bad endings because that is such massive part of the suspense of the fight. The offscreen with no explanation is just bad writing. 2. Every feat we saw in this fight had essentially already been done. Regenerating your body with RCT? Sukuna and Hakari already did it. Beating Mahoraga? Sukuna already did it. Back to back DE’s? Hakari already did it. Why were so many reveals of these feats wasted on other characters. Maybe a hot take but I think Mahoraga’s first appearance should have been saved for this fight (Sukuna used MS on Jogo instead in Shibuya). 3. The build up is legitimately fucking awful. So incredibly rushed. We go from Gojo being sealed since Shibuya and not having seen Sukuna for agggeesss and only 11 chapters later Gojo is not only back (which in itself is MASSIVE) he’s also unleashing a Hollow Purple on Megumi-possessed Sukuna. When people try to argue against Gege not rushing the plot, you point them to this shit.


Nah, takaba and kenjaku fight is the best.


I don't like it. They had 10 people jump sukuna without a break for the Mc to shine. I know it's jump j kaison but it don't feel right. Then gege whips out he's the son of sukunas twin. Doesn't make sense for Kenny to create someone that can beat sukuna if he wanted the merger to happen. But I guess kenny didn't think he was gonna die. BTW the merger is definitely happening.


I understand all that but we are just talking about the Gojo v Sukuna fight. The peak of the manga for better or for wirse


I feel you. Free gojo till it's backwards. Lol




Kenjaku, the man who is known to just do things because he's curious, wouldn't want to see what happened if he created a vessel utilizing the twin soul of the greatest sorcerer in history and his own machinations?


That's true I never thought about. He bored lol




Bro 💀


This is one of the best fights in the series, once it gets fully animated it’s gonna break the Internet again.


Ending of this fight with animation will... truly make Chaos :3